Time to trim that butt

I was outside with the dogs when Pepsi keeps stopping and looking back at his rear. As he came closer I saw the problem....
A HUGE dingleberry :roll:
Why is it that any dog I have ever had gets one the first thing they do is go over to the carpeting, sit down?..(getting poop all over the carpet)
Lucky I spotted a napkin on Billy's bar and grabbed it. Pepsi does not like me anywhere near his rear, so here I am running in circles....trying to catch him so I can remove the dingleberry before he can cause any damage. Really, the last thing I wanted to do was chase Pepsi around to get the dingleberry detached from his rear ...... YUCK!!!
I finally caught up with him...a bit dizzy from the chase and gagging while removing it.....but I did it.... WHEW!!!
He did give me a grateful look after I was done however....and he did not come inside until he was clean.
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****spitting tea all over the monitor****

Thanks, Elissa!! That was a great laugh!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
Really, the last thing I wanted to do was chase Pepsi around to get the dingleberry detached from his rear ...... YUCK!!!
I finally caught up with him...a bit dizzy from the chase and gagging while removing it.....but I did it.... WHEW!!!

So I'm not the only one who gags when this happens? :D
isabella wrote:
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
Really, the last thing I wanted to do was chase Pepsi around to get the dingleberry detached from his rear ...... YUCK!!!
I finally caught up with him...a bit dizzy from the chase and gagging while removing it.....but I did it.... WHEW!!!

So I'm not the only one who gags when this happens? :D

:D It never fails!
Is it just me, but doesn't it seem like the butt hair grows out the fastest, too?
ButtersStotch wrote:
Is it just me, but doesn't it seem like the butt hair grows out the fastest, too?
Are we still talking sheepdogs?
Ignoring Ron's comment. Can't go there.

I agree with ButtersStotch - it seems like I just trimmed Harry the previous day and now it is overgrown and of course with something hanging on it.

Elissa that was too funny! But unfortunately I have been there myself.
Ron wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
Is it just me, but doesn't it seem like the butt hair grows out the fastest, too?
Are we still talking sheepdogs?

Ewww you leave nothing for the imagination... 8O
That was so funny, especially the description "dingleberry" 8O I call them gumnuts :roll: Thanks for a great laugh :lol:
lisaoes wrote:
That was so funny, especially the description "dingleberry" 8O I call them gumnuts :roll: Thanks for a great laugh :lol:

Gumnuts? Gumnuts?! :lol:
Only one thing comes to mind whenI read the title of the post....that darn song..."Doing the butt....."

Now I cant stop humming it...lol
To the Star Trek fans amongst us these are known as "klingons".

What does the Enterprise have in common with toilet paper? Both of them orbit Uranus looking for klingons......

Ok I'll duck for cover, where did I put that force field generator.....
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Carl Lindon wrote:
What does the Enterprise have in common with toilet paper? Both of them orbit Uranus looking for klingons......

8O :lol: :lol: :lol:
This post is all too familiar.

I won't even tell you about the one big one that got stuck on its way out with our last sheepdog Newman and my neighbor got to watch me surgically remove it with scissors out her kitchen window. 8O

Plus we live on a corner property, with no physical fence, and with all of Frank's stomach issues, many people in the neighborhood have gotten to see me cleaning up a hairy butt... Come to think of it, Valerie has had the wonderful fortune of witnessing this too!!
I am glad you all got a laugh out of it.... Thinking back now it must have been quite a site. Rags was probably wondering what the heck I was doing to Pepsi.
Just remember when it happens to you... I will laugh :lol:
I was in dingleberry HELL!!! :evil:

Believe me nobody is laughing AT you, rather we are all laughing WITH you. If we go a week without having to deal with klingons while walking our boys we are doing well. Virgil has a very sensitive stomach so it is not uncommon for him to be a bit "soft" and have klingons that need shaking off, parting the hair and shaking or outright combing the mess out once we arrive home. Martin is not so bad but frequently presents us with "challenges" and as for Dawnie - well one of her nicknames is "biscuit butt".

Go ahead laugh away!!!

Thanks and Cheers

Ok Elissa, having a laugh at you and Pepsi put the voodoo on me yesterday :twisted: Kelsey stepped in one that I missed outside, she walked into the house and I smelt something :roll: Yep poopy paw prints EVERYWHERE :oops:

Had a great time getting scissors out, cutting most of it out between the pad, washing the paw in soapy water then drying her foot. All squashed in there and oozing out between the top of the toes & clumped on the nails :? Then had to go inside and wash the floor to get rid of the smell and track marks YUK 8O :lol: :lol:

So next time I will not laugh just say "Awwww so sorry" 8) :evil:
Carl Lindon wrote:

Believe me nobody is laughing AT you, rather we are all laughing WITH you. Carl

Thanks Carl :D

I am so sorry for you & Kelsey.... Yuck!
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