Dixie is not well....again...

Dixie got groomed today, and I will post pictures later in Grooming. While we were bathing and trimming and blowing we were able to examine her all over.
Her skins problems are clearing up, but way worse than I first thought. She has red scaley patches all over her body. They are predominently around her neck and underside, but also on her sides, back and rear. Good news is that they are nice and dried, scabs are gone and they are not angry at all. :D
We are suspecting she may be reacting to a nylon collar, so will get her a leather one for the times she has to wear it.

And, we also suspect she may have a yeast infection. Her ears look like they are flaring up, again, and she has cloudy discharge from her "area" and her toes are all scabby where they meet the nail, and may be swollen and sensitive. :(

This poor girl just can't get ahead! So, back to the vet's we go. :cry:
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Oh Nicole, please give Dixie a big, big hug from me and the boys. I hope she starts to feel better real soon.

Brenda, Dud and Murphy
Poor baby. . . You are taking amazing care of her. I'm sure she appreciates the assistance. I hope she feels better soon.
hope she feels better soon :D which im sure she will with all the love and attention she is getting off you
Sending hugs for Dixie, hope she gets better real soon. You have done such a wonderful job with this precious girl. Sounding good too that the sores are nice and dry. Have you worked out yet if she is allergic to anything because of the yeast infection?
Poor Dixie - I'm so glad you were able to notice the problems, hopefully they'll be fixed sooner because of it!
Have you worked out yet if she is allergic to anything because of the yeast infection?

We haven't had time to sort out if she is allergic or not, as we had to calm down some of her known health issues, first, like her bad ear infections, crappy diet, skins irritations due to mange, urinary tract infection. We suspect problems with the collar because of the number of sores all around her neck.

Dixie has been with us for 5 weeks. She has improved greatly, but still some old problems that are not going away. I spoke to my vet tonite and she said the yeast infection is a secondary one, so something is going on that we need to get to the bottom of.

But she has gained almost a pound :roll: , and is 47.7 pounds now. She puts down at lest 5 cups of food a day, and is a happy, playful, amazing girl.

I'm really sorry to hear about Dixie's lastest bout of illness. Poor girl she's been through so much. With you helping her I'm sure she'll recover and hopefully you'll find whether it's allergies or not.

Just wondered if you have considered a couple tablespoons of natural yogurt on her food..it helped Shaggy's yeast infections in the past.

Belly rubs and sloppy kisses from my boys to Dixie.

Marianne and the boys
einy send dixie sheepie hugs to but also no kisses incase he makes her worse too

i do hope the both get batter soon it so worrying when they are ill isn't it

lots of love to dixie

zoe and einy
Get well soon Dixie!
Hi Nicole, What dry kibble are you feeding Dixie? I have found in my experience that WHEAT in any form causes yeast infections { ears, vaginal, grawing on feet} Sometimes the lable won't just say Wheat..it can be listed under several different names..... In fact grains in general can cause problems......Poor Baby....Sheepie Hugs, Kaye
We discovered that Murphy is allergic to Wheat, once I changed his food and treats to wheat free, his ear infections and itching stopped.

I hope she feels better real soon.

Kisses and Hugs from the boys.
Nicole, I can only say thank goodness Dixie has you looking out for her now! Poor girl has been through so much. She will continue to improve under your care. I know she's grateful. :wink:
Hope the Princess feels better soon!! xoxo
I have found in my experience that WHEAT in any form causes yeast infections { ears, vaginal, grawing on feet}

Good question. I will check the ingredients on the bag.

We discovered that Murphy is allergic to Wheat, once I changed his food and treats to wheat free, his ear infections and itching stopped.

Could be a genetic thing, then, eh cousin?

Just wondered if you have considered a couple tablespoons of natural yogurt on her food..it helped Shaggy's yeast infections in the past.

Been meaning to do this, but haven't gotten around to it. I am picking some up today at lunchtime.

And Dixie's says thanks for all the hugs, belly rubs and sloppy sheepie kisses being sent her way. She accepts them very gently and graciously :)
Well, she was a very good girl as we shaved a huge area of scabby skin on her back and took a scraping, to check for mites. Found 1..so not really conclusive as all dogs have them.

The sores on her neck appear to get aggrivated by her collar, that she hardly ever even wears, so no more collar at all until she is all healed up there. We got her a Gentle Leader for walks.

She is back on antibiotics, and she gets ears drops that she lets me put in ever so gently. It must feel good because she is so still while I do it, and she doesn't try to get away. We got her vet records from when she was first taken in back in early December, and the ears have been problematic since then. That and her raw front legs, and red, swollen toes speak allergies. Could be environmental, like the grasss (in the mud) or food. I checked the food we put her on since last week and it is wheat-free. We will elliminate all other wheat and see. Apparently it takes weeks to see if it is a food allergy.

The skin problems are not all the same, so it looks like there is not only one thing happening, but in her frail state we cannot throw too many things at her at once. Her immune system is probably jeapardised by all that she has bene through. We can give her Benedryl to stop the itching, though.

Tasker's mom is the "Queen of an itchy dog", so any suggestions there would be great.

I read her whole file...disgusting. She had open wounds that had to be dressed, she had hyperthermia, and fur so thick and matted her BM's had no place to come out and her anal area was all infected and raw.

This girl will not get over all that neglect for a while, so we will take it nice and slow. I guess I was hoping that in the 5 weeks we've had her she would be almost as good as new...Oh, well.

It is a good things she is so dang cute!
Bosley's mom wrote:
I read her whole file...disgusting. She had open wounds that had to be dressed, she had hyperthermia, and fur so thick and matted her BM's had no place to come out and her anal area was all infected and raw.

This girl will not get over all that neglect for a while, so we will take it nice and slow. I guess I was hoping that in the 5 weeks we've had her she would be almost as good as new...Oh, well.

There were times back when I first brought Murphy home and went through exactly what you are going through that I wanted to go back to St. Stephen, New Brunswick and THROTTLE the "Breeder" and her "Family" for the abuse and neglect that she/they put these dogs through. Ironically, her "daughter" is studing to be a vet in PEI right now.. she is her mothers biggest defender.. how would you like that for a vet?

Nicole.. she will get better and she will be the best dam dog in the world because of your love.
Poor girl :( Daisy and the boys are sending treats and hugs to her.

Just wanted to pass along that my vet okays giving Benadryl to Blue when he gets his "itchies". It works for him. Panda also had horrible smelling and rough hair when he arrived. A couple shaves and salmon oil and salmon treats improved the condition a great deal.

Sending lots of love Dixie's way.

Marianne and the boys
Poor girl. :(

It's going to be a long while before she is truly recovered. Bless her heart. :hearts:

Unfortunately, I do not know who you are, but it is apparent from an online posting of yours that you know who I am. Let me make this very clear to you that I am not my mother's biggest defender. I did nothing to stand up for her or stop her dogs from being taken away. I was working with the rescue organizations to try and get these dogs out of the situation they were in. My place of employment for the past two summers (before and after the seizure occured), [clinic name omitted for privacy] was involved in finding homes for many of these dogs and continues to provide veterinary care to them. Despite the situation that occured, I was still well respected there and was never judged for a past that I could not change. That is one of the reasons why my boss was willing to help find homes for so many well deserving dogs.

The comments you made on a public website are extremely hurtful to me. I have had a very difficult time getting through the past two years and feel the comments were not fairly made.

" Ironically, her "daughter" is studing to be a vet in PEI right now.. she is her mothers biggest defender.. how would you like that for a vet? "

I have been actively involved with my schools Humane Ethics Club since 2004, including advocating increased peneties for those charged with animal abuse through pressure on members of Parliment in support of Bill C-50. I have done continuing education credits through the Veterinary Information Network in Reporting Animal Abuse from a veterinary prosepctive and participated in seminars in animal welfare for the companion animal practitioner.

What occured with my mother is not unknown to the veterinary college and there are a great deal of people there who helped me get through a very difficult time.

I unfortunately am unable to change the past which I was raised in and, at the time, was unable to escape a situation which you know very very little about. What I can change, are the lives of many dogs and cats in the future. You have no idea who I truly am. I am a dedicated and compassionate individual and I will be a vet that people will come to, despite what you may think. I am a passionate advocate of the human-animal bond. I will never be a breeder. I own a single dog - spayed female who shares my bed at night, loves clicker training and has a beautiful coat. I have a horse who's board costs more than my own rent. I have a 10$ 2 year old rat who's vet bills have totalled over 200$ in the past year (would be more if not for discounts at the college and my work). I am not my mother. I will never be my mother.

Because of an unfortunate past, I have a passion to educate and change the lives of animals to come. Whether or not I gain your respect through this email is irrelevant. My sole intent was to explain to you that I am not who you may have assumed I was. You can have no idea what I have gone through in the past couple of years while still attempting to maintain grades high enough to remain at the vet college. You're comments I found online tonight have really added salt to a wound I am working on healing. Should I never gain your respect, so be it. The respect of many who know my story, I do have and that is all I need.

"how would you like that for a vet?" Lets hope my clients view me for who I am and not for someone that I am not.

Hi HorseWhispers. Thanks for sharing your story. I don't have any insight into what went on in your household and just the merest impression of what your mom did, but you've presented yourself very well and I am gratified that you are taking your experiences (which sound unfortunate) and doing something positive in return. I wish you the best of luck as a caring, humane Vet and in any continuing role you have in rescue.


I am sorry that I don't know all of Dixie's history from the beginning, but what has leaped out at me is yeast infections and antibiotics. In humans, as all too many of us women can atest, antibiotics can throw off the natural flora and fauna of our systems and cause a proliferation of yeast. I wonder if this is possibile for Dixie? Especially if she's struggling to overcome a history of infection and poor diet.

I will be sending out good thoughts to all of those involved.
I would just like to say that I am a close personal friend of HorseWhispers, and am of the opinion that the attack on her was unfounded and cruel. I have seen how she relates to animals in her care and have never found it lacking.

If you are an advocate against cruelty to animals, it would be prudent not to use cruelty in your assertions.

HorseWhispers will be a great vet when she is done, her ethics will never be something to question because she knows what the worst is and will not imitate the mistakes of others.

This message section is meant to help the healing of Dixie, I am sorry that it has been somewhat swayed, I hope Dixie's conditions will improve soon, she sounds like a wonderful dog.

HorseWhispers, as an animal lover I'm sure you can understand people's disgust, anger, and sorrow for the dogs.... we don't need to know the personal side of things, seeing the condition of those dogs was enough. It doesn't matter how or why they ended up as they did, it only matters that they did. It never should have been allowed to happen.
I can only hope as a vet you won't turn a blind eye to these kinds of situations and do what's best for the animals.
Best wishes on your future endeavors.
I haven't read thru the entire forum, but did you cut back on wheat? How about barley in the food?

I'm sure your vet has checked for diabetes, but maybe your girl just can't handle a higher carbohydrate diet, but isn't quite a diabetic.

Another thought is IBS or something like Kronhs....sorry if I misspelled that last part, I didn't get much sleep last night........come on coffee.

The poor girl, I hope all her itchies and sores heal.
Willowsprite wrote:
we don't need to know the personal side of things, seeing the condition of those dogs was enough.

Stacey -- If you look at the caption of HorseWhispers post, you will see that she was responding to a personal comment made about her in a post by Dudster.

Dudster wrote:
Ironically, her "daughter" is studing to be a vet in PEI right now.. she is her mothers biggest defender.. how would you like that for a vet?

HorseWhispers was not making apologies or excuses or justifications for the condition of the dogs. She was responding very politely to a personal remark made about her.

It sounds like HorseWhispers was as disgusted as everyone else about the situation and is taking steps to do better things with her own life. I don't know if there was a reason for concluding that HorseWhispers was involved and/or turned a "blind eye" to the situaion but I think she has presented her side very well. I think it was entirely appropriate for her to respond to say that she should not be held accountable for what her mother did. I know I would never want to be held accountable for what my mother has done. 8O
I made the comment publicy, I will make the apology in the same manner.


First of all let me apologize for the comments I made with regard to you being a vet, I made a terrible assumption that you "were cut from the same cloth".., obviously you are not. From your response, it is perfectly clear that you are dedicated to the well being of all animals.

Understand that at the time of the comment, I was still reeling from the ongoing issues, (medically, socially, developmentally) with my dog that I "rescued" from the kennel in 04, I was angry, outraged, horrified, that these dogs, (which I witnessed first hand), had to live in that situation and conditions, which THEY had no control over.. and from the many unwanted phone calls I would receive from your mother, she would make it perfectly clear that she thought she was providing the best care to all of the dogs, when that was not the case. I would move heaven and earth for my two dogs. I sacrifice a lot for the both of them. Animal and Child abuse/neglect in my opinion is the worst kind. They can't speak for themselves, we have to.

I guess what prompted me to make that comment in the first place with my thinking "how can her family sit back and watch this go on for years and not do anything about it".. back in Spring 04, your family (uncle perhaps) stated that they were going to release the dogs to the rescue organizations. The SPCA went in December 05 and removed the dogs.. that was another whole year that these poor dogs, some very sick, had to live in those conditions... I thought your family was all talk, in fact, in that time frame.. there was an ad in the paper for OES/Springer pups for sale....so the cycle was continuing...what was being done????

The OES world is a small world, I have had the opportunity to meet and get to know many people that were fortunate enough to be chosen to adopt dogs from the seizure.. and we are all experiencing the same issues with our pets... In all fairness.. this situation had been going on for a long time.. to long in my opinion.. the well being of the animals should of been top priority to you and your extended family many years ago, when it was painfully clear that it wasn't.. like I said before, the animals can't speak for themselves...we have to be their biggest defenders...

Is it fair to say your family is just as much to blame for the conditions of these dogs, because you were aware of it??? Who can answer that?? But on the other hand, "we are not our mothers keepers".....

Here is a question for you, if it was a child that was being neglected, how long would you of stood back and let the situation go on?

As the daughter of a mentally unstable mother, who is now deceased due to her mental illness, I completely understand how you feel. I strive everyday not to "be like her".. with my family, my child, with every aspect of my life...

Again, I apologize for my comments with regard to your character, your integrity.. but I will not apologize for the passion I feel when it comes to the well being of any of these dogs that were seized... they deserve only the best, as all dogs should.
Dudster wrote:
but I will not apologize for the passion I feel when it comes to the well being of any of these dogs that were seized... they deserve only the best, as all dogs should.

Never apologize for that! Your heart is huge and I admire what you've done for these dear creatures.
The last post in this thread about Dixie was in March'2006....over 6 months ago. There are much more recent threads with her progress since then.
She has stabilized and still has health and behavior issues that we are working through. I suspect she will never be "normal", but who knows?

There are many people on this forum who have dogs from the same kennel, and we have shared information, stories etc and supported each other privately off-line over the past few months. We will not forget where the dogs came from and what condition they were in, and what some of us have to deal with every day. I am forever indepted to people like Dudster , who were concerned enough to help try to make things right for these helpless animals.

Dixie is a dear, dear girl who has captured our hearts and the hearts of people who have never met her. To think she was recommended for euthanisation at one point just makes me shudder. She is not perfect, and has a long way to go, but I have gone the distance with her so far and am committed as ever to make sure she is never neglected and mistreated again.

Horsewhisper, I understand how frustrated you must feel at times like this, trying to make things right for some things that you were not personally responsible for....but need to defend yourself anyway. I admire your passion and respect your stated love of animals and desire to help them.

I have stopped being angry and upset with people who stood by and let this situation get so out of control....I, like Dudster, do wonder why something wasn't done sooner...when it was over a year between the time it first came to the public eye and then action was taken....
But I don't want to drag up old news or open old wounds.

There are unfortunate situations for animals that will continue to be uncovered and this story will become part of the past......Let's hope that you will continue to be helpful in the role that you have chosen....going forward. Rescue work needs all the help it can get.
Dixie is lucky to be under your care... we hope she feels better.
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