Any BASKETBALL FANS? How about those Syracuse BOYS!!!

Since I'm just spitting distance from Syracuse I've been a long time fan of Syracuse University, HOW ABOUT THOSE BOYS LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! My son and I watched the last few minutes of the game together via telephone just SCREAMING!!!!!!!!! What a game! Can't wait to see what happens tonight :lol:
:high5: :banana: :high5: :banana: :high5: :banana: :high5:

Jerry Mac, OVERATED???? I don't think so! :lol:
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even tho I live in upstate NY now - im a huge and loyal bruins fans. go ucla!
sorry i forgot to log in. whee. 8)
Sooner girls! Go CP3!
Watch her - she is just a freshman and dominates the game.
Hey Ginny, my son graduated from SU in '04, so needless to say - GO SU!!! :high5: Jerry MacNamara is DA BOMB!!!!
Syracuse Wins Big East With Magical Ride

WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today's headlines!!!!!!!!!!! Guess There aren't alot of SU fans here. It was a great game !!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Guess the fans here are a select few - but I'm with ya, Ginny!! :go: We started watching the game last night in a restaurant, then Dale finished watching it at home. Called Spencer (son) after the game, and he could hardly hear him from all the screaming! I'm SO glad for Jerry, since this is his senior year. AND he's a PA boy!
There'll always be a little warm spot in my heart for the Orangemen -- my niece just graduated there in '04 as well!

Chris! Do ya think they knew each other?
ucla won for the pac 10 ;) yay. go bruins. My family is a big bruins fan!!! 8)
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Here's to going all the way! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
They did it in Jerry's freshman year, let's hope he can go out with a title, too!!

Ron, what school was your niece in? Spencer was in Newhouse and A&S. He had a great 4 years, loved every minute of it!


Graduation ceremony ... filing in.
(Large Version: ... P_3521.jpg )
Do you recognize the back of anyone's head? lol

Here's the area where she was sitting (I'm sitting way back in the smae place where I took the first shot. Long lens. :D )
(Large Version: ... G_0584.jpg )

Newhouse isn't that large, they probably know each other, at least by name, wouldn't you think?
In the first picture, if you enlarge it, look at the front row on the left side (our left, as you're looking at it). On the first seat on the far left side, you'll see a kid who's leaning on his knees - that's Spencer!! :lol:

Don't know if they'd know each other. You would think so, since there were only a little over 300 in the Newhouse class. But two daughters of co-workers of mine also graduated from Newhouse that year, and he didn't know either one of them. Guess if they weren't in your major, you didn't get to know everyone. What was your niece's major? Spencer's was Public Relations.

Funny story about Newhouse graduation - Since he was a dual major, he had a separate graduation ceremony that morning from Arts & Sciences. At that one, he sat all the way in the back row near the far left. When they brought the kids up, they started with the right side, front row to back. Then he thought they'd go to the left side, back to front. Nope. They then went to the left side, front row to back, so that he was called almost last.

So when it was Newhouse's turn, he figured they would do it the same way and he sat in the left side, front row. Figured he'd be about in the middle of it. Well, guess what happened? THIS time they went right, front to back, then left, back to front! And he was in the very last seat, so he was the VERY last one to go up! By the time they got to him, most people had already clapped and cheered enough and they were getting tired of it. They just wanted it to be over. But when they got to Spencer, they said, "And lastly, Spencer Vliet." When everyone heard "lastly" the whole place cheered. It was so cool! Made it sound like they were all cheering for him! :rimshot: (rimshot in honor of my drummer boy!)

Hard to believe it was almost 2 years ago already. I can see it all as clearly as if it were yesterday!

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