Putting Husband in the Hospital

As some of you know my Husband is Brain Damaged an dhas been in and out of Phych Facilities for the lst 3 years... He also has some physical problems....He is spitting up blood....So they are tranfereing him from one hospital to another...They knew that he had a Esophagus { hernia}...... So waiting for a call from the Dr......Er or office....... So I may bot be able to take pictures of the Babies taoday as I had planned..... Keep Fletcher in Your Thougths and Prayers.... Sheepie Hugs, Kaye
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Kaye I am so sorry to hear about your difficulties. What alot to have on your plate. (((((((HUGS)))))) from me and kisses and licks from the boys.

Ginny Tasker and Ty
I'm so sorry, Kaye. Don't worry about taking pictures today. You have more pressing concerns. You are in our thoughts. XOXOXO
I'll have him in my prayers. (((HUGS)))
Kaye, my heart goes out to you and your husband. I hope he regains his health quickly. And...I know how hard it is for the loved ones of someone who is sick to cope and stay strong.

We're here for you!

I will keep you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong.

Brenda, Dudley and Murphy.
I am very sorry to hear about your husband. I had no idea about his problems. I will keep you both in my prayers.
I'm sorry about your husband, Kaye. Right now he is the most important onei n your life. Don't worry about taking pictures of the babies.

You and Fletcher will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Thinking of you & Fletcher, Kaye!
I'm so sorry to hear of Fletcher's health problems, Kaye. :( You will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. He is your first priority, and we all understand that.

Stay strong. ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))

We're here for you, Kaye. :hearts:
Oh Kaye i had no idea, you have so much going on but you stop to help others, you are a saint. I will keep you in my prayers also.

Big Hugs!! Your husband and family will be in my thoughts. :(
Kaye- We are keeping you and your hubby in our prayers.
You are in my thoughts and blessings for you and your husband.
We'll be praying for you and him... Randi
Hi Kaye...
If you need anything please get in touch...
Sending Hugs & Strength to you & "Get Well Kisses" for Fletcher's bearded chin from your sheepie baby Beebles!
Diane...praying for you both
((((((((HUGS))))))))))) Kaye..

I wish you and Fletcher all the best. Many sheepie hugs coming your way.
Kaye -

We're keeping you and your family in our prayers.

Lots of love -
Sending thoughts your way!
Just ran home to bottle feed the Babies and give the Big Bqbies some Lovin. FLetcher is in ER now with IV's .The Surgeon have called in ahother Gastrolisist to consult. They are moving him to CCU to night.... THey are going to do some tests tomorrow morning.,They think something else is going on...So maybe tomorrow I will know more.He is scared to death and is in a strange place......So I will go back up and stay with him.... I will run back and forth to take care of the little Babies........Gilly won;t let Terra Lynn close to her Babies for some strange reason... But she is taeking care of the other Big Babies for me. Keep the Prayers an God Thoughts headed toward Texas......Love, Kaye
Thoughts and prayers for you both.
Bless your heart, Kaye. I know you've got to be exhausted. Please know you're being lifted up in prayer!!
Kaye-You and your family are in my family's thoughts and prayers. I only wish I were a little closer so that I could help. Pud sends sheepie kisses (as if you don't have enough there) and I send ((hugs)). I hope Fletcher the best for a speedy recovery. Remember to take care of yourself too, you seem to be stretching yourself.
Hi Kaye,

I'm so sorry this has happened and yourself and hubby are in my thoughts and prayers. I couldn't imagine the difficult time of not only being there for your husband but for those babies too. Wish I lived closer too. Hugs to you

Marianne and the boys
I know only too well how difficult you're situation is, and the stress and worry about the critters on top of it. You and your husband will be in my thoughts and prayers. I'll be praying that God's perfect will be done. Pam
.They found the source of the bleeding and cartirized that...They found some Polyps and removed them and sent off to Maryland for biopsy... So now it is set back and wait to see those results before there is a decision on the surgery. Because of his emotional problems they let him come home with home health care to take care of the IV's...... I have been taking care of him for 3 years and he is comfortable here ...... So that is where we are now....They said it will take probally a week or so to get the results of the biopsy back....Thank You All For Your Support and Caring....Sheepie Hugs, Kaye
God Bless you Shug!!! We are here for you.
Ginny Tasker & Ty
I'm so glad they found the source, have taken care of it and let Fltecher come home to recuperate. My prayers are with you that the biopsy comes back negative.
Glad that hurdle has been overcome. I'm sure Fletcher does feel more comforable in a place he recognizes. Thank heavens for home health care.

You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Sheepie Hugs to you.

(((((Hugs))))))) Is this some kind of secret club?
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