Keep fingers crossed for us

Hi all, well kelsey has gone backwards real quick. She has to be helped up and tomorrow morning have a vet appointment with her. Discovered a hard jelly lump in between her toes on the webbing. Real small and was hard to feel it. She has not put that foot to the ground in the last few days. So she is weight bearing on her other legs and is sore all over.

The vet and I thought at the time a few weeks ago it was arthritis, but now looks like this is the problem with her getting up and the soreness.

So looks like it might be surgergy to remove this and see what it is and if that is what was causing the problems with her. The supplement she was on was working for pain relief as the shaking had stopped, but with being able to feel a lump in her toes now, it has obviously grown this looks like this has casued her problems and not arthritis.

So keep fingers crossed for us that it does not turn out to be a nasty one.
The worst part is waiting for a pathology report to see what type of lump it is, can't have it biopsied as it has to come out as she will not put her foot to the ground :cry:
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Oh boy. I will be wishing the best for dear Kelsey. Did he give you any idea what it might be? How about a burr, trapped inside and skinned over? (Wishful thinking, I suppose). When is the surgery?
poor kelsey and poor mom hope everything turns out ok sending lots of sheepie kisses and hugs your way were all keeping all our fingers and paws crossed for you guys
Valerie wrote:
Did he give you any idea what it might be? How about a burr, trapped inside and skinned over? (Wishful thinking, I suppose). When is the surgery?

Finding that out tomorrow Val, does not feel anything like a grass seed or burr there, that is what has me worried!! And just the fact she only started 3 days ago refusing to put her foot to the ground, so very sore and getting worse. When I spoke to the vet on the phone, he said that it will definately have to come out, so hoping surgery tomorrow, being saturday here I hope he can do it then, otherwise a long trip back on Monday to have it removed.

Have been home with her as I can't leave her as she needs my help to get up off the ground if she has been lying down. Have to lift her up, rub her legs for her to get going, so she can go outside to toilet only hobbling on 3 legs. My poor baby :cry:
Oh, poor Kelsey! :cry: I'd be worried too until I knew for certain what it is. Does it appear to be growing? Red, hot to the touch? I'll keep my everything crossed and am sending sheepie hugs and kisses to all!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, I hope it turns out to be minor and that she is on the mend quickly.
I hope everything turns out ok with Kelsey. Poor baby
Dear Lisa,

I feel so bad for what you and Kelsey are going through. Hannah also had a tumor that appeared between her toes on her back leg, I know you know because you responded to my post. Point being, it ended up being fine, even though the part you could see was about the size of half of your thumb and very gross looking, hard and looked almost like an abscess. She was however, able to put her weight on it.

Our prayers are with you so that you can have THE BEST outcome and Kelsey can start feeling better soon. Good luck tomorrow.
Good luck tomorrow and I hope it's only nothing she she's back to herself very soon.
Poor sweetie. Good luck tomorrow.
Poor Kelsey! :(

I'm so sorry, Lisa. I do hope the vet was able to get it removed for you and get it to the lab. Hopefully just the removal will result in some immediate improvement and relief of pain for Kelsey.
Oh, Lisa, I'm so sorry. I have my fingers crossed, and Barney's crossing his paws...Give Kelsey an extra rub...
I hope all goes well today. Keeping our fingers, toes and paws crossed!
Prayers for Kelsey..and big hugs to you both!
Hi Lisa,

Big hugs to you and Kelsey. Sending prayers your way, good luck
with the appointment with the vet.

Hope your sweet Kelsey feels better soon!


Zahra and Bogart
Hope everything goes well today.
My fingers are crossed for you and kelsey.

Sheepie Hugs

Good luck with everything - we're thinking of you!!
Well we just got back from the Vets and things have gone from bad to worse :(

Mr. Lump is still there and will be removed later. Found out she has a partial rupture of the cruciate ligament, so that what was causing her to not put her foot on the ground. :cry:

She has started on a 4 week course of Cartrophen Injections, once a week so have to go back next saturday for the next one and she is also on a weeks treatment of Metacam Liquid drops to ease the pain. The vet does not think she has ruptured it completely and is hoping that with a 4 weeks course of injections that will help to settle it all down. Evaluation of the condition next saturday as to wether we continue the Metacam as well as there is side effects with that and have not dosed her yet till tonight with her meal. Hoping no diarhea or vomitting from that, if she does, have to cease that medication straight away.

If no improvement after the 4 weeks course of injections, then she will be sedated, x-rayed and the stifle manipulated more to see if surgery is required to repair it, then he will also remove the lump and send it off.

I have 2 choices if it comes to that, operate or keep up pain management for her and try to keep her as comfortable as possible.

Need some advice/information, has anyone had this type of surgery done on their sheepie? What was the outcome and was your sheepie an elderly dog that had this procedure?

That is what is worrying me now, the age factor and maybe putting her through the surgery to repair the ligament and the long recovery if there is no improvement in the next 4 weeks. :cry:
I have absolutely no experience with any of those medical issues but I am sending all my best wishes your way. Sounds painful. Poor sweetie. :cry:
:cry: Sorry for all the pain to both of you.
So sorry. I was hoping you would have better news. Hopefully, the current course of treatment will be successful. It sounds encouraging. Wish I could be of more help.
I don't know about this injury in OES but i have 2 friends with dogs who have this injury.There is more than one kind of operation that can be done to repair the cruciate ligament.I don't know if these 2 dogs had the same operation or not.

Kala is a husky (9 years old) who ruptured her cruciate ligament over 2 years ago and had surgery for it. she ripped her ligaments while out jogging with her owner.After her surgery she had to have complete rest for 4 months then she could go on lead walks but no runs.She now walks ok and can sometimes jog for short periods but she can't jump.

Henry is a 4 year old boxer who ripped his ligaments while playing when he was 2. He had an operation and he can just walk short distances and is not allowed to run very much because he is in pain.

Going by the 2 i know Kala ,the eldest,is doing better than Henry So i think it all depends on the dog and the type of operation that is given rather than the age.

I know both the owners said taking their dogs to a doggy swimming pool made a vast improvement to the dogs . Where they wouldn't use the leg properly while walking they would use it in the pool.

If Kelsey hasn't ruptured it completely it might be worth asking your vet if it would be ok to take her swimming ,if you have a pool near you,to build her leg up.

:cry: I am so sory :cry:
Keep us posted!

I'm so sorry about Kelsey :( I can't offer any helpful medical advice but am sending big hugs to you and your girl.
:cry: Poor Lisa and Kelsey. This isn't what I was hoping would happen. We're thinking of you...
Thanks Julianne for your info on the 2 doggies that have had the surgery.

Swimming might be an option for therapy for her to stop muscle wasting, so if it comes to that, goodbye coat, and hello water. :?

She had the metacam last night and no reactions to it, so can continue to use it till next saturday when we go for the 2nd jab.

She is actually just putting her paw on the floor today and not shaking at all when she stands, but I think at the moment that is the pain meds making her feel better. She slept so heavy last night, snoring loudly and in such a deep comfortable sleep, thought it was my hubby as real loud snores, he got a wack in the back to roll over BUT it was not him it was Kels. ooooops 8)
We took a 9 year old sheltie into our rescue last year. She was 43 pounds and should have weighed around 20. She was so obese she could not stand for more than 20 seconds, so was sitting as she did her BM's. She had not been groomed in over a year, so she was a mess.
After she was cleaned up we noted her limping. She had X-rays etc and it was confirmed she had a torn cruciate ligament. She also was hypothyroid, which was going to hamper her healing.
She had to lose weight before we could have her surgery, or risk tearing the other one during recovery, due to her having to use the other leg alone, with the same stress. In a month we had her down to 37 pounds so she had the operation. She had 50- 70% chance of success, but we had no choice, as she was in pain.
She was crated 24 hours a day for around 2 weeks, except for potty breaks, then very gradually got more and more excercise....very slowly 4 about 2 months. The leg was so weak becasue she hadn't been using it for so long, that we got her into swimming. She has since made an amazing recovery, and 8 months later you can hardly tell she had ever had problems. She runs and plays and has a ball, and still swims once a week.
It is better when the injury is recont one, than if it was an older one. Also, my vet has two cases that did not work out so well. One dog tore it agian 6 month later, and she treated a cat that tore the other one 2 years after the first one was repaired. However, in all case the animals were veyr overwieght.
At the age of your pet, I would listen carefully to what the vet recommends.
Oh, poor Kelsey and Lisa! :( I hope the rest and Metacam continues to work for Kels. Drez has been on Metacam daily for over a year. No side effects that I know of, but at her age (12 1/2) I'd rather she get the pain relief.

Will continue to keep everything crossed that Kelsey feels better soon!

I hope you find a treatment that works well for Kelsey.
I hope she feels better soon.
My chow mix, Kayli, has had the cruciate ligament surgery twice. Once 5 years ago and in the past year on the other side. The older surgery was very successful and she was up and around in no time, but that's Kayli, the vet says she's a trooper!

The last surgery was okay. Again, she was up and around in just a day or two and we didn't go for walkies for weeks. Unfortunately, she is 13 and arthritic now, so I'm noticing she's limping these days, but I'm guessing that's the arthritis. On this last surgery, the vet wasn't sure how much improvement it would bring about - the tear was small and he saw a lot of arthritis in the knee.
Hi Lisa,

I'm very sorry I hadn't responded sooner as I completely missed your post. How awful you are going through this with Kelsey. I'll be thinking about you both and am praying for a happy outcome. I wish I could offer more assistance but I haven't come across this surgery with any of my pets. Please keep us posted and lots of love sent Kelsey's way.

Marianne and the boys
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