Weight loss check-in, week 3

I do Weight Watchers at work but didn't go to work yesterday so I went to a different WW center. Well. Acoording to their scale, I lost 3.6 pounds last week! I hope that's true, because that's more than the total weight I lost over the 2 weeks previous. So I'm down 7 pounds and I've noticed a few things fitting better. I did realize that in order to take the weight off and keep it off, this eating plan is forever. I can live with that.

I didn't go to work because my friend and I went for a second laser treatment for smoking cessation. A second session was included in the initial cost. I found myself smoking "one or two" over the last 2 weeks, then last week I went back to a pack a day. For me, this will be a lifelong battle, but as my therapist said "you stray, you get back on the path. Just make your stray time shorter and shorter."

And it's harder to stop smoking then to lose weight.
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I don't know about it being a lifelong battle. At some point (for me it was 9 months) I didn't think about smoking every day! I remember realizing (again, it was at almost exactly 9 months) on day that I hadn't thought about smoking for the entire previous day! I knew I had it licked.

Now I don't think about it hardly ever at all (except when in this forum :) ). Maybe once every 3 or 6 months, I might think, "Gee, I could go for a cigarette," but I chuckle about it. It's not a strong urge, it's more like a strange sensation, and I laugh at it because I know there's no way I'm going to have a cigarette, and the feeling passes back into oblivion almost immediately.

So, while I know it's hard to quit, it's not hard to stay a non-smoker for life. At least not for me.

You CAN do this! I'm proof!
Auntie Paula! I'm soooooooooooooooo proud of you! And Pirate and Keira are so proud too :clappurple:

You are slaying two demons at once. Wowie!!!

When I get back from Key West, I'm going to start Weight Watchers (again). Its really the most excellent diet. I have only failed on it because I get too confident...and then blow it.

Keep up the good work! By the way...Scotch is 2 points (I know this for a fact!)

Keep it up!
I don't even want to think how many points the onion loaf is.

My friend and I were going to go to Steak and Shake over the weekend until I realized that a double cheeseburger and fries (my preferred meal there) is 25 points and my daily points allottment is 24. :cry:

"Constant vigilance" is the motto for keeping weight off.
Dotti's weight watchers zones list tons of restaurants and their food's points.


Great place to help you make choices!
What the heck is onion loaf!
Heaven...pure heaven. Thinly sliced breaded onion rings formed into a brick and deeped fried....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......

They're from a local restaurant called Hackneys.
hmmmm...and then do you break off pieces and dip them? I'm having a hard time picturing this! Sounds healthy though! :wink:
You rip off chunks with your fork. Hackney's doesn't serve a dipping sauce with them. I like mine just with some salt. Now, I'm getting hungry for them!

Last time I was there (with Paula) I ate so many I was ill for 2 days! The experience was well worth it, though.

Its hard explain. Listen...you'll just have to fly to Chicago and I'll take you out to try them!!
Okay, but I think I'll wait a few weeks until spring arrives! I've only been to Chicago once...and that was on Valentine's weekend 3 years ago. I thought I would lose my toes from frostbite!
Perhaps we could get several carry out orders of onion loaves for SheepieFest! 2006 in October..........

I like mine with just salt too, although ketchup is o.k.
OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a fabulous idea!!!!!! And by then, Paula...you and I will be thin and trim and able to have "point free" day!!!

Now thats something to strive for. And more of reason to come to SheepieFest! III
Way to go Paula! Glad to see that the scale is rewarding you for your hard work :clappurple:

debcram wrote:
By the way...Scotch is 2 points (I know this for a fact!)

LOL! Deb, you and I really need to get together some time :D
Anytime!!!! Hey, and if at the moment we are on Atkins, we can have all the steak and scotch we'd like!

(I better get on my diet soon, before I gain 100 pounds!)
Week 3 already? Did I lose a week somewhere?? 8O
Paula, I'm so proud of you!!!! You're doing great :)
Wow! I wish I had the will power of you guys! For some reason, quitting smoking was easy for me. I quit in 1975 and haven't missed it a bit. HOWEVER, losing weight is very hard for me. I've done quite well with my exercise program but with the food thing - I suck big time!!
I'm still working on quitting smoking. I'm finding it easier to lose weight! Everyone is different.
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