unexpected litter! Please help!

I have two gorgous OES, Ellie nearly 2 and Bracken aged 10 months, I was planning to let them have alitter next year, however Bracken had other ideas and was very determine and Ellie maybe having her first litter mid April!! So any advice greatly appreciated. I have always had OES as pets but never bred any. Obvious I have discussed this with our vet and read loads but any info will be recieved with thanks.
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Ellie and her puppies will require a lot of care. I am not sure if they have to have their tails docked or their dew claws removed when the are born in England, but I think they probably will.
Since I am not familiar with breeding practices in England, I am not going to be much help. Whenever an unexpected litter occurs it can be very problematic. Not only will you need to watch the health of Ellie and then the puppies, but you need to make sure the puppies are socialized and prepared for the separation from their mother. If at all possible keep the pups and their mothr together for 9- 10 weeks. Do not cloister them.
Right now get Ellie used to meeting and greeting people. If the mom is socialized she will pass this on to her pups by her behavior. Make sure you work out any aggresive behaviors the mother is having and give her lots of attention. You want her to encourage you and the pups to mix and socialize. At about 5 to 6 weeks have friends come over to play with the pups to, but remember Ellie may be ver protective. Proceed with caution.
You want to be able to find the pups homes, but you also want the pups ready to accept humans as their leaders. If you do not find homes for all of the pups you will have to train and care for the ones not adopted so that they will be ready for their new homes with some idea of what is expected of them.
The othe side is dealing with would-be owners. You need to figure out how active you are going to be as a breeder. If you are planning on mating Ellie again you may want to join a breeders association and learn more about standard breeding practices.
Bracken will need to be crated or left with a relative next time Ellie goes into heat if you want to prevent an unwanted litter in the future. You will need to get him ready to meet and greet also.
Sounds like you will be having a busy Spring.

Congratualtions. I hope you are up to the challenges and responsibilities of parenthood! Good Luck.
Fortunately for you Ellie is 2 yrs old, or you say close to. She should be fully mature as to growing and any future risks of hip things will not be an issue for caring pups. Young dogs not finished growing have the risks of being put out of kilter, and may not recover after whelping pups.

When the pups are born they should have tails docked in the first day or 2 after birth, I believe it is soon. May not be necessary if they are natural bobs. Also deworm them, a couple of times before they go their new homes, it's very gross to see them poo out worms. They should also be sent home with 1st set of shots, and vet checked. It would be nice to gather basic info together for future parents so they have no unexpected suprises, how to house break info. Send them home with the food pups are eating, and something that smells of litter mates and mom, cut up the blanket they all share into equal pieces to help with the first night of separation.

Definitely socialize them before they leave you. Get familiar with the degrees of personalities and how to test them. Learn who is more appropiate to handle the dominant one and submissive one, not all will in the middle. Don't be afraid to ask the potential owners, about their life, who will be home or who works, kids, fenced yard. Make sure they understand about grooming. Make them understand these pups need to continue with socilaization, they have a small window to expose them to EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY, noises, old people, young people, traffic, stores etc. Once dogs turn about 6 mths, they are developing their own opinion.

Hope you let us know how things develop and if she's actually preggers.

just out of curiosity, what is the purpose of docking the tail?
As far as I know....the docking started in England to difference the working dogs from the non-working one because owners had to pay taxes over the non-working ones...OES as a working breed were docked....
If the Puppies arn't going to be show dogs you don't have to dock the tails it is just some crazy fashion statement.I think the sheepdogs with tails are so cute.I hope someday the AKC will start to recognize all these breeds with their tails and ears intact.

I personaly have held a little pup while its tail was docked (I work for a vet) It is sad. However they do seem to recover almost instantly.some people think the rest of us who don't like tail docking and ear cropping are messing with tradition.But like I said do what feels right to you.Oh yea and if you decide to leave the tails make sure to have homes ready for them some people wont want puppies with long tails.

Tail docking is a fasion statment but vero is right it was a means for people to tell working dogs from none working dogs.Also check the serch engine I think there was a post about someone looking for a sheepie with a long tail.
I agree about ear cropping, I think that is very unnecessary. It is a long process. One the other hand about tail docking, OES are a natural bob tail, and I think most people would expect to see it. As for other breeds, we had a boxer, I couldn't imagine haveing that much energy, and frenzy of a dog and then add a tail to it. Nothing would be safe. LOL just thinking about it. Tails do have a purpose, they act as rudders to help balance and turning, but my boxer had no problems with it. What they don't know is missing doesn't hinder them in the long run. That's why I believe it's done a couple days after they are born.
Pisco actually was born tailless I didn`t realize this until my vet discovered it and showed me...(I got Pisco in a Pet shop when he was 10 weeks)
I just had to comment on the fact that your OES was born without a tail!! I was reading an article about evolution and how some species are actually born without their tails and that this is all part of the process. The species is actually eliminating a vestige or part of the body that is not necessary or possibly even in the way!! Keep in mind, this is simply a theory. I had just never known anyone who actually had an OES like this... that is very cool!!

An intrigued member,

Amanda and Pithy
Hi All and thanks for the advice. Haven't been on line as my daughter and my baby granson have been ill so I've been at her home alot and not had chance to get on pc. Felt so ignorant not posting reply sooner! Ellie has now had two scans and she is definately pregnant. We saw the pups moving on the scans it was amazing!!!! Her pups are due two weeks today!! I am very excited but a bit anxcious too! So as I said originally all advice is greatly apreciated Thanks again :lol:
yvonne wrote:
Ellie maybe having her first litter mid April!!
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