Need any help with that?

We went to the dog park today, and has a great time. Dixie tends to follow around any person who will give her some attention. It is so funny to watch her :lol:
Bosley just runs around annoying every one :D

Anyway, when we got home it was dinner time. Bosley and Dixie are both on puppy food, so I feed them together, but just around the corner form each other.
Here is Bosley gobbling down his dinner....Mmmmm Mmmmm. He pushes the bowl around getting every last crumb.

Meanwhile around the corner, Dixie always lies down to eat. She sprawls out her front paws and chows down.

Well, her being a lady and all, eats slower than big boy Bosley, so when he is done he peeks around, and then nonchalantly saunters by her. Note that he does not look at her, I guess thinking maybe she won't notice him coming over.

And then Jackpot!!!! Bosley so very nicely helps Dixie finish her supper.
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I hope she gives him the occasional nip for no reason at all...
it irks me too when people fork there way onto my plate....Dixie is a lady!
Cute pictures!! Dixie didn't mind sharing?
Must be a Sheepie thing. Barney gulps his food down while Maggie savors each morsel; meanwhile Barney paces around the kitchen waiting until Maggie is finished, then goes over to lick out her bowl and pick up any crumbs she may have condescendingly left him. :D
Dixie does not stand up for herself at all. She will share food, water, treats, even a raw-hide 8O
I also have noticed that she tends to be the one to get picked on at the dog park, by the other dogs. As if she has a sign that says "Kick Me" on her. She always backs down, which is good, but being so submissive makes me nervous. I watch Dixie all the time, because I don't want her to get scared, and I try to keep her with the more gentle dogs.
So, yes, she submits to Bosley....and lets him have his way with her and anything she has....She's such a sweetie-pie....Hubby is very protective of her, and treats her very gently. She can do no wrong in his eyes.
Rags goes back and forth between our two set of bowls. When Rags comes over to Pepsi at his bowls, he will walk away and let her eat and he will go over to the other bowls. Then she decides she wants hers back and the two will again switch.
Bosley's mom wrote:
....Hubby is very protective of her, and treats her very gently. She can do no wrong in his eyes.

Sounds like you have yourself another pup, Nicole!! Yay! :go:

Lol. He just wants to make sure nothing goes to waste!

Clyde and Lucy eat in separate rooms but Clyde is far more interested in Lucy's food. So, he ignores his own food and gets about an inch from Lucy's head and stares at her the entire time she eats. I really think he thinks that he's going to intimidate her into leaving the food but she doesn't even look up to acknowledge him. She's got him figured out!
That is too precious. What a size difference. Hannah lays down to eat also. Love the markings on Bosley. They are both so cute. I'm catching up. Dixie is a foster? Can you really give her up. She is just too sweet.
It looks like musical food bowls at my house, they rotate around to make sure one bowl doesn't have something great in it :D Dasiy lays down to eat, Rosco is a wolf, and Luke fills his mouth with food then drops it in the living room to eat it :roll:
bestdogsx4 wrote:
Luke fills his mouth with food then drops it in the living room to eat it :roll:

That was Clyde's move too. That's why I just put the bowl in the living room now-- it keeps the carpet cleaner!
Great pictures.. she is so beautiful and she looks so happy and healthy. Bosley looks like a giant fluff monster!!!

Murphy and Dixie are so alike. When we first brought Murphy home and I started taking him to the park, every dog there picked on him.. he spent more time being humped then actually getting to play. It used to bother me as well, to the point that I started to avoid the park and any interaction with other doggies.. finally, I said to myself.. self.. when Murphy gets tired of it.. he will tell them.

Sure enough, we go to the park one day.. there is a new dog there.. a boxer... just as soon as we go inside and close the gate.. over comes the boxer and promply humps my baby.. Wellllllll I don't know if that day was Murphy's day. but he had had enough. I stood in shock.. to stunned to move.. was that my little cuddle monster frothing at the mouth.. was that my little FON (Freak of Nature. that's what my hubby calls him) putting the boots to that boxer. Truly.. everyone was to stunned to move, before you knew it, the boxer was on the ground, paws up. game over, no more humping or picking on the Murphinator, he is his own dog, it took awhile, but he got it done.
What a riot this thread is! Dixie is a sweetie pie! I think you have yourself another keeper. Annie is anything but a lady when she eats. She finishes her food a few seconds earlier than she used to but she's a PIGGY!!! She doesn't mind us anymore, but she used to lower her head and growl when I'd pet her. No more! I wouldn't want to be anyone else while she's eating. She won't let the other dogs in our life near her bowls and she will adopt their bowls as her own too.
I won't let muscial food bowls develop with my guys. By keeping each one to their bowl I can tailor food and medicine. Afterwards however, everyone licks each others' bowls :)
She does sound like a sweetheart! You're going to have a hard time letting her go, Nicole!
:high5: This could Have been a pisc. of Harry and Daisy!!!!!!!
Daisy id doing the same thin to Harry!! :lol:
Remy only likes to eat with company in the same room...she's been known to go all day without eating.

Now if we have another dog, she eats fast and all of it...gets a little growly over treats.

With Ziva it started that Remy was alpha, and Ziva waited...didn't matter if we had one bowl or six...Remy would make sure Ziva ate last, so we stick with one bowl. Npw Ziva has grown alot, and sits beside Remy and barks in her face, this startles Remy and she backs away, leaving Ziva to have all the food. Ziva is now showing food aggression to Remy.

Both are good about me touching food, dishes, taking food, as well as the agression there. But to each other...they both eat with one eye on the other dog.
Cute pics!

I'm amazed you were able to get the camera that quickly without both finishing off what was in the bowl!

Marianne and the boys
They really do think they are invisible or that you might just not notice. Oh no sheepies, us humans find you 90lb ers so hard to miss LOL Its like Einey only taking the odd slice of pie and not the whole lot !!!
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