This ones for Kaye... the true Angel among us!!

Unlike most days at the Rainbow Bridge, this day dawned cold and gray, damp as a swamp and as dismal as could be imagined. All of the recent arrivals had no idea what to think, as they had never experienced a day like this before. But the animals who have been waiting for their beloved people knew exactly what is going on and started to gather at the pathway leading to The Bridge to watch. It wasn't long before an elderly animal came into view, head hung low and tail dragging. The other animals, the ones who had been there for a while, knew what his story was right away, for they had seen this happen far too often. He approached slowly, obviously in great emotional pain, but with no sign of injury or illness.

Unlike all of the other animals waiting at The Bridge, this animal had not been restored to youth and made healthy and vigorous again. As he walked toward The Bridge, he watched all of the other animals watching him. He knew he was out of place here and the sooner he could cross over, the happier he would be. But alas, as he approached The Bridge, his way was barred by the appearance of an Angel who apologized but told him that he would not be able to pass. Only those animals who were with their people could pass over Rainbow Bridge. With no place else to turn, the elderly animal turned towards the fields before The Bridge and saw a group of other animals like him, also elderly and infirm. They weren't playing, but rather simply lying on the green grass, forlornly staring out at the pathway leading to The Bridge. And so, he took his place among them, watching the pathway and waiting.

One of the newest arrivals at The Bridge didn't understand what he had just witnessed and asked one of the animals who had been there for a while to explain it to him. "You see, that poor animal was a rescue. He was turned in to the shelter just as you see him now, an older animal with his fur graying and his eyes clouding. He never made it out of the shelter and passed on with only the love of his rescuer to comfort him as he left his earthly existence. Because he had no family to give his love to, he has no one to escort him across The Bridge." The first animal thought about this for a minute and then asked, "So what will happen now?"

As he was about to receive his answer, the clouds suddenly parted and the gloom lifted. Approaching The Bridge could be seen a single person amongst the older animals, suddenly the whole group was bathed in a golden light and they were all young and healthy again, just as they were in the prime of life. "Watch and see," said the second animal. A second group of animals from those waiting came to the pathway and bowed low as the person neared. At each bowed animal the person offered a pat on the head or a scratch behind the ears. The newly restored animals fell into line and followed her towards The Bridge where they all crossed over together. "What happened?" asked the first animal. "That was a rescuer and the animals you saw bowing in respect were those who found new homes because of her work. They will cross when their new families arrive. Those you saw restored were those who never found homes and lived their final days in a shelter. When a rescuer or shelter worker arrives, they are allowed to perform one, final act of rescue. They are allowed to escort those poor animals that they couldn't place on earth across

The Rainbow Bridge."

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That's a great story and surely fits here. Just think of all the dogs Kaye will meet!!
Oh my, I just sent to the head of our rescue.

Thanks so much for sharing :lol:
A very appropriate story for Kaye, bless her heart for caring so much.
That was a beautiful story
It was very touching and a perfect dedication to all the hard work Kaye does. She deserves it and we are blessed to have her in the trenches looking out for the aged sheepies of the world.

Thank you Kaye.

Marianne and the boys

PS Just read in your other post you lost Major tonight. I'm very sorry to hear of his passing - it just made me so sad. You provided him with the TLC and love he deserved in the last months of his life. Thanks for that too.
How do you read that wonderful story without crying?? I can't!

Thank you, Kaye, Grannie Annie, and all the other rescuers whose names I can't remember or don't know, who work so hard on behalf of our beloved sheepies. Words cannot adequately express the gratitude and love we all feel for your tireless, selfless efforts.

I cried too Chris.
When I read that I don't think I have ever been so emotional over reading something.... I was setting her crying adn the phone rang. It was Terra Lynn one of my helpers......She has been fostering Major, Harry, Miller, Joe Bob and Old WIllie for me while we had Babies.......She said that Major wasn't doing well and I needed to come over she thought his time was near. I went on over and got down on the floor with him and held his head and rubbed his tummy { he loved that } and he looked at me with those big soulful eyes and peacefully passed........ Babies are Born and Babies Die!!!!!!!!!! He ws athe Boy that we dtrove to Missouari to rescue. He had cancer and it had progressed into his intestines and tummy adn prostrate.....But that Big Ole Guys was sure Loved for the last few months of his Life.......It just doesn't get any better then that......I will ask for no more.........See Big Guy Over the Bride......He is now with all the Other Babies Rockin and Rollin....Sheepie Hugs, Kaye
My hat is off to you and the other selfless rescue people. So sorry for the loss of major. May he rest in peace. You've certainly been given something else to occupy your thoughts at a difficult time. Thank you for making a difference.
Wow! That was beautiful! I could see it all so vividly in my mind! Kaye is awsome and all who can save and bless even just one life!
That is a wonderful story .Made me cry too. :cry:
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