Dancer is sick

My baby girl is not feeling well at all :(
I'm so worried about her, she has had diarreah for a few days now and seems lethargic today. I couldn't even get her to drink this morning, or eat an icecube. She only ate about one cup of food yesterday, and refuses to eat even one kibble today.

We believe it is just stress that has set this off, Dancer had an extremely stressful weekend, and then this started Wednesday.
Dancer came into heat on Feb 10th, what we had been waiting for, however it wasn't expected until mid March.

On Feb 18th (Saturday) we had to go to a dog show, and Sunday as well, one of the breeders we went with was the owner of the stud. The show was a long drive from both of us, and the owner of the stud is a 3 and a half hour drive from me in good weather, which we did not have.

Dancer stayed at my breeders overnight Saturday, while I stayed at my mother's about 45 minutes away. I had planned on visiting with my mom, but she can't have dogs in her condo, even for a visit, so that's why Dancer stayed at the breeders. Sunday morning I drove back to the breeders, and we left immediately to go to the studs'. That day we had decent weather other than really high winds. We get to the owner of the studs, and Dancer was fine, happy to meet them etc, but we had to go right away to get back to the dog show on time (approximately 4 hours of driving and OES were in the ring at 3 pm)

That night after the show I drove home, and got a call later that night that Dancer was stressed right out and wouldn't come out of her crate. We talked a bit about how to get her to relax, and she did come out and seemed fine, but then in the morning she did the same thing. She refused to eat or drink or come out of her crate. She did not pee or poop in her crate so she was holding it the entire time. So Monday morning I drove back to the stud's owner to see if I could get Dancer to relax. As soon as I got there she was back to her happy normal self, wanting to play and kiss everyone. (I know, I spoiled my dog and now she is a little neurotic :roll: What a momma's girl!)

Anyway, because of her needing me there, and the fact that the weather was expected to turn very nasty, and also because the stud is HUGE and we worried he would collapse her if they bred naturally, we decided to take them to the vet and have her artificially inseminated. We only had this one chance, as I am blind as a bat in the dark and had to get back on the road before it got too late. She was AI'd once, and we left from the vet to start driving home.

It was indeed a horrific drive, mostly because of traffic problems, the 2 major highways that I could have taken home were blocked off in the GTA area, one had flooded and then flash froze and one had a 6 car pile up. I had to take back roads (did I mention I am AWFUL with directions?) and finally made it home.

Dancer was so happy to be home, so happy to see Sky, and she seemed fine. She still didn't pee or poop that night though so I just figured it was because she hadn't eaten or drank anything.
The next day, Tuesday, she ate a little and drank and seemed ok. Wednesday morning she had diarreah , and again Wednesday afternoon and evening. Thursday I gave her rice, and it seemed slightly better. Friday, diarreah again, though not as bad or as loose. She also had not eaten much though. Saturday, no diarreah, but not eating hardly anything.

Today she has diarreah again and refuses to eat anything at all, not even cheese (her favorite) and will not drink or even lick an ice cube.
I called the vet who said she most likely just had too much stress and held it too long, he doesn't think she has anything contaigous because my other two dogs are fine, and so is the stud and the other dogs there.
He said to give her immodium, which I had considered but didn't want to in case she is pregnant, but at this point we need to get it stopped so I gave her half an immodium this morning. If she doesn't drink anything by noon we are going into the vet to get subQ fluids injected under the skin to prevent dehydration.

Sorry for rambling on but I am at a loss of what else to do, if she won't eat or drink how am I supposed to get anything into her that might help?
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I'm sorry that Dancer is feeling so poorly.

Maybe she'll try the rice water. If you can't get her to eat/drink, I don't know what to tell you. You know the mantra... see your vet.
Sorry to hear about Dancer, I hope the vet visit goes well and fluids help get her back to feeling good. keep us posted.

Any consolation, Remy had 1 bout of diareeha, as well as Ziva over the past couple days. We went away that weekend and left them at home under the care of the neighbours. I left them treats, raw bones, reg bones to keep them happy and I think for us it was stress + food being to greasy/rich.

They are now back to normal, but we are leaving them again this weekend. :roll:

Hope she took with one AI, good luck with that. I left Remy at the stud breeders for a full week, so all the initial stress was passed and the days she was "ready" she had become best friends with the stud, and comfortable with the breeder too. Since it was her first time, we didn't want to miss the timing, so that's also why she was there longer, I took her too early, but she was giving me signals.

When I brought her home, I don't remeber about diareeha, but her body started to change, like peeing in the house just once...that was not like her at all.
I am so sorry that Dancer is sick. I hope she is back to her normal self soon & preggers.
Stacey that sounds so stressful. I am so sorry that such an exciting time has turned out so worrisome. I hope it clears up soon. Maybe she has morning sickness??

Rice water was big help to Maggie and Chum, who have been runny all week - and I don't mean for exercise! :wink: I wonder if maybe their food is spoiled? I had opened a new bag right before this started. Rice water, rice and chicken seemed to solve the problem. But last night I had added a bit of dry food to their rice mush (I was out of yogurt and chicken) and they were both howling to go out a 1:30, 3:30 and 6:30 this morning. Maybe it was just too early to reintroduce normal food?

Sorry -- I digress. Have you tried gatorade or doggie pedialyte? SubQs might help her feel better. Please keep us posted. . .
Well, I see "some" improvement.
I've been giving her 2 ounces of water with corn syrup and a bit of salt (basically the same as pedialyte) every 15 minutes and now every 30 minutes. Now it's just plain water. She has had a full tablet of immodium because she threw up the first 1/2 shortly after the first dose. She still has diarreah, but is not lethargic and seems to be feeling a bit better.
She is drinking out of her water bowl voluntarily now so that's good at least.
I wonder how long it will take for the imodium to kick in? I've given it to them once before but I don't remember how long it took....
If you gave her the immodiumin the am...the afternoon poop should be may take a full day to get maximum effect....its good that she is drinking again....hope she feels better and fingers are crossed that she relaxes and turns out pregnant!
Oh she is relaxed, she's been fine that way since the minute I got
This diarreah didn't actually start until her second day home which is odd.
As of right now it has been one hour since she had diarreah. *keeping fingers crossed*
Since she hasn't been eating much the vet doesn't recommend making her wait 24 hours with no food, more like 12, so tonight I'm going to give her some infant rice ceral with warm water only. Then in the morning rice pablum again with a scrambled egg. (vet recommendation) Egg has protien but it's easier to digest than beef or chicken. It's more concentrated nutrition without adding bulk to her digestive system.
Aww, poor Dancer! :oops: I hope she feels better real soon! Sometimes I think it's harder on the owners then the dogs when their sick.
Don't give her a large amount all at once. Give her a couple of bites, wait 5-10 minutes and repeat with a slightly larger amount. Continue until it is gone.
Putting food in the stomach stimulates the intestines to move, so you want to just slip it in a bit at a time.

Poor baby. And mom.
Well the vet called at 3pm to see how she is doing, and she hasn't had diarreah in a couple of hours so he said a few spoonfuls of rice pablum, which I did at 3pm and so far so good.
Sorry to hear Dancer is sick. I hope it's just due to all of the stress of her travelling & hormones. Glad that your vet is so on the ball. Frank had diarrhea & didn't eat very much the whole time Rebecca was in the middle of her heat cycle so I can imagine it being much worse for bitches.

Please don't let her eat regular dog food until she has pretty well formed stools (same with your girls Val). Their tummies need time to heal so the boiled meat & rice, is not as tough on them as actual dog food.
Sorry to hear about dancer, hope her tummy is settling down, poor baby.

Is her temperature normal ?
Yes her temp is normal.... so no infection....
She has not had any more diarreah and it's been 2 hours since she had the rice pablum, so far so good :)
I hope Dancer feels better soon! She's like the rest of us women, too much stress makes the body do strange things.
That's good stacey,

It sounds like it might of been brought on by just stress and hormones then.

Hugs for you both & I hope hope she settles down soon for you.
Poor Dancer :( Feel better soon.
How is she doing now????
Her stools have still not firmed up a whole lot unfortunately :( But slightly better than it was. Her appetite is ravenous, she would love to eat a whole bag of dog food at this point I think. Poor girl. It's a good sign though, first time she has shown interest in food in days.
I gave her more rice pablum about half an hour ago, and another dose of imodium. I also let her lick some yogurt off a spoon, not sure if that is a good idea or not. On one hand, the good bacteria in it can restore the natural gut flora for her, on the other hand, it might not agree with her. It was a tiny bit though.
So sorry to hear that Dancer has not been feeling well.

Hope she feels better and back to herself soon!
Poor Dancer. Dixie sends her sympathies from one sick Diva to another... :wink:
Keep her on the BRAT diet for at least another day or until you talk to the vet. Her stools may not totally firm up on the BRAT diet, it is a low residue diet that is gentle on the gut. The main thing is that the watery stools should not get worse while she is on the BRAT diet. You can increase the amount she is eating, slowly, as long as she doesn't get worse.
Talk to the vet, but the next step would be to give her rice and chicken. That will give her a bit more residue to pass. Usually they will have you start (slowly, of course :roll: ) adding her regular to the rice and chicken. Then convert over to the regualr diet.

Sounds like she is doing so much better!
Remember, when they get down like this, hold off all food for 24 hours. Don't rush to push the food. Our dogs are well fed enough they are not going to starve. When you are ill, don't you stop eating too? Did you starve?

Having water handy is all that's necessary. If they truly don't drink either, the salt and corn syrup is OK, but chances are they will naturally go to the water after about 12 hours.

Rice water is a good return food as is the rice and cooked meat (small quantity meat). Do this for a day or so and then gradually bring them back.

Consider investing in a thermometer and stethescope. The thermometer is simple to use, the stethescope can be used to listen for bowel gurgles and breathing problems. It's a more proactice approach than wringing our hands....tho I'm very good at that too!
So sorry Dancer is not doing so great. Hope she makes a speedy recovery!
How's she doing this morning, Stacey? Hopefully no more diarehea last night...?
Poor Dancer and Stacey! I hope you both are better today...
Hope Dancer is feeling better today! It really does sound like nerves. Or perhaps the change in water when she was at the breeders??? Martin can and has eaten different things (some of which are not on his menu) and it doesn't phase him at all. Virgil's tummy is more sensitive. Dawn seems to take after her daddy. And all of them seem to be effected by the change in the weather (hot to cold...cold to hot).

Sounds like you are doing everything correctly. Hope that breeding takes. Seems it is always something stressful. When is the best timing??? Is she pg? Is momma fine? Puppies fine? How many? And the list goes on and on and never really stops. Good thing these bobtail babies are worth it!
Dancer seems a bit better today, but I suspect it is actually because she really has nothing left in her system.
Now I am even more worried and confused, because now SKY is sick. Sky never left home.
The vet has drawn bloodwork to check virus titers, cbc, and a fecal and urine check. The fecal showed nothing, no worms, no coccidia, no giardia.
I have to wait to hear back about the bloodwork. Neither dog has a fever, so no infection and most likely not a virus.
The only thing the vet can think of at this point is that the bag of Nutro I bought (switched them 2 weeks ago) which is half gone now, has gone bad. A sample of it is being checked for mold and whatever else they look for. One thing that supports this theory is that Abby, who is normally a pig and will eat all her food, no matter what it is, immediately. Last night and today she won't touch it. Then again, she might be getting sick too :(
Also, this food may simply not agree with them, and it has taken some stress and changes to put them right over the edge so to speak.
I just gave Dancer and Sky more immodium. I'm going to cook up some rice for Dancer tonight, and nothing for Sky til tomorrow.
Glad to hear Dancer is feeling better!

If it makes you feel any better both Frank & Rebecca have the runs today. So maybe there is a little bug going around... or maybe they are having sympathy sickness for Dancer & Sky! 8O
I hope everything is going better with Dancer and Sky - it is so scary when stuff like this happens - I always feel helpless, because there is only so much we can do!! :? Good wishes to both of them from myself and the foster girls!
OH LORDY STACEY!!! I'm sooo sorry to hear about your girls. Hope everybody's bowels decide to relax and get better soon.... (Ooh, that is one of the few things I'm not looking forward to with OES is the sensitive tummies. I've gotta make sure I've got all the sore tummy recipes ready for emergencies!!!)
Willowsprite wrote:
The only thing the vet can think of at this point is that the bag of Nutro I bought (switched them 2 weeks ago) which is half gone now, has gone bad. A sample of it is being checked for mold and whatever else they look for. One thing that supports this theory is that Abby, who is normally a pig and will eat all her food, no matter what it is, immediately. Last night and today she won't touch it. Then again, she might be getting sick too :(

I am so sorry! You know, I was actually concerned that a new bag of Nutro I had recently opened was the source of my girls' stomach distress. They both got sick on the new bag (vomit and diarreah). They improved on rice then they both had a major relapse when I reintroduced a bit of the food with rice. Hmmm. . . I think I am going to toss it just to err on the safe side. . .
Stacey sorry to hear that sky is not well now, boy you really have to make the dog dry food suspect now!! With what Val has just said with her girls too :cry: Glad dancer is feeling a bit better, take it easy & very slow with her getting her back onto normal feeding.

Val are your girls settling down now?
Very slow yes, but Dancer really needs some nutrition so I hope I can get her eating puppy food fairly soon.
So far so good tonight, no diarreah since about 4pm or so. I gave them some rice at 5pm ( think?) and again some at about 9pm. They both seem in better spirits, more energy.
I bought Iams puppy food, so as soon as they are ready they will be back on Iams for good.
I really hope this is the end of it, I will be the happiest person on earth when they finally have firm poop again.
How are your girls now Val? I think you mentioned something in chat about pumpkin doing the trick?
Taking it one poop at a time. :wink:

Up until now, nutro has been great for us. My girls have been remarkably gas free. But I did wonder if the new bag was the culprit. . . I dunno. I've also been suspecting the random water they've been drinking at the park. Maggie had some today so I guess I will see. 8O

Today was good. The pumkin seemed more effective than the yogurt as an additive to the rice goop.

I hope your girls feel better soon.
The intent of the pumpkin and the yogurt are different.

The pumpkin works as roughage to firm up the stool. It can also be used to help small items that shouldn't have been eaten to pass through.

The yogurt is to replace possibly missing good bacteria in the gut.

Good luck ladies. It is the pits to have sick kids, whether the two-footed or the four-footed.
Valerie wrote:
I've also been suspecting the random water they've been drinking at the park.

Frank decided not to eat dinner tonight, which is very out of character for him. He is a bit under the weather now. I'm wondering if it is the water, maybe you guys should pull up the bowls for a while at the dog park.

Rebecca has it too and is knocking me out with her gas at the moment in the office.

I have a feeling if they have is as bad as Val's girls did, that we're not going to make the dog show this weekend.
I always take my own water and a bowl from home, I think communal drinking from all sorts of dogs dipping their mouths into one drinking bowl is not good, you never know what they might pick up. Always take my own water & bowl to dog show too as a change in water quality from different place you go can upset them, so I travel with big water containers if off to shows outside of Melbourne.

Hope frank and Rebecca are OK and they don't end up with a bad dose of it too. :cry:
Thanks, I actually didn't even know where the dog bowl was in the park, but Frank came running back with a wet mouth at one point,so he must of found it. I guess I'm the bad mom for not noticing that he even got into it.

Verve Up
Gosh...poor babies!! :(

Hope everyone gets to feeling better today. :?
Sorry about all your sick babies. I'll let you know if Annie gets sick as we just opened up a new bag of Nutro this week. She's on the Senior Large Breed variety.
Well when I got home from work today Sky is covered in poop, but Dancer is not. Dancer is enjoying a bowl of iams puppy food kibble as we speak, and she seems so happy. LOL
Dancer has not yet had a bm yet so I'm not sure if she is cleared up, but I think she must be feeling a lot better. She had rice yesterday and hasn't had diarreah since yesterday afternoon.
The vet can't find anything wrong with the food, it's not gone bad, but he said that bag might have had more of a certain ingredient than it should, which can cause an upset. Or, nutro might simply be no good for my dogs. *shrug*
Now to get Sky all cleared up! I'm going to give her an imodium, and no food til later. Then just rice and we'll see how that goes.
VerveUp wrote:
Valerie wrote:
I've also been suspecting the random water they've been drinking at the park.

Frank decided not to eat dinner tonight, which is very out of character for him. He is a bit under the weather now. I'm wondering if it is the water, maybe you guys should pull up the bowls for a while at the dog park.

I agree. I didn't see them drink on Saturday either . . . I saw Maggie drinking from a stray bowl on monday and I ran and grabbed it. I'm sure people thought I was nuts. They are still on rice but yesterday was good. I hope Frank and Rebecca both feel better soon. What a drag. :(
oh, I came into this thread late. Everyone knows I rarely check all the boards. I'm so glad to hear Dancer is getting better. That would break my heart to know one of my dogs were sick and there was nothing/little I could do. If there was only a way to speak dog. ;) Now hopefully Sky follows along and gets rid of the diarrhea!
Hows Dancer doing besides the poop
Dancer seems much MUCH better today, playful, happy, yappy, LOL and HUNGRY. LOL
thats great news, so glad to hear it
Yay for dancer, glad she is getting back to normal :D
Solid poo!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!! :clappurple: :go: :banana:
Ha Ha Ha I was just thinking wouldn't non dog people think we are all nuts to get soooo excited over a solid Doo Doo. But we DO!! especially when we have had days of it!! and the clean up :roll:
I'm soooo happy that Dancer seems better - I hope it was just a quick bug and it will pass with Sky quickly. Good luck - give hugs and kisses around and keep updating when you can!!!
:banana: Glad Dancer's better! Hope Sky follows suit.
Woohoo!! Now both of my girls are feeling better and everything is back to normal. It didn't last nearly as long for Sky, but I had spent so many days trying meds, using different recipes, rice, a bit of yogurt, this that and the other thing.... LOL and you know what? As soon as I put them back on Iams the diarreah stopped and the next morning solid poops.
I'm so glad I'm tempted to send Iams a thank you card. I'm never switching again.
They're so happy to have Iams back too, my picky little nibblers have been polishing it off in minutes. That could be just hunger after being sick, but it's still nice to see them so happy :)
Great news! :lol: So glad both girls are feeling better! So you really think this all started just because you switched dog foods? Wow! Really sensitive tummies!
That's great, Stacey!! I'm so glad they're both feeling better!! :D

P.S. I don't remember hearing what happened with your little boy puppy? Has it been determined yet if he's the one you're getting? Was he show quality? :?
Aw, I'm glad they feel better :) I am currently reading Food Pets Die For by Ann Martin, it is truly shocking to go behind the scenes and see what is actually in dog food 8O It's VERY disturbing, I'm only halfway through and am rethinking what I feed my dogs.
Glad to hear that Dancer & Sky are just about back to their old selves.

Did the vet ever say whether he thought it was a virus since both of your girls got it?

Rebecca seems better but Frank is really down. Hasn't eaten anything in 24 hours now, very little energy. Been giving him Immodium which is not helping at all. Going to try some ground beef today to see if I can get him eating. I am really thinking it is some type of virus that is causing this. I'm just wondering if some kind of dog bug is going around especially since Val's girls were sick.
glad to hear the girls are feeling better.
verve up hope your babies feel better real soon
Wow I missed this whole thread. Glad to hear the girls are better. Yay for Iams!
Great for Sky and Dancer but oh poor frankie! I'm so sorry!
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
That's great, Stacey!! I'm so glad they're both feeling better!! :D

P.S. I don't remember hearing what happened with your little boy puppy? Has it been determined yet if he's the one you're getting? Was he show quality? :?

Actually, yes he is show quality, he is developing phenomenally... but I decided I'm not ready yet. I want him, but I don't know if I can handle one dog who will hopefully be having puppies, one who I am going to be showing and needs a LOT of work to get and keep in show coat, handling classes, and a new puppy who would also have to be kept in show coat along with the rest of my life. LOL
I don't think I could handle all of that if I quit my job and did nothing else!! :lol: 8) 8O :lol:

Maybe you'll keep one of Dancer's puppies? :wink:
If she has any, yes. At this point unfortunately I have my doubts.
Really? Ohhhhh....that's too bad. :( Poor girl.
Just an update that Frank is starting to perk up a little tonight and we actually got some ground beef & rice into him today. :D
That's great, Deb! How's he feeling today?
im glad to hear that frank is feeling better :D
Talk about Johnny come lately........ picked this thread up suppppper late. Glad to hear the puppers are better Stacey, anxious to hear if the Mom to be, IS!!! How soon before you will know?????

I learned to NEVER try to switch foods with Tasker without a LONG LONG LONG switch over process, it always results in terrible diarrhea. You have my unending sympathy. I know how awful one with the runs is, I can't even imagine two!!!
boobaby wrote:
im glad to hear that frank is feeling better :D

Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
That's great, Deb! How's he feeling today?

Thanks you guys, his energy level is almost back to normal goofball boy. Still very runny, hoping that will change in the next day or 2.

Sorry to hijack the post Stacey.

Sorry to hijack the post Stacey.

You're not hijacking, it's the poop thread! LOL :lol:
A very stinky subject... :lol: lol
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