Hooray for Rice Water

That sure did the trick and so fast too! Why oh why did I wait three days before I started giving it?
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Is this a riddle? :D

Yay! I'm glad it may have helped to calm everything down. It has worked really well for us, too!
Where is the receipe for Rice Water? Sounds marvelous when sheepies have the dreaded .........
Here it is:

http://www.oes.org/page2/3621~Rice_Wate ... rrhea.html
Good to know. Will this work if they are throwing up. For instance after having been sedated for surgery?
Do you just feed it to them straight or mix it in with food? Clyde developed the runs for the first time ever yesterday so I was going to try it.
My vet says after they get the runs, they should get no food at all for 24 hours, then I gave them rice water just by itself for 2 meals. Then I transitioned them to gooey rice with bits of boiled chicken and canned pumpkin. For Maggie, I am slowly reducing rice goo and adding kibble but Chummie has had a relapse so she's back on the plain rice. After this amount of time, she's pretty bored. I think she may need a prescription to kick this bug.
Boy, something must be going around. We haven't switched anything and Clyde usually has a stomach of cast iron. Nothing bothers him. I'm making the rice water right now and I'm thawing out some ground beef. I was going to give him a little. He hasn't eaten a meal in 24 hours. Do you think I should wait to give him the ground beef until after the water?

He's lying the on the couch like a sick kid home from school. :(
Poor Clyde! That's how Chummie has been. Even Maggie was a tiny bit listless for one day. I don't know about adding red meat. Maybe just a tiny bit so that he eats the rice? Try to get the canned pumpkin -- that helped alot too. (no pie spices - just plain). Live cultures yogurt is also good to mix with the rice.
Well, my rice water didn't turn out so well. Somehow, I lost all the water. So I fed him the rice and a little super lean ground beef (cooked on the Foreman grill). He downed it and drank a bunch of water. He came back over to me with rice all over his head! I hope this helps. I'm going to call James to have him bring Immodium home. I injured myself again yesterday and can't move so well. :(
That happened to me once too! You have to separate out the rice and water because otherwise it all gets absorbed. :) I was using huge amounts of water to make them really puffy rice. Hope it helps! Give Clyde a kiss on top of his head and a gentle belly rub from me.
So, ideally, am I feeding him the rice or the water, had I done it correctly? All I have left in the house is instant rice-- can I use that? I can't believe rice and water is causing me all this confusion!
I don't know if minute rice will do the trick or not. It's probably par-boiled already, and perhaps the magic ingredients are gone? I just don't know.

If you have or can get some regular rice, the recipie is in the link I provided above. If it's not clear or leaves any confusion PLEASE tell me here so I can update it over there! :D
Jill - so sorry Clyde isn't feeling well. :( Perhaps having Mom at home with him will make him feel better, too. :wink:

I wonder what the culprit could be? So many sheepies with the runs these past few weeks. :?

Val - sorry to hear Chummie has had a relaspe. :(

Jill - what'd you do to injure yourself?
Ron wrote:
If you have or can get some regular rice, the recipie is in the link I provided above. If it's not clear or leaves any confusion PLEASE tell me here so I can update it over there! :D

Ron, that was the recipe that I used. For some reason, the water all went away though. I wonder if I let it boil too hard. From what I gathered from the recipe that you provided, I was supposed to drain off the water and feed him that, right? Since none existed in my version of the recipe, he just got the rice.

Tammy, I'm embarrassed to say, it was another snowboarding incident. :evil: I was helping my sister and, plain and simple, I slipped, but landed in the weirdest way directly on my tailbone. It probably wouldn't have been too bad for most people but my mom, my sister and I all have tailbones that set backwards, kind of like a sheepie's nub, ironically. this makes us very prone to hurting them since it isn't as tucked away as most people's.

I finished off the rest of the day with it sore but, overnight, it swelled a bit and made me really stiff. I have decided it isn't broken but it hurts like crazy today. I'm only comfortable lying on my stomach or standing. Since that isn't an option at work, I stayed home. Now with Clyde being sick, I'm glad I'm home with him-- although it's excruciating to keep getting up to clean up after him!

It's been an hour so far and everything has stayed down. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
Fingers are crossed - hoping Clyde's bout with the runs is over! :wink:

You poor dear! I know all about tail bone injuries. I broke mine, the summer between my junior and senior years in high school, sliding into a swimming pool. Long story short, I ended up having surgery to remove it. Really painful stuff. :oops: :x I do hope you're feeling better soon!! I take it your elbow is better now?
Jill, don't you think it's about time to give up the dream? Hang up the board?

I'm sorry you got hurt again...I landed there wrong once when I was a teenager and it hurts! And yours sounds worse!

I hope you and Clyde feel much better. You should have James be making rice water...
ButtersStotch wrote:
Tammy, I'm embarrassed to say, it was another snowboarding incident. :evil:

Jill I found a video of you: http://www.break.com/index/snowbwipe.html

Seriously, I hope you feel better. When I was actually active & fit, I usedto inline skate 6 miles 4 x's a week. I always had at least one good meeting with the pavement each season. Bruised ribs, scraped hips & knees and fell on my tailbone just walking down stairs. That hurt the worst!

Regarding Ground beef, you should really boil it and not fry. You don't want Clyde to have to deal with any grease. And with feeding it should be like 3 to 4 parts rice to 1 part beef when his tummy is hurt. If he has diarrhea more than 5 days you should take him to the vet.

Frank started getting better Thurs but then Friday night he was down big time again. I called the vet and they prescribed Metrozolidane (also Flagyl is good) which is an antibiotic for the gastro track. That cleared him right up and he's back to regular dog food today.
Thanks for all the advice. I don't eat red meat and I had no idea that it could be boiled. :oops: I put in the Foreman, overcooked it and then squeezed it with paper towels until it came up dry. I gave him about 1/2 cup of rice and maybe 1/4 cup of meat-- probably about half of a small hamburger. Still no incidents since the last post and he's sleeping peacefully. James is stopping for Immodium on the way home just in case.

As far as the snowboarding. Yeah, yeah, yuck it up. The funny thing is, I've gotten hurt like this all my life so it isn't just my old age catching up with me. My tailbone has always been a problem-- I was even wearing padding. I suffered a similar injury last year falling down the stairs. It just happens. I'm also convinced that I should only go fast because I only seem to get hurt when I'm almost standing still. Tammy, tell me more about this tailbone removal-- PM me about it so I don't hijack the thread anymore.
VerveUp wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
Tammy, I'm embarrassed to say, it was another snowboarding incident. :evil:

Jill I found a video of you: http://www.break.com/index/snowbwipe.html

Ha, ha by the way. I shall give you the rimshot. :rimshot:

I'd probably execute that move fine-- low speed is my enemy.
We'll just call you "crash" from now on.....

Oh Ron...I think she is worthy of avatar name change......

Clyde's twin Hannah, Copper and myself all wish you and Clyde a speedy recovery. Put the snowboard AWAY. (At least for a few days) Hannah and Copper have cast iron stomachs too. For the most part.

Back to the rice water.
Have you thought about a new sport, like maybe jumping the Snake River
on a motorcycle with no helmet, blindfolded and your hands tied behind your back? Glad Clyde is feeling better, the trick to the rice is to use tons of water, and slowly simmer it until it's gushy. Oh, or you can be shot out of a rocket, that would be fun :evil:
I guess I can't make too much fun of you...coming from the girl who knocked herself unconscious with her own snowboard exiting the ski lift... :oops:
8O :D 8O :D
exactly. 8O :oops: :roll:
Lol. It happens. I'm chalking it all up as a learning experience. I don't have any other bruises on me. Like I said, the tailbone is always a problem in any sport or activity!

On the plus side, we've been diarrhea free for over 12 hours now. The rice and ground beef stayed down well and we gave him a dose of Immodium to be safe. I'm going to only give him rice and beef today to keep things mild. I'm going to keep him home from day care this week too. Hopefully there won't be any surprises when I get home.
I'm so glad he's feeling better, must be the homecooked meals :)
Hey Fonzie (aka Jill) when do you plan on jumping the shark? I'd like to put it in my calendar.
Maxmm wrote:
Hey Fonzie (aka Jill) when do you plan on jumping the shark? I'd like to put it in my calendar.

Wow, good one!
No, you're supposed to respond Ehhhhh, Fonzie style!
I was just impressed by the jumping the shark reference!
Glad clyde is feeling better, hope you are too. From a girl who nearly decapitated her husband on a trail bike a few years back :wink: 8)
Well then, you'll really like this:
Maxmm wrote:
Well then, you'll really like this:

Lol. I've seen that before. In fact, I've submitted comments to it!
Google landed me at this forum when I did a search for latex hair bands for my Yorkshire Terrier boy.

The two topics here nudged me to the registration page so now you're stuck with an owner of a miniaturized oes, heh.

We learned from our vet recently that giardia is common at this time. I don't know if she meant regionally or not, but she was referring to dogs being walked at parks now that the weather is warming up more.

Standing water and dogs with diarrhea eliminating at the parks seemed to be her concern, but doesn't quite apply to Bodhi. He was given antibiotics for giardia even though test results were negative.

We do the boiled chicken/steamed rice whenever he has tummy issues, but I didn't know that food should be withheld for several hours. This is great to know about the rice water.

Might I suggest freezing rice water in ice trays filled about 1/2 way as variety? Bodhi loves to have little ice disks to crunch on. ( I usually use chicken water with a bit of chicken in each)

This might be good for those who turn their nose up at a bowl of rice water because they can also bat it around on the kitchen floor before sitting down to lick it.

I share the same concern of chicken and rice being given without other nutrients. Bodhi has also been prescribed Hills Canin I/D which is mostly chicken and rice with other nutritional bits that are easy on the tummy.

Those seem to be the thoughts that I wanted to share as I read this. Oh, one other thing about falling. I SO sympathize!

In my rollerskating class last summer, the first thing we were taught was how to fall. Roll as soon as possible to spread out the impact on the body. Especially when falling on your rear.

I forgot once, but subsequent falls that I did roll out of surprised me. Rolling really kept me out of pain, in fact, I laughed!

Okies, enough yammering. I hope that I am offering to this thread. I also hope that my edits didn't mess up any grammar, ha ha.
Boy, I could spend all day reading all the wonderful information on this site!
Welcome to the forum!! :)

Yorkies are so cute.....

Thanks for the idea of making ice cubes of the rice water! What a fantastic idea! :)
Welcome to your forum!

I don't know if we can call Bodhi a "Mini Sheepie"? :D Seems like there are a few other breed contending for that "honor", but Welcome anyway! :D

I'm sure that Bodhi is a sweetie! Now that you are going to learn so much about OES here, that you will start seeing them all over town ! Then you're just one step away from sheepie heaven... Ownership!

(That's when YOU are owned by "your" sheepdog.)

Welcome to the forum. Mini Sheepie, works for me.
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