Don't Ever Do That Again!


Had the scare of my life the yesterday. I take Merlin for his daily romp around the offleash dog park, rain or shine - everyday. It's a great place- fully fenced and a mere three blocks from my house.

Yesterday it was raining hard and I suspected we were going to be the only visitors there. Sure enough we were and Merlin looked dissapointed as he looked around for his buddies. There is a trail through the woods that one can take so we decided to do that first.

The dog park is fully fenced but for one small area where they have left it open for the city crew to mow the lawns. I've always been firm with Merlin that he is not to go near that and he's always listened. This gate, however, was on the other side and had been left open by someone and I debated whether to go over and shut it but it was so far on the other side and Merlin never goes to that side. I quessed wrong.

Emerging from the trail he raced ahead of me as he usually does when we have done the walk first and there is a small hill where all the dogs gather to play. No one there. Suddenly he hears two people across the street laughing, I see them both looking at Merlin. For some inexplicable reason he races to the open gate. I yell NOOOOOOO.

He darts across the gate on to the road. Now this road is fairly busy and as if everything happened in slow motion - there is a speeding car barreling down the road. It's raining hard and I know he won't stop in time and Merlin is running full tilt. I scream and scream thinking the inevitable is about to happen. It happens so suddenly, what flashes through my mind is losing Shaggy to old age this week was hard but losing Merlin at six months in this manner would be unthinkable.

I know I can't get there in time and am horrified, there seems to be no way to prevent it. I'm too far away and although it happened in seconds I see Merlin and the car about to undoubtly make contact. I knew he wouldn't survive at the speed the car was going. I don't want to see the impact and close my eyes. I am astounded when I see the guy on the other side of the road holding Merlin. I realize I'm still screaming. I run over there as fast as I could. I could barely speak and am shaking so hard, muttering thanks and take Merlin home.

I have no idea how they missed as when I closed my eyes, the car and Merlin were inches away from each other. Perhaps, Shaggy angel pulled him out of harms way? Eternally grateful that what seemed so inevitable didn't happen. I was upset at Merlin like any mom is when their baby has caused them to have a near heart attack and first "Don't ever do that again!". When evening wore on lots of hugs - I'm so glad you weren't hurt.

Ironcially in doggie obedience classes this is why the "down" position is reinforced so that it prevents a dog from ever running across the road, should he happen to see his person or others on the other side. Merlin is starting classes again March 10 and I'm going to make sure he pays extra attention.

Still shaking but so very happy my boy is safe.

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Worst nightmare. I'm shaking with you just reading the story.
I am so happy your puppy is ok .I had a dog as a child who saw me crossing a highway on my bike he ran out into the road and was hit thank god he was not injured but I will never forget that horrable moment.
I am glad Merlin is alright, sure does sound like he has a guardian angel. 8)
Whew! I know how you feel. I had a Jack Russell Terrier that once did the same thing. Before I knew what I was doing, I raced into the street to protect her from oncoming traffic. Someone was definitely watching over the two of us that day! We were both unharmed but I was totally scared out of my mind! I'm glad that Merlin is ok!
Wow, you have had quite a week! I am glad that Merlin was safe. I can't imagine how scared you must have been. I had a scare like that, not too long son, Joey, 3, was playing in the front yard when his ball went out into the street. We live on a non-busy side street, but there are new houses being built so work trucks are on the move constantly. I have told him time and time again to wait for me to tell him it is ok to cross the street and just in general trying to teach him to look both ways when he crosses. Anyway, I was nearer the house when out of the corner of my eye, I see the ball go and him start heading for the street. I yell no wait, as one of the big roofing trucks rounding the corner. He didn't listen at all, and I am yelling and running, and luckily the guy driving the truck looks at me waving my arms and stops quite a few feet away from him. Joey finally figures out oops and since I am crying and scared he takes that cue to break down and cry too. So here we both sit in the yard crying and me trying to explain what could have happened in the best way I can to a 3 year old. It seemed to help for a few months and here lately he has been trying to let go of my hand in a parking lot and take off. I wish they had obedience training for children. :wink:
I hope that Merlin pays close attention this time around in training and give him another great big hug just for being ok.
I am so gald Merlin made it across safely.
I have been sick and it has been raining here the past week or two. So I took Abbi out and this kitten came up to rub on her and then went all Halloween cat on us. So Abbi lunged, I went down on top of Abbi holding on for dear life as the cat ran across a highway. Abbi ,oblivious of anything and trying to squirm out from under a very determined over-weight 40 something female, finally gave up. I prevailed and berated her all the way home. She hasn't done this in over a year. I guess she had all this pent up energy or something. She has been confined to our house and yard for the past couple of days -- we throw balls and stuff. Chase birds ... but until my bruised wrist feels better I guess she is grounded.
My girls generally don't chase cats, so I guess I am pretty proud of them. They actually do look both ways and stay out of the street. The neighbors' kid gave us a scare, but she's never done it again.
Wish dogs could understand concepts as fast as the girls do! Abbi is still bound and determined to catch a cat. Last cat she caught she stood over until I came out and took her inside, so it isn't like she wants to harm it --- I think she wants to play chase. But it is getting too dangerous. She is going to have to listen to me or she's going to end up taking walks hobbled.
The obedience trainers locally say they will not take her unless I go through the puppy classes and I don't have that much time. So I am trying to work on the down and stay command myself. So far everything I concentrate on seems to sink in. But this one thing seems to be taking a lot more time than I would like.
I hope Merlin isn't this stubborn!
I am so glad Merlin is okay. Your story just made me shake. Thanks for never will know how many puppies you may have saved!!!
shaking.....I had to call Pisco to reasure myself he`s around.
Good that Merlin`s OK....and you too.
Everone's nightmare - I thought you were going to end the story "....and then I woke up......." Glad he's safe!
thank god he is okay. my heart was in my mouth when reading your posting. luv pepe
Hi Marianne,
Boy, know just how you feel. Had a similar incident taking Winston out to our van in front of our house. He ran ahead of me and was running around to the streetside of the van and running between the back of the van and another car just as there was a car speeding down the street. All I could think was he ws going to energe from between these 2 cars and there was no way the driver would see him. I, too, screamed "Winston, come, come" to no avail and as he was still running I started screaming "STOP, STOP" and something about the panic in my voice must have made him realize something was wrong. Just as he reached the street between the two cars, he stopped and turned around and trotted back to me. :D My legs were rubber and I was in tears. I knew I should have put his leash on, but he always (not this time!) runs down to the van door and waits for me to open it. What a scare! One thing I love about OES is how they are off leash -- staying near you, near home, etc. When they see something (deer, but that's another story) and are far enough away, they forget about voice control and are gone. A good lesson for us all -- so very glad that Merlin is safe.
Sandy, Winston, Oliver and baby Bentley
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all the responses. Yikes! I can relate to the panic you felt Stormi, regarding the incident when your child was small. Or yours Aging Right, hanging on to a squirming determined OES who is bent on chasing something Or yours Kim..all put terror in our hearts.

What I really love about this forum is the experiences of some may help others in the future. I too, like you Kim open the door and Merlin hops into my car into the waiting driveway. After reading your story and what I experienced I realized that I will not take that chance as I realized something may catch his attention across my quiet street. I guess always better safe than sorry. I should have listened to my gut instinct and gone over and shut that gate and will be sure that I will make a point of looking to see if all the gates are shut at the dog park. I am determined that I will teach him the down stay and practise it every day and not be so complacent. I am so very lucky and thanks everyone that wrote their gratefulness that Merlin was safe.

Oops that was me above. Sigh I do click on to log me in each of my sons must have shut down the computer. :roll:
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