Where I will be buried

Last week when we were burying Beau my husband and I were talking about where we would be laid to rest. We have decided that we will be with the dogs. In Michigan if you have 5+ acres it is legal to use one acre for a family cemetary. This has actually made me happy, I would rather be with Flash and the Duke gang than anywhere else. Has anyone else considered this or is it weird?
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Ours was pretty much decided when we buried our daughter, but I don't think it's weird to want to be buried with your pets. My family has a family cemetary that goes back several generations - early 1800s time frame. That's where I'll be buried, right next to Kayla. The spot is already marked for me, and it's really weird already having your plot picked out at only 26 (I was 20 at the time I did it...)
Yup, I have my spot too!! :lol: I'm donating my body to a medical school (after any usable parts are removed) and when they are finished with me I want to be cremated. Then my ashes will be buried in my families plot on Edisto Island SC.

What a conversation :lol: :lol: !!!!
I don't have a "spot" I just told my hubby I want to be buried by a big tree or a garden. I like the idea that my body could help life to continue... which sounds very flower-childy and a little creepy at the same time :?
I'm signed up as an organ donor so if somebody wants anything they're welcome to it, maybe I'll live so long there won't be anything usable left :)
My plans have changed since Ron has advised us
he can roll back time----

I'll just roll back one year -every year,
so I'll stay at a constant age.

Let's face it, I'm in no rush!
That's a great solution Joan :lol:
I don't want to be buried, but I haven't decided which alternative is better.

I *DO* know I don't want a sad affair... I prefer the New Orleans Jazz Funeral approach.... sad dirge for the approach to the cemetary, then when they stick the body in the ground the party begins, and it begins with "When the saints go marching in!"

Really. But I don't know how that will work with a scattering or a freezing, or a moon shot. :D
As far as I'm concerned they can just toss me in the hole, if it's deep enough I don't even need a casket. If the animals dig me up, well, they can have what's left :)
I'm quite excited at the prospect of spending a semester or two at a medical school...... Had not considered the possibility of that being followed by a moon shot..........hmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Brian and I have figured that If I die first, I am to be thrown on a beach in Cali (think of the movie with the "dude"..we laugh about it all the time)....If Brian goes first, he wants to be cremated and placed in the cemetary on Pt. Loma in San Diego...I just need to be by the water!
My husband said they are very respectful to the anatomy bodies. They use their names and then they have a memorial service after they are done.
barney1 wrote:
My husband said they are very respectful to the anatomy bodies. They use their names and then they have a memorial service after they are done.

I know!!!!!!! It's all very impressive!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way...........could you please explain your new AVATAR???????????? It has me in hysteric!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, my Husband is Native American, so we will be set to rest out on the reservation....I just hope they don't do any wierd riturals to me 8O (not that I'd feel it) :D
By the way...........could you please explain your new AVATAR???????????? It has me in hysteric!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, since you asked...

Barney and I were having a beer and watching the Superbowl by ourselves. Since we were SO into the game I felt like Barney was not able to see as much of the action as he wanted because of his bangs. So I put them in a ponytail (similar to Clyde's). He kept rubbing his face against everything trying to take it out. When he finally got it out he gave me the idea to give him a mohawk.

Here's another angle...

And another...
Darcy wrote:
If Brian goes first, he wants to be cremated and placed in the cemetary on Pt. Loma in San Diego

Darcy you made me sad...that is about a minute from my parents' house...I miss them and San Diego :cry:
Steph...dont be sad..with any luck, you guys will be back soon...and Barneys mohawk has me cracking up....how many beers did you have? Or were you 2 just bored without Cam there?????
I had 1 beer!

Yes, we were bored and Cam doesn't like me playing beauty shop with Barney so I had to get it out of my system while he was away! Shhh, don't tell Cam, but Barney LOVED it...
I'm going to be cremated and then each of my friends are going to take part of my ashes and go on that trip they've always wanted to take and scatter them. That way I can see the world--and it will motivate them to make that travel dream come true.
Err... don't you wanna see some of those places pre-mortem??? :twisted:
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Iriskmj wrote:
Err... don't you wanna see some of those places pre-mortem??? :twisted:

Yes but post-mortem I can travel on someone elses dime! :lol:
Fair enough :lol:
Ginny, that is such a wonderful idea. I am also earmarked for a university, though for the nursing and physical therapy majors.

I still remember the person whose body taught me so much about life and death. We gave her a name and tried to figure out what kind of life she had. We discovered first hand some of her medical problems and how it changed her body.

My daughter is taking anatomy right now. You have to be approved to sign up for the class and they have strict rules to follow. They are in a windowless room, with very limited access. No cameras or phones are allowed in the room under any circumstances. There is always a staff member in the room when the bodies are out for study. The students appreciate the opportunity to learn and do not make fun of anyone. My daughter is awe of the human body now.
Uhmmmmmm....I have thought about this many times.One thing is for sure I am an organ donor and feel that is VERY important that once im gone every rspects that choice of mine.Im thinking IF I pass away in my sleep,my family can just dump me in the ocean throw a few flowers in and BOOM done.Id hate for them too spend $4,500 on a funeral thats crazy.So cremation might be the way.Kind of a subject where I know I HAVE too let people know what I want,BUT on the same hand thinking about me dead makes me cringe!! 8O

My turn:

I want to be buried in the dead center of town. :lol:

Now being serious: I've signed up as an organ donor, then I want to be cremated and my ashes to be released to the wind in the woods or a meadow.

Marianne and the boys
Marianne wrote:

My turn:

I want to be buried in the dead center of town. :lol:

Marianne and the boys

That cracked me up :lol:
I'd like to be encased in lucite and made into a coffee table.
Well, THAT woke up the guy across the hall . . . . now I have to explain why I'm laughing so loud.
I hope you didn't wake him up :D
Maxmm wrote:
I'd like to be encased in lucite and made into a coffee table.
Face up, or face down?
It'll be a big, square, block so it can be flipped over.
Can't stop laughing. I love the coffee table idea.

When our first dog died, I wanted her stuffed, mounted and put on wheels, so we could pull her around the house. My Mom did not think that was very funny. :roll:

My Dad has told my Mom that no funeral, just a big party. She has to wear a mini skirt and stilettos. We are to cremate him and mix all of the dogs ashes with is and spread them at the cabin.
Brian says he's going to leave me enough money for a designer outfit and money for one drink at the Ritz..after that its up to me 8O :D
He also has put in for the shoes and the purse. He'll be dead thats the least he could do.
thats in the outfit...the WHOLE outfit...lol
Mandy, I am curious what PA does about burials for EMT's & firefighters? Here in NJ, after 8 years of dedicated volunteer firefighter service, we get a free burial - that is our only perk for being a volunteer. Since I want to be cremated, our local funeral director has told me that I'm saving the NJ Fire Relief Association money... 8O
You have to be an active member of a fire company then you get 3 grand for a funeral. If you die in the line of duty your significant other or in lieu of them, your children get a little over 60 grand in compensation.

Whether or not you get a "fireman's funeral" is up to the company you ride with.
60 Grand?! I need to move to PA. We only get 30 Grand...

I'm back! This thread started sterious and became hilarious!

Steph, those pictures of Barney are very funny! :D

A lucite coffee table, huh? Clothes or unclothed. Could you imagine all the conversations people would have with you in there?

I think burying yourself with your pets is a wonderful idea especially if it's feasible on your own property. We're still undecided about burials and have talked about completing our living wills for the last 3 years...haven't made much progress on the burial portion of it. I always thought I wanted to be cremated, but know it's against the Jewish religion as that is how so many departed during the Holocaust. However, the thought of knowing my body is in a box doesn't seem very appealling to me.

Now...you will all laugh at me for this and I'm kind of embarrassed. The one thing I do know and have conveyed to family members and written down is that my "blankie" must be buried or cremated with me. Blankie was crocheted by a former coworker of my Mom's and given to her as a gift before I was born. I still sleep with him. Yes, Blankie is a him. Okay, I divulged my most private and secretive part of my life on the internet. You can stop laughing now.

Nothing to be embarrassed about. I want to be cremated with Grizz, my bear. I think its cute and only proper.
WOW! $4500 Tanya? Much cheaper to die in Wisconsin than in PA!
I don't know about the whole cost of cremation here, but the urns and
temporary caskets they use to do a viewing were almost as expensive
as the burial counterparts.
I was shocked at how much it costs when we buried my Mother last
month. If we had had to pay out of pocket for that, even with all
seven siblings, it would have been really hard to do. It would have been
more than $1000 each, for real! I knew it was a lot, but that final
figure was even higher than I expected.
I want: no viewing ( I have always had a problem with that)
no artificial flowers!
no ORGAN music (I keep telling my family if they use organ music at
my funeral, I will reach back from the other side and let them know
just how unhappy I am about it!
No "in my fathers house" type passages - seriously overused
no gloom and doom atmosphere, This one is very
important to me. I want people to be happy for the
life I had. Not focusing on the sadness of loss. . Remember the good times, the fun, my quirks, things I said often...
I want it to be a party!

I only hope that my ashes be put inside a floatie, so I can soak up the sun rays. What can I say: I love my pool and floatie!
I have told my entire family that I do not want a funeral or any kind of service. Any organs that are usable are to be donated, the body cremated and the ashes scattered wherever. If they want to do something, they should have a party and everyone have a drink for me and think of the good times.
Something I have thought about... being cremated and spread the majority of my ashes in the gravesite beside my daughter. Then, taking a portion of my ashes and using it to make these diamonds for the boys. That way they can put it into a ring or whatever, and remember that I'll always be with them. It's just so expensive, but as it stands now, I have more than enough life insurance to pay for it, my funeral, and still keep the boys very happy, lol...


I'm also an organ donor. I wish we could have donated our daughter's organs, but they wouldn't let us. :( I'd have felt the tiniest bit better about the situation if we could have possibly saved someone else the heartache and grief we experienced.
JakobandBrandonsmom wrote:
Then, taking a portion of my ashes and using it to make these diamonds for the boys. That way they can put it into a ring or whatever, and remember that I'll always be with them. It's just so expensive, but as it stands now, I have more than enough life insurance to pay for it, my funeral, and still keep the boys very happy, lol...

OH MY 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O I never heard of such thing.
Really Ginny??? You never heard that your ashes can be made into a diamond???? It is too expensive...and my problem is that Id want to wear me! Havent figured that one out yet......
Darcy wrote:
Really Ginny??? You never heard that your ashes can be made into a diamond???? It is too expensive...and my problem is that Id want to wear me! Havent figured that one out yet......

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm still not sure if I think it's CREEPY or a GOOD IDEA!!!
I've never heard of the diamonds either. Pretty neat idea.
Maybe if I strike it rich.....
I guess this means that everyone is (or can be) a diamond in the rough.
Ron wrote:
I guess this means that everyone is (or can be) a diamond in the rough.


I've been thinking about it non stop since reading about it this morning and have decided that I simply could not walk around with poor (dead) Aunt Agnus strapped to my finger...............no matter how big a diamond she turned into!!!! But, each to his (her) own!!
Ron wrote:
I guess this means that everyone is (or can be) a diamond in the rough.

Ha ha :high5: Good one Ron :D
http://jewelry.about.com/cs/syntheticdi ... iamond.htm

is just one site talking about this. Curious. Wonder if the impurities in your body will determine what color diamond you may become???
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