Looking at getting an OES

Hi, I've been lurking for a few days reading about this lovely breed and thought I'd introduce myself!
I live in NC, we have had an Australian Shepherd and a Sharpei. Our shepherd, Loki was 14 when she passed last week. Hubby isn't ready to look yet but I miss her presence dearly and want another furry family member soon :D

We are a family with 3 boys (3,6 and 8yrs old).I am looking for a breed that will tolerate them :wink: You all seem to LOVE your woogies and sing their praises so highly I am seriously looking into getting a Sheepie of my very own.

Any thoughts, advice, and places I can find puppies that are from good breeders would be most appreciated. I found one in SC on the web but cannot seem to find a link from any of the official OES sites? I did PM someone from NC in hopes that she could help. Is there a reason this info is kept such a secret? Makes it hard for a newbie like me to get information!
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Hi! I am getting an OES puppy this spring, thanks to this awesome site! The best way to get a quality OES puppy is to contact:

Tarja Peters
402 593 7113 – home
403 Matthies Dr.
Papillion NE 68046

She will get back to you about quality OES breeders - hopefully near your area. It may be a timely process, but it worked for me and it is the best way to end up with a quality pup.

Good luck!!
Good luck with your search and welcome to the forum from Autralia. You are going to love the breed and so are your boys, they make wonderful family additions, my two boys have grown up with OES and they have been nannys to the boys, guardians and just the best buddies.

Research and do your homework, there is a wealth of information on the board to help you with a decision :wink:
Thanks for the encouraging words. I can't get over how cute these puppies are! I keep showing the pictures to my DH to prove how sweet they are :wink: He grew up in the UK and says they were always in commercials over there and agrees that they are adorable but thinks they are always over 100 lbs. Is this true? I thought they were 60-100lbs.

I am hoping to find some locally to see and play with soon. I e-mailed Ms Peters this weekend so I should be getting some leads soon.
Welcome! My dogs range from 97 lbs. to over 100, but they are larger than average. Very wise to contact Tarja, she will steer you in the right direction.
Yes, Tarja will direct you to the responsible breeders nearest to you. :D

As to their size, they vary greatly. My female weighs 74 lbs (annual vet exam was yesterday) and my male weighs 98 lbs (annual exam yesterday). :D I'm happy to report that neither of them are overweight, but exactly right for their height/bone structure according to the vet. :D

I agree with you, there's nothing in the world cuter than an OES puppy!! :D
Good luck finding your sheepie. I have 3 yr old and almost 5 year old sons too. The first few months where they love to nip were trying, but now that we're past that, I couldn't ask for a better pet than Jasper. He does get hyper and knocks them down sometimes, but he doesn't mean to and they don't get hurt. I just have to keep my eyes on them all the time when they're around Jasper. Jasper just gets caught up in all the playing. They love him to death, and he loves them too. :)
You couldn't find a better dog for your children. Our 2 yr. old male is only 70 pounds, but with the hair looks bigger! His parents were both about 70 - 75 pounds, and apparently he is following suit. We do have to remind the kids (14, 10, 7, 6) about running in the house... as Rufus loves to join in on the fun and can get rather worked up, but the kids love him and try to behave around him :lol: .

Best of luck on your search!
Just to let you know....there are small sheepies out there...Panda is 2 and she is only 23 1/2 high and 56 lbs.....just luck of the draw I guess, but she is the PERFECT size for us!
I am a "newer" mommy to the breed! I am completely in love with our Ben!

I also have a almost 4 year old and a 9 mo old baby. I picked Benjamin out when I was still preganant and was able to bring him home just weeks after giving birth! 8O Ben knew upon instinct to leave the baby alone! He never teethed or what-have-you on the baby, he would actually either ignore him completely or cuddle up to him....now, I took some effort to get him to leave my oldest son alone.

Ben thought that Micah was his personal chew toy....he got over it pretty quickly but to this day Micah cannot run through the house, as Ben will still nip his butt! :D

The only thing that got a bit out of hand for me was the up keep of Benjamins hair, working full time, having a new baby, a small boy and a hubby also another dog, 2 cats, a bird and two fish tanks!! 8O (How do I get myself into these messes???) :D So, I just keep Ben in a puppy cut, much more manageable for my life!

They are a breed like no other! They call them Velcro ('cuz they stick to you) and Clowns ('cuz they are!) There is never a day that I do not have a good laugh at Bens expense!

Sheepies are the Best!
Thank you so much for your great comments! I am so pleased to hear that the pups are so good with children and understand the exuberance factor. My shepherd used to knock the boys over when she was younger.

You are such a great resource for me in my quest. Now I need to find some OES near me so I can see them up close and personal :D Until then I will continue to fawn over your doggies :wink:
Welcome! There are sheepies of all sizes and personalities. Our Annie is very exuberant around small children so we do need to watch her to make sure she has toys in her mouth and that she doesn't knock them over. We wish you all the best in your search and you will find A TON of helpful info here on the forum.
I know there are sheepies in NC. Contact the local kennel club and they will be able to direct you to owners. Also go to NEOESR.org and look at their rescue contacts links. Surely there is someone near you that you could contact just for a look-see-feel of real sheepdogs.

there ya go..........


Scroll down to "North Carolina"
Thanks Sheepieboss! I was dreaming of sheepies as I fell asleep on the computer last night! Hubby isn't quite ready but I sure am :D

All of the contacts are about an hour away but they may know of someone closer. With 3 munchkins and a business I stay pretty close to home :wink:
Larkles--just to let you know--traveling an hour to get to a good breeder is actually quite a short distance. I know my parents had to drive 3 hours to get to their sheepie's breeder, so having to drive a little is a typical thing in getting a sheepie.
Yeah, an hour is a good thing. If I were to drive to my breeder it would be about eleven hours!
Has anyone heard of Mustard Seed Meadows in SC? The owner sounded very nice on the phone and they have a decent health guarantee for their puppies, 2 yrs for hip dysplasia. I know I need to know that the parents are certified free of hip problems. What else should I be asking to be certain the dogs are healthy and well bred?
Two more things to ask the breeder

Have both parents been eye tested & have clearance certificates?.(they test for Juvenile Cataracts, PRA & Entropian)

Have both parents been tyhroid tested? (that is a blood test done before breeding to make sure neither have thyroid problems)

Hope this helps :wink:
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