Best Heartworm Medicine

Which is the safest Heartworm medicine to give your OES? My vet recommended Heartgard. Is it necessary to give it all year or just during mosquito season?
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My vet gave us heartgard for Jack and Annabelle. I give one pill monthly. I don't know of any other heartworm medicine to compare it with. My vet did tell me the last time we were there that whenever they got to a certain age or maybe weight that they could get a shot that would last 6 months instead of giving a monthly pill.
Stormi :P
Our holistic vet provided us with Heartgard. She recommended that we give one pill every 45 days starting May 1st - the beginning of our mosquito season - and stopping giving the pills in October when cold weather kills off the mosquitos. Both the doctor and I agree that we just don't want to give the dogs any more medication than is absolutely necessary.

From what I understand, the pills are effective for 45 is just that it is usually easier for people to remember to give the dogs a pill once a month so that is what is usually recommend.
Hi! my vet always recomends Interceptor I belive it kills one more intestinal worm than heartgard.The shot is called Pro-heart and it is fairly new. The only problem is that it is not labled to kill all of the worms that the monthly's are.However it is so much less expensive if you have a giant dog.My vet also recamends every 6 month intestinal worm checks so if your dog gets worms you are sure to know.I am currently using pro-heart for my 2 older dogs it is so convenient.I must admit I am not the best about giving the monthly on time.(I even know better becouse I have woked for a vet for 8 years.)Grizzy is to young for pro-heart becouse he is a large breed and his weight will change so much between now and 6 months from now. He is on interceptor. I hope this will help but be sure to talk with your vet they usally are glade to help you make the right decision for your baby.
I got an e-mail with some consern about proheart I am going to call the vet I worked for in Virginia and find some answers so until then I would say use heartguard or Interceptor.P.S. thanks to the e-mailer for the info.
FYI - Just watching 11pm local news and there is a special report on Proheart 6 injectable heartworm medicine.

Apparently there have been a lot of adverse reactions after receiving the injection. They say over 400 dogs have died now. I didn't hear all of the symptoms but some were weekness in the legs along with some other muscle type failure symptoms.

They interviewed some local vet that was against the injectables since they are so new and recommended the oral meds that have been around for a while like Heartgard.
Man that makes me so scared both of my older dogs got an injection before we left Va in January.I have been to several seminars about proheart.(all from their reps).I even waited a year before I tryed it. I am not going to use it again. I am aslso going to call Dr. Camron my boss back home. He will tell me all he knows and I will let you all know. Thank you so much for the info.
Fortunately the local news posts their reports online. Here's the info that they broadcasted about Proheart 6.
Thanks for the news report I think I might go trow up now. I must say both my dogs seem fine but I will never use pro-heart again.I was always leary of it but when I found out we were going to be gone for 3 months I thought hey this is the solution.
My chihuahua mix had to stay home whith my house sitter. (I miss him so much)I thought this would insure his heartworm safty.I have seen about a hundred dogs given proheart and I think only one had a problem and our vets made him well again.I wonder if there are any long term effects like they are finding with yearly vacc.
forgot to login again. I also called Eastern shore animal hospital ( were I work in Va) They had not herd about that artical they are going to go to the site and read it and I am sure the company will hear from them. thanks again.
I'm sure your dogs will be fine. I'm sure that the numbers are small in comparison to how many injections have been given. Sometimes these news reports can be so alarming. Please don't worry about your dogs. You have the knowledge now about the symptoms to look out for just in case.

It did seem like a lot of the cases were treatable so maybe the dogs that died from it were ones with compromised immune symptoms or something like that.

Maybe Ron can move this post to medical since those injections seem to be an option for a lot of people.
Thanks again for all of the info.I called my vet back home and they are looking farther into it for me.Ill keep you posted if them come up with any other info.I even gave them the web site you posted. Thanks a million.
I agree with Verveup that this topic should also be under Medical and Nutrition.
I gave Abbi a combo heart worm preventative and flea and mosquito preventative and she went into seizures. I took the medicine back to the vet and exchanged it for Interceptor (she has been on it for 4 years). I will try to find out what the name of the stuff was, but suffice to say I would recommend you just give the tried and true oral preventative.
what med made Abby go into seizures? do you remember the name of it? Just want to be sure not to use it.Thanks( I think I am going to use Interceptor for Grizzy)I have used it most of my 8 year olds life and she has never had any problems.I will not use Pro-heart ( ProHeart or ProHeart6 ) again.
I had a feeling you we going to say revolution I am not a big fan of revolution.It just dosn't seem right to put Heartworm prevention on a dogs back.I am so sorry that your girl had such a rough time.I had even done my home work on the pro-heart and waited a year befor even trying it.Just goes to show you that nothing over time is 100% safe.I will say one thing for pro-heart we have a lots of people come to the Animal hospital who arnt capable of keeping up with their monthly prevention.So we give them the proheart Inj and send them a reminder in 6 months.At lest these dogs are safe from heartworms.
GUEST: I tried Revolution because the vet suggested it since I was leaving her at a boarding kennel for almost 2 weeks and the kennel charged for giving pills and seemed confused over her Proin schedule much less the heart pill one. Ended up not even using that kennel. Left her with a vet and his assitant.
Injections have their own problems. If it works for anyone it is worth it, but I would not give it to a dog that has any type of illness, that is in distress, or has had any type of severe reaction, as some dog's immune systems can just over-react to strong, even time released doses. Nothing is 100% guaranteed or is actually THE BEST for ALL dogs.
You are right the owners need to do their own research and choose according to their tolerance to what could happen if they use a particular method. It is our responsibility. And I am glad you take this responsibility so seriously.
If anyone asks my opinion I give them my OPINION, with the idea that we all take each other's advice with a grain of salt. Free advice is worth what it costs. But I do not think we should actually judge either owners or drug manufacturers too hastily.
And MY advice is to stay with the tried and true --the oral daily or monthly tablets. I really am not partial to any brand.
In all fairness, the various types of preventatives cater to the various types of owners.
If Revolution is working for you, you trust it, keep using it. It cannot be all bad or it wouldn't still be on the market. If Heart Guard works use it.
My opinion still remains the same, I will just use the oral once a month ones for now. I sometimes consider going back to the daily ones.
Abbi is recovering. Thanks for your concern.
I know a lot of people are looking for information about 6 month heartgard, or heartgard pro, but they're really confusing heartgard with a new medicine called Proheart 6 ( ProHeart6 ). There have been some serious side effects attributed to pro heart 6 so I personally would think twice before having my dog injected with pro heart. and then click on six month injection or moxidectin section.
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