Once again...more drama

Billy has been working in the yard moving the Pool equipment to a new location. He worked at least 8 hrs on it. It's basically done.
Billy comes inside and goes to wash his hand and there is no water.
Our water main broke 8O
It broke once before, the weekend we moved into the house in 06/04
Thank God hubby is a Plumber!!!! This would have been a hefty bill.
Last time it happened on a Sunday night....always the weekend.
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Maybe you should start writing Country Western Songs 8O 8O
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Maybe you should start writing Country Western Songs 8O 8O

that is so funny but not funny. but not that funny lol, lol hope all goes well
Well, if you don't like country you could always write an Opera....... a REALLY TRAGIC Opera!!!

Sorry Elissa, I'm laughing with you not at you!!!!
LMAO... Deana it is funny....
Billy just came inside, the break was so deep that Billy said he was stuck in the hole for the past 10 minutes. As he was going back I told him, "Might wanna bring your cell phone"
Did I mention that we had to replace our pool pump motor this weekend too..... $360 8O
Ginny, Hayley has the perfect name to be a Country Singer..... I'll start writing for her....lol
Oh no!! more to than you had planned. :cry:
does it ever stop :cry:
put a life line on billy!! he might fallin :oops:
sorry I am lmao but if it were us right now ...grrrrr
no job , no money, not that funny.
hope all turns out well, Elissa.
How does a water main break on it's own?
How does a water main break without spewing water all over the place?
How does a main break -- twice?

One might think that you'd notice the mud and water flowing everywhere before coming in to wash up?

Anyway, sorry this is all happening to you... :(
Ron wrote:
How does a water main break on it's own?
How does a water main break without spewing water all over the place?
How does a main break -- twice?

One might think that you'd notice the mud and water flowing everywhere before coming in to wash up?

Anyway, sorry this is all happening to you... :(

I don't know....they just do. Billy was actually just thinking this morning about replacing the water main with copper pipe because the PVC that is there is not the very good....especially in this climate.
There was water all over the place....luckily Billy caught it right after it happened and had the tools to turn the water off. The water main broke in a different place as last time about 5 feet from the curb up towards the house. The water was at the end of our driveway going into the sewer.
oh so sorry, is everything ok now???
OES Mommy wrote:
oh so sorry, is everything ok now???

He's still out there...working in the dark. I better go check that he's not stuck again.....lol
What a great Hubby I have 8)
on the bright side--it could have broken in the middle of Pepsi's bath 8O
OMG what a week you have had, hailey, rags in heat, water pipes etc, did
you walk under a ladder or break a mirror 8O
lisaoes wrote:
OMG what a week you have had, hailey, rags in heat, water pipes etc, did
you walk under a ladder or break a mirror 8O

Well actually Lisa, Billy broke a mirror in my compact when we were in NJ for the Holidays. 8O
deograine wrote:
on the bright side--it could have broken in the middle of Pepsi's bath

He would not have been happy at all....

It is fixed!!!! What a good hubby I have.... My HERO
Boy your lucky your husbands a plumber mine just thinks he is :oops:
He does save us alot of money but boy does he get crabby. I usually leave the house till he's done. If not I plead with him to call the real plumber and that makes him even madder.Sorry to hear your having one problem after another. When it rains it pours. :evil:
herbgirl wrote:
Boy your lucky your husbands a plumber mine just thinks he is :oops:
He does save us alot of money but boy does he get crabby. I usually leave the house till he's done. If not I plead with him to call the real plumber and that makes him even madder.Sorry to hear your having one problem after another. When it rains it pours. :evil:

Tell me about it!!!

Sorry about all the problems this weekend, Elissa. Your hubby is great!
Wow, Elissa, how are you keeping your sanity, girl?? Guess you just have to laugh sometimes, huh? :roll:

They say things happen in three's - Rags in heat, Hayley's fever, and the water main. You're done!!!

Drezzie's Mom wrote:
Wow, Elissa, how are you keeping your sanity, girl?? Guess you just have to laugh sometimes, huh? :roll:

They say things happen in three's - Rags in heat, Hayley's fever, and the water main. You're done!!!


You are right Chris, The only way to keep my sanity is to laugh.
So the toilet in th master bath starts running last night and Bill said that a lot of sand had gotten into the pipes, Something is clogged somwhere with a valve or something....somewhere ... Also out of nowhere we have an increase in water pressure. My shower was like Chinese Water Torture....It stung.
You forgot to add in my Grandmother's Mini Stroke last Sunday.... It seriously never ends here....
had a great bottle cozzie that read " I know God won't give me more than I can handle ----- I Just wish he didn't trust me so much". Sounds like you've been getting more than your share lately. Hope everything gets better.
Eh elissa St. Patricks day is coming next month, start looking for that 4 leaf clover you might need it as a lucky charm after billy broke a mirror!! :mrgreen: 8)

I'm so sorry for your problems, but it is funny. How fortunate you have a repair man "in house" even if the air turns a bit blue from time to time. Next life, I'm marrying Mr. Handyman.

There have been several country western songs about continued bad luck, two I remember: one ends with "life gets 'teejuss,' don't it?" and the other ends: "now I think I'm getting dandruff."

Ron, don't tell me you haven't had the pleasure of having the house water line break? Now there's a real joyful time.
Hey E...send billy over...brian is trying to lay the sprinkler system in the back yard....oh boy....little flags and spray painted grass...it looks like a Nintendo game......
lisaoes wrote:
Eh elissa St. Patricks day is coming next month, start looking for that 4 leaf clover you might need it as a lucky charm after billy broke a mirror!! :mrgreen: 8)

Probably a good idea to find one.....

Sheepieboss wrote:
I'm so sorry for your problems, but it is funny. How fortunate you have a repair man "in house" even if the air turns a bit blue from time to time.

I am lucky.... He saved us $3000 by replacing our A/C and Furnace by himself when we lost our A/C in the dead heat of summer. Also so many times when Ryan flushed his toys down the toilet when he was younger and Billy had to take the toilet off and get the toy out of the line. 8O
He is definitely handy to have around. Also He's pretty darn good looking if I may say so. He's a keeper :D

Darcy wrote:
Hey E...send billy over...brian is trying to lay the sprinkler system in the back yard....oh boy....little flags and spray painted grass...it looks like a Nintendo game......

Billy just had to do that for a second time last weekend on the side of the yard that we leveled to put the wall in. All of the pipes were unearthed or busted by the bobcat removing the sand there. I am hoping we will have grass there by next month. We just repiped there last spring. If Brian needs any pointers have him call Billy.
I have to laugh here. I love my hubby but he is not Mr. Fix it. lol.
(Norm is in Iraq now working but I get to see him soon! :D )

ANYWAYS, I digresss......... last home we were renting, the bathtub was dripping for weeks. I had had enough. I bought a new (notice I said "I" ) internal outfit at H.D. and Norm said HE would change it out. I asked him if he had turned off the water and he said yes.

The next thing I knew, he was standing in the tub with water SHOOTING out of the wall straight at him in the chest with this STUNNED look on his face! :lol: It was right out of a cartoon.........

I ran downstairs and turned off the water main. I don't know WHERE he turned off the water but it sure wasn't the water MAIN! Don't think I will ever forget that one!
LMAO.... I could just picture it Ali.
How funny!
Quinton (My, Hubby, the Engineer, who designes and knows where pipes are to be placed and is a Mr. Know-It-All :roll: ) was moving our fence gate up a couple of months ago, went to dig a new hole for the support post and cut our water line pipes in half! Then couldn't find where to turn the water off and flooded our yard and the neighbors! 8O

Fixed now, but tiught him a lesson and gave me a good laugh (at his expense)! :D

E, it will get better! It has too! :wink:
In our state there is a law that if you dig a hole in the ground you MUST call "Dig Safe". Even for something like a fence. The only exception is for hand operated, non-power tools for landscaping.

"Excavation" is defined as
an operation for the purpose of movement or removal of earth, rock or the materials in the ground including, but not limited to, digging, blasting, augering, backfilling, test boring, drilling, pile driving, grading, plowing in, hammering, pulling in, jacking in, trenching, tunneling and demolition of structures, excluding excavation by tools manipulated only by human power for gardening purposes and use of blasting for quarrying purposes.

More stress. Billy's brother's son Jason, is in the custody of Child Protective Services.
I guess his strung out mother lost him and went to the Police station with her daughter (no relation to our family) while on speed. Turns out she was homeless and what not, so CPS took the kids. My BIL, Jason's Dad will most likely not be granted custody as he was arrested 3 times in 3 months for Drunk in public :roll: He is attending AA but I still think there is absolutelty no way he will get him. So Billy says, We should take him :cow: ... He's 13 yrs old..... I don't know if I could handle this
Oh what excitement!

"May you live in interesting times."

It's both a blessing... and a curse.
Geez, you don't need to write tragic opera, you LIVE it :( Just don't ask what can happen next or it will.
That is so sad, 13 is such a tough age to get through too & it usually gets more dramatic as they start to get more into the teenage years. Hoping all works out well with the children, but you also have your hands full with your own family, there is no easy way to solve this. Hugs Elissa you really have had a run of bad luck and it has to turn around soon & only go up now, so here is hoping that all will settle down for you :wink:
Oh good lord Elissa!!!! Wow, I guess when it rains, it doesn't just pour, it's a torrential hurricane!!!! 8O I don't have anything comforting to say except... At least you didn't accidentally almost steal gas, like me! Misery loves company... right?
My brother ran into some trouble and we had a similiar situation with his son. Do we or don't we? Well, we did, for almost a year...it didn't work out.
We have only seen him 4 times in the past 5 yrs.
He's a very smart kid. 170 IQ 8O I can't even have a conversation with him. I don't understand half the stuff he says.

I talked to Ryan last night about sharing his room. He said Jason could share his bed. I don't think he realizes that this could be for a while.

The reason my Brother In Law, Jimmy, is so screwed up is that he was walking down rte 66 in Texas, after running out of gas and was mowed down by twin 16 yr old girls that were about past their curfew (driving curfew) They were going about 60 mph when they hit him. He suffered severe head trauma, broke all sorts of bones.
Anyhow... The accident left him really messed up and he has little to no short term memory. I would really like him to have his son......as the reason he was on rte 66 in Texas was ....That the mother of his son moved her two kids to FL to move in with some guy there. She called to let him know she was homeless and living in a campground. He offered to fly out there and drive her and the kids back to CA, so he could have his son near him.

So Jimmy is finally holding a job again and is doing AA. I think he would be just fine with him. Keep your fingers crossed that he gets custody.
I really don't need anymore drama. Ryan has been having some behavior issues and I just don't think I am capable of handling more.
(For those that don't know, my son Ryan is developmentally delayed with autistic tendencies)
Elissa, I'm so sorry that things have been so rough lately. Just remember that you don't have to do everything...that everything isn't your responsibility to fix. Your first obligation is to your immediate family and if you have a feeling that adding a new element is going to upset your family, then don't do it. No need to add your family onto the 'trouble' list. But, I understand if you want to do it, too, and it might turn out okay.
Forwarded by permission from Ray.

I have just received this latest update from the Council of Docked Breeds, lets re-double our efforts and email this MP. Overseas mail will be a great help as it shows the global impact of the decision they are about to make.
Thanks Ray Owen
From: "Council of Docked Breeds" <automail@cdb.org>
To: <owen@amblegait.co.uk>
Subject: Conservatives back pedalling on Animal Welfare Bill
Date: 17 February 2006 19:09

Dear Mr R Owen

CDB members have been copying their correspondence to us and a disturbing trend is emerging in Conservative MP's replies to their constituents.

Many replies from Conservative MP's who were previously 100% supportive, are now suggest that they will only support docking for working dogs and non working dogs are classed under "the appalling act of docking for cosmetic reasons".

We have been required to defend docking. Those making this statement must now justify and explain how they arrive at this decision, which maligns the integrity of all past and present breeders and supportive vets. Failure to do so says more about the MP's and their attitudes, than it does about docking.

The fact that the paragraph containing this line is identical in every letter indicates that this is now the Conservative party line. If we do not have the Conservatives on our side at least, then there is NO chance of winning this campaign.

Bill Wiggin MP the Shadow Secretary of State for Wales and Shadow Minister for the Environment is leading the Animal Welfare Bill for the Conservatives. It is he who appears to be only interested in saving working dogs and therefore he, who needs to hear from our members URGENTLY as there are only a few weeks left before the vote in the Commons.

Even friendly Conservative MP's appear to be having trouble soliciting a response from Bill Wigin so he needs to hear YOUR views. You may like to put use the following points to him by e-mail or by letter, but in your own words:

If it is not appalling or cruel to dock working breeds, how can it be appalling or cruel to continue docking all of the traditionally docked breeds?

The fact that Conservative Party now appears to be ignoring the results of three and a half years of investigation and consultation by DEFRA and the Government which concluded that their "preference is that there should continue to be freedom of choice" indicates that the Conservative Party no longer supports freedom and choice.

Mr Wiggin can be contacted as follows:

Bill Wiggin MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Wales
and Shadow Minister for the Environment
House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA
emails to: WIGGINB@parliament.uk (do include your home address)
Thank you for your continued support.

Peter Squires
Council of Docked Breeds
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