Nylabone Replacements

Mulligan loves to chew on his NylaBones. He is a gooood chewer, and we always get the most indestructable NylaBones there are.

One of them, however, seemed to break up a little differently than the others and produce more large sharp points and when he would gnaw on it, his gums would bleed.

Another one that we tried was a big black bone made of some sort of indestructable but soft rubber. Well, I think it's supposed to be indestructable, but Mulligan didn't like it and wouldn't use it.

But he does loooove his bones:
He doesn't usually sleep with his bone or anything else, he just happened to lie down on top of his bone, but it made for a nice picture.

Anyway, Joan called NylaBone and told them about Mulligan's experiences with their products, and they asked her to ship the bones back to them for inspection.

Yesterday, a letter comes in telling us they're going to replace the bones, and that the value of the replacements will include our shipping costs. Mulligan wouldn't stop sniffing that letter!

Today a package comes via UPS, and based on his reaction, I'd gess that Mulligan knew what was inside:


The bone on the right is the same size as the one he is sleeping on in the top picture. Do you see the size of that one in the middle? It's almost obscene! The one on the left is kind of the same bulky size as the big black one that we returned.

We have only one problem: Which one do we give to Mulligan first?

Thanks NylaBone, you're a class act.
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Ron wrote:
We have only one problem: Which one do we give to Mulligan first?

Why don't you let him choose? :D
Ooh, I bet he is in doggy heaven right now. :)
That's so cool!

Anyway, I would go with the bulky one he didn't like before, see if he likes this one?
Well, we tried out the middle one, the minty fresh handle with hard balls on the end:

These pics were taken over the course of 2 minutes.
I've never seen him go after a bone with such intensity before!

I think he's giving it 2 paws up!

Unlike the bone shaped chew toys, the ends are so large that he's having a very difficult time finding purchase with his teeth. Every once in a while he catches one of the little nubs. But he's determined!
Cute pics!!! Looks like he is having a grand time!
Aww, Mulligan photos!! He looks so cute with his new bone. By the looks of it Ron, you're going to have to start brushing him soon....you almost have a full coat there. :roll:
That was tactful..... :D

Look in the background of pic 3... comb is out for duty while he's distracted!
Ron, First off great pics. :lol: :lol:

You should send the company the pics to show how much he liked them. And a BIG thanks ( woof woof ) from Mulligan...
Ron wrote:

Look in the background of pic 3... comb is out for duty while he's distracted!

That's the only pic where he is focused on you... :lol:

I bought london the same bone (the bone on the right) about 3 months ago and he wont chew on it unless we hold the bone for him. lol Does Mulligan make you do that? Probably not but it'd be funny tho.

I like how nylabones are durable... and it's definitely cleaner than the pig ears London chews. He would bury wet pig ears under my bed shees and it is not a pleasant thing to find everytime i go to bed. :roll:
Pooh loves that one on the right! It's the only thing he can't destroy!
The one on the right is the "Durable Pooch Pacifier" for powerful chewers... Bacon Flavor! :roll:

I don't think we've tried Bacon before, we've had Chicken though. In the first post it's a chicken version on which he was resting/snoozing. No, he doesn't make us hold it for him, but he really likes it when we do.

Mulligan is a toy dog, he loves his toys and brings them to play, especially his wooly balls and his ropes and his stuffed man.
Awwww.... Mulligan pics!
I absolutely adore Mulligan pics, and hearing about him :)
He looks like he is enjoying his new bone :)
Will someone (RON!) please tell me how to get my aggressive chewer
to chew the bones I buy? I have gotten the digestible ones - the softer
ones- and they just love them, but they are completely gone in under
10 minutes. Thats not much chew time! My guys love stuffed animals
and soft toys, but obviously not to chew. I don't mind paying for
something, but I really hate to shell out $$ and have them turn up
their noses.

LOVE the Mulligan pics! Sweet guy! I don't remember seeing his fur
this long before. Seems like you all have such good lookin dogs, and
when I look at mine they seem ratty lookin. Maybe I should look for
a groomer again. :oops:

Mulligan looks wonderfully happy there with his new bone.
What a lucky dog getting all those bones to chew on!
Shellie wrote:
Will someone (RON!) please tell me how to get my aggressive chewer to chew the bones I buy?
How about the world's thinnest shmear of Peanut Butter, especially in chewed-on areas and crevices? I don't really know, Mulligan and Winston were natural chewers, Jake wasn't.

Shellie wrote:
LOVE the Mulligan pics! Sweet guy! I don't remember seeing his fur this long before.

It's wintertime! It's at least another month or so before we can think of shaving him down again. He's got about 3 1/2 maybe 4 inches. He isn't matter on his back, sides or head. He's got some mats on his back legs, and on his chest. We're working them the best we can. We tend to split the mats with a razor mat cutting device.

His hair isn't nearly as dense as our first big boy's hair, so maybe we can get to 5 or 6 inches before we surrender. We're doing the best we can.
Ron - I meant to say he looks lovely. I don't browse the pictures very
often, so I am comparing to a shorter haired pic. He does look lovely,
and certainly better than mine! So many of the other dogs look much
more evenly cut. I cut to all one length, but it never grows out evenly.
I guess I need to do a re-trim all over to make it look that way.

I have tried the peanut butter, but all they seem to do is lick it clean.
I guess mine are only big chewers on items of their choosing? Today
Zeke brought me an empty waffle box. If I don't catch him in time he
rips off a big chunk and wads it up for a big ol' hunk o' chew. Ick! I
have been lucky to usually catch him. What is it with him and anything
paper? Silly dog :roll:

Ron, I'm sitting here spitting coffee over your bones!!!!!!!!!!! It's soooo funny because I can't tell you how many time I have looked at that exact bone (the one in the middle) and thought what a great bone that would be for Tasker (he loves Nyla bones and is also a VERY POWERFUL CHEWER). But somehow just could not bring myself to purchase THAT BONE and bring it home :oops: ......................because as you said it just looks ...............welllllll..............ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, not quite right!!!!! But if it's good for Mulligan, bring it on!!! :lol: :lol:
Don't worry Ginny,

When you take it out of the package it doesn't look quite the same as in the package. :oops: Once you can see all the way around it you realize that it looks more appropriate.

How much does one of these cost? (Joan usually buys them, I have no clue. I nearly fell off my chair when she told me the black one that Mulligan didn't like cost $17.)

He REALLY went after it. those pics, again in about 2 minutes, are in order. He gnawed (or tried to gnaw) on it a bit, then changed position, then gnawed, then changed, then ... well you get the idea. At one point just before I had the camera ready, he had it pushed up against that TV stand with both paws... kind of like in the Superman Flying Pose while he was gnawing it. Funny as heck.
It's listed on petedg.com as retailing for 19.99, which sounds about right. But they sell it for 9.99. Does oes.or have a "connection" with petedge?????? If I can think of enough thinks I need to send an order I know Tasker would LOVE one :lol:
Cute pics!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Mine like smoked bones from the farmers market but I quit buying them because it seems to make them sick.They get diarrhea from them. The lady sells them for dogs specifically. Does anyone else have any experience with this.?I wish that they would chew the Nylabones but they won't touch them. They like porkhide twists with liver in the center. I only give that to them when I can watch them and only every couple days because they do eat the whole thing .
Ron wrote:
..........Do you see the size of that one in the middle? It's almost obscene!.........We have only one problem: Which one do we give to Mulligan first?.........

Okay, I gotta ask. What made ya start with the "obscene" one"? :lol:
Well, he already has several like the one on the right, and I'm not so sure about the one on the left... the one in the middle looked a little bit like a cross between the two.

...and it was minty. A dog can always use a mint.
:high5: :lol: :lol:
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