Male sheepie - do they cock their legs

Ollie is 8 months old now and every time he needs to relieve himself, he changes his position - first it looked like he was about to start a race stance, now he kind of has his rear down and back legs far apart - I've never seen this in dogs - is it just sheepies - or do they eventually cock their legs ?
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Depends on the dog. All three of mine have the ability to do it differently. Mostly they squat, legs apart and low. Carl will lift his leg sometimes which is really funny because he usually tries this manuever when he wants to pee on the bush on the hill. Apparently they didn't cover gravity in puppy kindergarten.
Norman has taken to just leaning in his old age. Makes him look lazy and slightly drunk.
I'm not really sure if it's better or worse for them to lift their legs. Usually they lift to mark and that can be a pain but if they squat in a weird position they end up peeing on themselves.
Guess the answer is, to each his own because both have their bonuses and their drawbacks. As long as it's finding a way out, it's okay.
Benjamin is a "squatter" :roll:
thanks for the feedback - looks like Ollie is destined to look like he's about to run a race before he tinkles - at least he lets me know :lol:
Puddy can either lift or squat. I actually prefer the squat, that way it doesn't end up dribbling down his leg when he lifts. :lol:
Barney squats. My husband thought it wasn't manly for a boy dog to squat so for a while he kept trying to intervene by rushing in and lifting his leg for him... :roll: Barney still squats despite his tutoring lessons...
Winston also squats. Once in a while he will stop by a bush and lift his leg but that is not often. I have never seen any other breed of dog doing this.
I think too it depends if they are neutered. Frank is not and he likes to pee on trees & bushes where he can lift his leg high. It's a very bizarre site when they have all of that hair.
Pepsi also squats, well more like he leans slighty forward.
Rags (our Female) lifted her leg the other day. I only saw her do it once. She mostly squats real close to the ground.
Daisy (the OES I grew up with) also lifted her leg occassionally
Max always squatted . But so does my husbands Irish Setter.
My males seemed to squat until they were around a year old, then they started lifting their leg (when they felt like it). I had a couple females lift theirs too. I think they were in heat when they did.
mouthypf wrote:
I had a couple females lift theirs too. I think they were in heat when they did.

Now it makes sense to me.... Rags is in heat right now.
Is that like marking their territory or something like that?
Clyde squats and still pees all over himself. As his hair gets longer, the splash-back lands on the inside of his legs forming what I call "pee clots." It's kind of a pee soaked matt only much easier to pick apart, but also much more gross.
Barney does a sort of lunge where, depending on where he positions his front leg, he either hits himself or misses... :roll:
All of my male sheepies (4) squatted as puppies and about a year old started lifting their legs, except for the youngest one Gus who is 3 years old, he 99% of the time squats. Go figure. My biggest male Sam always lifts his leg. Harry and Max we had to train to lift and once done they lifted all of the time also.[/quote]
Depends on where he is and other distractions. He can lift either leg, he can squat and he can lunge. The lunge is used if there is a possible distraction coming along.

If he's making a "statement" he lifts his leg, most often the left but the right will go up if necessary.

It takes boys a while to learn to lift their leg. They must feel secure before they will start. So dogs with hip problems may never lift.

Then there's Simone, a girl who squats and lifts one leg :?
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
mouthypf wrote:
I had a couple females lift theirs too. I think they were in heat when they did.

Now it makes sense to me.... Rags is in heat right now.
Is that like marking their territory or something like that?

I always thought of it as marking territory because of when they did it, but don't know that for sure. That seemed to be the only time they did it. It was kind of cute. Having more than one female around, and watching their expressions as they looked at the other girls it looked like they were "bragging" about their "womanhood". :lol: Mouthypf
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
Now it makes sense to me.... Rags is in heat right now.
Is that like marking their territory or something like that?

Frank didn't get his gross male habits until he was around a female in heat (marking territory, licking female pee, etc.). Your dogs definitely know when a female is in heat even if they are neutered or spayed.
I've owned males all my life and only my first childhood sheepie, Raggs lifted his leg! If my memory is correct I honestly believe my dad worked hard at training him though?! :lol:

Murphy lifts his leg once in a while...but everyone squats around here...The Gooch gets his front legs sometimes...and keeps peeing and staring at his increasingly wet leg the whole time! 8O It's like he is wondering how this is happening! :oops:
It's so funny to see how often this comes up!

Pooh mainly lowers his rear and leans forward, but on occasion he will attempt to lift...that happens always at the same place and it always looks like he will fall down.
Max is over a year now and still squats except for one time a few weeks ago. I was so surprised to see him lift his leg! I think it was due to a very large bush off of a wooded trail and he had no other way to get to it, it looked so funny I called my husband at work to tell him about Max's first leg lift :roll:
Abby always lifts her leg and pees on a tree. :lol:
I spoke too soon, Ben lifted his leg little boy all grown up!! :D
Merlin changes his position all the time. When on walks he always lifts his leg ( to mark of course) but at home sometimes he lifts and sometimes he squats. I would actually prefer the squatting stance because he has very bad aim! :? 8O I usually have to wipe off his front legs and/or chest when he comes inside after pottying since there is pee on them! Kind of "ewy" as we say here, but I wouldn't know how to correct it so we just deal with it. If I try to touch him while he's peeing to get him to move he just stops going and won't start back up. :!: So I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. besides, my friend's male great dane is almost 2 and still squats!
Colleen - looks like our boys have something in common!!
Yeh Ollie's inside legs are matted where he wees on them - easy to brush out though - oh these sheepies are something else :P
Beau started lifting his leg at 8 months old. I think, when there is another male dog in the household that lifts his leg then the puppy will try and do the same when he is old enough.
:D Willoughby started lifting his leg exactly on his 9 month birthday. He now lifts it on every upright object on our walks. initially, he tried backing up to a tree for his other job and looked so funny when he realized it wouldn't work! :oops: He sometimes squats in the garden:usually on a patch of thyme,which he has done since he arrived home as a baby. I tell him that's how I know he's peeing on time! :D
8O Harry always squats when we have the girl in season, and he is nearly 9 years. He never do it beyond that.
I have had bouth bearded and lhasa who have don the same.
You caught my eye b/c my first sheepdog when I was a little girl was named Ollie! I loved that dog SO MUCH.

Anyhoo, all three of the sheepdogs I have had have all squatted. As far as I know it is common in sheepdogs.

Hopefully Ollie will figure out his own unique and most comfortable position to do his business! :lol:
my OES Gus didn't lift his left until he was about 5 years old, when we got another male dog. He just squatted just like the female dogs that we already had.

now Gus lifts his leg on all the bushes around the house and neighborhood! what a guy!

hopefully, your's will squat in time, if not, you don't have to worry about his white legs getting yellow LOL
Wicket is 6 months and has huge paws that he just cant seem to miss them when he piddles, its even worse if its windy and worse still with gusts of wind... my baby is destined to smell of wee, thank goodness for baby wipes.
:D I keep baby wipes in the car.When we've finished our daily walk in the park, I make sure to wipe Willoughby's left front paw which he rarely misses when he lifts his leg!
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