In Memory of Shaggy

In memory of Shaggy 1988-2004

I'm unable to write anything else at the moment but will add to this post at a later date. Goodbye Shaggy I will miss you.
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I am thinking of you. I know you will miss your friend .
We are so sorry to learn of your loss.

When the time is right you will be able to express your love and your loss. Take your time.

We will think of you and Shaggy often over the next few days and weeks.

Joan and Ron.
It`s hard to loose a dear one....we will think of you very much and keep Shaggy on my prayers...
Vero, Cris and Pisco.
For some reason I was thinking a lot about Shaggy this past week, I even told my boyfriend all about your story and how happy it made me to hear about the amazing care that you provided during her time of need.

I am so sorry for your loss, but I am also so happy for the wonderful life you gave Shaggy. You both are in my thoughts
Please accept my heartfelt sympathy. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Thanks to each and everyone of you for your condelences. It does make a difference when people whom have these wonderful dogs understand how heartbreaking it is to lose one.

I appreciated all your kind words.

I just saw your post! I am so sorry about Shaggy.
You know we all feel for you! I too have told my family about you and Shaggy.
What memories you have. I know I have kept a few of your posts.
Our condolences and best wishes are all we can offer I guess.

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Please accept our deepest sympathy.

Thinking of you,

Another Shaggy and his mom, Lori

It really meant a lot to me to hear that you enjoyed Shaggy stories - I sometimes thought "oh hush don't talk about her so much sounds like you're bragging". I never meant it to be and appreciated hearing that you liked reading stories about her. I know I enjoy hearing about the antics of each and everyone of the Sheepies that are talked about here and will never tire of the stories.

I'm going to write about how Shaggy and I met and her last day with me.

I clearly remember being excited about buying a house - not for the fact that I had my own home but more that I could have another dog!! I really missed my Snoopy my much loved Samoyed/Lab that my brother gave me on my 10th birthday. Snoopy had passed away years before and I really wanted a dog for years. I visited the Shelter and knew instantly she was the dog for me. You couldn't see much potential in her at the time, she was behind bars, very matted and had such a high pitch bark that everyone that passed her cage left quickly. But she looked straight into my eyes and I fell in love. My partner at the time was not so enthused and wasn't particularly thrilled with "the Mutt" as he called her, claiming she was not a "Man's dog". She was a stray and would not be available for adoption until the following week, May 10th, which was Mothers Day. When my kids asked me what I wanted for Mothers Day - I only wanted her. He had no choice as now the kids were on my side..It was appropriate that I became her mom on Mothers Day.

I've spoken in previous post how she was labled a four month old pup but when bringing her to the vets it turned out she was a adult. She had suffered abuse and starvation and truthfully did not have the best disposition. She barked constantly, that shrill Sheepie bark we all know, she was not house broken, and would bolt whenever the door was open, she chewed my custom made blinds, she attacked small dogs and urinated whenever anyone spoke firmly to her or visiting the vets. Neighbors knocked on my door to ask if I would consider getting rid of her. She failed miserably in her first set of doggie obedience classes. I never considered giving her up.

The second set of obedience classes were so different, taught by a very gentle woman whom told me to run the opposite way when Shaggy bolted and praise her unlike the first class where they insisted I dominate her. I realize it's different in every case but with Shaggy and her past abuse she needed to learn trust first. I know I hear stories here about how some are having problems with Sheepie behavior and am confident that with time they will mellow out. I would have never thought it possible with Shaggy but it did. Who woulda thought at the time that she would years later become a therapy dog or be asked to represent the Humane Education Society and visit hundreds of school children?

I wrote before about her reprieve, Feb 1st, bringing her in to the clinic to be put down as she had been unable to get up and suprise that she arose off the carpet and walked around the vets office. We all decided that day was not her time yet. However, I knew our time was limited. I do feel fortunate and although the pain is enormous at losing her I consider myself lucky that it was not unexpected nor did it end without me there. This time she was unable to get up again and I decided to wait an extra day, supporting her to stand, as soon as I let go however she would fall back down. This time one of her front legs was unable to support her as well as her weak back limbs. I knew it was time to make the call for the next day. I prayed for another miracle but by the second day of her not being able to stand I knew I had to go through with it.

This is the part I find so touching - I brought out lots of blankets and again spent the night close to her in the living room , my two other dogs Blue and Merlin laid right beside her. . Merlin's behavior suprised me the most, he was so gentle with her unlike his past behavior and often licked her face. The next day was a beautiful sunny day and I laid a blanket under the tree where she often spent her younger days. Brought out her favorite food. I'll never be able to look at another can of Chef Boyardee without thinking of her. She ate 1/2 of it and I went into the house to get water. I looked out the kitchen window and she was standing!! For a moment I considered cancelling the appointment and raced outside. Only to see her plop back down on the blanket. It was then I noticed she had a Bm - gawd even in her condition she willed herself to stand and not soil herself, she had stepped a few inches away from the blanket. She did not attempt to get up the rest of the afternoon. She looked alert and did not sleep as she usually did during the day time. I had always hoped I would know when it was really her time - do any of us ever know? I can't explain it but I feel I was ready to let go and she was choosing to make it a memorable day. Again both dogs came out and sat next to her at different times during the day. My family came over and everyone took turns saying goodbye until it was time to leave.

The drive there was not as bad as the one on Feb 1st, possibly because this time I didn't find her in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the stairs. This time we all got to say our goodbyes and have her spend her last day sitting in her favorite spot on a beautiful sunny day, surrounded by those who loved her and eating her favorite food.

I broke down when checking in and was hustled in the examining room where a big comfortor was laying on the floor for us. Myself, my mom and my sister went in , I cuddled Shaggy while her paw was being shaved. The vet, the assistant, myself and my sister were all on the floor next to her. The needle went in, Shaggy licked my face and closed her eyes for the last time.

I miss her so much and am grieving, yet I have no regrets this time. The next three days it has been pouring rain and I wouldn't have had the opportunity to allow her to spend her last day in the sunshine surrounded by those of us that loved her. I hope this doesn't make me sound morbid but there is a saying in Aboriginal Culture that refers to a good death. I can't deny I would have chosen for her to live forever but in reality it was a good death and I find solace in that.
What a special story thank you for sharing your time with your friend.I think you will help others to be secure in their decisions .I know you did the right thing and shaggies last day was very special. thanks
Very heartfelt story. I have tears in my eyes reading it. So fortunate that you found each other. The patience and love you gave her through the years really helped her become such a special dog.

I'm sorry again for your loss...

I have enjoyed all your Shaggy stories as I have explored this site more and more in recent days since losing my Rosie on Feb 12 and am so saddened to hear of your loss. Your stories helped me laugh thru my tears. I know Shaggy was glad that you all were with her when she crossed over the bridge. I know how hard that was and peaceful and comforting at the same time.

May you always remember all those happy stories of Shaggy when you feel sad and let her bring the smiles to you again.

Take care.
My tears poured dowm my face as I read your story...but in a mixed way because they where both tears of joy and sadness...I understand your feelings; I lost my "Cow" (my Belgian Sheperd was named like that) after 12 years of being with us...and I still miss him in many ways.
Thanks for sharing Shaggy with us....and I know that when the time comes one of our little ones have to go....she will welcome and guide them in doggie heaven.
Thanks again to all of you and you have made the loss so much more bearable. I'm actually doing okay as I know it was her time and as my post said it made it a bit easier than if I lost her suddenly. I had several reprieves with her and was grateful for each one.

Wow! what an ancient old gal she was! It would have been 15 years ago this May when I walked into that SPCA and she was supposedly a year old which would have made her close to 16!! It was a good life and no wonder I could relate to so many post as I saw her change from bouncy, horrible manners to eventually well trained to then geriatric aged old dog. I had been through it all with her.

There is a wonderful poem besides the Rainbow Bridge one, which I love about an old dog and it starts off with please let me go...I don't remember the rest but the gist of it was that sometimes it's the owners that go through all measures to extend the life but the old dog is ready to go.

If anyone knows where I can see that poem or is familiar with it please let me know.

Thanks again to all of you.
This one?

The Last Battle

If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this -- the last battle -- can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close -- we two -- these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.

-- Author Unknown

Here's a site of poetry:
Yes!! That's the one Ron!

Thanks so much for the words to that beautiful poem.
I am new to the forum and have been reading through all the post. I came across yours and couldn't stop crying. I am so sorry for your loss. My husband and I just lost our 20 year old cat George and he went almost identical to Shaggy. :cry: We slept with him for the last two nights and finally knew it was his time. There was nothing more we could of done. It has been two weeks since he has passed, and it is still so difficult. My husband says that having a pet its like having a child and knowing that (in most cases) you will outlive them. Its heartbreaking, but the joy they bring to our lives is so worth it! :P
Dear Marianne,I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Shaggy.!6 years of loving memories will always be in your heart.When you see the leaves rustle on her favorite tree,think of Shaggy.Loved reading all the stories.What a heartfelt human being you are.Shaggy loved you for rescuing her.
Dear Marley and Gumbo

I just read your post and wish to thank both of you for sending me condolences. Thank You!
Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food and water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they miss someone very special to them; who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. The bright eyes are intent; the eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to break away from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. YOU have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.......

:cry: i am very sad i am crying please accept my deepest sympathy

When you wrote to me of your story of the rescue of Shaggy, I had no idea that you had lost her. For that I am truly sorry, but for the stories and memories of her, I am grateful, your ability to capture her spirit and humor are amazing. I just read your beautiful post of her last day in your loving arms and cried and cried, you don’t want to know how much or how hard. I know that my beautiful boy is older and this decision is closer with each passing year. I pray he has the life span of your beloved Shaggy and I know he will have as wonderful a send off. He has been my love and joy now for more than 7 years, he is 11+ years old, last year he had surgery for bladder stones. When he came home after surgery, I never left his side. Much to my husbands chagrin, Tyler’s favorite spot to sleep is under the dining room table, so that is were we set up camp.

When I read of your adventures with Shaggy, I am so often reminded of my experiences with Tyler, so never think that you are boring us or bragging, you are simply reminding us that with love, affection and a gentle but firm hand you can have the companion of your dreams. I believe that Tyler is the sheepie he is through gentle guidance and true abiding love.

Thank you Marianne for your stories and advice

I know Im posting many months later,but I dont usually come into this area because I dont like thinking about death,or the fact im going to have to face it one day w/ my best buddies.

reading all these post Im so glad Im not the only sappy onlooker,because reading about your last day w/ Shaggy has me crying like a baby.I can only imagine what you must of felt when Shaggy was getting her leg shaved knowing what they was going to do to her,but you stayed strong,and you have enough love in your heart to be able to let her go in be honest I dont know if i could be that are very inspiring,and love you have for ALL your pets is not just wonderful but amazing.I too have missed your post i was wondering where you have been,and missed your funny stories of your furry kids.shaggy was one funny gal,and i think you veyr much for sharing your grief and also your happy times.
Please keep posting about Blue and Meril.
Hi Marianne

Sorry this is many months later too-

Im so sorry for your loss of Shaggy- hopefully beautiful memories of your friend have gotten you through this pain. My heart goes out to you.

Becky Millie and Oliver
Dear Shaggy,

I missed the first anniversary of your was a few days ago . I still miss you and just the other day got teery eyed when some simple event reminded me of you.

You passed when Merlin was still a pup and never had the chance for much interaction with him. However, you were already too sick by the time Merlin arrived and slept most of the day. I have a pic of you on the website it's titled Too Touching for shows rambunctious Merlin in a rare moment when he's curled up by your side as if he knew you were too frail to play.

With your passing I was able to help another sheepdog - Panda. He needed a forever home - he reminds me a lot of you in some ways. I've had moments with Panda that I know now, with experiences from you that with lots of love, it eventually does all work out. I just need to be patient.

Blue, your lifelong buddy is still with me and will be celebrating his birthday this month...keep forgetting if he'll be 15 or 16...He missed you a lot when you left us. You'll be proud to know that although he's not Alpha in the household he learned your ways. He will protect the cats at all cost and stop the other two from harrasing them. He learned that from you, Shaggy. You always protected any critter than entered this home - even the rabbits would trust you enough to lay by your side and feel secure.

Your cement paw print sits in my room and your ashes are still in an urn. Although I kept meaning to open it up and let the ashes blow where you often sat under the tree. I'm still not ready to do that.

Remember the motherless kittens you took charge of..they resembed two little gerbils ..only hours old? You and grumpy MamaKat had a truce when they were brought home. You laid your body prone across the doorway so that no other animals entered and MamaKat tolerated your presence and looked after the two little ones even tho they weren't hers. It was magical to watch the both of you as if by some unspoken language you knew these two little babies needed you both. You even let the babies eat off the same plate as you even though you would never tolerate that with any other pets in the household.

I also have memories of the time you and I entered a contest at the mall. We placed first in the obstacle course and made everyone laugh when you refused to say IIIIII WUUUV UUUU as you usually did, when we entered the silly pet tricks contest. Instead it was me saying it and you sat there looking at me as if I was a bit nutty. The classic head tilt. There we were in center court at the mall..I chuckle over that memory.

I also smile when I look at the pics of us on that the pet/owner lookalike contest. Don't know if I should feel flattered we didn't win that one. However we looked cute in our matching pink bows in our hair. :O)

I have hundreds of letters from school children whom you and I visited for those years to help educate the public. The kids would love you more after finding out the hardship you endured your first year. I hope we made a difference. I still have all the letters and will one day read them again.

I remember carrying you for months up and down the stairs the first time you were ill but it never seemed a burden to me. I kept thinking what if it were the other way around? Ironically that became a realty a few months later and it was my turn. You never left my side and even tho I was very ill for a while, we both recovered. I knew however my time with you was limited and I treasured every moment I spent with you. You were so much part of my life for almost 16 years that even with the three boys I still wish you were with us.

I miss you Shaggy girl. :cry:

Dear Marianne,

I have been reading about your beloved Shaggy and can barely type through my tears. Fate brought you to her, to fill her life with love and to be with her on her final journey. I am glad you had the courage to be with her until the last, even as your heart was breaking. I believe it shows much about your character that you never gave up on Shaggy and because of her were able to bring another dog into your heart. Nothing will ever replace Shaggy and I truly hope your pain is easing. Thank you for sharing your wonderful girl with us.

Are there any pictures of Shaggy on here?
She sounded like a wonderful girl that lived a very full rewarding life with you. She will always be kept alive in your heart!
I believe this is the poem you are looking for. If it should be that I grow frail and weak and pain should keep me from my sleep then will you do what must be done for this the last battle can't be won. You will be sad I understand but don't let grief then stay your hand for on this day, more than the rest, your love and friendship must stand the test. We have had so many happy years, you wouldn't want me to suffer so, When the time comes, please, let me go. Take me to where my needs they will tend, Only, stay with me til the end and hold me until my eyes no longer see. I know in time you will agree it is a kindness you do to me. Although my tail it's last has waved, From pain and suffering I have been saved. Don't grieve that it must be you who has to decide this thing to do. We've been so close we two these years Don't let your heart hold any tears'. Please excuse the typing I'M crying as I type because of the loss of my own Sheepie Boomer this past September. This poem helped me I hope it helps you.

Apologies for not responding sooner. Thank you Bodiesmommy for your post. I appreciated your kind words very much.

Marianne and the boys
The second anniversary of your passing just occurred a few days ago. You passed on March 2nd, 2004. I still miss you Shaggy, but the pain has eased. although I will have moments when tears well up in my eyes at certain memories of you, I also smile at the the memories too.

I planned on posting a lot of photos for a second year memorial and spent the last three weeks pouring over pictures...the memories were bittersweet, some made me cry while others made me laugh.

I spent so much time with the photos I never got them scanned in order to post them. However there is a site which list all your furball buddies and the most touching photo of all is at the and Merlin curled up together the night before you passed. He looks enormous at 4 months compared to your tiny frame.

So here's to you Shaggy...gone but not forgotten. I'll always love you.

Your Mom
Oh Marianne,

I'm bawling. Your Shaggy was so special and so beautiful. You really did her justice with your tribute. The pictures of her are beautiful and you're right about the last one. She was a tiny sheepie. She looked so happy in the picture with her Mom. You could see the love and bond you shared. Here's to you Shaggy for all the joy you brought. Sorry for your loss, Marianne, wish they could be with us forever.
Marianne that was just awesome...Shaggy was tiny...and I thought panda girl was impressed with your site :D
I love the pic on the bed together!
Great memories.
Marianne, the pictures are wonderful memories, something to cherish.

A Bridge Called Love

It takes us back to brighter years,
to happier sunlit days
and to precious moments
that will be with us always.
And these fond recollections
are treasured in the heart
to bring us always close to those
from whom we had to part.
There is a bridge of memories
from earth to Heaven above...
It keeps our dear ones near us
It's the bridge that we call love.

— Author Unknown
Marianne the pictures were lovely, shaggy girl is always there forever in your heart. Pretty lil baby she was.

Here is something for you to read it is called "Angel dogs" and when I read it, it makes me feel a bit better and not so sad. (((Hugs))) Lisa and the girls.

Angel Dogs.

When Dogs go to Heaven, they don’t need wings because God knows that dogs love running best.
He gives them fields. Fields and fields and fields.

When a dog first arrives in Heaven, he just runs.
Dog Heaven has clear, wide lakes, filled with geese that honk and flap and tease. The dogs love this, they run beside the water and bark and bark, and God watches them from behind a tree and smiles.

And oh, the dog biscuits. Biscuits and biscuits. As far as the eye can see. God has a sense of humour, so He makes His biscuits in funny shapes for His dogs. There are cat biscuits and rabbit biscuits, ice cream biscuits and ham sandwich biscuits. Every Angel who passes by has a biscuit for a dog.
And, of course, all God’s dogs sit when the Angels say “sit”.

Every dog becomes a good dog in Dog Heaven.
God turns clouds inside out to make fluffy beds for the dogs in Dog Heaven and when they are tired from running and barking and eating ham sandwich biscuits, the dogs find a cloud bed for sleeping. They turn around and around in the cloud ….until it feels just right, and then they curl up and they sleep. God watches over each one of them and sees there are no bad dreams.

Dogs in Dog Heaven have almost always belonged to somebody on Earth and of course, the dogs remember this. Heaven is full of memories. So sometimes an Angel will walk a dog back on Earth for a little visit, and quietly, invisibly, the dog will sniff about his old backyard, will investigate the cat next door, will follow the owner to the train station, will sit on the front porch, and wait for the mail.....

When He is satisfied that all is well, the dog will return to Heaven with the Angel.

It is where dogs belong, when their time has come, near God who made them.

Author Unknown

AWWW I was really touched by all your wonderful messages and poetry!!! Thanks so much! I really loved both poems, again thanks for taking the time to write them.

I have one last Shaggy story(ies) to share which made her so special.

When my son was about 2 he had to go in for surgery and I was told to keep him quiet for aprox 3 wks to recover. Ha! Keep a 2 year old from running around? oh boy! Todd was laying on the couch and Shaggy picked up a ball and brought it over to him....thus started the game. He threw..she retrieved. I hadn't realized up until that point she even knew how to do this. They kept up the game for the 3 wks duration. When he got better it became his and her favorite game along with bouncing those huge bouncy balls on her nose. Leaping high she would cause it to bounce back into the throwers arms. Eventually, you could put her on the other side of a volleyball court and have a game with her. There were 22 children in our cul-de-sac and most of the kids had played with her. Previously she hadn't liked kids very much. She had even nipped my 2 yr old once shortly after I brought her home, but the blame was on us as I should have supervised better and he had cornered her. She also would try to nip if someone grabbed her around the collar.

Another time I brought over 5 children in wheelchairs as at that time I worked in a group home and Saturdays were outings in the community. There were usually 2-3 staff on at one time but with 5 wheelchairs to push we were limited as to what to do. As soon as Shaggy saw the kids she nudged the balls into their hands and didn't drop it at their feet like she did with other kids. How did she know this? Her ability to know medically fragile children and other small creatures always astounded me. My place with all the pets and of course Shaggy became the favorite place to visit on Saturdays. She'd even learned how to climb the ladder to the playhouse and slide down!!!

Not once did she ever jump on a child but would (no matter how hard I tried) always jump on adults. She layed down with the rabbit in the backyard, laid with the guinea pig who became so accustomed to her - it was never frightened of her. Did she ever give Blue heck for chasing the rabbit or the cats - her mother bear instinct kicked in and he eventually learned never to do it while she was around. Eventually he too did the same thing and they learned to trust him as well.

Another example of her amazing ability to know when something was ill. I was walking in the woods one day. Something caused her to race ahead of me and I came across her laying next to a bird with an injured wing. Actually it wasn't really injured but pretended to know those birds that try to led things away from their nest but pretending to be injured? Well much to the exasperation of the bird..she didn't give chase but laid down. The bird was flopping around trying to lead her away and she just remained laying down. I had to leash her to get her away and all the time she kept looking at me as if that bird needs our help!

Lastly, our visits to schools and community centers were her greatest joy. She always knew we were going to do them as frequently she was bathed and groomed before we went. "Going to work" was her cue. I'd start off by introducing myself and Shaggy. Showed a film on dog behavior and passed around pamphlets and flyers and ended it with a song about "going on a monster hunt but we're not afraid, cause we've got a dog to scare them all away". Shaggy would bark on cue in this interactive song where kids would clap on their knees (to imitate the sound of walking) and eventually the part where we entered the cave...yikes..the monster...Shaggy would!!...then the song continued telling how we raced home. Now I realize the high pitched voices would cause the barking but over the years she did it so well the kids concluded she sang along with them.

The three years we did this all the proceeds went to the Humane Society, I eventually only covered my expenses like gas as we frequently visited 3 schools per week. I'm not sure what she raised as I would turn in all the monies over that usually were in envelopes or jars. The Society eventually placed us under contract and she was officially employed by them.

Every dog is special and unique but they'll always be one Shaggy. She's left a void in the household , that even after two years especially when I've brought in another pet, I can't help thinking how Shaggy would have made the transition for them so much easier with her inate sense of what they needed and her strong mothering instinct. She's probably doing the same thing at the Rainbow Bridge.

Shaggy's mom
Dear Marianne

I am thinking of you. So sorry for your loss.
I love the beautiful pic.
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