My Poor baby!

Hayley was in the ER last night with a fever of 104.7 8O
She felt on the warm side earlier in the day. We had gone to see my Grandmother in the hospital in Orange County earlier because she had had a TIA(Mini Stroke). When we got home at 4 pm from Orange County she felt like she had a fever. I gave her some children's advil and put her to bed. At 6:30 pm when she woke up she felt very hot. I got an underarm temp of 102. I called the Nurse's Hotline at Hayley's Insurance.
We were actually supposed to go for a recheck at Hayley's Dr for a reoccurant Ear Infection, (I rescheduled for Wednesday because of my Grandmother) Anyhow we were told to go to the ER. Upon getting there her temp had risen to 104.7. The gave her a suppository and some Children's Motrin. By the time we got called back to see the Dr her fever had dropped to 101.5. The Dr said she did not have an ear infection anymore. He decided to put in a cathader (sp) to get some urine to test for bacteria. No bacteria, no reason for the fever. To be on the same side since Hayley never even complains when she is sick he did a chest X-ray. He said he didn't see anything. He gave her an anti-biotic shot and a prescription for Zithromax. The fever was back up to 102 this morning and we are waiting for Hayley's Dr to call back after she looks at the hospital reports. I was instructed in her discharge papers to give her both Advil & Tylenol as both do different thinks. In the past hour since the meds she seems much cooler.
We were in the hospital until 12:30am. When I put Hayley down for a nap I am going back to bed.
I hope this turns out to be nothing....but the Dr thought it strange for her to have a fever and no infection :?
It' always something here :roll:
The drama continues...
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Oh, poor Hayley, and poor Elissa! :oops: She doesn't understand why she doesn't feel well, and Mommy is worried sick - been there, done that. Hopefully they can figure out soon why she has this fever. Keep us posted!
Poor Elis....nap for both of you sounds like a good idea! Give Hayley a kiss for me....I hope she feels bettter!!! The drama never ends at your should have your own reality show :D
Poor Haley
Poor Grandma
Poor Elissa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take a nap and tell Billy to bring dinner home tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It could certainly be a virus that wouldn't show up as any kind of infection.

Whenever I had a very high fever like that, it was the dreaded "alcohol bath" to get the fever down quickly. Ohhhh boy did I hate those, and I only remember 2 maybe 3, and I don't recall how old I was... you're feeling so poorly and then you're stripped naked and cold water with alcohol mixed in to quicken the evaporation.... brrrrr.

But I'm alive! :D

I seem to remember reading somewhere that children's bodies aren't so good at regulating their own temps when they are sick, so a lot of spiking goes on. But as usual, I could be mistaken.

I hope she's better really soon, Elissa.
Poor little girl! Must just be a bad virus. Steve just had one with 103 degree temp; no infection, just virus. Get well soon!
Note: According to Brian, the worst thing you can do is give a baby an alcohol lowers the temp, while youre doing it, but raises it more quickly when your done...just a cool bath is best!
Thanks Everyone
She is also getting two or three teeth right now too.
Hayley's Dr said we can wait until tomorrow to come in unless the fever gets real high again. Right now is gone!!
The strangest part is Hayley was still Happy Baby Hayley and smiling away at everyone she met and even playing Peek a Boo with the people in the waiting room. I said to the Dr that even when she is really sick she doesn't act like she's sick at all. Her pediatrician said she has a high tolerence for pain. Last month when she had the ear infection she didn't even complain. Of course she cried for the cathader and again during X-ray... I had to hold her still MEAN MOMMY!!! The Dr joked that the people on the 3rd floor heard her in X-ray :rimshot:
Other than when they were annoying her....taking her her a shot she was having a blast. :? 8O
I don't know if I am lucky or not with that?
awwwww, I hope everything turns out okay. I think it's kind of good that Hayley is hanging in there with a smile because I'd hate to hear a baby scream/cry all night due to their discomfort/fever. Keep us updated!!

P.S. What a cute avatar
Glad to hear are o.k., at least for the moment. I hope Hayley recuperates quickly.
Poor Hayley and Poor Elissa! I hope she's better soon.
Darcy wrote:
Note: According to Brian, the worst thing you can do is give a baby an alcohol lowers the temp, while youre doing it, but raises it more quickly when your done...just a cool bath is best!

Yea but back in the dark ages, when Ron and I were kids, that was the treatment of choice for a fever!!!! I can remember my Mom doing the SAME THING!!!!!! It's a wonder we survived, huh Ron!!! But come to think about it maybe it's the reason we are THE WAY WE ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8O 8O

I also remember being thrown into a bathtub full of ICE WATER!!!! REALLY!!! Honest to GOODNESS ICE WATER to bring down a high fever.
Till my dying day I'll never forget this. :oops:

Spencer was just under 2 years old and had a fever of about 103 from unknown causes that just wouldn't go away. He had never been prone to fevers, so this concerned me all the more. I decided to give him a tepid bath. I sat him in a few inches of water and proceeded to take a cup, dip it in the bath water and pour it over his shoulders, down his back and down his chest. He SCREAMED! Tepid water must feel like ice water to skin that is that hot. He gasped and sobbed uncontrollably, "No mommy! No mommy! No mommy!", all the while trying to stand up, shaking uncontrollably and clenching his little fists. I bawled my eyes out the whole time and tried to talk soothingly to him. After just a few minutes (that felt like a few hours!) I lifted him out and wrapped him in a bunch of towels and just held on to him tight, trying to calm him down, all the while saying, "Mommy's so sorry, baby, mommy's so sorry!" He fell asleep in my arms within minutes, but I wouldn't put him down. I just sat in the rocker and held him because I felt like the worst mommy in the world. The only good thing that came out it was that his fever did break, but I NEVER did that again!

OH NO!!! Poor Haleykins... Poor MOMMY!!!! Kisses and hugs from MN, hope your little girl feels better right quick!


(Who is very glad her mommy never gave her an ice bath...brr!!!!)
that's scary!

104 is bad territory. she ok now?
Holy cow Elissa! 8O

Your whole family needs a break from this drama!

I hope Hayley is feeling better, and you got a much deserved nap in there somewhere!

awwwwwwwwwww....poor cutie pie!!!

Samantha has been out of school w/ strep throat the past 2days,however shes feeling better today. :banana: :banana:

I feel for ya Elissa!!!a sick baby is NO fun,but just think it could be worse...I know when Sams dad gets sick youd think the whole world should stop for him too feel better!grrrrrrrrrr.......

Let us know how the baby is doing...
:( Temp is back up to 103.
The Dr said to wait until tomorrow to and come to our appt with her.
What would you all do?
try to keep her comfortable, keep up with the kids tylenol and take her to the dr.s tommorrow.....???????????????
Thanks Darcy :) About an hour ago she had another dose of both Tylenol and Advil. She is crawling around the house with just a diaper on.
Billy was able to get dismissed from his On-call at work tonight and is on his way home :D If she gets any worse back to the Hospital.....
what about a cool bath, that always helped for my kids
just a thought
Thanks Deana,
I think they want you to give them room temperature baths now.
All I know is that I wish that I had Hayleys stamina when Im sick....Id try to keep her calm and not move around too much...(I know easier said than done)...what happened to sleeping and sucking on a pacey when your needs to tell her that....kisses to the princess
Oh no poor hayley, just keep her on the tylenol, sponge her down occassionally it is better then a bath and just keep monitoring her Temp. If it flares up sky high again then go straight back to the ER. Otherwise she should be ok till you can see the doctor again. Are you sure that the High Temp. is not caused by teething, I know when my kids molars were coming in I sort of went through that with raging Temperature, they seemed to be the worst ones, compared to the rest of the teeth.

Hugs for you and hayley


In between doses--a sponge bath with a little rubbing alcohol will bring her fever down and make her more comfortable. I did that when my kids had strep or ear infections.
I agree with Darcy, I'd just watch her. Kids run incredibly high temps, 103 isn't too bad. As long as she is breathing fine and she is acting ok, keep the fluids going ( how about pedialyte pops) so she doesn't get dehydrated. My kids would have very high temps with viral illness and then be fine. If she starts to wheeze or to get really congested and have trouble breathing then I'd take her to the ER but otherwise as long as she is drinking (and peeing) she should be fine.

fluids fluids fluids.
Joahaeyo wrote:
awwwww, I hope everything turns out okay. I think it's kind of good that Hayley is hanging in there with a smile because I'd hate to hear a baby scream/cry all night due to their discomfort/fever. Keep us updated!!

P.S. What a cute avatar

Thanks Leanne,
You are right... It is better than a screaming baby. Ryan screamed when he was sick. To the point I thought I would rip my hair out 8O
Hayley needs an idiot light or something....or to hurry up and learn to talk.
Today she wants to be held and is whiny though.

Thanks about the Avatar....had to get a Rags' picture up.... Boy she needs to start growing that hair back quick or I am going to have to put sunblock on her

Darcy, no pacey or thumb for Hayley... She does suck on her dolly's bow. We have three dollys....incase we need to wash one...or one gets lost. Once Ryan gets home I am going to try to lay down with her.

Thank You deograine, Lisa & Nurse Ginny :D I appreciate your advice
Darcy wrote:
The drama never ends at your should have your own reality show :D

Ditto, I hope Hayley feels better soon!
Elissa, be sure to let us know how Haley is today!!!
Hey Elissa ~
How's little Miss Hayley doing today? Did her fever break?
Thanks for worrying with me about the little one :D
Her fever broke somewhere during the night. Before bed I gave her a bath in room temperature water. She did not appreciate that very much.
I felt so bad, she started shivering and crying hysterically.
We went to the Dr this morning and she said it's most likely a virus.
She told me to keep her on the Zithromax and to give her Claritan and Nasonex. She is still very congested and the Dr doesn't want her ear infection to come back. If she's not any better with the congestion to come back on Friday.

As for the Reality show.... I think we'd have excellent ratings :D
There is always something crazy going on here....
Yay! So glad to hear Miss Hayley's temp is back down!!! :clappurple: Phew! Bad, icky viruses!!!!

Karen :)
The joys of children!!!! My daughter was paticularly prone to illness at that age, I hate to even think back on all the nights we spent worrying and fretting over her fever and whether to rush to the ER or wait it out til morning. PARENTING ISN'T FOR COWARDS!!!! My daughter (my baby :cry: ) turned 21 on Monday, can't say I wish she was Haley's age again but does make me wish my kids were quite so GROWN UP!!!!

Glad she's on the mend :D
Now we can let our deep breathe go now!!

between the kids,dogs,and remodeling its a wonder Im not smoking 6packs of smokes a day and weigh 600lbs!!!! 8O 8O 8O

BTW>>Darcy have you gotten on the wagon w/ the rest of us non-smokers????

YAY!!too baby feeling better!!! :rimshot: :banana: :clappurple:
I'm so glad Haley's feeling better. Now maybe you can get some rest :)
My Husband, both boys and myself have had different viruses 3 times in the last 2 months......each time was a little different and we all had slightly different symptoms......I will be glad when this season is over! :roll: Hope Haley is feeling better soon!!! :wink:
Awww Poor Baby Hailey and poor mommy too. Glad you found out that her symptoms was just a virus, Hugs to both of you and hope you get some rest elissa and hailey gets better soon. :D

Glad my boys are grown!! 8)


So glad her fever is down. It's so scary when they get that sick. Jakob always runs a 105-106 fever when he gets sick. It was very scary at first, but I've accepted it as normal for him. We tend to alternate Tylenol and Motrin every 2 hours and give him lots of tepid baths when he gets sick.
:lol: :lol: LMAO@Darcy!!!!!ok the nagging starts!!
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