Eliminating Teflon

Saw this this morning. What are you going to do with your pots and pans?

Today the federal government said DuPont had voluntarily agreed to practically eliminate by the year 2010 any new emissions of the key Teflon chemical from its factories.

"This is the right thing to do, and we are going to move forward with it," said Susan Hazen, the Environmental Protection Agency's principal deputy assistant administrator for the office of prevention, pesticides and toxic substances.

Scientific studies have found that Teflon's key chemical, linked to cancer and organ damage in laboratory animals, is in the blood of almost all Americans.

'Teflon in the Womb and Whales'

"It would be hard to imagine a chemical that is more widespread in our environment," said Kenneth Cook, the president and founder of the watchdog organization Environmental Working Group. "It is found everywhere from babies in the womb to whales in the ocean. And beyond that, it is indestructible in the environment. It lasts forever."

Federal officials say the agreement also applies to a variety of Teflon consumer products — including carpeting and clothing, food packing, as well as Teflon pots and pans.

"This program calls on virtually eliminating those uses in those products and substituting with other materials that aren't displaying any levels of concern," Hazen said.

DuPont has already paid more than $100 million to settle lawsuits brought by residents who live near a Teflon plant in West Virginia.

Sue Bailey, a former DuPont plant worker, blames the chemical for birth defects suffered by her son, Bucky, 25 years ago. He was born with only one nostril and a deformed right eye.

Today they called the action long overdue.

DuPont says, as it stands now, it cannot make Teflon without this chemical, and it is looking for a substitute. As for all those pots and pans in the homes of Americans, both DuPont and the federal government say there is no need to throw them out.
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I prefer stainless steel anyway, teflon always seems good at first, but after a couple years it is flaking off in little black specks into food.
Thanks for posting the article, I wasn't aware it was so widespread... but it makes sense that it would be. I wonder how many times you have to be exposed to it for it to show up in the body?
For me, nothing cooks like cast iron. But, I won't be throwing out the few teflon things I still have.
this is the beginning.
Dupont Chemical is in many things beside the pots and pans

Jan. 25, 2006 — The federal government said today that although the science is still coming in, enough health concerns have been raised already to virtually eliminate continued exposure to the key chemical used to make Teflon.

Teflon is a $2 billion-a-year business and one of the country's best-known products. DuPont once called it the housewife's best friend.
I saw this on Good Morning America this morning. I thought, "Well, crap! I just got an entire new set of cookware for Christmas!" (And, yes, I really did want/ask for it!! I love to cook so I also have other pots and pans but, I must admit..... the new stuff is wonderful. I'm going to keep using it and take my chances! :cry:
I don't know if anyone here has any birds in the house, but if you do, you should never use a teflon cooking pan.

If the pan should accidentally overheat and scorch, the fumes given off will kill the birds nearly instantly.
Thanks Ron for your in put. They did say that on GMA that if a teflon pan over heats it give off all kinds of things tha can effect your pets and humans with lung proublems. Many more from rugs that have teflon in them. For dupot to be taking this off the market they know more than what they are telling. They even showed the boxes from Mc Donald that contain Teflon. YUCK!!

I do know that if you do have teflon and it is craratched you can become very ill from little black pcs in your food. I alway toss a pan with scratches. My last set has out lasted all of the fry pans I have ever had. and they were a set o 4 fry pans for 39.99. -SAMS CLUB - had them for 5 yrs and going strong. I will continue to use them untill I see marks on them.

I do have a set of 18/10 staninless thats 27 yrs old. Not a mark on them. he money I paid $1500.00 was well woth it. My kids will get them!!!
I have had my stainless steel saucepans for 23 years and they still look great.

Teflon warnings have been here for quite a few years. I never liked the teflon and years ago when I had a frypan with teflon did not like the way the teflon wore off it so threw it away.

It is a worry the amount of stuff that has a teflon coating, even things like spatulas and cooking untensils as well.
Just wonderful! Now I have to worry about teflon too. 8O

Actually, I did know some of this stuff, but now
I'm really thinking about it. Anyone hear anything about
it playing any part in alzheimers? I read a few years ago
about aluminum pans and canned foods maybe playing
a part in it. Just wondering... but then maybe I am
confused. :roll:

no, i've heard that too shellie.

every day it seems like something new will kill me. makes me want to start smoking again-- then it at least won't be a surprise. 8O
Ok folks. I have a houseful of fairly new carpet and two very well used griddles on the stove, all with teflon. Problem, also have a hubby with very serious lung problems (and have a bird).
I have not seen these shows. Is there a site anyone knows of where I can get more info on how to prevent additional complications to his health that this may cause and what the symptoms are that you should look for?
Are there particles in the air produced from the carpet or just gases in the air caused from overheating these products? Thanks.
Go to ABC News I found it there.

Also Good Morning America had it on plus my local TV station. Also your local news paper should have info.
The chemical involved, PFOA, is used in the making of Teflon AND other non stick coatings including microwave popcorn bags, pizza box liners and upholstry/carpet non-stain treatments. The article I read said that PFOA is found in the blood of more than 95% of Americans and other creatures such as whales and polar bears, which means that we're all being exposed from the production of PFOA, even if we don't use non stick fry pans. Scary. I love my non stick pans! I'll have to do more research before I decide to ditch them.
I heard about three months ago when they did a report on the local news (before I moved) that they are linking cancer to teflon, and they believe that when the teflon chips off, it can become VERY hazardous to your health...

These days you can't trust anything with 3439085490583490 chemicals in it.

I HOPE that it's not true.
This is crazy!!Last week end I went shopping for new pots and pans and my boy friend said too me "Whatever you do dont buy anything w/ teflon!"of course I was like what?I dont watch much Tv,so I hadnt heard of this.Its true tho after a few yrs the teflon does chip off and I guess thats not a good thing...so I bought stainless steel,and I have a couple of cast iron pans.It amazes me how long it took too see teflon can cause damgae too us.I guess better late than never!!LOL!!

My great uncle retired from Dupont,and he said he wasnt surprised!! 8O YIKES!!
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