Friday is the day........

So after two months of trying to decide the decision has been made for me. Had (another) gall bladder attack this past weekend and an ultrasound shows that a small stone has moved into the bile duct so bright and early Friday morning my gall bladder and I will part company 8O

What I'm wondering is..........I understand WIlliam Shatner recently got $25,000 for a kidney stone on e-bay, whaddaya think I could get for my gall bladder :twisted:
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Good luck Friday. My mom had hers removed last January in an emergency surgery, it was full of gall stones. I hope your experience is better then what hers had been!

Good luck Ginny!
Tasker's Mom wrote:
[...]whaddaya think I could get for my gall bladder :twisted:
Are you suggesting that the proceeds from the sale of your Gall Bladder will go to rescue?

I bid $5 if I don't have to take delivery!
Good luck, Ginny! :lol: It will be good to finally this all behind you. Let us know how you make out!
Ron wrote:
Tasker's Mom wrote:
[...]whaddaya think I could get for my gall bladder :twisted:
Are you suggesting that the proceeds from the sale of your Gall Bladder will go to rescue?

I bid $5 if I don't have to take delivery!

Sounds like a plan to me!! I think my gall bladder should be AT LEAST as valuable as William Shatners kidney stone....don't you????????
Ouch and good luck. Take care.
Good luck Ginny! Hope it's a breeze for you with little pain and quick recovery! :D
Take good care of yourself Ginny. Meals in bed, someone to cater to your every whim.....
good luck on Friday. Had my gall bladder out a year ago (dr said he'd never seen one so full of stones but the only problem I had was jaundice - fortunately no pain). The surgery went well and I was home by early afternoon. Unfortunately no one to cater to me and I was back to work in less than a week.

Good luck with the surgery, and take care.
Tasker and Ty can help you around the house.

That gall bladder can get at least twice as much
as Captain Kirks! Your gall bladder has been where
no other gall bladder has been before--the
hospital cafeteria :D :D

Love ya, kid--hope the House Officer is super handsome
and movie star quality!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink:
zahra wrote:

Good luck with the surgery, and take care.
Tasker and Ty can help you around the house.

That gall bladder can get at least twice as much
as Captain Kirks! Your gall bladder has been where
no other gall bladder has been before--the
hospital cafeteria :D :D

Love ya, kid--hope the House Officer is super handsome
and movie star quality!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink:

Actually, I made the surgeon PROMISE me (under threat of death) that not a single Resident (even 5th year) would come ANYWHERE near me!!!! He was a bit taken aback but agreed. I told him that after 20 years as an RN at that hospital I had done my part to educate the Residents and they weren't going to practice on me!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:
Actually, I made the surgeon PROMISE me (under threat of death) that not a single Resident (even 5th year) would come ANYWHERE near me!!!!

Good for you Ginny! My husband comes home with all these stories of what he gets to do at the hospital (he's in his surgery rotation) and I'm amazed--he's a 3rd year med student...not even a resident!
Well, that's a subject for a whole 'nother post!!!! I don't begrudge them their learning experience but I need to be back at work ASAP and can't risk anything holding me up. If people only knew!!!!!
i bid 32.52. and good luck
Best wishes Ginny for friday. Make sure you get spoilt rotten while recouperating :wink:
Actually that was a rumor about William Shatner's kidney as far as I'm aware, you can't sell body parts on ebay. LOL
He did raise money for charity with it though, in total $95,000 which went to Habitat For Humanity. With the 95 K a complete house is being pre fabbed in Los Angeles and then shipped to Louisiana for a family there.

I hope you're feeling better quickly :)
Best wishes for Friday!
Good luck with the surgery and hope you have a quick recovery! God bless.
Good luck Ginny and I hope you feel better real soon!
Willowsprite wrote:
Actually that was a rumor about William Shatner's kidney as far as I'm aware, you can't sell body parts on ebay. LOL
He did raise money for charity with it though, in total $95,000 which went to Habitat For Humanity. With the 95 K a complete house is being pre fabbed in Los Angeles and then shipped to Louisiana for a family there.

I hope you're feeling better quickly :)

Whew, glad to hear THAT! :lol: :lol: :lol: Guess I shouldn;'t be spreading UGLY rumors about poor old Captain Kirk!!!!!!!!!
Good luck Ginny. Are you having lap or open? And it looks like Ed is the highest bidder.
Good luck Ginny!!! and unfortunately, I wouldnt pay a penny for your gall bladder...yuck....but I still love you and will be thinking of you all day!
they never let you keep body parts. god knows i've tried...
Oh well, you can't blame a girl for trying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paula, yup it's going via lap so hopefully I'll be in and out by lunchtime (or there abouts :D )
ummm You mean laparoscopy and not laparotomy I assume...
Good Luck tomorrow, Ginny! :D
Hope you have a speedy recovery!
My bid is 33 dollars and that tops the last bid of 32.52. We don't have to tell anyone it's a body part do we? I can say I recently bid on a stone and kinda flash my hand around for emphasis and just let people assume it's a ring stone. :D That should buy you new slippers at least..33 dollars..yup ..nice fluffy ones.

Ginny, when you arrive home you prop your feet up, get the man servant to cater to you and don't let your furballs jump up on you. Take good care of yourself and have a speedy recovery. Wishing you all the best.

Marianne and the boys
Ron wrote:
ummm You mean laparoscopy and not laparotomy I assume...

EEEEEEEESH I was in a hurry, sure HOPE SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :oops:
Thanks everybody :D Bought myself a NEW PAIR OF FLANNEL PJ'S to mark the occasion (pink plaid) an d trashy novel to read in my pain killer haze and have the fridge stocked with fresh fruit and vegies. Say a prayer for poor Doug (God bless his pea pickin little heart) whose going to to have to put up with this crabby nurse (we make the worse patients) for the next couple of days.

See ya'll back here in a couple of days :D
Remember, no eating or drinking after midnight! :x

Hope your surgery is painless, your recovery is speedy and your husband lives to tell about it!


Good luck with your surgery and I wish you a speedy recovery. When I had my surgery I watched Apocolypse Now pumped full of morphine--hopefully you can find a better movie :)

C'mon fess up -- you always wanted to go out with a doctor, now you're doing this so that at least part of you will !!

Have an easy surgery and recuperation!

No laughing allowed for the first 24 hours afterward.
Good luck with the surgery Ginny !

Jump in those flannel pjs and hop under
a big cozy down comforter and get plenty of rest!!!

Wishing you a speedy recovery !
Hope all went well with your surgery!
It's over 8O. Bounced out of the hospital yesterday wondering what all the fuss was about. Then I got home and the "good drugs" wore off :cry: Guess I'm not as tough as I thougt I was. But supposedly the first 48 hours are the worst and I half way through that. Didn't sleep at all last night so I'm pretty whiney today, POOR DOUG!!! But at least I'm home with the boys and my new jammies are nice and comfy :D I had hoped Vicodin would be a bit better pain med though!! :(

Thanks for all your words of encouragemet :D

I remember my mom was down for weeks after her gall bladder removal...

I've been so concerned about you... but honestly, I didn't think we'd head from you for a week! Cool! I'm glad you're up and about.... take it easy, get all of that CO2 out of your abdomen -- one way or another..

And may you never have another "attack"!!!!!
Glad that youre home and recovering!!! Take it easy and remember...its okay to whine, you just had surgery!!
Glad you're home Ginny!
Get plenty of rest, so happy you checked in with us.
Your doing great, thought you would check in next week.

Its wonderful to know you are on the mend,
take it easy.......... :D
You'll be up and racing around in no time!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like you had some good drugs the day of the surgery 8)
You'll be good as new before you know it.
Hope you have a speedy recovery!
Yay Ginny!!!! :D

I'm so glad to hear you are on the mend...and out of the hospital! :D

My whole family are RN's and my Grandmother (who was a head nurse on geratrics (sp?)) waited until December of this year to get her knee replacements...they finally moved this specialty to another hospital in Winnipeg where NO ONE knows her!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Your comments made me laugh because it rang so true!!! My grandma is recovering really well and is still glad that no one she knew or trained saw her naked! :lol: :lol:

Hope the trashy novel is great!!!! :D

Here's a little page to brighten your days !!!

Get Well Soon!
So glad to hear you're on the mend, Ginny - and so soon!! Take it easy, though, and get some rest. You can eat all the chocolate you want when you're sick -it has no calories! :D :D
All done and a new girl now Ginny, rest up, get spoilt rotten and post a photo of you in your new PJ's. :lol:

Glad all went OK. :wink:
NO PHOTOS!!!!!!!! At least til I can take a shower :oops: Actually got a few hours sleep last night :D Feel MEAN today so I must be better :lol: :lol: Decided maybe I better take a day or two off work....(original plan was to go back tomorrow hahahahahah). Thanks for the web site Zahra!!!! That was fun!!!
Glad to hear all went well, Ginny! :lol: I know the "mean" feeling after surgery. Usually I just isolate myself from everyone so they don't have to put up with me!

Sorry to hear the Vicodin isn't working like you hoped. :roll: I got immune to them, too. After a few days, they didn't even make me sleepy. What a waste of a drug! Have you tried Percoset?

Get good rest, let Doug wait on you, and feel better soon! 8)

Day#3 of the Gall Bladder diary; actually feel like sitting at the computer long enough to catch up on some posts :lol: You miss a lot here if you miss a couple days!!!! Home alone with the boys today. Tasker is being his usual GREAT self, Ty is making it his purpose in life to jump on my belly at every opportunity 8O .

so glad the surgery went well, and it sounds like you're doing awesome!! Just keep on relaxing and taking it easy... We'll try to keep you entertained :)
hey, did you ask if you could keep it?
ButtersStotch wrote:
hey, did you ask if you could keep it?
Yeah! I still have a crisp fiver that says it's mine! :lol:
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Ty is making it his purpose in life to jump on my belly at every opportunity 8O .

Peanut and Pepsi were like a magnet to my C-section incision too.
Peanut more so. I feel your pain Ginny.
Glad you're doing well, Ginny! We should be able to keep you occupied and reduce some of that "mean" feeling! :D
ButtersStotch wrote:
hey, did you ask if you could keep it?

NOOOOOOOOOO, all I wanted to do was get OUT OF THERE!!! Interesting experience to have surgery at the hospital you work at!! As someone mentioned above..... Next time I get on the elevator with a bunch of people from the OR I have have to wonder WHOSE SEEN ME NAKED 8O 8O 8O 8O And since I came back from the OR in a different gown than I went to the OR in I know SOMONE saw me NAKED :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:


I think you all should post more pictures for me to look at, to keep me entertained :D :D :D :D
Laughing my behind off at work

Ginny looks around the elevator...side to side..back and forth...
the person standing behind Ginny thinks to themselves....
" Hey Ive seen her NAKED!!!!!!!!!"
Weak stomach? I thought it looked very manly with that tick sticking out of it... :roll:
MANLY INDEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:

Thanks Darcy, I'll never ride the elevator again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8)
Ha Ha Ha thanks for a good laugh this morning ginny, love those hospital gowns!!!! 8O

Glad your doing well too, still take it easy tho. :wink:
Hooray!!! You're back and were missed by all!!!

Well good to hear you're on the mend and try to take it easy for the next few weeks. Umm don't know what happened above, but honest I wasn't referring to you in your nekid state.

Marianne and the boys
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Day#3 of the Gall Bladder diary; actually feel like sitting at the computer long enough to catch up on some posts :lol: You miss a lot here if you miss a couple days!!!! Home alone with the boys today. Tasker is being his usual GREAT self, Ty is making it his purpose in life to jump on my belly at every opportunity 8O .

hehe, that's how Jakob was after my c-section with Brandon. He was only 18 months old, and he didn't realize he couldn't jump on mommy's lap. BAD, BAD me just gave up and started picking him up after the first day... I'm lucky I didn't hurt myself, but I couldn't resist his cute little face...especially since I spent most of the next two weeks away from him because Brandon was in NICU (first time ever away from Jake even for a few mins).
JakobandBrandonsmom wrote:
hehe, that's how Jakob was after my c-section with Brandon. He was only 18 months old, and he didn't realize he couldn't jump on mommy's lap. BAD, BAD me just gave up and started picking him up after the first day... I'm lucky I didn't hurt myself, but I couldn't resist his cute little face...especially since I spent most of the next two weeks away from him because Brandon was in NICU (first time ever away from Jake even for a few mins).

Awwwwwwww :( that would be hard!!!! luckily the only thing I left behand was a 4oz gallbladder!!!!!!! :lol: I am having a hard time not "following orders" I can't stand seeing dog hair and not hauling out the vacuum and for some reason Doug doesn't place the same "priority" on keeping things neat and tidy that I do :roll: and being the KIND AND GENTLE person that I am :twisted: it's easier to do it myself than to nag.

Today will be my last day at home, I actually think I'm better off at work sitting at my desk doing paper work than here tempted to "do stuff" so tomorrow I'll go in 1/2 day. I have a nurse working with me the rest of the week in the gym so all I have to do is "easy stuff"

Doug has already made the comment that he wondered how many trips the UPS truck will be making to the house next week (INTERNET SHOPPING :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: ). And yes indeed part of those long nights of no sleep have been spent SHOPPING. DARCY I SHOULDA CALLED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OOOOOOO Whatcha buy?????????????????????
Darcy wrote:
OOOOOOO Whatcha buy?????????????????????
A gall bladder cozy on eBay?
Darcy wrote:
OOOOOOO Whatcha buy?????????????????????

My son and his wife (the one that got married this summer) just bought a house, they are closing today. So OF COURSE I had to buy a "HOUSE WARMING GIFT" :D :D :D I found a print by Virginia Fouche Bolton (an artisit I LOVE) that I knew THEY WOULD LOVE on EBAY at a great price :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I also just happened upon the Chris Christensen site late Sat when I couldn't sleep and got some new brushes and shampoo for the boys :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

OH AND DARCY........... I don't know if you are a Coldwater Creek fan but their winter stuff is on the OUTLET SITE :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I have to get back to work before I get into BIG TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!

Ron, I'll have to check out Gall Bladder Cozies..................
I love coldwater creek...there is a store about a 1/2 hour away...go there often :D
Darcy wrote:
I love coldwater creek...there is a store about a 1/2 hour away...go there often :D

Me too!! I get into so much trouble there! :D
I don't have a store nearby, but I get in plenty of trouble at the "online" site :roll:
Tasker's Mom wrote:
JakobandBrandonsmom wrote:
hehe, that's how Jakob was after my c-section with Brandon. He was only 18 months old, and he didn't realize he couldn't jump on mommy's lap. BAD, BAD me just gave up and started picking him up after the first day... I'm lucky I didn't hurt myself, but I couldn't resist his cute little face...especially since I spent most of the next two weeks away from him because Brandon was in NICU (first time ever away from Jake even for a few mins).

Awwwwwwww :( that would be hard!!!! luckily the only thing I left behand was a 4oz gallbladder!!!!!!! :lol: I am having a hard time not "following orders" I can't stand seeing dog hair and not hauling out the vacuum and for some reason Doug doesn't place the same "priority" on keeping things neat and tidy that I do :roll: and being the KIND AND GENTLE person that I am :twisted: it's easier to do it myself than to nag.

Today will be my last day at home, I actually think I'm better off at work sitting at my desk doing paper work than here tempted to "do stuff" so tomorrow I'll go in 1/2 day. I have a nurse working with me the rest of the week in the gym so all I have to do is "easy stuff"

Doug has already made the comment that he wondered how many trips the UPS truck will be making to the house next week (INTERNET SHOPPING :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: ). And yes indeed part of those long nights of no sleep have been spent SHOPPING. DARCY I SHOULDA CALLED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was the same way. I'm VERY stubborn, lol, and I didn't take any pain meds afterwards. The nurses were all just dumbfounded that I didn't touch my morphine drip or ask for anything. They said I was the easiest patient ever, lol, and when I had my second son (18 months after my first son), the nurses still there remembered me and how easy I was. :oops: I just thought walking would help more than anything (and it did), but I really just wanted to be able to get back in the swing of things without meds. I've done it with all 3 c-sections and it works wonders for me. :)
I'm a firm believer in"attitude is everything" although I do avail myself of the benefits of chemicals when prescribed :D hahahahahaha
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