einy went for a really long walk :)

i'm so proud

einy went for a walk !!!!!!

it is 3/4 of a mile into you local town centre and he walked all the way , round the shops and home again

we finally figured it out, in his brain a walk should be a family affair which mean baby in stroller and mummy and daddy walking with him nothing else will do (i think he thinks one person might leave him somewhere and never come back)

well he pulled like mad tried to love up to many people

but when we were sat outside one of the store waitting for my huuby to buy his camera tools a tiny little toddler (may be 12 -16 months) came up with her daddy and started to pet him he gave her a kiss on the nose and was very very good when she pulled his fur not even a pull back. then as she was walking away with her daddy she ran walked back and threw her arms round einys neck to cuddle him and he didn't even blink anf eyelid

i'm so proud so after his long nap (he was very tired after all the fuss he got and all the ooo it a dulux dog and is that an oes and ear scratchs etc) he got extra treats

so its been decided to make it a weekly family outing to town to walk the dog but not on a tuesday that market day and there are just to many people for einy to cope with but he did so well

pround mummy of einy

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Way to go Einy!

WTG Mommy!

Ya just gotta love the attention, when they're all clean and fluffy and everybody loves'em.

We want a few pictures next time! :D
:banana: :banana: :banana:

Yea, Einy and his family!!! That is so cute you want your whole family to go together!
Hooray for Einy! What a good boy!

Now, a question. This is the second time I've seen a reference to a Dulux dog. What is that? Where does the term come from?
He'll be a big attraction the next time you go there. Everyone will be asking about him. What a gentleman.
Yeah for Einey!!! Family walks are the best...Panda promotes them too
dulux dog is the oes that is the mascot of the dulux paint company. just type it into a search engine and it will pop right up
Good boy Einy! I hope that he keeps it up. Maybe he just needed one good walk to get the bad walks out of his system!
Way to go, Einy! :clappurple: What a good boy being so good for that little girl's attentions! I can imagine how proud that made you feel, Zoe! :banana:
How exciting!! It's so nice when they break through!! What a good boy he is! How wonderful the way he reacted to the little girl, too.

Congrats to the proud mum! :D
Good boy Einy (dulux dog) :D
Good boy Einstein :)
Yeah Einy. I think it's cute he wants the family to be together. That's his herding instinct. I saw a Dulux dog statue sell for over 500 pounds on "Cash In the Attic."
clever boy einy. well done... :banana: :banana: :banana: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: doesnt it bother you when they get called a dulux dog :?: i know it does me.
sometime people come up and say what is it? so i answer hes an oldenglish sheep dog

and they look blankly at me so i have to say you know a dulux dog

an bing the lights go on and they go oh one of them but he not hairy
and i'm like not we keep him short

oh they say and that the end of the conversation

well i try not to sound like i'm being rude but there are only so many time you can give the same answer

zoe and einy

I don't know why but it seems that kids are really attracted to OES's. When I dropped Paul off at the airport when he left for Thailand, we took the beast in there with us. She was a completely different dog, but man does she milk to attention that she gets. She throws her head back and looks at me as if to say "See Mommy, these people really like me" SHe had kids crawling all over her in the airport and she didn't even move or make an attempt to get up.
Gosh you sound like me when they ask what it is and you say an OES then have to say Dulux Dog then the lights go on for them with an OH!! :roll:

That's what there known as here also, I suppose it is hard as we do a lot of promotions with the dogs here as they turn up all over the place for dulux paint as dulux contributes money to the OES clubs for members doing this. They even promote that the "dulux dog" is making an appearance at a store near you & have your picture taken with the "Dulux Dog", so can't blame people for thinking that is what they are.

Everytime we are out and about with the dogs that is all that I hear"Oh look a dulux dog, LOL, can't win so I just say "YEAH" now :roll:


That was a wonderful story regarding Einy and you have a right to be a proud mom when he behaved himself so well! I was so happy for you reading this! Sometimes they suprise you don't they?

Marianne and the boys
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