Melting here!!

Well scorching temperatures again in Melbourne, 43 today, last night was an absolute horror. Turned airconditioning off at mid-night thought it was going to be cool enough to open windows and just have roof fans going.

1.00 in the morning kelsey let out a howl and rushed down to her and she was stressed with the heat. Laying on cool tiles but feeling the heat. Closed house up, put airconditioning on again, got a wet towel and layed her down on it till she cooled down. Have had airconitioning on since and now am not game to turn it off till this heat wave breaks, so looks like it will be on all again all night. The girls have drunk heaps of water, even put ice blocks in the water, no one has been out for a twinkle, wondering where all this fluid is being stored 8O

Bring on winter I am so sick of this scorching weather!!
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Gosh Lisa it's time to visit the Pacific Northwest. Last Saturday we were supposed to beat the record of 28 days of consecutive rain previously held in 1953. Wouldn't you know it..the following day which the record would have been broken it was sunny, followed by rain Sunday and ever day since.

Us folks feel we've been ripped off as putting up with all this rain we could at least brag about we survived the mud and rain of 2005-2006. Nope one day short! Urg! Then to further make it worse it's rained every day since.

Our neighbors to the South, Seattle, also had 33 consecutive days of rain and have beaten their record previously held in 1953 as well. They'll have bragging rights they beat their old record.

I keep swearing to visitors that Yes, it is very rainy here usually but this is highly unusual for this much rain. I long for hot sunny weather and am jealous of you Lisa.

whom had wet dirty muddy dogs and prays for good weather.
I've taken geography and I know that all climates of the world are not the same, and yet it just seems so odd, when I am sitting here shivering in the cold, looking out at the snow, that just a keyboard away someone else is sweltering!!!!! I sure could use a little of your warmth about now!!!! But next summer I'll be singing the too hot blues too!!!! :wink:
Ginny you can send some snow this way pleeease!!

Marianne I don't know what's worse constant rain and mud or scorching heat. You can send some rain as well :wink:

A lot of areas around our state is on fire at the moment. Everyone is on fire alert for the rest of the week. Small change tonight, but still warm tomorrow and heating up big time for the rest of the week. South Australia is the same recording breaking temperatures with 5 days over 40+ they are having bad fires too.

Soooo maybe a mortgage to pay the electricity bill to pay for 24 hr airconditioning for doggies and us for the rest of the week(((((Groan))))))) I'm dreading the next bill 8O
I was wondering how you was coping with the heat wave, it's been hot here (low to mid 30's most days) but at least the nights have been cooler. Thank heavens for air conditioning.
I'm not sure if this idea will help Kelsey or not but it's worth a try. Get some of those blue ice bricks that are for cooling an esky, you can either lay them on the tiles which will cool them down or put them under a towel where Kelsey lays, also put one in the drinking water. It worked for Sammy, I got worried when it was so hot and he didn't seem to want to drink.
Thanks Jean that a wonderful suggestion. We are heating up again, just 28 today then by thursday back into the 40's !! So at least today is cooler.
Will be doing the ice packs :wink:
Yikes, that's over 100 in Fahrenheit, right? I think I did remembered the formula - sad since I went to college for that, lol

I was just complaining because it's winter here, nearly 70 and pouring down rain. I'll stop I hope it cools down for you!
I don't envy you.... I prefer the cold and snow... guess it's a good thing I live in
I don't like when it gets to colder than -20 or -30, but it's easier to keep warm than it is to keep cool.
Stacey I can't even imagine temperatures that cold, but sure could do with that here, love to feel cold again :roll: As you said you can warm up but so darn hard to cool down. :evil:
I'm sending snow to Australia! We received about 10 inches here on Friday night. It's warming up outside a little bit so it feels very damp. Still not sure why we live here! I need to go to Australia!
I really feel for you! You reminded me of all those crazy hot and humid days we had this summer...I don't miss them at all!

I'm with you Stacey! It's so great to go for walks in the "clean" snow and have no blackflies chasing us! The Muppets love the snow!

Though once in while in the winter, it would be nice if they had a LAZY day like those in the heat! Ah...I suppose those days will come faster than we think!

Did I mention I'm in was minus 32 yesterday!!!! That is a LITTLE too cold! Complain, complain! :lol:
I feel for you Lisa....watched the News last night and we are up to something like 90 days without rain...we had our first brush fire of the season this weekend.....looks like our horror is about to begin too.
Isn't it strange how various areas of the country are having opposite extreme weather? The NW with too much rain, the SW with not enough.

Poor Lisa sweltering down there in OZ! We feel for you Lisa. We had a horrificly hot summer last year, too. Hope you get some relief soon!
I do feel for you and totally understand. We had a record high last summer of 124 degrees. I swore my brain was melting. We kept our A/C at about 80 degrees so our bill wouldn't be too bad....but i still was pretty bad.
Right now is the perfect time of year in the Desert. The days high today will be around 70 degrees and at night about 38 to 42 degrees.
We never really get too cold here, but we definitely get too hot.
I am not looking forward to the summer at all.
Hey Colleen,

That is why we call it Winterpeg. I heard that they don't have much snow though.
gosh - I miss Australia. I backpacked there for 3 months - took the oz bus - my last destination was in Melbourne -I was there for the Deaf Olympics.

Anyway - the heat down under is unbearable! especially in Cairns. I cannot imagine a sheepie living down there in the summer times! :D
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