Blue and his Lammy

Some of you may remember that I mentioned we were taking Blue to obedience training and he wasn't doing very well in class. He refused to even acknowledge we were present. He was too busy looking around, whimpering, and trying to play with/attack the other dogs. He wouldn't eat anything in class, and we tried several different types of treats, from his favorites at home, to hotdogs, to bits of deer heart. After several weeks of no improvement, the instructor even had us come in on nights he wasn't in class in the hope he'd settle down and pay attention. Nothing seemed to be working. His training was going very well at home, but in class... no way.

Then last week, we bought Blue a little stuffed lamb. It seemed appropriate, somehow. :D Blue went nuts for it from the moment I pulled it out of the bag. In fact, we were a little worried at first. He wouldn't let the lamb (which we quickly nicknamed Lammy) out of his sight. He would carry it around as gently as possible, walking in circles, crying the whole time. Then he lay it down on the floor and lick and nudge it, still crying pathetically. We thought we were going to have to take it away so he would calm down. We wondered if he thought it was a puppy or something and was trying to wake it up.

Since then, he's calmed down but still won't let Lammy out of his sight. He carries it almost everywhere he goes and gets very nervous if anyone picks it up. He'll watch intently to see what you're doing. If you cuddle it and stroke it, he'll watch, but not try to take it away. If he decides you're not gentle enough, he'll whine and try to gently take it. He even sleeps with it. He brings it to bed at night, and in the morning when Jon takes him out to pee, he puts Lammy on the bed with me, as if I'm supposed to watch it for him. As soon as he comes back inside, the first thing he does is come get Lammy.

Is this sort of behavior normal?

This week, we decided to take Lammy to class with us. Blue behaved perfectly! All we had to do was wave Lammy in front of his face and he'd do anything we told him. He even outperformed some of the better trained dogs in class. The assistant instructor joked that he was the most improved student. Let's just hope it lasts!

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That is such a cute story and Lammy is adorable! Maybe Blue just wanted a cuddly friend of his own that won't "talk" back. It must be some type of security thing. I'm so glad that Blue is improving in class!

Annie is always picking up one of her many stuffed "babies" and walks in circles whining. She has so many but does have a few favorites which are made out of the fake sheepswool fabric. It looks like that is what Lammy is made out of.
That's a wonderful story of Blue and Lammy. One of my girls is the same with her stufffies, the other just tears them to pieces :evil:

OK you are over the first hurdle with obedience when does the Herding Trials start with blue and lammy :lol:
That is sweet... I love the look on his face with it.... he really loves that lamb! :)
too cute, jack used to do that with "momma" a bigger version of him we had when he was a puppy, he stopped after he tore her eye off in loving kisses. momma is now roughly 1/4 his size. we still call her momma though.
When Merlin was less than 6 months old he had this little lizard that when he would squeak it it's tail and tongue stuck out. Almost every night he would lay on the floor with squeaking it and crying every time. Our guess was that maybe he was sad because he thought he was hurting it, it was his favorite, but then we got Daphne (the destroyer) and she tore the poor things tongue off, so I bought Merlin a new one, only this was some sort of bug with legs that would stick out. I think he hid the new one because I haven't seen it in ages, I think he knows Daphne will kill this one too!
My parents have a yorkie that does the same thing, she carries around a little hamburger though. they call it her baby, she sleeps with it, gets really freaked out when you take it away, and always checks on it if she's playing with something else. Maybe it's a parenting instinct in dogs to want a baby around, or some such thing, whatever it is, it sure is cute!
Last year for Christmas, Katie and Dudley bought Merlin a lamb. Merlin LOVES that lamb, he did the same thing with it, carried it all the time..ever so gently. I think he liked it because it smelled like Dudley :lol: ...Dudley has licked it before mailing it off to Merlin. Well Avalon came along and she has decided that NO ONE but HER is allowed to play with toys....some nights we put Avalon in her crate so Merlin can get some toy time :wink:
Didn't Saul's Sofa have a rubber chicken that she thought was her baby and acted very maternal and possessive? Sounds like this behavior is pretty common. Congrats on finding a way to keep Blue's attention during class.
What an adorable story!! Too cute!! And Very cute pic of Blue sleeping with Lammy!! Hope class keeps improving!
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