What's happening???

Been quiet around here the last few days. Is everyone crabby from not smoking? I will confess I had a few over the weekend (on Saturday). Something about the weekends makes me want to smoke. But I haven't had any since.

I find I don't drink as much water or pop since I've quit. I could never smoke dry so I always had a drink with me.
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Good on you Paula, you are doing great. ME well :oops: I had to go to a funeral yesterday and am back to smoking like a chimney. Was doing real good before that. I think once the upset and emotions settle is when I will try again. :cry:
I've noticed that negative emotions and feelings are the ones that produce the cravings in me. I've read that smoking produces an anti-depressive response in some people, so perhaps smoking physically makes people feel "up."
I had one today :( I didn't really enjoy the taste (it wasn't a Marlboro red) but did enjoy the calmness it provided. Since I have no burning desire for another one I think I'm safe. If it's remotely possible I have been crabbier than usual 8O
Holly, I once saw a t-shirt that said "I'm so crabby I have to walk sideways." I regret I didn't buy it.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
You know, there are other "activities" to engage in that produce a feeling of euphoria and well being. AND they burn calories too! :lol:
Mmmm like eating?
:lol: :lol: :lol: I'm pretty sure she meant tennis. :evil: 8O :evil: 8O
Oh :(
Is chess a good game when you're jumpy and crabby?
Yeah, chess, that's what I was talking about. Some of those pieces are really heavy and hard to pick up. It also has a calming effect on your mind.

I am so amazed I just had to share this. I've been smoking a pack to a pack and half of cigarettes for 36 years. I've tried quiting several times and have been successfull for only about 6 month stretches, but it was always excrutiating for the first few weeks. Last wednesday I decided I'd give it a shot again, and to prepare I started taking Zyban. On day three of the Zyban I noticed that I had gone all morning with no desire to smoke. By day 4--I was making it for 8 hours without even thinking about smoking. Now I hadn't even set a quit date yet, because your supposed to take the zyban for a couple weeks before you actually quit--But it has made a tremendous difference in just the first week. I was really skeptical when the doctor suggested it. I'm very anti medication, and prefer to treat things with more natural substitutes, but I have to admit that this is really really amazing. I would highly recommend discussing it with your doctor. It's made a tremendous difference for me!
Heh heh heh. Reread your first line because it sounds like you've been on the same pack and a half for all those years! No wonder you're not having problems. :lol:

congratulations and keep up the good work!
That's a great start! I'm for anything that makes it easier. I wonder if the tobacco companies make the stop smoking products? What a concept, get you hooked then help you quit.
Is Zyban a tablet ? Sounds interesting!

I want a crabby T-Shirt, that sounds perfect Paula, when I hopefully stop, I can wear it as a warning, then the boys will know to keep out of my way LOL :twisted:

I know last time I quit, they had to put up big time with a crabby mom :twisted:
Yes. It's wellbutrin, an antidepressent that they found had the side effect of reducing the craving to smoke. When the doctor prescribes it for smoking it is called zyban.
Hey everyone!!Well Id like too report I havent had a smoke,and for the past 3days i havent even needed the patch,but after my shower tonight im putting one on.Ive noticed my breatheing is better,the cravings arent as bad thank goodness!!the only thing that sucks is Im eating :oops: ,but I know the weight will come off once im done w/ this whole remodeling of my kitchen,and when spring gets here,so im not too worried about eating,but it sucks too feel guilty for the xtra eating.

I hope you guys are pulling through like me,come on WE CAN DO IT!!!We dont need these aweful cancer sticks.
Best wishes!! :D
Tanya, I'm proud of you. I've noticed that I don't have my odd little "barking" cough. And don't your clothes and hair smell better now that they don't reek of smoke?

We'll deal with our weight gain later! Ron was thinking of adding a "healthy lifestyle" forum.....
I am going to try to quit again, but I am doing the Zyban thing. Starting next Friday. BF hates that I smoke. Its time though.
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