Peeing on the grass--but where?

I just thought I'd ask all y'all to be mediators for me.

We have a 'zone in our yard where we prefer Barney to do his business. He unfailingly goes poop in that zone, but tends to like to pee closer to the house. It is always in one spot, and the grass has turned brown there. The 'zone' requires running through the grass which often gets muddy, through to the farthest part of our yard.

My husband LOVES his grass and he chases Barney out to the 'zone' whenever he takes him out to do his business. The problem is: I am the one who takes him out most often. I do the morning shift, usually the dinner shift and 99% of the time the last call. I don't want to be running through the yard at all times of the day or weather. But my husband gets so mad at Barney (not mad at him, but comes in and tells me that Barney 'went' in the wrong place)...I feel as long as Barney poops in the right place and only pees in this one additional place it is fine...

Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on this dilemma? I feel like everytime I take Barney out and my husband is home that I am sneaking around and will 'get caught' if he looks out the window and sees me out there letting Barney go on the grass...
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Steph, this wont help you a bit, but might you feel better...Brian is also a grass fanatic.....he has given up on the backyard..dont get me wrong, its still mowed and manicured..but with brown spots..every time panda goes potty, he wanted me to drag the hose over there and water it didnt last too as for the not even allowed to walk on it 8O
*sigh* I think Brian and Cam are lawn soul mates! He wanted me to dump water on the lawn, too...

I guess I'm just wondering from people when they think he'll stop worrying about Barney going on the lawn!
LOL...Ive been married to Bri for almost 7 yrs....he hasnt changed and I dont expect him to....I just nod my head..yes dear....and about 50% of the time I water it down, so Im not completely lying to him...."Oh, I must have missed a spot..." :D
Is Barney more your dog or are you "mommy and daddy" so to speak? The question I would ask him in regards to the whole grass situation, in that case, is do you love Barney or the grass more? It is so hard to have dogs and have a beautifully manicured lawn-- the two just don't go hand in hand. If you don't share the love for the grass and it's difficult for you (and I know how muddy paws slow down a morning routine), I think you should let him know that it just isn't realistic for you to have to enter the zone at all times. Maybe there's some sort of compromise that you guys can come too.

With 2 dogs, plus the newly put in patio, our yard is a muddy mess. Everyday we look outside and have been considering, literally, patio stoning the whole thing in. We hate cutting the grass and don't have people over to frolic in it or anything. All the dogs need is a small patch of grass in the back...
I was the one who 'wanted' Barney--that is, I was the one who begged and Cameron agreed to let me have him. That said, I think Barney loves Cameron more than he loves me, which I'm fine with (I guess!). But to answer your question, I think we are Mommy and Daddy, with me doing most of the caring for (Daddy's in med school so I have a more set schedule) but Cameron tends to be stricter with things. Barney for the most part goes to the zone when Cameron goes to take him out.

Personally, I love Barney more than I love my grass. And yes, the brown spots are ugly, but I am pretty happy that Barney just goes in one spot, leaving the rest of the yard nice and green (well, if it wasn't winter...)

That's my problem...I don't know what kind of compromise would work. If I see Barney starting to want to poop on the grass I run out and bring him to the zone, but that's about it. Not only are Barney's muddy paws an issue, I feed Barney and take him out as the last thing I do before I leave for work and I don't have time to mess around with trudging through the yard. (I know, I could get up earlier, and I try, I really do, I just CAN'T!!!)
has anyone tried the additives to food that are suppossed to prevent the browning out?
I tried some of those chewable tablets. Annie loved this second treat of the morning, but I don't think they did anything helpful for the grass.
With 6 girls, I share your dilemma.
Just 2 words... underground sprinklers.
Program to water for short periods a few times
a day and reseed when necessary. Hubbies will
again have complete control of the beloved and
sacred lawn :roll: :lol:
un derground sprinklers aren't practical at this point, as we are probably going to sell the home in about a year...

I guess I was hoping someone could tell me how to change my hubbie's personality! :twisted: 8) :wink:
Let me know if you figure out how to do THAT!
Probably be easier to teach Barney to take the hose
with him when he's got to potty so he can water
it down himself.
Not with Barney's 'water issues.' If he figured out how to turn on the hose, I think he would drink until he actually exploded!
barney1 wrote:
(I know, I could get up earlier, and I try, I really do, I just CAN'T!!!)

Lol. I know it! Early risers will never understand that getting up isn't something that all people can just "do." I thought after years of 8:30 to 5 that it would get easier, but it sure hasn't.
I gave up on nice green lawn many years ago, all girls it is a loosing battle, brown patches everywhere combined with hot summer, girls squatting NOT MUCH green lawn left. Patios YAY, no mowing, no watering LOL. :roll:
Forget the anti-browing pills. They are a scam. Pee burn is nitrogen burn, not pH burn. Nitrogen comes from the protein in the dog food. So unless you start feeding your dog only veggies and forcing extra water into him, you will get a burn.

As for husbands and lawns.......perhaps you could divide the lawn; husband's little green heaven no foot touches but his and the lawn for doggies and wives.

Yea gads, dogs make spots in lawns. Only solution is to buy acreage giving the dog more opportunities. We did that.......and the dogs still like to pee close to the house.....sometimes not even waiting until they get to the grass. They haven't peed off the porch yet, but I've seen it in their eyes.
Only solution is to buy acreage giving the dog more opportunities. We did that.......and the dogs still like to pee close to the house.....sometimes not even waiting until they get to the grass. They haven't peed off the porch yet, but I've seen it in their eyes.

This is so true! Brown spots right by the edge of the patio area, and the whole 1/2 acre yard to use . :roll:
Bosley even starts to dribble sometimes on his way through the garage. 8O
Mollie was the queen of burnt grass spots! When she would pee, the grass was burnt down to the soil. I tried the pills at Petsmart and they didn't work at $19.00 a bottle. Now that Mollie's at the bridge, I wish I had her back and all those brown spots.

Beau pees in a couple of places in the yard. He pee's around the potted plants in the summer off the back cement patio. He also pee's around the edge of the flower garden. He poops only in one designated area. Lucky me!
Beau and Mollie wrote:
Now that Mollie's at the bridge, I wish I had her back and all those brown spots.
:cry: :lol: :cry:
Bosley's mom wrote:
Only solution is to buy acreage giving the dog more opportunities. We did that.......and the dogs still like to pee close to the house.....sometimes not even waiting until they get to the grass. They haven't peed off the porch yet, but I've seen it in their eyes.

This is so true! Brown spots right by the edge of the patio area, and the whole 1/2 acre yard to use . :roll:
Bosley even starts to dribble sometimes on his way through the garage. 8O

We're not alone!!! I don't get it. Annie poops on the outside of the yard closer to the fence. Then she'll start walking to the patio door and literally squat to pee right before she hits the patio. Silly doggies!
barney1 wrote:
....I guess I was hoping someone could tell me how to change my hubbie's personality! :twisted: 8) :wink:

I'd just remind him that his mother had the same problems when she was house breaking him. Does he always lift the seat? Don't expect an answer, just posing the question. I'm sure if you look close enough you can find a comparison, wah la ammunition............ :lol: :lol:
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