Arbonne in America

Has anyone heard of the cosmetic company Arbonne? I went to one of those get rich seminars and they were introducing Arbonne. We were told that in the U.S. it is a huge product and very well known. They are just bringing it to Canada now and are looking for reps. Just curious if anyone is familiar with it or have heard anything about it's reputation ect....
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I'm not familiar with it...
I've never heard of it. Be careful with those get rich quick scams.
I know I've heard the name but I'm not familiar with the product at all and I am a makeup junky. If I haven't used it, there's something wrong with it.
I was pretty leary of the idea... If it sounds to good to be true than it usually is, hey? The company is based out of California I think it's the same idea as Mary Kay but "high end" as they would put it. I have been in the beauty industry for 9 years now and still hopefull that I will get at least some of the "multi billion dollar" market. LOL. I've tried the product and love the natural ingredients but not about to get sucked into a MLM....starting to think that's what its about. If anyone hears anything I'd like to get the scoop.
My cousin went to an Arbonne "party" when she was visiting family in California. She has probably been using their products for 6 months now. She seems to like it. She orders it from their website on her own.

It seems to me that Arbonne is just any other cosmetics company. Everyone claims to be different and special. The cure for all that ails you. None of them can perform the miracles that people want them to. Just like every other company...some people love the products...some hate it.

I think it is a legitimate business opportunity, but just like everything else there are many more people who don't get rich as do.

sorry never heard of it.
Arbonne is very active in our area. My recollection
is that the products are Swiss. They have more that just
makeup,health products etc.

If you join, just read all the requirements for being a rep
carefully. Some companies require certain levels of orders
for you to stay active. See if you can have a retail business
instead of home parties. Many Avon reps have gone that route.

It appears to be a legitimate company, if you need
to further check it out in the US-there is a rep close to
me who maybe could help you by email with your questions.

Good luck!
Ive never heard of it either 8O
I'm from California and I've never heard of them.
Thanks Zarha,

I think I might step back from this one and if I find I like the products that much, I'll just sign up for personal use. I was reading more on it and the way you make money is by signing people under you and then THEY sign up people ect ect. I'm not really into the MLM thing. It did peak my interest though because it is so new to Canada. Oh well I guess it's back to get up out of bed and get my butt to work to make the money. LOL. They just make it sound sooooo good. "you can work from your jammies"...
mum2sasha wrote:
Thanks Zarha,

I think I might step back from this one and if I find I like the products that much, I'll just sign up for personal use. I was reading more on it and the way you make money is by signing people under you and then THEY sign up people ect ect. I'm not really into the MLM thing. It did peak my interest though because it is so new to Canada. Oh well I guess it's back to get up out of bed and get my butt to work to make the money. LOL. They just make it sound sooooo good. "you can work from your jammies"...

Hi! I'm not so hot on MLM either. But if you like the makeup/skin
care type products to sell from home, pm me.
There are other options than MLM, it can be entirely your own
business instead of the MLM. Why not just work at home in
your jammies with your own product line? :wink:

Their products were quite popular in this area a few years back. I don't hear so much about them anymore. They did have a very nice line of skin care and make up. Much like Mary Kay, higher end than Avon. I have their make up brushes (not that I ever use them :oops: ) and they are supposed to be very good quality. I think it's like most "home sale" pyramid schemes. You can make money selling a relatively decent product or make more money by conning more people into selling it for you.
Yeh I'm not so hot on the getting others to sell for me...rings a bell of other organizations. "wanna buy a case of soap?" LOL. Oh well, I got free samples out of the deal so all is not lost. :lol:
I just heard of it today when one of my business colleagues gave me some samples (foot cream and baby products sampler card). It is supposed to be all natural products though I haven't gotten around to trying them out yet. If I remember, I will post when I try them what I used and what I thought of product(s).
I see a lot of you are wanting to know about Arbonne. If you are still interested in [losing all your] money, please send me an email at
[I dun think so Lucy] @[xxxxx].com and I will answer any questions you have. Whether your looking to [lose] money working from home or just buy some [crappy, SPAMMY] products to use at discounted prices, I can point you in the right direction.
[Embellishment and user deletion by Ron :)]
Arbonne is a very legit company!! I live in a county that has 21 white Mercedes Benz and 14 of those are in my town. I promise you it is for real!!! Please email me if you want to talk to someone [to brainwash] you. [nope, not your email addy either](at)[how come they make all this money and use email addresses?]
I just don't know where you people get that MLM is a pyramid scheme. It is not and Arbonne is not a get rich quick scheme either and no I don't want to brain wash you. Try the products and then talk to the person that introduced you to it. I am in arbonne and love the products and the business. I am not making bunches of money yet but I have hopes and dreams with hard work I will so if you are really interested then look into it otherwise stop saying that MLM are pyramid schemes because not all are and I was envolved with one out of CANADA! that was!
[yet another spammer's link removed]
Yes, I have heard of it! I was a member for more than a year and I love the products. They are different than anything I have ever tried before. I had people coming up to me wondering what I am doing on my skin! They didn't even know me. Now has that ever happened to you?
I say go for it! :D
I am an Independent Consultant. I used the product as a member. I never intended to sell the product. But, friends and family were asking me about the products, trying the amazing sea salt scrubs and before I knew it, I was selling it. It's a great product and a great company! I've had family members get involved with Pyramids and I will tell you Arbonne is NOT a Pyramid or a get rich scam! You are not required to bring people in to keep your membership. My friends & I are succeeding. We receive monthly checks and are making money. Arbonne is not like the others out there that promise you check and you never receive. And, for 29.00USD/39.00CAN---you receive 35% off all products! Why not try it for that price? There's NO monthly minimums or yearly minimums! No Automatic Shipments! Remember you don't have to sell it to use it! And, you'll be using a pure, safe and beneficial product made with herbs and botanical. NO Mineral Oils; NO Animal or by Products, NO Artificial Dyes, NO Fragrances! Arbonne is the way to go whether it's for a business opportunity or if you want it for your own personal use! If you are interested in learning more, check out my website.
[yet another spammer's link removed]
[yet another spammer's link removed][/quote]

I resent being called a spammer! I just gave you my honest opinion like everyone else. I am a member of another forum and left my website address and they didn't remove it and call me a spammer. I don't spam I don't even have a way to know who you are to spam. :roll:
Just in case you're wondering, unsolicted commercial posts are SPAM. Feel free to leave your opinions on here, but please don't try to publicise your business.

I'm sorry you feel offended. I can arrange for paid advertising on this site if you feel that sheepdog people are a target audience you'd like to pay to reach. ;) I'll even arrange for a discount for you for the offense.
First of all, thank you Ron for removing any unsolicited commercial posts, I for one very much so appreciate it!

Secondly, I have heard of Arbonne, I was given body wash, lotion, and scrub for Christmas from an Aunt. I love the stuff, it is great, a little expensive for me though (I really need to pamper myself more). My sister is really getting into selling Juice Plus...ever heard of it? It is getting to be big in my area.
Arbonne is a reputable cosmetic and beauty aide company with superior products. These products are all natural and are not tested on animals. I have been using the daily cleansing products and have seen a remarkable difference in my 56 year old skin. One does not need to be involved in the company to benefit from the products; it is a matter of personal choice.

If you would like to speak with a representative, please feel free to contact mine: [un uhhh no way]

Happy skin care!

[...and I thought all the spammers had learned to stay away! It had been 5 months since the last one.]
Yes. Arbonne is a MLM scam. Its lots of high pressure sales and rah, rah meetings to keep their consultants buying products to maintain their sales levels... all at a personal loss.

I actually like their products, but their business tactics are disgusting. Because of the way they sale there isn't alot of opportunity to make money from retail sales and the focus is on building your downline. Typical pyramid.

My sister has gotten so sucked into this that she is threatening to divorce her husband when she MAKES IT BIG with Arbonne. Never mind that the income disclosures on Arbonne's website show that few people make money at the higher levels. She's convinced this is a legitimate business opportunity for a company that is on the forfront of the wellness revolution that started 20 years ago.

Quick check. If its too good to be true, it probably is. Check II: If this is a legitimate 250K sales opportunity why is Arbonne SELLLING the opportunity to housewives. In the real world top sales people would COMPETE for that job.

If you're looking for a way to make a few bucks to 'pay for your habit' or a little extra cash, you can probably do that with Arbonne. But don't get sucked in to the pyramid scheme part and spend money for a year waiting for the big explosion of business that will put you over the top. Your odds are better at the casine.

Good luck.
I'm not sure if the arbonne model is a scam, but why by from Arbonne direct with full price if ebay offer 35%-75% discount on top of the discounted price atr Arbonne website.
I went to one of their parties. Its like Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple. You have parties in people's home and get referrals for other parties.
It seems to be something of a pyramid scheme: the Arbonne rep was very interested in trying to get other people to sell the products. She must get some type of compensation for every new salesperson she recruits.
Their products are expensive but I did get one that I do like and would continue to use.
I signed up to be a consultant back in July and honestly haven't done anything with it because I haven't tried. I don't think it is a get rich quick scheme but if you have a big network of people who are willing to spend more money for those kind of things, you can do well. I tried the skincare and liked it but not enough to spend so much money on it 8O When I signed up I hadn't heard of it but it is now starting to become popular in this area. It's just a high end/natural Avon type business IMO. Although my upline is a little too enthusiastic about it if you ask me :twisted:
Anonymous wrote:
I'm not sure if the arbonne model is a scam, but why by from Arbonne direct with full price if ebay offer 35%-75% discount on top of the discounted price atr Arbonne website.

Just wanted to answer as to why you might not want to buy Arbonne from someone that is not a rep. Arbonne has fewer than 1% preservatives in their products. They can do this because the products come directly to you and they do not have to sit on a shelf in a store. Unfortunately, when you are buying on ebay, you don't know how long the seller has owned the products. She may have stored them in her garage for a year for all you know. I am a consultant and recently earned the company car, a white Mercedes of your choice that they give you when you reach the VP level in the company. I can tell you that it is not a scam - it's also not a get rich quick scheme. You need to work. You need to call people and get past their prejudice about network marketing companies before being able to talk to them about our awesome products. It's not an easy job, but it is a legitimate way for people to work from home to earn a very decent paycheck while raising kids etc. Most of our reps don't want you to be "sucked in" to anything. We'd like to offer you really good products at a discount and if you're so inclined, we'd like to offer you a chance to work from home, but I can assure you that no one wants you to do this business if it's not right for you. I live in California and most of my friends are very concerned about how they look and feel. They like the idea of using products that have fewer added chemicals, but that also show results. Try to remain open minded if you have the chance to sample Arbonne. You might like the products and with the coporate climate the way it is right now, you might like business as well. ~m
mum2sasha wrote:
Thanks Zarha,

I think I might step back from this one and if I find I like the products that much, I'll just sign up for personal use. I was reading more on it and the way you make money is by signing people under you and then THEY sign up people ect ect. I'm not really into the MLM thing. It did peak my interest though because it is so new to Canada. Oh well I guess it's back to get up out of bed and get my butt to work to make the money. LOL. They just make it sound sooooo good. "you can work from your jammies"...

I have not heard of them either but, I don't wear make up so....

I know where you are coming from, I have looked into some of
these offers.
I too, am afraid it is time to get out of my pj's and get back to
work!!! :cry:
I really enjoyed being a stay at home doggie mom!!!

It's expensive and may not be worth the extra cost, but that's a personal decision. You are right to be wary. If you are not into this type of selling then it's not for you.
I have heard of Arbonne and they are a great company, with a lot of great products that I have been using for a long time. I signed up as a consultant, just so I could get my products at cost. I am in the warly stages of making a business out of, and I am very excited. They do not use any mineral oil, no frangrance, no animal products or by products. Yes they are multi level marketing, which IS a great way to have your own home based business. Visit the website below, for information on multi level marketing, and more importantly, how you can build a successful business out of it via the internet. Renegade Network Marketing. Have fun with what ever you decide to do.

www .[spam link removed]

[Yup, I guess you have "heard of" them, huh? -ed.]
The FTC suggests that you use common sense when evaluating a multilevel marketing opportunity and consider these tips as you make your decision:

1. Avoid any plan that includes commissions for recruiting additional distributors. It may be an illegal pyramid.
2. Beware of plans that ask new distributors to purchase expensive products and marketing materials. These plans may be pyramids in disguise.
3. Be cautious of plans that claim you will make money through continued growth of your downline, that is, the number of distributors you recruit.
4. Beware of plans that claim to sell miracle products or promise enormous earnings. Ask the promoter to substantiate claims.
5. Beware of shills - "decoy" references paid by a plan's promoter to lie about their earnings through the plan.
6. Don't pay or sign any contracts in an "opportunity meeting" or any other pressure-filled situation. Insist on taking your time to think over your decision. Talk it over with a family member, friend, accountant or lawyer.
7. Do your homework! Check with your local Better Business Bureau and state Attorney General about any plan you're considering - especially when the claims about the product or your potential earnings seem too good to be true.
8. Remember that no matter how good a product and how solid a multilevel marketing plan may be, you'll need to invest sweat equity as well as dollars for your investment to pay off.
Yes I have heard of Arbonne. In fact I have been a Consultant for 4 and a half years and it is not a "Pyramid" scheme, but I will say this business is not for everyone. It takes consistent dedication and determination and duplication. I am at the top of their pay scale (National Vice President) and it is true that you can make $200,000. a year plus but it is not a "get rich quick" scheme. It takes work. Not hard work, but work. At least 2 hours a day if you want to be consistent and treat it like the business opp. it is.
I know there are many skeptics out there and I was one of them for a year while I watched others. Besides the finances, the products are really great and the results speak for themselves. I suggest you contact the person who told you about it and ask them for some samples of products. I believe you will really like them. As they say the proof is in the pudding! There are a lot of mainstream work for money thinkers and then there are those of us that think "what if it works" and it does. Not every network marketing company is the same however. Be careful of startup companies. Make sure they have consumable products, make sure they are in the trend of what is happening, make sure they have been in business longer than 10 years so you know that you will get your return out of the sweat equity you put into it. Most companies don't make it past the first two years, and several don't last 5 and only a small percentage make it past 10 years. There are 51 companies that have survived longer than 30 years and Arbonne is one of them.
Hope that helps you with your decision and again, it is not a fit for everyone.
Anonymous wrote:
it is true that you can make $200,000. a year plus but it is not a "get rich quick" scheme. It takes work. Not hard work, but work. At least 2 hours a day if you want to be consistent and treat it like the business opp. it is.
Yeah, "not hard work" with a whopping investment of "[at] least 2 hours a day" sure doesn't make this any kind of a "get rich quick" or "get rich easy" or "get rich quick and easy" scheme, huh?

Gee, if it is the "the business opp. it is." you should be devoting 10 or 12 hours a day and I imagine you'd be making $1,000,000. or $1,200,000 a year plus!

Maybe you'd like to spend some of your $200,000 and buy some advertising on and send along some samples to some members who might like to try the product, so they can weigh in with personal and trusted testimonials? Or does your non-quick and non-rich business opp. not allow you to do such a thing?
LOL hehehe :lol: 8)
I can't believe all the negativity and immaturity. Grow up people and do your research, do you realize what the other cosmetic and skin care companies are putting in their products that you use everyday and what they don't tell you? Arbonne has helped alot of people even those with severe skin conditions! As for Network marketing companies, do your research on that as well. What do you think corporations are? You have your CEO and his VP's and the pyramid goes down from there and where do they benefit off the little guys doing all the running around, oh ya take alook at the US, pitaful to the state they are in thanks to corporations. Wow you people are brainwashed. At least someone going into a network marketing company can become their own CEO without kissing other peoples.......Like any business you go into, what you put into you will get out of. You work hard your rewards are great, I'd rather work for myself than have some boss tell me when I can move up the ladder or not. Network marketing is the future people, start researching some of the top successful businessman in the country and find out they are now jumping into networking marketing. Do your research!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop the negativity, this why the world is in the state its in now. Have some courage, due your research and be mature!
mink wrote:
I can't believe all the negativity and immaturity. Grow up people and do your research, do you realize what the other cosmetic and skin care companies are putting in their products that you use everyday and what they don't tell you? Arbonne has helped alot of people even those with severe skin conditions! As for Network marketing companies, do your research on that as well. What do you think corporations are? You have your CEO and his VP's and the pyramid goes down from there and where do they benefit off the little guys doing all the running around, oh ya take alook at the US, pitaful to the state they are in thanks to corporations. Wow you people are brainwashed. At least someone going into a network marketing company can become their own CEO without kissing other peoples.......Like any business you go into, what you put into you will get out of. You work hard your rewards are great, I'd rather work for myself than have some boss tell me when I can move up the ladder or not. Network marketing is the future people, start researching some of the top successful businessman in the country and find out they are now jumping into networking marketing. Do your research!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop the negativity, this why the world is in the state its in now. Have some courage, due your research and be mature!

Yes, think of the opportunities you would have if you'd learn to spell! :cup: :cup: :cup: :tea: :sidestep:
Arbonne is an AWESOME company...
I first heard about it while at the gym, I met a National Director there who introduced me to the line.

They have some GREAT products, but recently changed their Anti-Aging Skincare line.
I loved their Nutrimin C line (the original formula) and have not found the new Advanced line to be as good of a 'fit" for my skin, but there are thousands of women using it with great success.

I just attended their National Convention in Las Vegas, Arbonne is a very reputable company.
It has amassed quite a following in Southern CA and in Texas, as far as I can tell. It isn't as widely known as Avon, Mary Kay... but prides themselves on products created in Swiss Laboratories, but made in the USA.

Their makeup colors are amazing.
Their bath salts are Awesome.
Their Body Cream and Masks are Amazing.

Hey, you really can't go wrong with this line...
Try their products, I promise you-- they are better than 95% of the high end lines sold at Department Stores. You will be amazed!

No, I'm not a distributor yet--
But planning on becoming one.


I have Nothing to gain from telling you this--
They are a Top Notch Company...
You should try their products yourself, see what you think.
Really? You went to a convention for a company that you don't represent? You must have been taken there by a distributor who is trying to recruit you?

I see you have enjoyed the kool-aid...I truly hope you make a bundle, but I'll bet if you check their disclosures, you'll find a very low percentage of people who earn any money. But you'll be different. Well, at least they'll assure you that those people (who were as excited as you are) are the exceptions and not the norm.

Good luck!
My daughter inlaw started selling it this year. She thinks she will have a car within a year. She went to convention..that set her back almost 2K. I think it is all a scam. kinda like amway was....
The only people who make money in a pyramid scheme are those to get others to sell for them. You not only have to sell the product, you also need to push others to also sell. I will not push product on friends and relations or push them to become sellers.
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