If you could see me now!

We had a little accident the other day and I thought I would share it with you. I was bending over my daughter trying to show her how to pet Drake without exciting him and she all of a sudden stood up and hit me right below the eye with her head. I now have a big black eye and have to explain what happened wherever I go. My neighbor could even see it from across the yard. The hit almost knocked me out and it nearly scared Drake and my daughter to death. I think I may have to go out and find a big Jacko style pair of sunglasses until my eye gets better 8)

Everything else is going well and I will have pictures as soon as my hubby shows me how.
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LOL :lol:
I'm sure you men can relate to this. Last week my husband's oldest son was playing with Truman. They were having fun chasing each other, etc. until Truman accidentally hit him you-know-where. My husband said something about now knowing how it felt to have a kid jump on your lap. About that time Truman ran over to him and did the same thing! I was the only one left standing! Ouch!
Abbi clobbered me the other day when I absentl-mindedly bent over to say hi to her just as she was getting up from laying by the door.
I forgot how hard their pointed little heads can be, but I am proud to say I did not even yell ouch! But we both looked at each other for a second before we went ahead and greeted each other. Guess I must have a pretty hard chin?
Hope your black eye cleared up. I remember when Abbi first starting getting bigger I always had to keep a hand on her head just to make sure she didn't bump me if I was bending over. It has been a while since we had that problen.
As for only guys relating, I don't think so! Once I was trying to brush Abbi and she wouldn't stand still, so I decided to just stand over her and bend down to do her legs. Tha wriggley dog hit her head in the same you-know-where place with that head of hers and I never did that again!
It hurts even if you are female. glad your husband survived :lol: .
Ouch! Must have hurt! Worse will be the looks your family members will get when you are out in public with them...you know how people assume stuff.

Reminds me of the time I gave my son whom was three a View Master. Those toys that you peer inside and click to see different pictures. Well he was looking upwards towards the light, the View Master pressed against his eyes and walked right into the fridge. I got bad looks from people for about 2-3 wks. He looked like a raccoon with dark bruises around his eyes.

Hope your eye is healing fine.

Cris(my husband) was lying in bed watching TV ...Pisco saw him and went to say hi...He jumped on top of him right in the middle of you know where!! he gave a yell and Pisco jumped again and hit him again THERE!!!
I just cuoldn`t help laughing :)
walter plays a little too rough (its mostly my fault for egging him on, but hes a very good wrestling partner) , and my arms and hands are covered with bruises and scratches. once walter just jumped up out of nowhere and bit my nose, i had a tiny little cut that everyone thought was a weird looking zit... i have yet to recieve a black eye, but if we keep rough-housing im sure ill have one very soon! hope yours feels better
Just wanted to let you know that my eye is healing up amazingly fast. It is no longer swollen and is just a little red underneath. I did get really curiouse looks when I went out. I saw one of my sons friends mom at McDonalds and she thought I had been in a car accident. All of our friends have been giving my husband a hard time and it is driving him nuts. It all has turned out to be pretty funny.

My eye might not have been pretty but it sounds alot less painful then some of the other post. All I can say is ouch and maybe you should go to the sporting goods store for some protection from your OES *lol*. I could see that on the list of things you need to buy when you get an OES puppy :lol:

Drake is doing great and is as playful and cute as ever. He is taking to the leash really well and loves to chase fallen leaves on a windy day. He has not met a person or dog he does not like nor does not like him. Still working on the potty training and I think the crate training is helping with that.

Thats all for now. Take care all :D
WoW I must be brain dead I thought I logged in. Must be from having to getting up at 4:30 in the morning to take Drake out. The last post was from me :oops:
It was the middle of the night, completely dark and I was lying in bed. I leaned forward to talk to Henry just as he was jumping on the bed. He hit me square on the bridge of my nose. I cried and he curled up next to me. Two days later I had two black eyes.

My mother threatened to do some harm to my boyfriend but after hearing the story said, "Can't you do something about that dog?" ("Like what?!?" I asked.)

I think I am now on the watch list for domestic violence at my doctor's. She asks me about the boyfriend and wants to check for bruises every time I visit.

And to top it off, I had to get my picture taken for work with one shiner still in evidence.

Poor Little Boo (aka Henry), he never even noticed he had run smack into me.
*lol* I know how you feel, it is amazing what a black eye can make people think. My eye is still tender where it got hit and now twitches whenever I get tired. My hubby wants me to go to the doctor but I keep putting it off. I think I would convienently lose that picture :lol: 8)
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