Fluid Filled Cysts

Just wondering if anyone else has a problem with fluid filled cysts coming up on elderly dogs. Kelsey is nearly 11 and they seem to emerge around the top of her head and down the back of her neck either side of her ears.
When they first started coming up, about 8 months ago, I had them needle
biopsied at the vets as there were 3 in all, all were just fluid filled small cysts. More keep emerging every so often and I have never had this happen on an elderly dog before. It is something that might be in her diet making these cysts appear or is it just an old age thing? She has 6 now!
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Hi Lisa,

Same thing with Blue in my household. I keep getting them biopsied and seems he is constantly getting new ones. Apparently nothing to be concerned about according to the vet but still a good idea to get the new ones biopsied. Sorry can't give any more help but just wanted to let you know that it may be common to occur in old dogs. Shaggy started getting warts and bumps on her body as she aged too but hard to see with all that hair.

Marianne and the boys
Thanks Marianne just wondering because was grooming her today and there is another new one :roll: She has a few warts too.
Same thing with Norman. Just monitor for changes and any pain associated with them. Apparently the ones that feel hard like there's something inside them, a pea or stone, are the ones to be really worried about. The fluid ones are only really problematic if they change color, get really big or start to irritate the dog.

We had a Dalmation with the same problem. Thank goodness for the hair because those lumps look really creepy on a smooth dog.
My parent's dog Maggie has one on her right ear (she's 8) and the vet said not to worry unless is gets gigantic (it is growing a little, but not very much) and it doesn't seem to bother her, so the vet said not to worry and that removing it would be more painful...
Maisie is a much loved old Dachshund bitch (spayed). She has a fluid filled cyst on top of her skull. She is nearly 13 years old - just another old age thing - along with the warts, etc. It doesn't bother her, I keep a check on her, but at her age unless it is causing her distress I will leave her alone. The vet is aware and says as long as she is such a happy dog he won't interfere.
Ziggi is almost 12 and has small bumps that are filled with a clear fluid. They don't seem to bother her and they never get really big. I just refer to them as her lump and bumps and barnacles.
Mo has major cysts on her chest, belly and a new one developing on a shoulder. I like barnacles........I've been calling her my lumpy bumpy old lady.
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