
I rescued an OES from the local animal control in July. He lived inside for the first few months and we had absolutely no problems. I have been fostering a lab that was hit by a car, and the kids allergies and asthma went crazy. The pediatrician said that the dogs that shed have to go outside. Now the OES is in a fence outside. He seems pretty happy. I go out to visit with him and the kids go outside to play, but I am worried about him. I want to make sure he is happy. I am going to build a bigger fence for him and attatch it to the house so he has a huge yard to play in and so that the kids can get to him to play easier. Any ideas on how to keep him entertained, happy, and not lonely outside.
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First off, welcome to the forum. Glad to have you here! :lol:
I feel good to hear of another rescue.
You will get lots of info here from so many. :)

My first thought is get him a freind to play with.
When I had just one dog he was just ok. But when we got the second
he had a good buddy, they played alot.
Kept each other busy and tired each other out!!!
Your OES shouldn't really shed. They don't have shedding seasons like other dogs but lose hair similar to how people do. It sounds like the lab is what's causing the problems wth the allergies to go haywire. OES really like to be closer to the family if they can be. Do you have both the dogs outside right now?
oops sorry got of track. OES don't shed like others, was thinking more of a freind.

She is right lab might be the one causing this.
That is good news. I didn't think he really caused a problem. We were all pretty healthy until I brought in the lab. I have a schnoodle (schnauzer poodle mix) that my OES absolutely LOVES. He likes to herd Spike, my schnoodle around when they play together. It's really cute. I could put Spike out to play more, but I was a little worried that Spike might bring in allergens from outside on his fur. The kids have been so sick lately. Two had pneumonia and one of them is going to have to have surgery for a sinus infection that isn't clearing up. I've gotten paranoid about what is causing their allergies and asthma to flare up. I am glad to hear that the OES is probably not the problem. If I could at least bring him in at night to sleep I'd feel better.
my hubby is allergic to dog and cats.

he also suffers with a whole host of allergies inc. pollen, dust, purfums,some shampoos and soaps (these are just a few) he also suffers from ashma for which he has three different inhalers there not a season chage that goes by with out him getting a chest infection so i know what its like to live with people with allergies

we got or oes in feb because both of us love dogs and didn't want not to have one. we knew that my hubby was ok with yorkshire terriers but we both wanted a bigger dog :) so we did research and found a list of dogs that don't shed and to our joy there was the oes - our dreams of our very own dulux dog realised and after lots more research and looking!!

we got einstein and my hubby has not has one problem with him so i agree with the others it is most likely the lab as my hubby can't be around them for 5 min without using nasal sprays inhalers and eye drops (my bag is like a mobile drug store some days )

i hope yor children are better soon

get well wishes from zoe and einy
It does sound like the Lab is the problem. If your family was doing well before he came and then with his introduction, the problems flared up, there is your probable answer.

As said before, OES do like to be with their people and they do not shed like those short haired dogs. I have three OES and have no problems with my allergies. I have a friend that has 3 Labs and when I go to her house, which is exceedingly clean, for more than an hour I start to itch and my eyes water. Your schnoodle and the OES should have similar hair/shedding tendencies.

I would look at what was new to your house to "set off" this run of attacks because it seems like everything was okay for a while and then it hit all at once.
Welcome! Yes, probably the lab that caused the problem. The sheepie's hair and skin is different than that of short haired dogs. Frequent bathing and combing the sheepie will also help the kids out. Leaving him outside will also bring in environmental allergans into the house.

My husband is allergic to short haired dogs and doesn't appear to have problems with Annie. Only time is if she licks him, the area turns red. if he washes her saliva off immediately and he's fine.
It's definitely the lab. I have never had any allergy problems with dogs until we got our lab 12 years ago. We have owned several other breeds, (although none as wonderful as our Rufie), and honestly, our lab caused me many years of breathing difficulties, as well as hives, etc.

Best of luck!
jkelley, have you had your kids officially tested for environmental allergies? This could help determine what is the actual irritant. Sometimes it could be as simple as the shampoo the dog is being bathed with, and not the dog itself.
I have horrible allergies (been tested and am allergic to almost everything!) and I am alright with my sheep. I also have asthma, so I understand what you're going through.
To me, it sounds like it is the foster dog...
Good luck with figuring this out...
Thank you all so much for your support. It's great to have so many people interrested in helping. I have had them allergy tested. The only allergy that came up positive was the dust mite allergy. I think it is the lab too. I hope to find her a home soon. She is such a sweet dog, but everyone has been so sick. As soon as she has a new home I am going to gradually try to reintroduce Chestnut back into the house. I think we'll all do very well. Everyone seems to be getting better now that the lab is outside. I am so glad. They have been sick for 6 weeks.

You are all great! Thank you!!!!
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