How did your sheepie get his/her name?

Just curious. There's a great selection of names here and I'm sure there has to be some interesting stories behind them.

For me, I've always wanted an OES with one blue eye and one brown named Blue. No reason- just Blue. Now that I have her, I adore her. Just wish people would stop asking if the name is because of the eye!
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Ummm, bit of a stange name for ours.

It came about because of her Kennel club registered name is Cover Girl, so my wife thought of Effie, after the daddy of the cover girls Hugh Heffner, hence Effie :roll: :wink:
I wanted to name our second son cooper, but hubby didn't really like it at the time.
So when I got another son, of the furry sort ;) I thought of cooper, this time hubby really liked it.
My dog had the bright blue eyes so he was named Newman, after Paul Newman in 1991.

The funny thing is that Seinfeld went on the air, became a big hit and since OES's are such goofy characters, everyone thought he was named after Newman on Seinfeld. And to make matters worse, we live across the street from a catholic church and these 2 women leaving the church were admiring him one day and asked his name. When I told them his name was Newman they said, "Oh, after Bishop Newman?"

Funny how one name can mean so many different things.
Funny story! My wife probably would hope he was a new and improved man.... :roll:
Pisco`s original name was Bucaneer (one dark patch over his left eye)..but he never paid attention to it...but every time we talked about the pisco (alcoholic drink made from grapes made herein Peru) he stood up and started barking or would come to the person that said the we started calling him Pisco and he responded right in a way I could say he picked his own name.
Vero and sleepy Pisco at my feet.
"Woof" is the name of a book / TV series in the UK about a boy who could turn into a dog (although I think it was a beardie). :lol:
HAHA...Mikey, and yes it was a Beardie.....strange childrens series that!!
As for Pisco's name, i think we should have called ours Stella Artois, i found her last week nose deep in my pint glass. I wouldnt have minded too much, but it was full, when i nexd checked it was only 1/4 full and a very doey eyed OES sitting next to me.

Damn these dogs :lol:
Mikey- you know that every time I see your Woof, the theme tune from the tv show goes through my head.

Damn you!!!! :lol:
I always loved the big dog on Sesame street named Barkley. I loved the fact that you couldn't see his eyes over his hair so I just had to name my OES Barkley Bear. (Bear because his big o' bear cub hiney) :wink:
Our oldest sheepdog's name is Norman, he was named after the cow in City Slickers. When he came home he kept putting his nose in the air and looking at you just like the little cow. Our puppy's name is Carl. We spent weeks trying to find a name before we brought him home, when it finally came to decision time, there were two Simspons episodes on, back to back, with characters named Carl and in the same time period my grandfather called us and his name is Carl. Just figured it was karma!
When I moved to a new place, I felt insecure, so I thought about a dog who would give me peace in that sense. So before going to the breeder, I knew that my new companion and body guard would be called Shanti, which means peace in “Sanskrit” (Sánscrito in Spanish = Think in English is Sanskrit).
Truman got his name when I took him to the vet for his first visit. The receptionist asked his name and I told her we hadn't decided yet but wanted something "English" since he was an Old English Sheepdog. She said her husband was English and his name was Truman. I said that was a cute name for a dog. I hope she didn't mind we used her husband's name. Actually, he should be honored!

P.S. My apologies to those of you in England if I offend you by using the term "English" instead of British. No offense intended!
My girls were told to pick a name for the new pup. The original owners had named it Raccon in Spanish, but the girls were having a hard time remembering it. The eldest wanted to name her Abbigail because it was the name of a character in a book she was reading. The youngest couldn't say Abbigail, so they all three decided Abbey, but when we took her to the Spanish speaking vet he kept having trouble with the way we spelled her name, so we simplified a bit more and called her Abbi.
My youngest is named Angela, now everyone calls her Angie. So if you call either of them they both come! Abbi usually gets to you first though.
the guitarist for my favorite bands name is walter. i always thought it was a funny name and for some reason would be really cute for a sheepie so i used to put "a sheepdog named walter" on all my birthday/xmas lists to my parents. finally they got the hint and got me a real life walter for my 21st birthday
I sort of go with practical names I think. Over the years I have had several pets:

Anni - was a gift for my anniversary
Chrissy - was a christmas present
Poppy - because he acts like someone's old pops
Taylor - the city she was born in

and now I have

Cali - named for the state she is from.
Shaggy - because he is shaggy. I wanted an OES my whole life and I also would put it on Christmas/Birthday lists. (I did get Shaggy as a Christmas gift!) I always wanted a sheepdog named Shaggy (or Nanna if it was a girl, from Peter Pan). So his name was already picked, just like Lil Walty. When I got Shaggy, the singer Shaggy was very popular, so that went over well with my teenage daughter. If I ever get a girl Sheepie, her name will be Nanna.
I am poodle-sitting my brother's dog for a couple of weeks while he is on vacation... and his dog's name is "Squirt".

I don't think I have to go into detail how this little sheepie wannabe got his name... :roll:
We have usually always let Disney movies name our pets. We have 4 Ragdoll cats 3 males and a female.....O'Malley, Toulouse, Berlioz', and Marie after the movie The Aristocats. We named Jack, Wags at first. Which is after the dog on The Wiggles, (for those of you without kids The Wiggles are 4 Austrailian men that sing and dance for kids. We LOVE them in our house). Anyway, after much insistance from the grandparents to choose a different name, I came up with Jackson Wiggle. The kids loved it and Jack really seemed to fit him. The name Annabelle came from the doggie angel on All dogs go to heaven movie. I think anyway. If I would of had MY choice they would have been named John and Yoko. :D

We had a labrador a few years back named Lady as well. My childhood OES was named Harry.
Bam-Bam was given his actual name after we brought him home at 8 weeks old. His energy level was like no other puppy I had ever had before. He was here, there, slam, bamming, into everything and everyone and a devilish grin that never quit. The name just fit.
Loved the name stories...I remembered that when I was young we had a Belgian Sheperd (much like a German sheperd except that this is all black with a small with mark on the chest) we had him since he was a puppy and originally his name was Foxy but my sister who was 2 at that time couldn`t or wouldn`t call him that...she just named him Cow...and Cow stuck so yes ..i had a dog named
Ok, you asked for it..... (OK, you didn't really ask, but here it is anyway) Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you "Squirt"

Image Yes, that is a real cell phone...
OMG! Cuuuuuuuuuute!! She looks like a little raincloud!
Our cat and first dog were named after Chevy Chase movie characters - Griswold (aka Clark W. Griswold from the Vacation movies) and Fletch our cat. When we picked our sheepie my husband made me swear I wouldn't go the Chevy Chase naming route so I tried to think of something "British" - Ben fit, and 'Big Ben' is such a British icon that it seemed to work for the little fluffball. We knew he would quickly grow into the "big" part of his name!

BUT, does everyone remember the scene from National Lampoon's European Vacation where the Griswold family gets stuck in the rotary in London? Clark goes crazy because he can't get over to his exit and circles the entire day. All he keeps saying is "Look kids, Big Ben, Parliament!" So, needless to say, I had to remind my husband of this remote, yet memorable connection to a Chevy Chase. Haha!

We usually just call him 'Ben' - but also answers to Big Ben, Benster and Puppy. Kind of like the child thing, when he's behaving it's Ben, when he's being naughty we call him 'Big Ben No!" :D
When I received the call that I was going to be mom of a bouncing baby boy I immediately started thinking of names.

The reason Merlin was named was two's English and I'm a magician. I'm a part time teacher but also perform up to 175 shows a year as a family entertainer. I've mentioned before that I'd love to eventually have Merlin appear in my stage shows but can't see that happening for another three years or so. It also depends on his temperament as I wouldn't subject him to anything contrary to his nature. What I had in mind is musical agility where he and I perform one song together.( Dunno yet as to exactly what his appearance will be, still in the thinking stage.)

I should explain I do family entertainment and one of my regular shows is performing on stage for the Arts Council for family and kids. Merlin is such a lovable goof I'm sure the kids would love him and ironicially since I perform magic/comedy shows his personality and mine are well matched. Ha! They call OES the clowns of the dog world you know!

In the meantime I bring him to all my Magician meetings (up to 120 members of the International Brotherhood of Magicians show up) and state that Merlin is a magician in training. It's great as they are very understanding and Merlin is welcome as long as he doesn't go near the food table. :D He also is used to being in large crowds and is amazing good at the meetings (except near the food table) even with microphones on and demonstrations which can get noisy. Merlin doesn't seem to mind this at all and really enjoys all the attention.

If he shows that this is not to his liking, it's okay with me as he's my buddy first.

Whew long winded story but that's how Merlin got his name.

After we got our sheepie, we waited to name her to see what her personality would be like. If anyone has ever seen the movie "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisters", we named our oes after a character in the movie, because "Ever since she was born, she took up all the space in the room", meaning she has presence, and the attitude to back her name up, which is Vivi. 8)
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