The Shaggy Dog

So has everyone seen the 1959 Disney classic "The Shaggy Dog" starring a lovable sheepie? It's one of my all time favorites.

Well last night I found out they're remaking it. Ok, bad enough they're remaking a sheepie classic, right? Wrong. They're remaking it WITHOUT a sheepie. It's a bearded collie, which most people confuse for a sheepie anyway, but it's still not a sheepie. I don't know how everyone else will feel but I am really not keen on bearded collies. :(
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It is not really the breed that bothers me, but all the backyard breeders and millers that will be flooding the markets with either one to satisfy the public's desire for such a dog. Then the rescues and shelters will be overrun with them on the following year or so, and the breed will go downhill as it will not be the best of the best being bred.
I really feel that Disney needs to play a caveat before and after the movie, like parental warning, advising against impulse puppy purchases and encouraging folks to do research into the breed.
I think beardies are cute (not as cute as OES). It does concern me that they will be overbred similar to the dalmations after the Disney remake of 101 Dalmations. :( Can we prepare and sign a petition to Disney? I think there's some type of petition web site, just don't know what it is.
When someone associated with the movie was asked if they expect a surge in beardies, his reply was, "No, people will think it's an OES."

Actually any large hairy dog will do when people get a dog and movie in their mind. I had a Soft Coat Wheaten mix right after the Benji movie came out and daily as the school bus passed you could hear the kids squeal, " Benjiiiiiii."

FYI, all the "sounds" that we'll hear coming from the "sheepdog" is from a real sheepdog....the growlies, whines, etc. Jane Dempsey of So Cal rescue knew of such a vocal dog and the movie folks recorded the dog's conversations. I know Jane has been pushing to have something on the screen about adopting shelter dogs instead of rushing out to get a "shaggy dog." Let's hope it happens.

If you are in a position such as a rescue coordinator, club member, or just hang out at Three Dog Bakery a lot and are highly visible, perhaps you could wrangle an interview with the news media with detailed instructions on grooming and maintaining a sheepdog are mentioned. Be sure to include dingleberry removal, ear hair, wet beard (even stinky beard), brushing, etc. Also talk up the robust nature of the breed, they are not couch potatoes but need regular physical exercise and mental stimulation. Maybe that will discourage impulse purchasers.

I expect an onslaught of puppy millers to flood the market and rescues to be inundated for several years.
On a positive note, I'm REALLY looking forward to the movie! I love Tim Allen ...and his movies. :)
To be honest, I had never even thought of that, but I do remember now that after Finding Nemo came out, there were tons of people who rushed out to get clown fish. I think if people did research into what those pets require and what certain dog breeds are like they'd, hopefully, think twice about purchasing impulse pets. :(
It is amazing how many people come up to me at dog shows and say, "Look, it's the Shaggy Dog." and "I used to have one of these when I was a kid, just like in the movie." The shame of it is, a lot of people make that last comment and can't even remember the name of the movie!

It'll be just like 101 Dalmations. They really need a celebrity to do a public service message that airs with the movie and to do a tour of all the talk shows just before the movie comes out, and have them talk about responsibly pet ownership. We all know what it would take to have that happen though, $$$$$. It would be nice if an animal lover, like Courtney Cox or Drew Barrymore, would do it. Then there would be some star power and people might actually stop mouth breathing long enough to pay attention.

What would be really bad is if the release date for the movie is scheduled for Thanksgiving. That would give the millers and breeders the perfect window to get a few litters out right before Christmas. Grrrrrrrrr.
I don't think I've ever seen the movie. Everyone tells us that Jasper is like the dog off the Little Mermaid or Labriynth (sp?). We mostly hear the Little Mermaid one though.
Danita and I rented it the other day... Great sheepdog! I agree with everyone here, I hope there's a way that disney does some kind of service to adopting instead of buying.

Everytime we walk Lennon and Sofa we get the "little mermaid" comment, and when people asks me if they are easy to handle I always tell them NO, they are very hard to keep, they eat a lot and are expensive.... I guess I try to discourage everyone from owning a sheepie unless they really want one LOL
LOL, Good for you Saul!

I could also add they are very gassy. Give them the wrong food and they'll force you from your home. Actually I've only had two with that problem.......until I could figure out their trigger. Still working on Jack's. Maybe bananas? LOL.

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