Poop mines!

Ugh! Last night we let Annie out back and she was runnig around barking at something on the street. She came in and ran upstairs. We realized she stepped in a poop mine! It was mainly on her front paw. We must have been cleaning her up and the carpet (of course she had to co in there) for an hour. Then we vacuumed. We didn't get to watch the end of the movie we rented, "Must Love Dogs". What a coincidence!

It's our fault as we haven't cleaned up in the yard in a while. All the snow melted and we had a ton of poop back there to clean up. Of course, hubby was going to do that yesterday morning on his day off, but chose to go shopping instead. Needless to say, the poop has all been picked up by 9AM this morning. Good hubby!
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Oh man, I need to do this today. I was watching Bentley last night and it took him 5 minutes to find a spot; it was too dark to do anything about it then.

Stacy, will you send your hubby my way please?
Times that by 2....

I hate it when the snow melts!!!
LOL...is snow better than rain?? :roll:

We had T-storms night before last. Genevieve wouldn't even go potty as she was too busy racing around the yard barking like crazy as if she could chase away the storm (she HATES thunder). When I got out there to clean up yesterday, the rain had pelted the poop so hard it was almost impossible to scoop up. YUK! 8)
I'm happy to say that I haven't touched or stepped in poop for over a year. We hired a service to pick up once a week and they do a great job. They have a regular day that they come but if snow melts, they come out special right away to save us from the mines!
You're kidding, Jill! There's a service for that?? I have never heard of such!! 8O

How cool? 8)
Sure, we have several here in town. One is "Poop Busters"........we begin where your dog leaves off.
Wow....learn something new here all the time!
Thank goodness we dont get a lot of rain, no snow and very little wind...however, this being said....Panda has been known to catch a ball in the poop mine....all my fault...as I was too lazy to pick it up without any weather obstacles....I just figured that she would "go around it"...ha, silly mommy....I scoop poop whenever I see it now......
Somehow I ended up as pooper scooper this week, after the dogs(4) turned the snow into ice :twisted: Yes , it was lovely, all the millions of piles half frozen in the ice......
:lol: Oh dear stacy feel for you there, there is nothing worse then when it ends up inside, be it on sheepie feet or kids feet YUK
I never knew they had Professional pooper scoopers. 8O Thats almost as bad as paying to have your nails painted. I'm cheap if you can do it yourself I say do it. Actually I better shut up because my husband usually is the one that cleans it up :oops: although I do everything else in the cleaning dept. Our yard is like a swamp with all the melted snow.We need boots like Tasker. :wink: or astro turf.
I love that, Poop Busters, we pick up where your dog leaves off.... that is hilarious! LOL :lol:

I don't think we have any poop picker-uppers around here. LOL

I do think snow is way better than rain. We've had tons of rain, and now it is solid ice, very treacherous walking anywhere outside.

I need to do some poop cleanin too, but it's like poopsicles out there, or maybe poop cubes. I'd never get it out of the 4 inch thick ice.
When it melts, it's gonna be gross.
Hi All

I was surfing the web and came across your forum I myself am a dog lover, and i have an answer to your question. You can go to www.apaws.org to find a pooper scooper company near you. I own and manage Sir Scoop Alot in Wilmington NC and we are also a proud member . All of the Members are licensed and Insured for your protection.
Ihope that was helpful to you. Thanks, Donna SSA

Picking up number 2 is our number 1 business
Very fine.
Sir Scoop Alot wrote:
Picking up number 2 is our number 1 business

I like that!
I have to say I am really lucky in this department. My 13 years old picks up the poop at the back yard everyday. It is one of his daily chores.
Having kids forces me to be good about picking up the landmines.
Or they are tracked all through the house.....
Of course it still happens occassionally, as kids shoes seem to be magnetically drawn to dog poop. :roll:

I also end up stepped in poop everytime I am cleaning it up. :?
Poop x 4 dogs x 1 week = 8O :twitch: And I do it every Saturday morning. We have learned to stay on the patio or deck until Saturday afternoon. :oops:
BatonRougeSheepies wrote:
Poop x 4 dogs x 1 week = 8O :twitch: And I do it every Saturday morning. We have learned to stay on the patio or deck until Saturday afternoon. :oops:

Yep. Yuck.

We've had rain all evening which has melted some of the snow and is showing me poop mines that I missed. Egads I'm not looking forward to cleaning that mess up.
The lastest big warming day, I went and got most cleaned up...I just hope the lawn will recover.

We have poo clean-upers here too, and I would love to use a service but alas it is a luxury...someday tho :)
I took advantage of a warm couple of days (the snow all melted from the backyard) and got it all cleaned up just in time for the next snowfall LOL
If I could have a poop service I'd get lawn maintenance first LOL

I am seriously thinking of hiring for lawn maintenance this year anyway.... my allergies just can't handle it anymore.

Same with us. The front yard mini glacier is finally melting revealing poop mines galore! And since Mike is off for the next for days, guess what's popped up on the honey do list...
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