New Years Resolutions!!

Ok well what's your New Years Resolutions.

I am trying not to make any this coming new year as most of the time I break them :roll:
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I resolved many years ago to make no more resolutions.
So far I have managed to keep it! :rimshot:
Mine is to try to be more "girlie" and to be more understanding of "non-dog park people".

That might last until February!!!!
Mine was to qiut smoking, so I have a head start on that.
Reminds me of my favorite New Year's wish...

"May your troubles in the new year be as short lived as your resolutions." :rimshot:

BTW, mine is the time honored traditional "Lose Weight!". I got a head start, believe it or not, during the holidays and have lost 12 lbs (MUCH MORE TO GO!!). :D :D
Tammy, losing 12 lbs during the holidays is impressive. If you can do that you can do anything :D
Why thank you Holly!! You've just made my day!!
Tammy, mine is to lose weight too. What are you doing that's been so successful?
i usually make a whole bunch in hopes that ill keep one. last year it was to be less lazy in general... and it totally worked!

this year: focus on school.
Sue, I'm just doing the classics...LOL...watching what I eat and working out 3x a week. Through the years I've learned there really are no short-cuts. :cry: :lol:
I'm following the Weight Watchers diet plan (but not attending meetings) and working out at Curves.

Do you have any plans for what you'd like to try?
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Do you have any plans for what you'd like to try?
I'd like to try eating everything I want and laying around doing nothing all day.

Ohhhh wait.... :roll:
Mine is to lose the 30 pounds I lost 2 years ago then gained back this year. Holly, you and I have already accomplished one resolution.

Ron, seriously, I think we need a lose weight forum like the stop smoking one. It would be the most popular place!
Ron wrote:
I'd like to try eating everything I want and laying around doing nothing all day.

Ohhhh wait.... :roll:

:lol: :lol: :lol: So far that hasn't worked out for me! So, I'm changing up my techniques. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:

BTW, mine is the time honored traditional "Lose Weight!". I got a head start, believe it or not, during the holidays and have lost 12 lbs (MUCH MORE TO GO!!). :D :D

Me too Tammy!!! I started just before Thanksgiving and have lost 16 lbs so far!!! Of course this week has been a bust and I haven't even gotten on the scale :oops: But yesterdayI climbed back on the "horse" and declared the Christmas season OVER!!!!!!!!!
Ron wrote:
I'd like to try eating everything I want and laying around doing nothing all day.

I've done that pretty successfully this year, which is why nothing fits :oops:

I joined Curves over the summer but haven't been going. So my plan is to start walking again and go to Curves, and give up chocolate and junk food. It's really not surprising that I weigh what I do because my diet is truly awful. I'm just getting sick of my doctor lecturing me and trying to put me on diet pills and cholesterol medication :evil:

Weight loss section! Weight loss section! :clappurple:


Thank you very much!

Karen :D
Iriskmj wrote:


Thank you very much!

Karen :D

That is one resolution I think you should be sure to KEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ginny - that's wonderful!!! Good for you!!

Sue - that's why I started - health!! I truly FEAR something like a stroke...that would be horrible! So...weight loss is the solution!!

Karen - you have the best resolution of all!! Keep it!! :D
[quote="Bailey's Mom I'm just getting sick of my doctor lecturing me and trying to put me on diet pills and cholesterol medication :evil:


4 years ago, my father passed away from kidney failure after taking a medicine called Baycol--a sister to some of the more frequently prescribed stanins used to control cholestral such as lipator. Baycol was pulled from the market after several deaths and illnesses. About a year later I had my cholsteral tested and the doctor wanted me to take lipator. I refused and started doing some research. I found that by eliminating hydrogenated vegetable oil from my diet and taking a natural supplement called red rice yeast, I lowered my cholsteral from 350 to normal in six months time. Just thought I'd pass this along, in case its something you want to look into.
Since I've been a kid, I've bitten my nails. For as long as I can recall what New Year's is all about, my resolution has been to stop this nasty awful habit. I've never been able to do it despite the awful appearance and comments from others. Well, this year I'm doing it and I figured out a trick. If I get gel overlays & a manicure every 2-3 weeks, I won't be able to bite them. I've been doing this now for the last 5 months & it's great! I'm not actually stopping the habit, I'm prohibiting the habit. It's getting costly, but we've worked it into tour budget. Steve says he'd rather I get it done so he doesn't have to look at my "nubs" anymore. I figure it might be less expensive than a lifetime of bandaids! :P
I usually resolve not to make any resolutions :lol:
However, this year, my resolution is most certainly to lose weight and get back into shape! I don't have a head start on it, I didn't lose any over the holidays, but I didn't gain any either so I'm happy with that.

I think a weight loss section is a great idea too.... tips, things that are working, things that aren't, exercises, diet recipes... endless possibilities....
Tammy and Ginny are putting us to shame! If we can help each other quit smoking we can certainly cheer each others weight losses :D
:oops: I think I need both forums then, maybe a new years resolution will be good for me after all, give up the smokes (cigars unfortunately) and loose some weight. Yep, maybe time for a drastic change of lifestyle :wink:
good weight loss tip- become a vegetarian!! it will deter you from most fast food restaurants, and encourage you to eat more vegetables. plus gardenburger, morningstar farms, amy's, and a bunch of other companies make an assortment of fake meat products that you can get at any grocery store that are way healthier and taste just as good (im talkin riblets, chicken nuggets, burgers, meatballs, chicken strips... you name it theyre making it!) plus you get the benefit of knowing that no poor innocent animals had to die for your food :cry:
My resolution is not to cry and be terribly upset when my oldest son starts kindergarten in August. I'm SO not ready for it yet. The house will feel almost empty without him here with me and my youngest. It already does the 3 hours he's in preschool. :(
Lil Walty wrote:
good weight loss tip- become a vegetarian!! it will deter you from most fast food restaurants, and encourage you to eat more vegetables. plus gardenburger, morningstar farms, amy's, and a bunch of other companies make an assortment of fake meat products that you can get at any grocery store that are way healthier and taste just as good (im talkin riblets, chicken nuggets, burgers, meatballs, chicken strips... you name it theyre making it!) plus you get the benefit of knowing that no poor innocent animals had to die for your food :cry:

Actually, I know alot of fat vegetarians!!!!! I do alot of nutrition counseling as part of my job and often one mistake vegetarians make is to fill in their diet with carbs and cheese. Some of the most difficult patients I have are the ones who think they are eating healthy because they don't eat meat. I don't eat red meat, only chicken and fish and sometimes the temptation is to grab a fast carb rather than take the time to prepare a healthy "non" meat meal.

Eating healthy is definately more time consuming and expensive than eating non healthy!!!!

I think a "Healthy Eating Section" is a great idea. It souldn't be called a "diet" sectin because losing weight is about lifestyle changes not dieting.
I know I would enjoy a Weight Loss or Healthy Eating section. I've already been encouraged by this thread! :D
Maybe my resolution should be to get to work on time? I'm having such a hard time just leaving the house today, I'd rather sit and read the forum all day :)
deograine wrote:
I found that by eliminating hydrogenated vegetable oil from my diet and taking a natural supplement called red rice yeast, I lowered my cholsteral from 350 to normal in six months time. Just thought I'd pass this along, in case its something you want to look into.

Thanks! I'll look into that. I'm really resistant to taking medication if it can be avoided, there are so many terrible side effects, particularly liver damage. My blood presure got to "borderline" last year and I reduced my sodium intake and started being more careful about what I eat, and now it's back to normal. But I have so much more work to do!
deograine wrote:
I found that by eliminating hydrogenated vegetable oil from my diet and taking a natural supplement called red rice yeast, I lowered my cholsteral from 350 to normal in six months time. Just thought I'd pass this along, in case its something you want to look into.

Hydrogenated vegatable oil will raise your triglycerides and it will lower your HDL's (Good Cholesterols) but since it is not an animal product (and cholesterol only comes from animal products) staying away from it will not actually lower your Cholesterol. I believe that it is the statin drugs (Lipitor etc) which come from the red rice yeast so you need to be careful of the same potential side effects of red rice yeast as some of the Cholesterol lowering medications.

The "Fat Lecture" I give my patients is to remember the good fats from the bad fats by the letter they begin with:
Monounsaturated fats start with an M for MORE, you should inclued MORE or them in your diet.
Polyunsaturated Fats start with a P for PROBABLY ok to have some in your diet.
Saturated Fats start with an S for STOP at just a little.
Transfats start with T for TERRIBLE and should be avoided at all costs (transfats are also know as hydrogenated)

But I also remend them that no matter what the source of the fat, animal or vegtable, good fat or bad fat, fat has 9 calories per gram. Too much "good fat" can make you just as fat as too much "bad fat". I occasionally have someone come in who doesn't understand why they aren't losing weight, and find out they are dousing everything in olive oil because they think it's "good gor them".

Sorry, didn't mean to get carried away but Cholesterol is a subject near and dear to my hear :oops: (no pun intended)
Fortunately the calorie thing is not something I've ever had to worry about. At 46 I'm still a size 5. Unfortunately, high cholesteral seems to be more of a genetic thing in my case, as I am not much of a fat eater. I have a very difficult time digesting any fat so my intake is pretty limited. I am however a sugar junkie! (probably more than 70% of my daily calories).
deograine wrote:
Fortunately the calorie thing is not something I've ever had to worry about. At 46 I'm still a size 5. Unfortunately, high cholesteral seems to be more of a genetic thing in my case, as I am not much of a fat eater. I have a very difficult time digesting any fat so my intake is pretty limited. I am however a sugar junkie! (probably more than 70% of my daily calories).

LUCKY YOU!!!! Do you exercise? For people who have genetically high cholesterol exercise is one of the BEST ways to lower total cholesterol and raise your HDLS (it'll burn some of that sugar too :lol: )
I used to a lot, but since I bought this house I don't seem to have time. It's 60's years old and I've been fixing it up. It seems to have drained all the free time I had (most of the free money too!).

I used to do weight training/aerobics on alternate days. I missed it because I felt a lot better physically then. When (If) I get the worst of the house finished, I hope to have time for it again.
Hey Ginny, that's good stuff with the letters and fats thing! I'll definitely be passing it on to my husband, with his heart problems and short attention span, it would probably help a ton!

I need to get back into shape too. I'm trying to get back to my "competition" shape before I go to Cancun in February.

Maybe a Weight Management Thread. Encompasses healthy eating and getting those pesky extra pounds off.

"1 and 2 and don't forget to breath..."
Well after my trip to NJ I have to lose a full 20 lbs. It was 15 before I went :roll: The NJ food is a treat though...and has to be had.
I cannot work out because it aggrivates my chronic pain condition.
When I lost the weight after Ryan was born I took Stacker 2's (Which no longer contains ephedra and probably wouldn't work for me anymore). I also cut my soda intake in half. Has anyone tried pills that work? I heard cortaslim works pretty well.
I wish everyone luck with accomplishing their goals this year!
:evil: Elisa, DIET PILLS ARE BAD FOR YOU!!!!!! Have you tried gentle exercise? Swimming in a super warm pool would be good for somone with a chronic pain condition, very low stress on the joints and kind to the muscles. Most of those pills like Cortislim are just a waste of money.
I tried Stacker 2 and Stacker 3 just to see what would happen. The put me into tachycardia. Really and seriously, I was at work (on ambulance) and took them at the prodding of my coworkers. Nothing like being a medical guinnea pig. We tried the Stacker 2 and I had a really high heart rate, high enough that if I was a patient they would have had to do interventions on me to get it to come down. As if that isn't enoug, the next day we tried the Stacker 3 and it wasn't as bad but still bad enough. When we did it I had no health problems and was in good shape. I had a tolerable body fat percentage and they think that that might have had something to do with it but for an over the counter med to put me into a serious heart rhythm change like that is bad, bad, bad!
My Grandfather died a week after starting prescription diet pills...many many years ago of a massive heart attack. I thought the stuff that is on the market right now is pretty safe because they don't allow ephedra to be used any longer. I tried Trim Spa, but kept forgetting to take it.
I did swim laps during the summer...until my shoulders got real bad. Our pool isn't heated so it's way too cold to go in now. Maybe I should try some exercises in the Jacuzzi though I don't know how effective that would be :?
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