Anyone here a realtor or does lots of buying and selling?

What is the hot season to buy or sell a house? I am so scared to list our house right now, in hopes of getting one property we like. However I am not scared of not selling our house, I know we have a really sweet house, and will definitely make money from it.

I look at the mls listings, and I can pick one house on an acreage that is in our sounds great but by the time we build enough courage it is removed from the listings. We missed the boat again, so I am developing that panic feeling, not settling for less than what we want, but still worried we will keep missing our chance to find a cheap property with all our wants.

This is what we are looking at right now: ... ID=4206918

Would any of you want this property, and take a chance at selling your home for it? Our house will list for $230,000 approx
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Looks great to me, and looks like the price is right!

A few questions:
1652 sq ft MFT home

What does MFT mean?
What are the yearly property taxes (if there are any)?
Do they allow Bostonians to live near Edmonton?
Have you gone to see it in person? The house seems decent but it is hard to tell from the pictures because they are small. I'd want to know what kind of road it is on and what the neighbors properties seem like (like whether they have nice gardens or lots of no trespassing / keep out signs). It is so fun to look at houses. I would go see a bunch before you start seriously considering any one in particular. 20 acres sure sounds nice. Do you have a planned use for the workshop? Why do you want to move from your current house?
MFT means manufactured home, this one is a mobile/trailer with an addition added. The taxes are $869 or something close to that.

We haven't been able to get in touch with the persons realtor yet to make an appt. My realtor is trying to get more info on water system, furnace/heat, any upgrades etc.

We will use that shop as a garage for our vehicles, and hubby loves to tinker around fixing the Camaro. I will put in a vegtable garden if it doesn't have one. I have asked what the location is, so I know where my kids will be going to school.

We want to live on an acreage, we also want to clean up our debt, and be as close to debt free as possible....aside from a lower mortgage and our Tahoe payments, everything else will be paid off. It will be a great feeling. I've been wanting to move to the country for years now, and if we can acheive everything to have it I think it will be a good move.

We do have a really nice house, 10 years old, we done some beautiful upgrades to it. The neighbourhood is one of the best in this city, and my kids school is only 4 years old, with an amazing staff. We've made friends here, my kids love the school friends...all of this will be hard to part with and the prospect of starting over is what keeps holding us back.

Having the kids really makes us evaluate everything 100 times over.
$900 a year in property taxes... 8O

That's almost living for free! :D
For fun and comparison take a look at these: Closer to the ity, literally on the outskirts.

Another trailer, with less things... ... aID%3d8688

Love the style of this, mid range price for acreages around here: ... ID=4175615

What you get for 4.5 million.... ... ID=4173940

Of course we have empty lots from everything as low as 69,000 up to 310,000 for an empty lot... 1/2 acre - 8 acres. ... ID=4150775
Ron wrote:
$900 a year in property taxes... 8O

That's almost living for free! :D

Exactly, we currently pay almost $2000 a year, and I believe it is going up. Our house is under 1000 sq ft, with a double garage and a small backyard.
As far as buying and selling goes, if you can afford to keep the house you currently live at plus pick up a second go ahead and submit bids. If you cannot afford to keep your current house and get a new place at the same time, you can put a contigency on the contract based on the sell of your current home. Which would also mean, while you are looking your current house is on the market. I am not familiar with real estate turn around up there but I wish you the best of luck. I know where I live it is transitioning to a buyers market. Again good luck and happy house hunting!!
We do have to make that condition, since our downpayment is linked with the sale of this house. I wish we had extra cash to do that, it would relieve alot of pressure. We will also get a penalty from the bank for paying off the mortage ahead of time....even tho we will take another one, it will be approx $8000.

The end result if we took this property for example is an extra $1000 left over cash at the end of the month...since we'd have a lower mortgage and no credit line payments, or Visa payments...they would get a zero balance. We might be able to have a family vacation, etc....we could have a savings for whatever. Currently we make it by okay, but have no savings for anything special.

This is our neighbourhood...we may even get a little more than $230,000, but we originally paid $186,000, we've improved it alot since we moved in. We have a bi-level , with 2 full baths., 1000 sq ft..most of these are 3-4 bedrooms, 3 bath, 2 storey's, 1500+ sq they are always priced higher. ... 38&MapURL=
Hi Daisie,

That place looked wonderful! I am amazed at the price on it too. However it's all relative as depending on where you live your own home will be within that market value as well.

After searching for acreage myself I know that the "hot" time for property is in the Spring but that only means you'll be able to find better deals the other months of the year. Saying that of course means less buyers on the market for your existing home. So again it's all relative.

MSN recently (just last week) showed what 250,000 could buy you in various cities around the US. In Pheonix for example you could buy a lovely home in that range, while in NYC it would get you a 500 square foot loft. Unbelievably Seattle is one of the most expensive cities to purchase a home in the US.

Here in Canada, Vancouver, Ottawa and Toronto also have very expensive listings. Would make sense to sell your home in the city and purchase elsewhere and get the best value for your dollar (which I plan on doing someday.) The house you showed and the area sounds great (not too far away from Edmonton. I quess you'd have to take in consideration the travell time to and fro if your husband works in the city vs the appeal of living on acreage.

I was also told that most agents know of homes available BEFORE they reach the MSL listings and by then it's usually too late as everyone else sees them too and chances are they have put in offers before you. (Happened to me twice regarding property I was looking at.)

Family homes are hot in the Spring as most people want to settle in before the summer or during the summer before school gets established. As most family homes are sold to people with kids, that makes sense.

It's difficult to say what to do..purchase property for the future (based on the equity of your home and rent it out with dreams of moving in the future) or move in now. I am also dealing with this and if you're interested this kind of loan is called an Aralia Morgage.

Lastly what ever you do - Trust me on this...get a morgage broker and don't go to the bank!!!!!!! Morgage brokers have the ins and outs with all the lending people across Canada and will find you the best morgage with a bank out there and at no cost to you!! The banks give them a finders fee for bringing you in and you can shave % off your morgage.
I went to five banks until I went to a morgage broker and he was the one that got me the loan for my place. My morgage payments dropped from 1200 monthy to 800 due to the lower interest. So it pays to make that call.

He also (this guy is a miracle worker) got me an Aralia morgage so I can purchase property with acreage based on the equity of my home and not have to sell my place right away but can rent it out and eventually build my dream house when I'm ready to sell my place in years to come. Still searching myself for that "dream property" and furture home for old dogs.

Best wishes to you and feel free to pm me about any questions you have.

Marianne and the boys
My dad's a real estate agent, but in Southern California, so things kind of run in their own little world out there. I have always heard that winter is a slow time of year to sell houses...first with the busy-ness of the holidays and then the cold-ness of winter. I've heard that new-home sales are down, but existing home sales are pretty steady, and actually have gone up a smidgen. But, they also say that new home sales are an indicator of what existing home sales will shortly be like...

The house you are looking at is pretty old (not old old, but 30 years is pretty old) so you would want to make sure it has been kept up pretty well. Also, moving from a 2 bathroom home to a 1 bath home could be difficult...they are also more difficult to resell. When my husband and I were looking for homes last year, the number of bathrooms was often a deciding factor. We found one AWESOME home, but it was only one and a half baths, and no room to add any more, so it was nixed.

Also, did you notice that it said it was a no-animal home, but it has a weimreiner in the picture in front of the fireplace? Hmmm...

Good luck!
Hi Again,

I forgot to mention that when I went to the five banks looking for a loan I was turned down those five times. Very frustrating as I owned 1/4 of the very home I was trying to purchase! My ex owned the other 1/4 and the bank owed the other half as that was what we still owed on the morgage.

I paid the entire 1200 morgage for two years prior myself and here banks were telling me I couldn't afford a loan. I kept taking on more and more jobs until eventually I had four and was so worn out and blurry eyed in those two years but was determined I'd find a bank to accept me. Grrrrr! I wanted to remorgage and pay off my ex for his share of the house and then own the place myself (and fill it with critters..LOL) Well thanks to that morgage broker he did just that. When I say they go to all the lending institutions they are all existing banks and will take a look at what the broker has and will take you on as their client. I ended up getting the morgage from TD and even with remorgaging and paying off my ex...the payments for my loan dropped to a more managable 800 and best of all, I own my own place!!! I was even able to drop two of those jobs and not be so sleepy. :lol:

I also found out when searching for property that lenders will be far more willing to give you a loan for existing stuctures on land than what is deemed recreational, bare land or even land with a mobile. Hope that helps.

Marianne and the boys
Thanks we do have a mortgage broker, he's been great, this is our second house with him, and trailer would be the third.

The Weimenier...I laughed about that too. I don't care about that, perhaps they had company, he is wearing a sweater. So if he happens to live there they take good care, and Weimenier dogs are high price here. it does worry me if they lied on purpose, and could possibly be lying about other things. But we'd have it inspected, esp because of the age...making it a condition of sale.

It is a 2 bathroom. 3 bedroom. So aside from room sizes, we are not losing anything that way.

I have told our realtor to let us know of anything that comes up before it's listed on us a chance.
Sorry, I thought it read 1 full bathroom, and 1 half bath. I guess I'm spoiled, but I would hate to shower and share counter space with my parents! ha ha.

As for the dog, I just thought it was funny that they made it a point to mention that there were no animals and then had one in their picture! Maybe they rented it to make the house look more cozy! (Which it does--that fireplace room looks so nice and comfy)
Marianne wrote:
Hi Daisie,

That place looked wonderful! I am amazed at the price on it too. However it's all relative as depending on where you live your own home will be within that market value as well.

After searching for acreage myself I know that the "hot" time for property is in the Spring but that only means you'll be able to find better deals the other months of the year. Saying that of course means less buyers on the market for your existing home. So again it's all relative.

He also (this guy is a miracle worker) got me an Aralia morgage so I can purchase property with acreage based on the equity of my home and not have to sell my place right away but can rent it out and eventually build my dream house when I'm ready to sell my place in years to come. Still searching myself for that "dream property" and furture home for old dogs.

Best wishes to you and feel free to pm me about any questions you have.

Marianne and the boys

So this Aralia morgage...who has that TD or all banks? That sounds like what we need. Since our house is worth ALOT more than this acreage. And we paid it down somewhat, and with making profit...we have equity...I think if I have an understanding of that. We don't want any renters etc...I just want to find a new home before I let go of this one...I'm a big scardey cat.

My biggest fear, is that in Spring I find our perfect home...but that home is perfect for 3 other buyers, making this $128,000 property...a $160,000 because it becomes a bidding war. But right now, only I am looking at it, and can take it for $127,000 or less??? Our neighbours just sold their house within 3 weeks of posting the sign, 1 open house, and it has a SOLD sign on it. So it probably was sold in a couple days, but with inspections, approvals took awhile to settle the paperwork.
barney1 wrote:
Sorry, I thought it read 1 full bathroom, and 1 half bath. I guess I'm spoiled, but I would hate to shower and share counter space with my parents! ha ha.

As for the dog, I just thought it was funny that they made it a point to mention that there were no animals and then had one in their picture! Maybe they rented it to make the house look more cozy! (Which it does--that fireplace room looks so nice and comfy)

Sorry your right 1 full and 1 half...I guess we lose a bathtub. But that's okay, it might be an issue when the kids care about hygiene more, and spend hours grooming themselves for a date etc...but right now it's fine. I think we will rebuild on the property anyways before that time, IF we love it.

I asked my realtor to check into we'll see what the dog is doing in the picture...LOL.
Most modular homes (trailers) do not have a basement, and the insulation is rather poor. What heating is it? The firepalce looks electric, so I assume electric heating. So that would be for the out-buildings, too. Read "expensive". Or is it propane? In the country there is often no natural gaslines.
And the water? Well water? Which then leads to the old septic system for waste water...and all that fun. I love living in the country, but this old house costs us over $6000 a year to heat, and we have put in probably $6000 in repairs to our septic bed and system in the past 4 years (since we moved here 8O ). Taxes are lower, but hey, we didn't even have garbage pick-up until last year and it costs us $20 a month to take it to the dump. Some things are cheaper, but others are more expensive. House insurance, for one thing. We went from $600 a year in the city to $2100 a year in the country. The farther you are from a firehall the more it costs. And we can't get a pizza delivered :cry:
Hi me again,

Rushing off to work but thought I'd answer your question Daisy. An Aralia morgage I believe is available at all banks, as it was my morgage broker that brought it to my attention. I am probably spelling it wrong but sounds like Ah Ray Lia.

Good luck!
Ron wrote:
$900 a year in property taxes... 8O

That's almost living for free! :D

You're not kidding. That's only a little more than I pay per month in tax payments-- for 9 months of the years!
Bosley's mom wrote:
Taxes are lower, but hey, we didn't even have garbage pick-up until last year and it costs us $20 a month to take it to the dump. Some things are cheaper, but others are more expensive. House insurance, for one thing. We went from $600 a year in the city to $2100 a year in the country. The farther you are from a firehall the more it costs. And we can't get a pizza delivered :cry:

Thanks bosley's mom, I didn't even consider these things...well except for the pizza. Hubby's already whineing about that. Now to find out more, I sure hope our realtor will have all this info for us. We are gonna go to the bank and see what we can do, to move, downsize etc...maybe they will have some answers to this as well.

I just want to move. My childhood was on a farm, and I LOVED it. My kids will love it too, but they will get all the city perks as well...swimming/skating/movies. Where I grew up, it was min 1 hour before a decent town, 5 hours to Edmonton.

We are not taking this trailer property, I didn't get all my questions answered, but my realtor said it isn't worth it. It has had 3 additions added to the original trailer, and the floors are uneven. it should be teared down and rebuilt, but we can't afford that. They are selling the land, and the new shop...the home isn't of any value I guess. I don't mind a little fixing up, but this would not get us ahead.

I'm still looking, I don't know if hubby will go for it. But I found a house, original hardwood, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, NO garage tho, small acreage but minutes to the city...and a touch out of price range. Our goal was to find something $150,000 or less....and my realtor thinks we can list our house for $240,000 or more. ... ID=4061351
Don't count on your realtor to find things out for you. Remember he wants a purchase and sale from you. If you are living in the city and want to move to the country YOU have to do your homework and figure out what you are comfortable living without (ie: friends for the kids to play with,dealing with water/septic systems, high speed internet, cable tv,all the conveniences of city living that you ASSUME will be there in the country but might not be there etc...)in exchange for what you will be getting (lots of acreage, no nosey neighbors, no one complaining if your dog is barking).

Before we put an offer on our new place...we educated ourselves about wells and septics and even called the cable co to see if we had internet (they said we did...when I called to transfer...oops someone made a mistake they dont so I will be going back to dial-up EW)

Dont forget that the house you are looking at is CHEAP for a reason...and if it was that valuable a property, then why hasnt someone else already bought it. Also if in future you do have to sell....rural properties take MUCH longer to sell than a place in the suburbs. You also have to consider that.

Anyway my point is DONT count on the realtor for the have to do the research yourself and make an educated decision
Anyway my point is DONT count on the realtor for the have to do the research yourself and make an educated decision

While this is true to an extent (meaning you should never follow anything blindly) I take some offense as my dad is a real estate agent and truly cares about his clients and wants to see them happy and in the best situation and location. Of course he wants his clients to buy/sell a house, as this is how he makes his living, but he takes pride in his work and would never falsely lead someone into believing that a crappy house is worth more than it is or if it has issues not to disclose them (that in fact is illegal).

I know there are some realtors out there just for the buck, but that is the case in all business. You should be able to tell if you are working with a slick willy or a honest abe.
My point was not to offend anyone. I am speaking from past experiences. We JUST sold a city house and bought a country property. We have not moved yet. I also live in the same country as Daisie and the real estate rules here differ from those in the states.
If Daisie is using a realtor that primarily used to dealing with city properties then that realtor is not necessarily the best one to rely on for information regarding a rural property. There are LOTS of issues to consider when buying a rural property that do not need to be taken into consideration when buying a city property. I do not think that you should just take what the realtor tells you. This is the most important purchase you will every make (or at least the largest purchase) and I think you should go into it prepared for whatever might happen. Is there a septic for the new place? How old is it? A house inspector does NOT inspect wells or septic have to arrange for that to be done separately....who pays for that? Write that into your offer. It is a large there a current survey of the property? We also had that done by the current owners at their expense.
I'm not trying to slam real estate agents. But they are in business for themselves...of course they want to make their clients happy, they rely on good word of mouth and repeat customers for their livelihood,it isnt in their best interest to just sell any old place, but unfortunatly not all agents we have had to deal with were as honest as we would have liked them to be. I just want Daisie to know what is involved when moving from the city to the country and since I am in the process of doing just that I thought my info might help.
Thanks Wizard, you make some good points, but I do have to agree with Barney, a good honest realtor should have access to the info we need.

I've asked her about what is wrong with the place, the well/cistern, schools my kids would be assigned too etc. She doesn't want to waste her time either driving out to these country places only for me to see it isn't worth it. She can tell us if it's worth it, and she knows how much we LOVE our current house, and will not just give it up for a dump. This is why we've called her back, since we've been through buying and selling with her once before...

Anyways, I understand we may need to have satellite to get tv, but give up cable internet for high speed through the phone (not dial up)...should be available anywhere phone lines go (phone company said). The kids will make new school friends, and our families (cousins) can still visit. They don't have much for neighbourhood friends right now anyways, so they won't miss that. However they will gain alot of space, and level yard to have a big swimming pool, a swing set, a tree fort, bike riding in a yard with out us worrying about traffic. We love looking at the stars, gardening and having marshmallow roasts...we can't do that here. I might be giving up some conviences, but gain alot of peaceful serenity.

Plus hubby will still work in the city and if I want a pizza, he can do take out, it'll be cold but we can still have pizza. As well as we don't plan on being more than 20 min from the city. I am hoping this will be the best move for us, and I am relying on our realtor to get the info we need before we waste everyone's time viewing the property then follow by a house inspection and at that time get into more detail.

Ooops sorry gone off on my own tangent of thoughts...back to the point, we trust our realtor to help weed out the good and bad of each property...after all isn't that what they are trained to do, and accumulate 30 years of ask the right questions for their clients. As Barney said they must disclose all info that we need to know...they can't hide anything on purpose.

I am trying to learn as much as I can, more so about living with a cistern...not sure what that will be like. I'm asking about gas lines, garbage pickup if available, taxes are chaper but I didn't consider insurance being higher... thanks to Bosley's mom for helping me with this area. It helps having the forum to learn from others. Thanks to everyone.

Now tell all about life using a cistern. The last house the sewer is tied into the public system. But they use a cistern for their water and get it trucked in.
Both the phone co AND the cable co told us that we had high speed internet available for our new place too...but now that I am trying to get it installed...NOPE not out there yet it will be soon is what I am hearing. We called both the phone co and the cable co BEFORE making the offer for the house. Seems like it is in the area...just not on MY side of the street...the homes across from us have high speed but the companies wont run a line across the street...YET 8O
That is wonderful that you have such a great relationship with your agent. My agent that I used to buy my new place and sell my old place was also wonderful, she had all the time in the world to help me find a new place and she did an EXCELLENT job in marketing my old place. When we first contacted her we told her that we had ALL the time in the world to find the right place that we didnt need to move yet but wanted to see what was out there and if it took 2 years to find the right place that it would be ok. We didnt want to rush things as we LOVE our current home but it is small and that we always had imagined we would be in the country some day. As it turned out all this took only a month. The new place we bought has the best of both worlds, kids dont have to change schools, the new place is only 5 kilometres from our current home. Friends are still a short drive away. I felt our agent really had our best interest at heart, I wouldnt hesitate to recommend her to anyone. However the buyers of my new place...their agent did not tell her clients all the information that was relayed to her by us and our agent and this slowed the process considerably.
Kim, that would be my hubby's thorn for sure, having been told by the phone company if we switch to their highspeed, they are fully aware of our plans to deny us service somewhere. My hubby is not 100% confident in this, but I gave them the community names and they said yes to each of those, so I have my fingers crossed. If we don't I suppose we will have to rely on satellite for it, or slow dial up...yuck to both.

I will get the names of all inspectors involved, we will not trust anything the current home owners have to say...esp since our price range is gonna be an older home. We are aware of the risks of buying older...why we got rid of our first was showing signs of wear and replacing needs, and felt someone else can have that headache. The new owners had it inspected, and we learned our furnace was we took the 1/2 the cost of a new furnace out of the sale, and they agreed and bought the house.

That is so cool Kim that you were able to keep the kids in the same school, that's what I keep hoping for...making it ideal for all of us. I may be able to work something out, and have the kids still here, if I drive them everyday, and work during their school hours, pick them up etc...but we live in a closed boundary school, meaning we have to prove we live here to have kids go here.

My realtor works with all areas of the city, and also helps in distant moves. She works with a team, so I am sure if she doesn't know she will ask, or at the very least help us to get the answers needed. She is the top 5% in the city....and very good at what she does. We just sat back and watched in awe, when the negotiatiations started, and we still can't belive she got more than we ever expected for the last house. She is very confident we will get 244,000 for this place, I was happy with 230,000....

Here in Edmonton, we have many subburbs on each side of the ciy, and ALOT of competition, so we picked her because friends of mine reccommended her. She has an agressive nature that at first you feel would offend, but instead she gets top just have to find who clicks with you. My obgyn has the same personality, and I got along with her great, where as many people hated her bedside manners. I like to know the facts, black and white, give me the honest info, esp the bad...don't hand hold with me through it, my hubby has that job.

Anyways, we are definitely taking our time, problem for me is I can see potential with every property...from an appearance sake...I am relying on the professionals to fill me in on the rest. My hubby isn't the best for asking questions, and he is NOT a handyman. Sometimes I feel I am the backbone when it comes to dealing with stuff like is scary, and I hate it.
My field is telecom and I can tell you that the availability of high speed internet over phone lines depends entirely on the distance between your house and the telephone company "central office." It is definitely not available whereever phone lines are. Unless your phone company has installed fiber to the home (which is extremely rare and very expensive, typically limited to richs suburban areas) the distance limit for Highspeed Internet availability over phone lines is typically 2 miles. In some places, even within 2 miles from the central office, highspeed Internet is not available over phone lines because of certain equipment in the network (load coils, bridge taps, and digital loop carrier). Rural areas are frequently not served by highspeed over phone lines. You can sometimes get a one-way high speed over satellite but then you need a second phone line for the "upstream" which is both slow and costly.

Here's a good summary:

One way to test would be if you have a phone number for the current residents -- you could see if the phone company lets you test by phone number whether dsl is available in your area. Phone numbers identify the central office. Sometimes just the area code and exchange (second 3 digits) are all you need to test. In the states, you can go to the phone co website to see if its available.

That being said, I am not sure that high speed internet would necessarily be a deciding factor in choosing a house. . .
That's what my husband said too, it has to have a central location, then a short distance and all that...but I clarified and either the girl had no clue, or they now have service to all these areas???Rob thinks they just wanted to say whatever it took for me to agree to switching. I hope not.

However we have to have internet capability, my husband's job sometime depends on it. Esp if he's on call, so for us it could be a deciding factor.

Again like i said earlier he leaves me to ask the questions, and then I get all confused because they throw a ton of info, and it's not my favorite subject. Sigh...

P.s hubby's job is telecom too..mostly with the states too, currently working with MCI client.
Daisie wrote:
That's what my husband said too, it has to have a central location, then a short distance and all that...but I clarified and either the girl had no clue, or they now have service to all these areas???Rob thinks they just wanted to say whatever it took for me to agree to switching. I hope not.

Is the girl from the phone company or the realtor's office? The phone company should be able to tell you but I would not be surprised if they were just generalizing and not addressing the specific location you have in mind. It really does vary even within a town. I would ask the residents of the house (if you meet them) or the neighbors.
Girl from our phone company, they were soliciting phone clients to switch to their high speed, and I mentioned we are moving to the rural area. She asked for some names, and I gave the names of these small communities, and stressed we were looking for an acreage...she was confident we'd get service, but then added if we don't we have a $120 penalty...half because we don't have service.

I keep trying to get hubby to call, and confirm all details himself...they've sent us the dsl pkg already, but we still haven't been hooked up. He still doesn't want to call, I think we are already paying we should have the service by now. I won't cancel the cable internet until then. So it's possible we are now paying for two...he frustrates me so much when it comes to stuff like this. I want him to be the man of the house and anything to do with the house, esp in his area of knowledge should be handled by him.

I think I will, visit the neighbours etc...I also want to know about other things too, esp the school we may be assigned to.
Daisie wrote:
Girl from our phone company, they were soliciting phone clients to switch to their high speed, and I mentioned we are moving to the rural area. She asked for some names, and I gave the names of these small communities, and stressed we were looking for an acreage...she was confident we'd get service, but then added if we don't we have a $120 penalty...half because we don't have service.

Sounds like she has every incentive to make the sale (commission!) and no consequences to her if you have to cancel because you move to an area without service. If anything, she's happy because the company gets the early termination fee. I would definitely not rely on her word about whether service is available in the area you plan on moving to. I work at a company that sells high speed internet service and while most people are good and truthful, there are definitely some unscrupulous salespeople out there. I would be careful. She's focused on selling you service now, at your current address.

You could also call the phone company to find out for yourself where the central office serving that town is located. If it is more than 2 miles from the house, it is almost certainly not available. Under two miles is no guarantee. At that point, I would ask the residents and neighbors if they actually have the service. Don't rely on general claims that it is available. If no one actually has it, it probably isnt available.

Good luck!
IF it is anything like my side of the street HAS High Speed internet and the other side doesnt...SO unless you are giving the EXACT address to the internet provider you may not be getting the right answer. Yes my new town does have high speed internet, yes my new street has high speed internet, NO my new house does NOT have high speed internet! Only the homes on the south side of the street have it. :cry:
The current owners have been promised that it is coming SOON (yeah right...they have heard this for 5 years now) we had the cable co give us a quote to get it to our new place...something like $10, thanks...i'll deal with dial-up for the time being! :roll:

On a more positive note...I have a very OLD computer. We just bought a new one(it is currently being built for me)...the computer guy (and also several computer friends) mentioned that with a new 'puter and dial up...I might not notice any difference than what I have now with an OLD computer and High Speed Internet! :lol:
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