Harley ....again!!

I picked up Harley yesterday and noticed a very significant weight loss.
He lost weight in August when we had him at my SIL's kennel. He didn't gain that back. Now while we were in NJ he hardly ate at all. My SIL even gave him wet food to which he turned his nose up to. Usually both dogs gobble down their food. Harley has been eating here and there.
I bought him some wet food tonight and he ate about 1/2 bowl. I also think he came home with Kennel cough... unless his throat is raw from his continuous barking. I keep telling Billy there is something wrong...
I definitely know he has hip problems. But now with the weight loss I am more worried. Do you think the weight loss is normal from anxiety?
Geez he went from a broad bodied GSD to looking like a Coyote.
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It is definitely possible that he was anxious and just missed his mom.... some dogs dont eat and are depressed and stuff until the family comes home so that might be it. He might still not be up to eating much since he isnt sure if you guys are staying or planning to leave again. Also ... kennel cough has a distinct deep cough to it and he would be coughing a lot. Has he been vaccinated against bordatella(kennel cough) ? IF so he should be fine and it might just be sore throat. He might jsut have some larygitis.
If he sounds like he has lost his voice somewhat and he coughs and has increased concentration of mucous in the back of his throat, it is most likely laryngitis. If he has a dry, hacking, paroxysmal cough and otherwise looks fine and healthy, then its more than likely kennel cough. Also if you touch his tracheal area and he coughs that is also a sign of kennel cough. The vet will give you some antibiotics and it will clear right up. Hope he feels better soon.
When is the last time that he's been to the vet? It sounds like now might be a good time to have everything all looked at at once. Poor guy.
If his weight loss is this significant, it's time to see a vet to have him assessed. They will be able to also compare his previous and current weights to determine the total loss.

Please keep us posted!
Even if he was vaccinated against bordatella it does not necessarily mean he doesn't have it. It is one of the least effective vaccines.
I would get him checked by the vet too just in case.
It could be something else completely and his symptoms just coincide with you going away.
Also, it is worth keeping in mind that the immune system understress simply does not function as well, he may have picked something else up because he was stressed.

6girls, I love your new avatar! :)
Ditto, Willowsprite.

Harley probably missed his mommy's food (even though it was probably exactly the same). Our OES, Muffin, wouldn't eat when we left her with someone else. Then we'd come back and she was pissed at us and would ignore everyone for a day. STRANGE.

Hope Harley is better soon! Please see the vet.
Tasker won't eat when he is at a kennel, he often loses weight when he is boarded ( I don't leave him unless absolutely necessary). I'd take him to the vet but also know that it may just be a stress response to being gone.
Thanks for all the responses. Billy wants to give Harley a couple of days to see if he starts eating better. When he first got home he ate a small meal. Same with Pepsi. Then he ate again. Just a small amount. I went out and got him wet food and he ate a little. Normally he would have devoured wet food. Pepsi ate it for him) Last night Billy gave him two cans of wet food and he had a few bites. Billy even tried to hand feed him. I ran into my neighbor last night (because we have no fencing between our yard right now) I told him about Harley and he offered to try to feed him. I said please...if you think you can. Harley took a hotdog from him and ate the whole thing :? This morning Billy gave him some more wetfood and he ate it. I don't think he has kennel cough. He is just doing this phlemy cough here and there. He still has not barked at all....so I am leaning toward the laryngitis. Harley has been vaccinated for bordetella.
Harley hasn't been to the vet in about a year. So we definitely need to take him. Especially since his hips look so bad. He is Billy's dog, so I will let him make the decision about when he feels he needs to take Harley to the vet. If this was Pepsi I would have had him there the day after he got home. I think that Billy is nervous about bringing him thinking that there is a bigger problem, that he is just not prepared to face.
Hi Elissa,

So sorry to hear that Harley wasn't feeling well. The two times I've had Merlin in a kennel he came home with what sounded like kennel cough. The kennels insist that all dogs are up to date on all their shots and need proof of this before you even arrive with the dog so I wondered why Merlin had that raspy hoarse like bark. Turns out it was cause he barked, and barked the entire time. Poor Merlin, he rarely barks at home. Anyhow thought I'd mention this might have happened to Harley as well. That would possibly explain the bark but not sure about why he's not eating. I mentioned in another post seniors month for pets is coming up in Jan/Feb for most vets across the country and you can get the works done (regarding testing) at a much lower cost.

Give that boy a hug and belly rub for me. Keep us posted.

Marianne and the boys
Thanks Marianne :D
Harley is going to be going to the vet tomorrow. Billy is taking him to the vet his boss has used to 15 years. We don't have a vet here in the Desert yet. His last vet was by our old house. Since then he has gone to low cost vaccine clinics for shots. As for Jan/Feb being Seniors month. I don't think that would apply to Harley, He's only 4 yrs old. Wish us luck!!
We were not able to get Harley into the Vet Friday.
Billy called everyone in the phone book they were all booked or closed.
Billy went to the local ASPCA and spoke with the Vet there. She thinks from the sound of it that Harley has laryngitis. He is eating but not much so I am still worried. He has not made one single attempt to bark and it's almost been a week 8O We added wet food in addition to kibble but he doesn't seem to be putting on any weight.
Billy is taking him tomorrow. Wish us luck! We are also going to try to get the hip x-rays done
wishing you good luck Elissa, keeping fingers and toes crossed that all goes well with Harley, give him a hug from me.

Hi All,
Finally I took Harley to the Vet yesterday. Billy didn't even call any of the Vets to see if they were open or not on Monday. He didn't feel well.
Well the first bit of bad news.... He has lost 20 lbs since his last weight in.
He has been eating and we even added can food to his diet. I have not noticed any increase in weight since he started eating again. It actually looks like he is losing weight.
...ok where was I? I just had to chase all three dogs. They decided to knock the temporary gate over. And were happing running around in my neighbors yard.
Ok....(catching my breath) They Dr think it might be his Kindeys.
I described how lazy he has been for the past couple of month.
They did $140 worth of blood work and Injected him with Lactated Ringers, SQ Fluids. We were told we we not have the blood test results for 24 to 48 hrs. He was also given the antibiotic Cipro.
In hoping for good news, I am honoring Harley today by having his picture as my Avatar. The picture will remain there until I have results.
Everyone please cross your fingers for him.
Oh Elissa! :cry:
I'm crossing my fingers for you guys. Poor Harley. Let's hope that it is something that is easily fixed...I'm thinking of you.
Fingers, toes, arms and legs are crossed for you and Harley. Poor baby!! :oops: Hope to hear good news soon.
all our fingers and paws are crossed for you
He is such a sweet boy. Maybe they can help control the problem through a special diet for kidney problems? Wishing him the best!
Poor Baby!! All fingers & paws crossed for you Harley!! Feel better!!
I hope they figure it out quickly and help him feel better soon.
Poor Harley :( With all of us pulling for you you'll be better in no time.
I hope things go better for poor Harley We have a GSD (Bailey) along with two labs and a sheepie. My Lab Savannah has been limping on her back leg for two weeks she has a bit of hip dsyplasia but two days ago maybe three she started limping on her front leg and has been very quiet for a labby!! Then yesterday she would not eat, also unsusual for a lab. I have given her scrambled eggs for breakfast the past two mornings. I had my vet take a look. just like you we had 160 bucks worth of blood work done and a lyme test (we are in MD) the lyme was neg but we are awaiting the othet blood work. If only they could talk. Well I have rambled on too much Just want you to know we are thinking of you and Harley I have a great fondness for ,as we call them here, Sheppys. As well as sheep dogs and labs. Geeze we just like all animals!! Hopefully you will be posting some good news.
Oh, Elissa. Our fingers, toes, paws and EYES are crossed! :D
Get Well, Harley!!!
Thanks everyone Harley appreciates all the love :D
I called the Vet and the technician told me they only had partial results and would call me back when they got the results...which she said should be this evening. Well no call yet and it's almost 7 pm. I just called and they are closed. So now we have to wait until tomorrow. I hope that the old addage is correct. "No news is good news"
Well I am still waiting. I called the Vet this morning and they don't have the results back yet!!! I am a nervous wreck. They said they'd call when they got them so I'd better stay off the phone. I hate waiting... I am so stressed out. Harley's skin turned red (the black areas) around his face and eyes, Same thing happened before and we gave him prednisone and it went away.
But also his eyes are runny now. I really wish we could just kind out what's going on. We shouldn't have to wait THIS long.
I would keep hounding them... you have a right to get answers as soon as they are available.
Keeping my fingers crossed!
I finally got the results. They said he has a slightly elevated white cell count. A sign of infection. They said to keep him on the Cipro and they want to see him back again on Tuesday. I still don't see any improvement after almost 48 hrs.
I've been thinking about Harley all day. I hope the antibiotics will do the trick. They didn't mention any problems with his kidneys then?
Thank you Jaclin :D
No mention was made of the kidneys. All she said was the white count was slightly high. I assume everything came back ok or they would have told me.
I don't think just an infection would cause that drastic weight loss. JMO
That's what I thought too. I told the woman at the front desk that I was worried about him and he doesn't seem to be getting better yet. She said to let the antibiotics work and they will redo his bloodwork on Tuesday. He just came over to me to say hi. He had me so worried last night. He was on the same spot of the floor for 3 hrs. He didn't go out when I brought the other two out. He did raise his head and look in my direction. Now I seem to be even more stressed out than I did waiting for the results. 8O I think there is something really wrong with him. He is just not himself.
I'm sorry he's not feeling well, and I understand your concern. I'd be worried too.

Maybe the antibiotics are kinda wiping him out a little bit.
I am so sorry to hear that Harley's not feeling well! And I'm sorry I am late to chime in with my support and best wishes. I love the avatar. I hope he feels better soon. I know you will keep us posted. I hope the next update is good news. . .
Poor fella...I hope he starts feeling better soon.
So sorry to hear Harley is still not too good, hoping all will be well with him. Poor baby :cry:
Poor Harley!

How is he today? Have the antibiotics kicked in yet?
Poor Harley! And poor Elissa! I can imagine how stressed out you are that they can't give you a diagnosis. Is Harley eating and drinking now?
Well he's still mopey & lazy...He ate half of his breakfast. Barked once today quietly, He has been coughing here and there like he's hacking up a lung. Also his eyes are runny.....
That poor boy :( Hope he's better soon.
aww poor harley, i really hope he starts to feel better soon!
Lil Walty wrote:
aww poor harley, i really hope he starts to feel better soon!

Me too. Any progress?
Have you found out anymore about Harley?
He's still coughing. Billy thinks he's gained weight but I don't see it. He is eating very well, but his eyes are still runny(whatever that menas.) I left it up to hubby to give him his pills this morning....well guess who didn't have his morning dose of Cipro. He was jumping around this afternoon with Pepsi a little. That's something. He sees the Vet tomorrow at 3 pm. So we at least will know if he gained any weight. He will also be getting another blood test to check his white blood cell count.
Thank you to everyone for caring so much about Harley :D
It sounds like he's doing better :) I'm so glad he's eating again. Hope he continues to improve so he'll be playing like he was in your Avatar picture. (Thats' a great picture!) Thanks for the update!
We just got back from the Vet where we got more antibiotics.
He lost 2 1/2 lbs.... Which makes no sense because we doubled his food intake. They took more blood...another 24 to 48 hrs of waiting.....
Darn. I was hoping he was improving since he's eating better. This has to be very frustrating. Hang in there... I know it's tough waiting.
Oh dear so sorry for you elissa, it must be so hard waiting on all these dam tests to see what is causing the weight loss. Hang in there and stay positive, ((((hugs)))) to you and harley, poor lil man. :(
{{{{{hugs}}}}}} to you and harley
I called the Vet just before they closed at 6pm.... Harley's results have no come in yet! Another day of waiting
Elissa, what's up with that? It seems like an awful long time to wait for test results. You poor thing! I hope Harley is feeling better...
have you heard anything yet? i keep thinking about you guys...
Nothing yet. I think I annoyed the woman at the Vet this morning.
She basically said the Vet will call me when and if the results come in today :evil:
I am going to call in 1/2 hour. I am very worried about him.
I'd keep calling too elissa, know how you feel as awaiting results is very frustrating and stressful, keep at them :cry:
I wouldn't let her annoyance put you off.... this is your fur baby, for one thing, and for another you are paying a lot of money for them to work for you, find answers and make him well.
I hope they figure things out soon.
Do you think he is doing any better?
Well I finally spoke to the Vet at 4:30pm. She said his white count got a little better, but still elevated. In the first test his liver panel was slightly high...which no one told me! They said it was normal this time.
She is concerned because he lost more weight, the runny eyes and cough. She wants to take him in first thing in the morning and do some x-rays. She suspects he may have a cancerous tumor. She is also doing a heartworm test with the blood that is already at the lab. They are going to X-rays his chest and abdomen. So that is where we are at.
I'm so sorry. I know that has to be driving you crazy
Oh dear. I'm sorry to hear this Elissa. It's so difficult when they can't tell you what's wrong. I hope the tests today are helpful. I'll be thinking about you.
Thinking of you and Harley today. I know this has been very hard. I hope they get to the bottom of it very soon.
Thanks Stacy, Tammy & deograine,
I am dropping him off at 8:45am and picking him up at around 12pm.
Poor guy was coughing so bad last night. I just really want them to find something. Hopefully not what they have been talking about.
It's just so strange that he was himself until we went away for Christmas.
Before we left we would scratch his back and he would moan in ectasy.
He does not make any noise anymore. He used to howl is you asked him to speak. He has been barking here and there but nothing like before we left. He seems to be stuck in slow motion. I just don't understand how he was fine, then a week later a complete mess. First thing I am going to do when we get to the Vet is get him on the scale again. So at least after I drop him off I can update that info.
If you could please cross your fingers or pray for good luck for Harley today!

Come on, Harley! I'm thinking about you today...
Harley, Panda and I are thinking about you all day today....xoxoxoxo
Harley, get better soon! Bailey
We are following your updates and hope you get back to your old howling self again soon. Wishing you a very very very lucky Friday the 13th.
Aurelie and Saffy
Well I just dropped him off. I weighed him and he gained 1 lb since Tuesday. Also the Heartworm test results were in and he is Heartworm negative. That's good to find out that he's not in the end stages of Heartworm. I am going to start his Heartworm meds now instead of in the spring. That is if everything else is ok. I pointed out his nasty running eyes, and told them he has been on antibiotic since Jan 3rd and it hasn't helped with anything at all.
I really hope they figure it out.... gaining a pound is good, better than losing, but it's not enough to be really an improvement if he still has other symptoms.... you must be so worried, and probably fed up with no results yet too....
Please let us know as soon as you hear anything! :)
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