Is it possible?...

While we were away visiting for christmas at my sisters house, we brought Sasha with us only to discover that my sister's male sh*tzu has not been fixed. The unfortunate part is that we were not informed until the kids told us that the dogs were "doing something in the backyard". Sasha was just in heat. Does anyone know if it's possible for a small breed to get a sheepie preggers?
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It's been known to happen.

If she has just started her season then I don't think you will have a problem. How many days into her season was she?

If in doubt at all you can take her to the vet and they give an injection for accidental matings.
To be honest I'm not sure how long she was into her season. I am so new to all of this. By the time the incident happened she had not bled for about a week and a bit. I would be torn on the shot idea... as I am a complete bleeding heart. But if she is pregnent and has the pups I wonder if it would mess anything up come time to breed her with a sheepie?
A female is usually ready for mating around the 14 day mark when she is ovulating. Sometimes earlier in the heat sometimes later. When a female is ovulating the colour of the discharge turns from a reddish discharge to a yellowish thin discharge and she is quite swollen & soft in that area. She can't get pregnant till ovulating.

I personally don't think you have a problem with her, as when a mating takes place the dog and bitch tie for quite awhile after.

Hope this information eases your worry a bit and again if in doubt then get a vet to look at her about 4-5weeks after her heat has finished.
since she was not bleeding anymore... she is in her "true heat". She can definietely get pregnant during this time but since you said that it happened about a week after she stopped bleeding it might be possible that the "window of opportunity" has passed. A true heat technicall lasts about 3-21 days with an average of 9 may get lucky. If she is pregnant and you decide to have the pups, she isn't ruined for her breeding with another sheepie. That is a common misunderstanding when people want to breed and then accidentally it happens with a dog they didnt want to have bred with their dog but your sheepie isn't ruined. If you decide to go with the shot (I believe PGF 2 alpha is still the most popular), you want to make sure that she stays away from male dogs because this will most likely bring her back into estrus, her heat, and she can get pregnant again. You can also go to the vet and ask for mismate pills, either ECP or DES, again caution with going back into true heat. Another way out is to have her spayed within 3-4 weeks of her starting her pregnancy but since you want to breed her I guess thats out of the question.. Whatever you decide, these are some options you have. Also, if you plan to mate her at a later time, there are these pills or injections you can give her, via vet approval ofcourse, that will delay her heat cycle till you are ready. It is what the show people generally use so that their female doesnt go into heat in the ring and drive all the boys crazy. Kind of like birthcontrol.... This way you dont have to watch her everytime she goes into heat until you want her to. Hope this was somewhat useful
If your new to having an entire bitch, not being critical but please educate yourself on what happens to them during and after there heat.

There is a great deal to learn, especially after the heat has finished. Like strong smelling urine, indicating a urinary tract infection, being unwell a few weeks after sometimes with a discharge, sometimes not, just being very off colour, indicating pyometra which if not detected in time can be fatal to most bitches.

There is a lot to learn and look out for having an entire bitch the more you find out about it the better it is for her in being healthy and happy :D
mum2sasha wrote:
. I would be torn on the shot idea... as I am a complete bleeding heart.

Please don't take this as any kind of criticism, because I mean it in the kindest way. If she is pregnant, please, please don't bring any unintentional puppies into the world. The world is so full puppies and dogs who need good loving homes, with good loving people. To add to the burden, just seems like a bad idea to me.
lisaoes wrote:
If your new to having an entire bitch, not being critical but please educate yourself on what happens to them during and after there heat.

Thank you for all the info. And your right, I walked into this knowing the basics but I have really realized that there is so much more to know and I definately plan on becomming more educated. As a matter of fact I have been looking into going back to school to take a vet assistants course. I think alot of people get excited when getting a sheepie and think that it would be so great to breed, and then, with lack of information and education, we end up with unhealthy pups. Again thank you so much. And offence taken, you have a very valid point....the best way to be a bleeding heart is to look at this from all sides.
Thank you for your consideration about learning more about breeding. There is a wealth of knowledge on this site and breeding a dog is not something that should be taken lightly. There are a lot of genetic problems with sheepdogs, so finding a healthy (behavior & physical) suitable mate is definitely something that needs to well planned. You should also make sure that your bitch is healthy, which can also be done with extensive testing as well. I'll keep my fingers crossed that your little girl is not pregnant.
I have become a complete maniac...every morning I wake up and ask Sasha "are you pregnant?" (like she will answer me lol) The hardest part is waiting to know. I will be making a vet appt. The good in all of this is it has been a definate eye opener...and a little embaressing at how little I actually know. But the good part is all the great information you have gave me...thank you. I will kepp you updated on her 'status'. Hope everyone had a happy new year!!!!!
Since it was such a small dog that may have bred her, if she is pregnant you may not even know until the due date comes and goes.
it's not the size...... i banned for this joke?

i'd say spay and neuter.

most people aren't equipped for a litter of puppies, better to prevent than to find out later that you should have .
LOL, Ed :D

On the upside, if she's pregnant, the pups will be adorable. I'd come up there just to get one myself! Keep us posted.
:lol: :lol: Lol Ed! I can add to the joke, we have been giggling about what you get when you cross a sh*tzu and a Sheepie?....A SheepSh*t. Go figure.How do you advertise THAT one? LOL

Hi Anniesmom! I know can you just imagine how cute they would be? I have a few friends who are hoping she is going to have pups because of how amazingly adorable they would be. Thanks for the boost guys,it's good to put a little light on the situation. :D
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