Panda aka PigPen

Remember PigPen on Charlie Brown? Well I always affectionately think of Panda as the dirty dust covered little boy on that cartoon.

Yup, I've tried the grooming and believe it or not it's way better than when he first came in my home. Although its hard to tell with all that dirt, the consistency of his hair has really improved! It used to feel very dry and brittle and always had a yellowish tinge (not on just his legs but his entire body.) Now most days he's kinda mud colored..due to the rain and mud in the yard or his romps in the woods. However, the color underneath the mud is white!!! Wheee an accomplishment!!!

They say patience is a virtue and so thus I must be very virtuous! :roll: He came into my home in the spring of 2004 and I've patiently waited until the day he will have a beautiful full coat. Sigh someday....
It means I have to once again take him to the vet and get him fully sedated and shaved in order to get the mats out from under his ears. He still has "issues" with that part of his body but I think it will be the last time I need to have this done as Panda is getting better with the grooming as time passes. Probably my fault as I haven't rushed him but he no longer does the lip quiver when I bring out a brush and doesn't do this when I bring out the scissors (although he won't allow me to even get them near his body.)

I just wanted you guys to know that as I'm always a tad embarressed by the condition of his appearance. Someone that visited me yesterday commented on the difference of the "dirty dog" (Panda) compared to that beautiful "white coated" (Merlin) one. Yuppers, that's my PigPen Panda but I don't have the heart to stop him from racing around the yard, rolling in the dirt as his face is one of pure joy after being confined for so long in a cage. Overall, I'm just happy he's getting to be a regular dog and even though he looks like the unkept child in the family, he's a happy boy! So I just think I'll be patient with him and one day I will have no problems grooming him.


Marianne and the boys
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Awww it's a great pic :)

He is beautiful, truly!!!

Like you, we brought Murphy into our home in the Spring of 04. I wish I took pictures of him the day that Troy and I brought him home, the filth, the stink.. he was just down right pathetic... slowly over time and many trips to the groomers his brown became white.

As my friends will tell you.. I am a little "over the top" about clean. It took me a while to adjust to the fact that Murphy is not happy unless he is rolling in something or swimming in a swamp hole. I stopped taking him to the beach because of the sand he would drag into the house, I stopped taking him to the park, cause of the mud he would drag into the house and like you I was always a little embarrassed of his appearance. Finally, my girlfriends, aka The Dog Girls" said "Brenda.. take a pill, he's a dog.. he's having fun"

So now when we are out and someone says "what is that!!!" I say.. my stinky sheepie and I wouldn't want him any other way...

Panda is beautiful. in all his piggy glory!!
He's certainly a very handsome boy, and he looks HAPPY :D I'd say that alone is quite an accomplishment, there will always be time for baths.
I agree with Holly - he's happy - and that's a HUGE accomplishment. Baths...well...they're highly overrated!! :D :D :D
I see your 1mistake Marianne!!LOL!!You have him laying on a beautiful fluffy WHITE rug!!!LOL!!hehe!!It isnt that he is dirty,its the darn rug!!

Hehe!! :lol:

He is very cute I love his "i dont care what i look like im beautiful anyway!"hehe!!and the dog is right!!

I love your post makes my day!! :lol:
Baths are highly over-rated . . . .
I think he's a cutie!
Mud = fun

Just look how relaxed I am in front of the fireplace 8)
(A tired sheepdog is a good sheepdog!)
Awww panda is just a back to nature boy. Lovely photo of him by the fire.
You have done a lot for him is such a short time, had no idea that you have only had panda home since spring 2004. What a wonderful mom you are :wink:
a dirty dog is a happy dog :D
boobaby wrote:
a dirty dog is a happy dog :D

I agree 100%
The great home and much love you have given him FAR outweighs his "pigpen" appearance! He's a cutie!
Chris mean sheepdogs are not supposed to look like Panda?
Merlin when groomed stays that way for about a week...but Avalon...geesh she stays clean for FIVE minutes if I am lucky. And we DO call her "PigPen"!
Panda looks great Marianne....he looks like a HAPPY sheepie!
Who wouldn't be happy living with you, no matter what they looked like?

One of these days, Marianne, one of these days.

Keep up the good work. It all pays off in the end.
We came back from our morning walk and when I got a glimpse of Bentley's paws I told him he had Panda Paws and then chuckled out loud.

Bentley just grinned at me as if to say, there are worse things in life, Mom.
lol :D
You know of course, that I meant it as a compliment!
I feel much better thanks to all of your post!! Thanks so much for all the comments! I just didn't want you guys to think I neglect Panda boy. It was too funny as shortly after I wrote this post I went for a walk in the woods with Panda and in typical fashion he dove in mud /rain pools, splashing around...but had a smile on his face while doing so. Jil I take it as a compliment that Bentley has Panda paws :D as these boys have similar habits and an aversion to grooming tools.

Tanya, you're right the white fluffy rug that Panda was sitting on makes him look much dirtier. No worries however, as that was my Christmas present to the boys and was brand new and in no time it will be mud covered too. :D

I really wanted a thick plush one but decided on one that was washable and therefore more practicle. I mean I was rather nuts getting a white rug for them! 8O Hopefully this insanity will only be temporary. :lol:

Marianne and the boys
Panda paws..sounds good!
When I was shopping for my family room rug I "ooohhed" and "aaahhed" over the beautiful wool and silk rugs for a while. Then I turned to the salesman and said "I have a puppy. Which ones are the easiest to clean?" LOL! If you can't run the steam cleaner over it, who needs it?

And Bailey, who can find a mud puddle from a mile away and has recently taken up landscaping in the backyard, is proud of his Panda Paws too
Well Panda is just so happy to hear he has "brothers in grime"!! and is quite honored that his furball buddies have "Panda paws"!!. Sounds like a boys club..Panda, Bailey, and Bailey, Murphy, Pepsi, and others. More girl sheepies like little Avalon, are also welcome to join in the mudfest.

I was so happy yesterday to find two more of those rugs for 1/2 price off while having to hang around a mall for 4 hours while the van was in the shop. These ones were much bigger and cost 18 dollars! I did pick up one black one and another white one. Means I'll have a clean one around while one is getting washed!

oh Panda wants to give a paw to his Brothers in Grime before we sign off... :lol:

Marianne and the boys :wink:

Max your line about "one of these of these days...LOL just made me want to give you a noogie on your head! ha ha
Pepsi wanted me to let you know that he has been the Prince of Sand the past couple of days. The one side of our yard was excavated before the guys started installing the block wall. Before we left for NJ Pepsi was running in the trench they dug for the footings like it was a Pepsi tunnel.
Now that the first course of block has been installed he just plows through the mounds of sand sitting on the yard....and of course enjoys lying down in it. He must have brought two pounds of sand into the house in the past couple of days. Definitely Brothers in Grime :D
Atta boy Pepsi!!! Your own personal sand box!! I agree with the others a dirty dog is a happy dog! :D

Marianne and the boys
hehe, Jasper is getting to be the same way. I can't keep him clean anymore. Panda is gorgeous!
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