I'm Home!

Hi Everyone,
Hope you all had wonderful holidays.
We got home last evening. Mom & Dad brought Pepsi to the groomers two days ago. I guess Dad didn't do such a hot job of brushing. :roll:
They asked me for specific direction on what I wanted done. I said cut his bangs, shave his stomach and privates, shape the legs and feet. I was happily surprised last night when I saw him and found out that groomer hadn't messed up. His coat is the same length I left it....except for the areas I mentioned.
Peanut is staying at my Grandmother's house until at least Thursday. If all goes as planned he will stay longer. When my Grandmother tells him to stop barking, he does 8O He also seems very happy to be an only child... Even if it is only for a little while. Today I have to pick up Harley at my SIL's. He hasn't been eating and has chewed more holes in his back. He is so neurotic when his Daddy is not around. My SIL did say he is not barking his head off like usual. She assumes because Peanut is not there to make him nuttier.
Hayley had a wonderful first Christmas. LOTS of toys...and even more to come 8O I think I need a second house just for the kids toys. Ryan has enough toys for 10 kids. I might go thru his room before he gets back from NJ and thin out what he has.... Though I know he will notice.
Hayley was dressed in her little Santa Baby Dress yesterday and everyone that saw her commented on how cute she was. Even my parents (who are Jewish). I will post some pictures when I get a chance.
I am waiting for pictures that my sister took of Pepsi right after his haircut.
I wonder if his coat was straight for any amount of time after.... I bet around 3 hrs before it curled back up.
I missed everyone....and of course I missed the weather here at home.
I did get to see a lot of my friends I haven't seen in years and all their new babies :D We ended up having to get an extra bag to take home with us for all the toys Hayley received from everyone.
My wonderful Husband came went out on Christmas Eve with two pounds of Dunkin Donuts for me! What a guy!!!! :D
Well even though nobody was here for the past week I have the need to clean the house. lol
Also I wanted to let everyone know the blockwall in the back of the property is DONE!!! The one across the side has the first course of block. I can't wait for this to get done......and I can give the dogs their dog door back.
I have so much catching up to do on here.... It could take me forever...
So please...as a favor. Nobody do any new posting until I am caught up :wink:
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OK, we promise.

Glad you had a great time!
Welcome Home~!!! Glad to hear your trip was a good and the puppers seem to have survived!!!!!
welcome home glad you had great time :D :D
Welcome home and welcome back! At least our weather in the northeast was a little easier on you than it had been on us in the prior weeks! Can't wait to see pics!
Welcome back elissa, glad you had a lovely holiday and all went well with the fur kids.
Welcome back! ex me you're here you'll meet Pooh!
Welcome home. Sounds like it was a great trip for all.
Think you are going to love the new wall and being able to let the babies run free and safe.
Well, of course we are going to post! :lol:

Welcome home. Hope you get caught up soon.
HEY!!shes back!! :clappurple: :clappurple: :banana: :banana: YEAH!!!I have been waiting too see pics of ur babies 1st christmas she is so darn cute!!!!Now tell us ALL about ur trip.Good weather???Alot of snow????Im listening........
Welcome back! :)
Thanks Everyone :D :D
Chris it was really cold until the last two days.... 30's...but for me that's really cold.
Tanya, The first day it flurried a little. The only real snow we saw was the brown looking stuff on the side of the road.... YUCK!!!
The trip was great! I got to eat real Pizza, Bagels....etc I think I put on at least 5 lbs. lol We had Christmas Eve dinner at my Best Friend's Aunt & Uncles home. Lasagna and Ham and food, food and more food. lol My Cousin's got to meet Hayley and of course she was her usual happy self and impressing everyone everywhere we went. The same question was repeated over and over and over... Is she always this happy? YES!
We went for dinner at my former neighbors and very good friends' Jamie & Crystal's home in NY. Their daughter Johanna is a few months older than Hayley. The girls had a blast playing together and if they spent any amount of time together they would be trouble. They were talking baby talk to each other. Hayley would say something to Johanna and Johanna would go into the kitchen and come back and hand something to Hayley. Hayley would turn her back to us....as if we couldn't see what they were doing.
Johanna was going into the kitchen and smuggling in potato chips to Hayley. lol They were hysterical. We were videoing the girls and they wer playing together at a toy. Crystal and I were talking and catching up when we turned around in time to see the girls high 5ing each other. :cow: I know that they understood every word each other was saying. I hope they send me the pictures and videos they took. It was priceless watching our girls together.
I also spent quite a bit of time with my old neighbors from NJ, Nancy & Steve. They are quite a bit older and are like second parents to me. The husband is so much like Billy he could be his Dad (Billy's Dad died many many years ago) Billy thinks of Steve as his Dad. It's really sweet.
They were so infatuated with their new "granddaughter" Hayley. (They don't have any kids of their own) Steve broke out the camera as soon as we entered the house. By the second day of going to their house their fridge was covered in Hayley pictures. :D :D
We also visited with My Uncle (Mom's Brother) and Aunt. My Aunt Karen when so nuts over Hayley...she called my Mom as soon as we left to tell her how spectacular she thought Hayley was, (Did I mention Hayley is the first girl born in our family in 10 years? There are like 15 boys and Hayleys the first girl of her generation) She went on and on about her.
Just as she was about to hang up...as an after thought she said... Oh yeah and by the way this is Karen...lol
Well I could go on and on. We visited so many people and had such a wonderful time. I really don't want to bore you all with the details....
But it did take my holidays blues to holiday cheer.

PS:I posted some holiday pics in a thread under the pictures section...
Wow! It sounds like you couldn't have had a better time!! Of course Haley wowed them all as I just viewed the photo of her on the forum..she's just a little doll!! Yup you missed the furballs but sounds like they were left in good hands. Good to have you back!

Marianne and the boys
Sounds like you all had a wonderful time! :D

Nothing better than catching up with old friends this time of year. :D

Sounds like Haley was an angel and didn't disappoint her fans! :lol:
Sounds like you had a great time! Glad you are back safe and sound...and probably needing a LONG NAP!
Sounds great! :) Isn't it nice when everything goes smoothly over the holidays? Some years everything just clicks, and it is so much more enjoyable :)
Glad you had a nice visit home Elissa! :D
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