do Sheepdogs have a strong odor?

I am thinking of adopting an OES and have been reading all your comments. The ones that really shocked me were the ones that talked about the strong odor of the breed. Do all sheepdogs have a strong odor naturally or is the odor just from being outside and getting wet and or dirty?
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I have 5 1/2 month old OES. I find that the only time he has an odor is when he eats certain foods (like a bacon nylabone) -- and, of course, if he rolls around in something stinky! Other than that, he has a regular dog smell (nothing strong; you have to get up close to smell it).

I have a 6 month old OES male and I'd agree that it's a typical doggie smell. It might seem stronger because of their size, but we give our Sebastian a bath every week to make it more tolerable.
Our sheepdog is about 8 months old. When we first got him, he stunk. The vet said that he had skin and ear infections and gave him some antibiotic pills which he took 2 times a day for 10 days. He also prescribed medicated shampoo to use for about a month. He thinks its from a weak immune system when he was a puppy. We clipped his hair short and use Perfect Coat puppy shampoo about every 1-2 weeks or so and clean his ears 1-3 times weekley. Also pull the hairs out of his ears using Gold ear powder. He doesn't stink like he used to.
Healthy puppy OES's usually have a skunk breath odor. This comes from the milk they have been drinking and the change in their diet when being weaned. It lasts about six weeks, but we have never noticed a distinct body odor with any of our OESs. They are indoor dogs, but like to play in the backyard under supervision. We always make sure the yard is cleaned everyday so if they roll around, they always smell of grass, not poop! I also use those dog wipe pads to freshen their coats after grooming. You can find them at your petsmart.
I have never dealt with sheepdogs before, until a stray came to my house. I have had him 2 years now. Right away I noticed he had a skunky odor --bath or no bath. Others have noticed it too, and just thought he had contacted a skunk a long time ago and the smell had just faded. I looked up this website to see if sheepdogs have some sort of natural smell just like other creatures sometimes do. Perhaps it is just present in the body oils. But I have had him two years and he is a well groomed and much loved "kid". But he still smells the same today. Faintly skunky. I believe I have become used to it, but others still notice it.
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