A Question about Sam/Brocolli

I have never seen a brown OES before. Sam is brown. There is a lot of grey mixed in with the brown but he is definately brown. I thought all OES's were grey and white or black and white?
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I don't know for sure, but I think sun exposure can alter the color of fur...just like human hair. Perhaps it could be stained? From water or something? It may an unhealthy coat as the result of less than perfect nutrition? Just some ideas.

An OES may be brown, however it is considered a HUGE color fault in the breed, and a brown dog cannot be shown in confirmation. the coat color SHOULD be shades of grey in an adult dog. Any responsible breeder who has brown coat color in their line immediately spays/neuters those dogs, and probably would not breed from that dam/sire again.

So in answer, yes the caot CAN be brown, but it SHOULDN'T be. That doesn't make your pup any less wonderful however!!!!

Enjoy your brown pup!

Karen :)
Actually from looking at his pics I don't think he is pure OES. My guess is a bit of Australian Shepherd in there somewhere....
George, We have hadl Babies that have been a number of colors...I had one {Harley } that was mostly white. His Dad was what is called a Blue Merle......This is supposed to be caaused by a recessive gene? Saved 5 Babies and 3 of them were tan and white.....After they got a little older there was grey mixed in also....They have all been wonderful Babies.. I'm sure the ones on this forum that are smarter then I am can answer the question about color in breed Standard.......Kaye Second Chance OES Rescue
Kaye, out of those five you saved, the ones with tan don't look even close to pure oes, not just because of coloring either. I'm positive they had something else mixed in.
He looks pretty much OES to me from the camera phone pic...
I thought if they were AKC registered they had to be purebred. Not that it matters. I would love him even if he were purple with big red spots :)
Unfortnately, those papers don't mean a thing if they are not from a reputable breeder.
Puppy mills often have AKC papers too, but they have so many dogs half the time I don't think they know who the father is anyway, or what for that matter. They just put down whatever they want and forge documents.
Ooops, mixed up pics... it is hoffma's dog that I was thinking might be a mix...
In your pups case it is probably sunburnt, or possibly stained.
Well he definately wasn't a reputable breeder, just someone breeding his dogs in his backyard. I have no idea where he got the Mum and Dad from.

Hopefully I can get some good pictures of him tonight to share--now that he's all squeeky clean :)
Stacey, The girl in Missouri that contacted me about the 5 Babies saw the property and the pens..... That was the first thing I asked her was could the dogs inter bred.....She said from what she saw the pens were seperated...... I wasn't allowed to go to the property..We met in a Wal Mart parking lot.. They also had AKC papers too........Which means nothing anymore........Which I personally think is very sad.......Kaye Second chance OES Rescue
It is a brown brown or more reddish? Sun can burn the coat and sometimes the puppy coat that is working it's way out can have a brownish tint when the sun hits it. I have a hard time making any assumptions from the picture because it looked pretty close to black to me!
The roots are black. It's a redish brown. He did live outside so it makes sense about the sun. It was a lot easier to see that after he went to the groomers today. He came home looking so beautiful, almost like a different doggy. He smelled a whole lot better too. I have pictures coming. Clean bill of health too. The groomer said he behaved very well, but he's been a terror tonight 8O
I just saw your pictures, he is SO CUTE :D I love the expression.

Deograine he looks to me like the browning is just old puppy coat that has to clear, this happens to some and he is the right age to loose what I call the black and white fluffy puppy coat and change into the junior coat. Still looks like in the photo lots of puppy coat to clear. This happens to some with the browning at this stage, others it does not. Some usually get the same thing again going from a junior coat to the fully mature coat.
I just think he is changing coat slowly. He will loose the brown when more of the junior coat starts happening & also now that he is going to have better coat care.

Lovely boy and so nice he has a wonderful home with you. How is your granddaughter going with him? Is she calling him Brocolli? :D
Great pictures, he looks so happy. :banana: :banana:
Think you are going to have so much fun with him.
What a cutie. Looks like he has a great sense of humor. He's a wonderful Christmas present and I love his name.
What a doll baby!! Can't wait to meet him - we definitely have to schedule a play date! :D
He is so cute. He looks very much at home and comfortable already!
He's gorgeous! :D What a happy face on him, too! Thank you so much for rescuing this boy. You'll never regret it!
He's adorable and looks so happy! Did you decide to keep the name your grandaughter wants for him? I think Broc would be adorable. You could also spell it Brock, Broch, Brach (like the candy...sweet). Congrats!
He is looks like an absolute love, clown and a full sheepie. Isn't it funny how they get a bath and turn silly? Hope this is okay but I couldn't see him real good so I lightened the pic 8O If it's not okay, go ahead and scold me! http://www.pomeroys.com/EmmaDarby/Sam.jpg

Thanks for sharing!
He's ADORABLE! I love his expression! Such a cute sheepie :D
Looks like you are in for a little trouble. You can't have a face that cute and not have a little devil in you.
He's adorable!!!

Brown or not, that is an adorable sheepie!!!! What a cute guy!!!

Karen :)
Hope this is okay but I couldn't see him real good so I lightened the pic If it's not okay, go ahead and scold me! http://www.pomeroys.com/EmmaDarby/Sam.jpg

Don't mind at all! He looked so different after he got all cleaned up--I was amazed. He was a handful last night, but this morning the evil leaf sucking machine came through the neighborhood while he was outside doing his business--scared him so much he flew into the house pulling me along for the ride. He wasn't quite as playful after that little fright. (I think today he'll be a cuddle baby!)
:lol: I can just see him dragging his mama to the door. (Been there!)

Maybe take some extra special treats out with you the next time that evil contraption comes down the road. Ignore the thing like it's no big deal and get his mind on the special goodies, maybe walk the other way... hopefully he'll learn it's not such a big deal after all.

Congrats to you at finding such a handsome boy! Definately a huggable sheepie.
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