Xmas Shopping

I've been waiting til today to get my xmas shopping done. I have gotten some done, but most of it I was planning on doing tonight. I had it set in my mind exaclty what to get, where, and in what order I would go to various stores. LOL A plan of action.
Well, I came home, made my coffee and was getting ready to go shopping, and saw all the flyers that came in the paper today. I almost never look at flyers... but I figured what the heck. Well, at least half of everything on my list of stuff to get is going on sale. Tomorrow. *sigh*
I'm not talking a few cents savings here and there, I'm talking a price difference of anwhere from 10 to 50 dollars for various items on my list. By waiting for tomorrow I can save at least 200 dollars.
So now what do I do tonight?!
I'm also worried that if I wait, I will miss out on some of the items....
I know the malls are going to be completely insane whether I go tonight or tomorrow.... so I think tomorrow morning I will be outside the mall at 8am, before it opens, get it all over with and maybe, with any luck, be home before lunch and spend the afternoon wrapping.
I am a list person, I am a "schedule" person, it drives me crazy that looking at a couple of lousy flyers has thrown off my whole weekend. LOL

How many of you still have shopping to do ? Am I the only nut who still needs to do 75% of my shopping the last Saturday before Xmas??
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I am a nut too, I am off tomorrow morning to start, being sunday not too busy as during the week. Always say every year will get it over and done with early, but alas usually spend the day before christmas still running here and there like a mad thing. So hopefully all in one big hit tomorrow with a bit of luck!! 8)
Willowsprite wrote:
I am a list person, I am a "schedule" person, it drives me crazy that looking at a couple of lousy flyers has thrown off my whole weekend. LOL

How many of you still have shopping to do ? Am I the only nut who still needs to do 75% of my shopping the last Saturday before Xmas??

I'm a list person too!! I'm going tommorrow to get it done. I hope.
Not to brag.....but.......(sing song voice)......IM ALL DONE..... :D
*Plasters Darcy with tomatoes from a slingshot*

ive only just started my xmas shopping. :oops: And ive still loads to get for family. Each year i sa that im going to start early but i never do. :roll: But is it just me or does xmas seem to come around earlier every year.
you're not alone. i still have a bunch to do!
Darcy wrote:
Not to brag.....but.......(sing song voice)......IM ALL DONE..... :D

I've been holding off on telling all of you this but since Darcy's bragging, I've been done for almost a month. I finished the day after Thanksgiving and picked up all the things I still wanted during the sales on black Friday. I went out at 4:30 a.m. and was home by 9:30 a.m. Since then I've been sitting back on my haunches with a big grin.

Release the tomatoes... :twisted:
boobaby wrote:
ive only just started my xmas shopping. :oops: And ive still loads to get for family. Each year i sa that im going to start early but i never do. :roll: But is it just me or does xmas seem to come around earlier every year.

Yes it certainly does seem to come sooner every year!!! It really snuck up on me this year!
My wonderful husband went shopping for the kids 8) 8) 8)
What a lifesaver! I doubt it will ever happen again though.
I can dream!
I just had to buy for him and our great nephew. My husband gave the older kids, his nieces and nephews checks. We also need to pick up something for his mother. She is so hard to shop for... Maybe we'll get her a gift certificate to Blockbuster. She loves movies.
I still have some left to do.
Don't feel bad Stacey, Ed McMann always waited and did all his on Christmas Eve! Must not have too many to buy for!!
Just a thought for you late shoppers to ease your tension: "If they ain't got it, they probably don't need it." :D
:lol: :lol: :lol: 8)
I'm not done either.Christmas shopping drives me nuts.
So far I bought my grandfather a toaster oven and the day after I bought it I talked to him on the phone and he was making something in his toaster oven that the last time I talked to hiim he didn't have. I bought my grandmother a sweater and thought boy that looks like something she would like . The next day in church she took her coat off and guess what she had on the exact sweater I bought her. Turned out I bought her the exact same sweater the year before. :roll: 8O Another thing that always happens too is you buy something and then later see it on sale way cheaper. :evil: I do love Christmas though I love Christmas eve service at church, spending time with family eating and more eating and hot chocolate or sipping coffee and just looking at the Christmas tree.
Well, today was my first day to Christmas shop. Went to get something for our son, his wife and the three grandsons. Came home with a pair of shoes for me, a book my husband wanted and a couple silver collector coins (one for me and one for ????) Guess that means I still haven't started yet. :roll: Oh well, still got 6 1/2 days left. That's plenty of time once I decide what to get them. :D
Well, there really are TWO schools of thought on Christmas shopping.... the GIT ER'DONE SHOPERS and THE WHY HURRY SHOPPERS. Neither are the "right" way they are just DIFFERENT ways!!!

The "GEDS" enjoy the security of knowing that long before Christmas their packages are safely wrapped and tucked under the tree. Of course, they spend more money because they don't get the advantage of those last minute sales and there is ALWAYS that last minute urge to spend a little more money. BUT their nerves are less frazzled and they havemore time to put their feet up and drink egg nog. But their packages are beeeutifullly wrapped because they start at Thanksgiving and have LOTS of time to make them things of beauty. They are the ones that plan the elaborate New Years parties because they are the only ones that have the energy left to entertain. :D

On the other hand the "WHS" enjoy the almost drug like effects of the adrenaline rush that comes from that last minute pursuit of the perfect gift. The excitement of fighting the holiday hordes, the traffic, the bargain hunters, the shared commradarie (sp?) of all the mad dash for the LAST X-Box on the shelf. The THRILL of victory, the Agony of defeat!!! They enjoy that painful suspese of wonder, "will it be there or won't it". Of course they usually spend all of Christmas eve wrapping gifts, require large quantities of red wine to calm thems selves but OHHHHHHHHHH the money they save. They crash into a satisfied but tired heap the day after Christmas and sleep until the New Year. :D

And there is yet a THIRD kind of shopper emerging this year.... THE GIFT CARD SHOPPER..... stops off at the store, buys a bunch of gift cards stuffs them in envelopes and spends the rest of the season making the rounds at numerous holiday parties having a ball. Leaving the worry and stress of shopping to those braver and stronger :D

I'm not telling which kind I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Happy Holidays 8)
Reading all these replies has got me even more stressed! 8O Grant and I are heading into Ottawa for the weekend this afternoon...I got a beautiful hotel room and we are seeing friends. :D Not sure where the shopping is going to fit it! 8O Have I mentioned that my packages (that I don't have yet :cry: ) all need to be shipped to Winnipeg? 8O I seem to run into this problem every year and then the shipping costs more than some of the gifts! :evil:

Some year I'll get it together! :wink:

Have I also mentioned that I am hosting the New Year's Eve party this year? 8O What was I thinking? :evil:

The snow storm did not help either...this probably had most people staying at home yesterday so EVERYONE will be shopping this weekend! 8O

I will survive! :lol: I also have a tendancy to faint in crowds...just thought I'd throw that in! 8O

If you don't hear from me by Sunday night...I probably have a really great story for you all! :lol: :lol:
Have fun Colleen :)

Well, it's Saturday morning, the last Saturday before xmas.... wow, that was fast!

It's only 7:23am, what am I doing up so early on a Saturday? 8O
All the dogs have already been out, now it's just a matter of getting dressed and getting my butt out the door.

I will have an hour to kill after I drop hubby off at work... lots of coffee will take up that hour I guess.....
Wish me luck guys, hopefully I can be out of the madness and home before noon.... and shopping will be done? LOL
I can fit in all the categories :roll: Some years I'm the blur in the mall at 5pm Christmas Eve, others years I'm drinking soynog. I think the hardest part is what to buy, once you figure that out the rest is easy.
I've had the flu or really bad cold, hoped to start shopping today. Nope. Still sound like the monster from hell, no energy.......but I'm upright!

I'm in charge of gifts for two charity families for our church. Delivery is Thursday........think I'm going to be busy next week?

Tree is up, but that's it. No more. No baking (probably good). House a wreck. .................but I'm upright!

SheepieBoss wrote:
I've had the flu or really bad cold, hoped to start shopping today. Nope. Still sound like the monster from hell, no energy.......but I'm upright!

I'm in charge of gifts for two charity families for our church. Delivery is Thursday........think I'm going to be busy next week?

Tree is up, but that's it. No more. No baking (probably good). House a wreck. .................but I'm upright!


Sounds like time to pull out ther GIFT CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ummm....I hate to admit this but I have been finished for quite some time too. I wrap as I get things this way I dont have to spend hours at a time wrapping. (and no my gift are not wrapped beautifully...I have the GET IT DONE philosophy and just get on with it!) And so far nothing I have bought has gone on sale cheaper (most stores you can just go with your receipt and they will refund you the difference) I hate shopping in December and try to avoid it at all cost. Hubby on the other hand waits til the last minute...he is right this minute shopping somewhere with all 4 kids in tow! 8) I told them all that the wrapping HAS to be finished by sunday night so I can clean the dining room and get it ready for company on Christmas day (that is the part I hate...the company part LOL)
Ooh, you have me beat on the wrapping! I hve to half the gifts I have wrapped by tomorrow-- did I mention James's birthday is Monday so I sort of get to shop for 2 Christmases? It was one of the nicest things when my ex and I broke up-- his birthday was the week after and I was looking forward to not having to do so much spending that time of year. It figures I'd get another one...
some of you are so much more organised than me

i've got shopping still to do and my sons christerning on new years day only 55 people to feed and entertain for 2!!!! days

so i won't be about to oes it for 2 days while everyone is here how i will cope i don't know

i may return to you with altered sanity and that only if einy doesn't try to eat my guests

well wish me luck

I'm baaaaaaaack.
I spent way too much money, and I hurt from head to toe. My feet have huge blisters....
I have sooooo much wrapping to do now. Why didn't I think of that while I was buying all that stuff??
Anyway... I did get some really good deals, doorcrasher specials etc... so I saved quite bit... because of that I think I spent twice as much as I planned but I'm sure that was the intention of the sales right? LOL
Ah well.... all for the economy right? LOL
Willowsprite wrote:
I have sooooo much wrapping to do now. Why didn't I think of that while I was buying all that stuff??

Wrapping is my favorite part of christmas. I love wrapping presents. Sometimes my family sends me gifts to wrap for them. I've even wrapped my own gifts a couple of times. :lol:
:D :D :D :D GIFT BAGS :D :D :D :D
My shopping is all done, too and I only stepped foot inside 1 or 2 stores. The rest was done online!! My daughter always gives me a list and includes the links to the websites - done! The things my son wanted were also available online - cool! I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I absolutely HATE mall shopping - any time of the year, not just Christmas, but especially at Christmas. The parking lot starts the stress, the crowds finish me off. By the time I get out of there, I'm ready to go postal on everyone!!

I spent hours wrapping the other night, so that's done too. Only thing I haven't done yet is baking, but I have a full week yet, so I think I'm in pretty good shape. Yay!

OK so here is my confession!!!! I'm the dreaded INTERNET SHOPPER!!!!!!!!!!! 99% of my CHristmas shopping was done on the internet!!!!!!!!!!! Since the majority of it had to be packed and mailed it's long gone but I am headed out early this morning to make one department store trip for some "last minute" items. Couldn't get through the holiday without facing the holiday hordes at least ONCE :D :D :D I'm still at a loss as to what to get Dougs Mother....................
I'm with you Ginny. I did a lot of my shopping on the internet as well. Some stores even wrapped for free! The gifts for relatives were all sent from the respective internet store...no waiting at the post office for me :D
Hmmm, next year I'll have Amazon.com wrap my husband's presents too!

Come hell or highwater, I'm heading out the door. Walgreens and church might be it for today. Walgreens for wrapping paper and boxes....and cough syrup.

I hope Colleen doesn't faint........that's not a good Christmas story.

I love you . Your so funny. I did take your advice . I didn't know what to get my husband so I typed in Dallas cowboy merchandise and I ordered him a really nice coat saved me running all over and hunting one.
Thanks I found a clock to order for him on his birthday too. :D :D
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
OK so I just got back from my one and only shopping trip........... it was a disaster. First, "town" is almost an hour away and the roads are icy and the traffic is bad. I got there early so the crowds were too bad but after I got home I realized I was missing a bag!!!!!!!!!! Either I left it in the car or someone "helped themselves to it. As near as I can figure about $175.00 in "gifts" in the bag. I have absolutely NO IDEA how I managed that, I almost wonder if someone, "helped themselve"s to the bag as my back was turned loading the car. The items in the bag were large enough (George Forman grill for MIL, three sweaters, two robes etc) that the bag would have been bulky enough that I would have noticed it left in the cart. I remember loading it in the cart but don't remember loading it in the car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I called the store but of course they don't know anything aobut it. I did leave the cart in the back of the car while I went around to the front to put some "breakables" opn the front seat. DO YOU THINK SOMEONE WOULD HAVE REALLY DONE THAT???????????????? I'd rather think I was stupid than think someone stole it.

I bought this really silly dog ornament and I was so afraid it would break, in fact all I could think about was getting it home, taking a picture and posting it here........ I didn't want to put it in the back with the rest of the packages. Do you think somoene would REALLY HAVE TAKEN A BAG OUT OF MY CART while they walked by??????????

I just can' believe it!!!!!! 8O 8O
Hi Ginny,

How horrible for you! I'm so sorry to hear that. Who knows what happened to it and at this time of the year it's very easy to be going a million miles an hour and feel a bit frazzled. It's impossible to know what happened for sure but still awful just the same. If it's not possible to make the trip again...cut a pic out of a flyer...place it in a nice box and tell them to expect that from you in the New Year.

Marianne and the boys
You should report it to the police. Get your 9-1-1 center's nonemergency number and call it in. They may have a rash of these things going on and they could use the additional info. Time of day, location, anything useful.

It's too bad this had to happen but hopefully it was someone who was desperate and didn't know what else to do rather than someone who just did it because they could.
Now you know why I do my shoppinf on the internet :oops:
I'm so sorry that happened to you. :(
I've had that happen to me too, one xmas when I had 2 little ones, both just babies, and had my wallet and car keys in the diaper bag. I was in a burger king in the mall and I left the table for an instant, one child in my arms and one holding my hand, to get a cloth to wipe someone's mess up.
The diaper bag was sitting on the highchair, and someone took it.
I had no other money for xmas shopping, and also had no other keys for my car and had to call a locksmith. I was astounded that someone would steal a DIAPERBAG. That was a horrible xmas, I had to borrow money to get a few gifts for my kids, I'm so glad they don't remember it.
Well, I can count my blessings and say I guess they needed it more than I did. Thank goodness those gifts won't make or break my holiday!!! They were"extra" and except for the grill for Doug's Mom should not have bought them anyway!!! I can pick up another grill this week during my lunch hour.

I remember one time someone stole an entire CD holder full of CD's off the front seat of my car. It held well over 50 CD's. I was pretty upset. But really, the joke was on them because they were ALL contemporary Christian Artists!!!!! I had been taking them to a youth meeting to get ready for a worship service. I hope they listened to them!!!!

BUT, I did get the "dog tre" home in one piece, I've posted uploaded the pictures and will post them as soon as approved :D
OH MY!!!! 8O The shopping stories are not as fun as I thought they would be!!! :cry:

Ginny that is so awful! :evil:
But really, the joke was on them because they were ALL contemporary Christian Artists!!!!! I had been taking them to a youth meeting to get ready for a worship service. I hope they listened to them!!!!

You next story above...cracked me up though!! I hope they did listen to them too! :lol:

I didn't faint...and I AM DONE!!! :banana: NOW...I just have to wrap and pack and fedex everything home....hope it makes it! 8O
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