Enough is Enough

Hi all

I have taken Maggie to 4 different groomers and they have all been terrible - and to top it off, any of them that I call that I have not tried refuse to take OES!!!!! Since when is an OES not entitled to a proper groom? this is very irritating and since Maggie is impossible to groom at home I am lost. Anyone know a good OES groomer???? It appears that nobody in the Newmarket Ontario area has ever groomed an OES before nor do they want to. :cry:
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You could always get a grooming lesson from Willowsprite or Carl Lindon! :D

Maybe Willowsprite would like to groom Maggie for free just for the fun of it?!?
I feel your pain! I had the same issue here. Not in getting refused (although a few did), but in not being happy with the way they were groomed. The most often repeated mistakes on the haircuts Beau got were the face of a Schnauzer and the feet of a Poodle. :evil: I hated it. :evil:

Finally, last month, I decided to try again. This time, I took pictures I had printed to show exactly what I wanted done. Since this was a new place, I explained that I did not wish to offend, but I was quite tired of bad haircuts on my babies. Then I explained IN DETAIL what I expected. I also made them note on their files that UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES were my dogs to be shaved. I even took my own shampoos. :oops:

I just knew they were going to hate me, but I interviewed the lady for quite a while before leaving my dogs with her. And what do you know? Surprise, surprise, she did a great job!! 8)

I was very pleased when I picked them up. :D I tipped her BIG to show my appreciation. 8) She said they were both angels and was amazed that I bathe them both at home regularly. She couldn't believe I could fit Beau in a normal size tub. 8O It's getting tough, but for now, he still fits! :wink:
You are only about 40 minutes from me Patti.... at this time of year though I simply can't go anywhere... not enough hours in the day. Maybe after xmas we can get together?
Maybe we can convince Carl and Michele to come down and give us both lessons! LOL
Don't be afraid to be VERY specific about what you want. A good groomer will try hard to please just as a people beautician. They want repeat business. Don't go back to a place that won't work with you. Annie now has a card with a list of specifics to include:

-only Kelly grooms Annie, call customer if unavailable

-unscented products

-do not shave any part of her body unless it's a necessity and you MUST call us first before you shave a matt

-insert bows

-Mom calls when she's unhappy & will let you know about it :evil:
Panda has never been denied, however, they have charged extra...for an "extra large dog". Panda only wieghs 56 lbs..which in my experience is not a large dog...and she never has full coat, nor any knots....I have learned just to do it myself...and if its wrong, i only have myself to blame!
I must be in the minority that my groomer didn't even flinch about Clyde, despite the fact that the first few times he was a terror! I know they do one other OES right now, which I've never actually seen there. They take their time with him but I try to keep him up well so they don't charge me an arm and a leg! Before they even quote me, they give him the full body pat down to see what they'll be in for!
I get Barney done at his doggy day care. They have a great deal that if you take him there all day to play and to get groomed, they only charge you for the grooming.

They've never flinched about him either. Actually, I just called them yesterday to set up an appointment for next Friday and they said sure, oh and Winston the other sheepie will be there too, so the groomer will be busy! And that's all they said. And, We've been pleased with his cuts so far...although this is the longest he's been and only getting groomed, not shaved, so we'll see!

I used to take Bunker to Fancy Smancy Groomer but I was never happy with her cuts. (She was always shaved). I take her to Petsmart now. They do a fantastic job and she never wants to leave, (she used to try and bolt as soon as we got there). I had her evened out (by hand), bathed, ears, the whole day at the spa thing, complete with a topknot bow(which my father hates) done about a month ago and they charged me $100.00. It was so worth it though. She is going back on the 23rd for her christmas treat (Day at the spa). I will take pictures I promise. If you have a petsmart or petcetra in your town, try them.
we have a local groomer who is ok just if we have cinde cut to about a inch for summer BUT last time she made her look like a poodle
She looked awful, but she was clean. I got her home and just cut her ears to make it more even. I am trying to learn myself. I use to do kassie but it took me hours to do it. Cinde has much different fur. I guess I will try it this next time. :D
Thank you all for your comments. Much appreciated! I hope to find someone who will groom Maggie with care and experience and in the meantime I continue to chase her around and wrestle with my big furry aligator!

Maybe we can convince Carl and Michele to come down and give us both lessons! LOL

If there was enough interest to make a "class" in the new year we might be able to work something out - if the class covered travel expenses. I would never charge for helping people learn to care for their Bobtails but travel and lodging is getting a bit pricey nowadays and next season's show plans have to get our budget priority.

Not meaning to be mercenary,

Thanks and Cheers

I am pleased to say that I have finally found someone who is willing to give Maggie a go!!! She has done sheepies before so I will let you know how it turns out. We go on December 22nd and the doggy daycare advise gave me the idea to call K-9 to 5 which is kind of hte same thing - but I did not realize they did grooming.

I will keep you all posted. Carl your picture is adorable !!! I didnt realize your fur ball was so big!

Good luck with your "new" groomer.
Carl your picture is adorable !!! I didnt realize your fur ball was so big!

Thanks for your comment about Martin Zephram. Yep the "Great Mamoo" is a big boy and a very hairy boy as well. Mind you he is a bit less hairy right now having been trimmed for the OESOCC national specialty in late Oct. I'll probably grow out his hair again if Michele lets me! And remember he is only one of our 3 big fuzzballs, well 2 big ones and a rapidly growing baby!!

Thanks and Cheers

Awwwww guys he looked wonderful!

It was great meeting you in October! I hope to see you all again soon.
Merry Christmas to you all.
(and Delilah, Duncan, Molly, Rosie, and Carmella)
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