another mommy2be update,

I know with all the babies coming, it can get confusing...especially as I seem to put my updates in someone elses news (sorry joaheyo, not trying to take from you and I really wish you the best:) with your little man)

I am trying to make it through Dec. 30, where I will be 36wks. I have been on bed rest for the past three weeks, strict bedrest for the past 2. I was in Labor and Delivery at 30 1/2 wks and really didn't think I would make it this far (34 wks Friday). I am having a girl as my last u/s showed on Oct. 31 and I have one more u/s yet on Thursday (tomorrow) to check my fibroid tumor and I am sure to see where the baby is and I am hoping the dr's will determine how I am going to deliver then as well, if I go vaginal or cesarean (major scared of this one). I have already been forewarned of possible hysterectomy if I should hemorrage along w/ various other complications that can happen. I feel like I have been contracting at night and it is keeping me up later and later into the morning, then I sleep most of the day.

As far as names goes, my hubby and I have decided to name our daughter Kaitlyn and we are debating using Diane for a middle name or not doing a middle name as it would give her the initials of KDP. Well I hope everyone is well and that you all have enjoyable holidays and I will post an update as to what I find out on Thursday, may it be good news!
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Have been wondering how you were doing. So glad you have made it another week. Hang in there.
Kaitlyn is my grand daughter's name, so pretty. Her middle name is Noel.
Keep us posted.
Keep your feet up and do what the Dr's tell you to do!!!! Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well and according to plan. Laying in bed is pretty boring but try to store up al that rest, you'll need it when your daughter arrives!!! Wishing you the BEST OF THE BEST!!!!

Do you have a laptop with wireless internet?????
wishing you all the best for you and your daughter. May all go well.
Good luck to you and your precious baby.
She should be fine though if born sooner then later. My son Brice was born at 34 weeks and he did just great. The only thing he lacked when he was born was the sucking reflex, so was tube fed for 10 days. On the tenth day it kicked in and he got to come home! Like I said he did GREAT and that was 16 years ago. Modern tech. stuff is amazing.
Best wishes to you. By the way love the name you have chosen.
Our new niece was born just this past October 30th and her middle name is Diane. (Olivia Diane)
Kaitlyn Diane has a really nice sound to it. :D
Keep taking good care of yourself and following doctor's orders. The 30th will be here before you know it. :D Can't wait to "meet" Kaitlyn! :D
Take good care! Every day you get through is a day for your baby to grow stronger and stay healthier.... :)
My cousin had her twins 11 weeks early, they were tiny, but they have grown up just fine :)
Good luck with your 'pup in the oven'.
My best friend gave birth a month early and her son is now a 9 month old, exceedingly healthy boy who is in the top percentiles in all of his numbers.
Keep your chin up and think good thoughts! Every new day is a good day!
Good luck! You're almost there.
I think Kaitlyn is a cute name. Am I missing something--what is the problem with KDP?
I always hope you post more since I get to hear your updates on the baby board/email but not everyone else here!!!

I love the name Kaitlyn! Good choice :) It's one of those names that make you picture a really pretty girl.

Of course you'll have to give another update when you get the ultrasound tomorrow. I hope you make it to 36 wks w/o having her but if not... lots of best wishes :) I'm so happy for both of us.

Hope you're hanging in there because bedrest has to be driving you bonkers by now ;)
Unfortunately no wireless internet and laptop. I usually get on the computer at night after hubby calls it a day because I am not ready to turn out the lights yet. I was up until 5am this morning! During the day I take it easy, catch up on sleep I didn't get during the night, read, watch tv and do logic puzzles.

One of our (mine and Joaheyo) online friends from another forum had her baby last week at 34 wks and has been anxiously awaiting the sucking reflex to kick in, I will have to mention the 10 days about here, which for them means any day now:)

As for bedrest, I think what I am suffering from the most is cabin fever. It has been two weeks since I have been out!! And there is soooo much I want to do. I need to at a minimum get to a fabric store for some interfacing that I did not think to buy, at the most dying to go to walmart! Really hoping for a good report tomorrow and maybe I will be allowed to do a little shopping this weekend as I am hoping my crib will be in and we need to do a Sams Club run before my boys run out of food. Not to mention I need to get hubbys christmas present! lol that should be interesting as I am not allowed to drive now either:( but I figure it is better to be cautious then to be driving and all of a sudden go into labor!
no new updates to give today as dr office called and cancelled appt due to weather :(
Cabin fever would be my main problem, too. You poor thing! As for your hubby's Christmas present, somehow I think he'd understand under the circumstances. You're trying to be a Super Mom already!! Mom can do everything, know everything, see everything - all at the same time, no matter how she's feeling! Besides, there are LOTS of good sales after Christmas!

Hang in there, and do what the dr says!! Good luck!

Goodluck with your baby waiting BP!!! We're all pulling for you!

Karen :)
I'm so sorry BP! I know how much we look forward to our appts esp when there are questions and concerns! :(

Did they reschedule something soon? If I were still in TX, I'd blow some warm weather your way. 8)
no I have to call back tomorrow around lunch time to reschedule. Hoping I get in soon. But won't know till I call as I am sure they will need to fit us in around people already scheduled. I know when I needed to reschedule my appt last week that I didn't make it to it was a nightmare of a time. It's like all of a sudden my dr office is busy:(
BP, you have a wimpy doctor! The weather isn't so bad! Just kidding, I hope you get to reschedule soon...
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