My baby is home!

Sorry for posting this in another thread - but I wanted the word to get out as quickly as possible!

My baby is home! My mother told one of the guys who worked at the school that she was missing today - and asked if he would keep an eye out for her - and he found a kid walking her today! :cry: :lol: I'm just so happy!

The guy knew where we lived and the boy came up to our house to see us - he wanted to see our faces when we brought her back. :D

I could just die of happiness!

I saw Brad when I was driving up the the house - he looked so excited but I didn't want to get my hopes up because I kept getting my hopes up all week long when I heard my family made a squeeky happy sounds.

He told me that they had found her and I could barely remember how to park a car or undo my seat belt... I couldn't even unlock the doors. :lol:

Then - they were in our driveway and they let her out... she was so dirty but I just don't care... I kept petting her and petting her and hugging and thanking them so much.

I would spend more time retelling just how unbelievably happy I am right now but I want to pet and play with Momo... and give her a bath and get those ticks out of her head. I am just so happy.
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I am just so happy for you, I don't know what to say!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Miracles do come true, I am just so overwhelmed with happiness that your baby is home with you, big hugs to you and extra big hugs & spoils for Momo. :D
What a wonderful day :banana:
I am SO happy for you!!!
I'm giddy with happiness that Momo is home :)
I'm SOOOO happy to read this! Welcome back home Momo! :clappurple:
OMG so glad to hear the news. I prayed for yoy and Momo. So glad to know she is home, Get that collor on ASAP

This is so wonderful!!!! I didn't even have time to log on before I rush out the door again..but just wanted to let you know how happy me and the boys are for all of you!!!

Marianne and the boys :D :D :D :D
I have tears of joy that Momo is home. God bless the reunion.
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy to hear momo is home. Congratulations I send big hugs:)
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :rimshot: :rimshot: :rimshot: :rimshot: :rimshot: :rimshot: :rimshot:
I'm so happy Momo is home. Give Momo big hugs and kisses for me.
I wouldn't know what to do if he didn't come home, so I AM SO HAPPY for you!!!! I bet you haven't stopped giving him love. :)
I'm so happy for you! I'm so glad she's home safe and sound where she belongs.

Make sure you recount the story for us later after you've hugged and squeezed and bathed!
Fantastic news!!! Oh I am so relieved and so happy for you! That's amazing and wonderful. I look forward to hearing more about where she's been (if you find that out). Yay MoMo!!!!

:banana: :clappurple: :banana: :clappurple: :banana: :clappurple: :banana: :clappurple: :banana: :clappurple: :banana: :clappurple: :banana: :clappurple: :banana: :clappurple:

Tell your brother he got lucky but he still owes you BIGTIME!

Pictures Pictures Pictures!
was so over welmed I had to tell someone. SO I called Darcy, gave her the good news .We both are so happy for you. Wish I could call everyone to let them know ..... :banana: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:
I am so happy and relieved for you and Momo.

Brenda, Murphy and Dudley
Oh that is wonderful news. What a Christmas Miracle.

I think the banana dance is appropriate:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
I just got off the phone with Deana....had to boot up my computer...I am so happy for you Integra....I said a lot of prayers too!!!!! Panda and I are going to do the happy dance now! :banana:
ok I just called Angel too to give her the news, she was out shopping for a new tag and collor. and is going to have Mojo micro chips too.
Guess we all have learned from this :lol: :banana: :banana:
Thanks Goodness! I am so happy for you. :banana:
I was so happy when Deana called and said you had found Momo.
We have all been praying for her safe return.
I'll bet your heart is just ready to burst.
So happy for you.
By the way.... if I were in your situation, I'd forbid your brother from even going near the dog!
Aimee, So glad Momo is home!!! This has been a wake up call for a lot of us. Know you'll have a great Christmas and your brother will be lucky to get a lump of coal.

Nita, Maggie McGee IV and Nelson Jr.
Yay, Woof, Woof from George, Barney and Maggie. We're all so happy.
Thank you St. Anthony. :D :D :D
Oh thank goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I kept checking to see if she was back, and Pooh and I are so relieved!! I just gave Pooh and extra snuggle!
I'm so glad Momo is home safe and sound! Can't even imagine what you went through. Hugs to you!

:banana: (ok, was waiting for the right moment to use this!)
Thank you Lord for answered prayers!!!! I'm sooooooo happy for you!!! :D
Momo,I'm so glad you're home, but don't you EVER do that to your momma again!!! Do you know how worried she was? And, for being a bad girl, you're grounded!!! You can NEVER leave the yard again without mommy. :wink:
But, for being such a good girl and finding your way home, here's hundreds of hugs and kisses from alllllllll of us that missed and worried about you while you were gone!!! (I have 10 more gray hairs now thanks to you. I hope they turn brown again now that you're home!) :wink:
I'm overwhelmed with happiness that Momo was found!!! I've been checking in every day to see if there was any news. :banana: Good things happen in the world!
im so pleased at the safe return of momo now we can all sleep tonight knowing that she is safe and sound i guess everyone has given there babies an extra hug tonight. :D :D :D
Oh I have chill bumps I'm so excited and happy for you and Momo!!!!!!

Hoorayyyyyyyyyyy and a big sigh of relief.
That is wonderful news, I am so happy she has come back to you. :banana:

I agree keep your brother far far away.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive been checking the board constantly waiting to hear that momo came home..... i am SO happy! give her a kiss for me!
Wohooooo!!!!! This deserves another Banana Dance!!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
How was your first night home??? :lol: Did Momo sleep well and you too. Let us know how all went please. :lol:
I can't believe I didn't get back on the computer last night to se this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


By GOLLY i have tears in my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How absolutely WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I still think you need to WHIP THE SNOT OUT OF YOUR BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with Ginny - smack that guy upside the head a few times.
I don't have a home computer so I didn't see this til this morning. I AM SO HAPPY! I kept saying my prayers for a Christmas miracle. We want the full story when you are done hugging Momo. And your brother gets nothing but coal for Christmas. <insert dancing nanananananer>
I didn't log on last night either, so this was just THE BEST NEWS to read first thing this morning!! :D Thank God Momo's home safe and sound. Christmas miracles DO still happen - first Summit, now Momo!

:clappurple: :banana: WELCOME HOME, MOMO!!! :banana: :clappurple:

PLEASE tell us the whole story when you can. How/where did the boy find her? Why didn't they try to find the owner? This is a novel in the making!!

But first, just love her to pieces, put your heart back in your chest, and relax! Your baby is home!

WOOHOOO!!! :banana: :banana::banana: :banana::banana: :banana::banana: :banana:
Aimee! I was SO relieved to hear that Momo was home! I betcha if she is like Merlin she wont EVER leave your side again.
Give your girl lots of hugs! And tell that silly brother of yours to NEVER let your dog out without your consent again!
:banana: :banana::banana: :banana::banana: :banana::banana: :banana:
Hurray!! Hurray!! Hurray!!

:clappurple: :banana: :clappurple: :banana: :clappurple: :banana: :clappurple: :banana: :clappurple: :banana: :clappurple: :banana: :clappurple:
Tears of joy are in my eyes!! I keep checking to see if there is a new post about Momo. I'm so HAPPY for you, Aimee!! I prayed lots & lots of prayers for you. I've been thinking of you constantly ever since she went missing and hugging my own babies extra tight.

Please tell us more of her story when you have time. Again...HURRAY MOMO'S HOME!!!
I am soooo happy to hear that Momo has returned home to you. I do know the feeling of despair, as I lost Puddy last Summer. Tear of joy and relief for you are running down my face. :cow:
Yeah!! I was so worried. What luck that guy saw that kid walking her...

Well it is about time!!!

I even debated logging in last night, just in case and I didn't. That would have made my night. I'm sure it made yours!!!!!!

Congratulations and if you don't beat down your brother then at the stroke of midnight we're sending 3 ghosts to do it for you. (It's a contemporary version of A Christmas Story with mafia guys for the ghosts and Momo as Tiny Tim.)
Ok, now that Momo is home, I think there's a serious need for new pictures. We haven't seen her in months!
Agreed - we need pictures!
Ok - here we go with story time. :D She's at the vets office making sure she is okie. Excuse me if I ramble - I'm just so excited I don't know what to say first!

Iconic bit first - The boy who found her actually KNOWS both of my brothers. 8O

He has been taking care of her the past few days - his parents I think wouldn't let him take her inside - so she was tied to his porch... or backyard. :? I didn't get specifics though.

My mother talked to a man who works at the school who lives out this way - she asked if he wouldn't mind asking around if anyone has seen her - he was on his way to his father's house and he saw the kid walking our dog. :lol: He then informed the kid that he knew the owners - the kid jumped into his car and brought her to our house! :D I had JUST pulled into the driveway and they were behind me! I thought we were going to be putting up the other 300 some-odd flyers we made to find Momo. We might not have ever gotten to that kid's house too - horray for miracles! 8O

Anyway - I couldn't remember how to open a door aparently - or stop my car fully before I flung myself out of it. :lol: I hugged both of the men so much I swear... then I petted my sweet muffin! :D I didn't trust myself behind the wheel - so we ended up running home (the first time Momo has dragged me and I didn't care :lol: ). I'm not sure if she ate much - she ate a lot here though - and I sliced up a whole apple for her to get her blood sugar going.

I brushed her to get the matts out and her hair so we could find any crawlies that were on her... dear... GOD! 8O We stopped pulling the ticks off after 20... She had gashes and scrapes that were grimmy and dirt encrusted. We bathed her to see how much we missed (you know how that fur covers it up)! She has two knots on her head - one on the top and the other on one of her eye lids that was swollen! 8O There were so many ticks... SO MANY TICKS! We were going to take her in Friday when we first saw her... then the SHEER NUMBER OF TICKS! We showed up there today way before it was supposed to open.

Oh yes! The doctor has called - and her scrapes don't require stitches thank goodness! (sigh of relief) but she will be on antibiotics for the ticks and we still haven't heard back the infections on top of her head. Since we bathed her the tick stuff might not work perfectly - but they said they were going to use it anyway and send us back with some more.

But anyway - past the medical stuff. I was SO happy when she was home! I could have died of relief. The second she walked in the door I spent so much time just petting her... and she was soooo calm yesterday! I'm sure she was tired my poor sheepie. I kept petting her... and brushing her... when we bathed her she didn't even fight one bit. It was almost scarey! 8O Brad even kept checking on her to make sure she was alright when we put her to bed.

All I've been running on these past few days was pure stress - I don't know how I made it. My arms and hands were shaking yesterday afternoon - and I couldn't figure out what the heck was wrong with me. After she came in the door my body just sort of shut down all that stress energy - my whole body could barely function. :lol:

I didn't sleep much last night either - because I was so excited that she was home. Today we took her on her first car ride since she was gone - and she just layed in my lap the whole time! I'm so glad my baby is home! I wish I didn't have to leave her yet - I only just got her back - but I am so happy she is getting the medical care she needs.

Speaking of medical needs - my brother will be paying for her medical bill. I asked my father if he wouldn't mind if Paul paid him back for it - since we've drained most of our money making flyers, driving those flyers around to mail boxes and resturants, filling out missing dog papers, and talking to people who could help. We were so preoccupied with getting her back we didn't think about the step afterwards. Thank goodness dad agrees my brother needs to take some resonsibility for his actions.

I'm just happy my little girl is home! As soon as Friday rolls around and Brad is off of work we are going to go out and get her a new bed, a new collar and tag... and lots of treats. :) I think a few plushies and toys wouldn't be a bad idea either.
Maxmm wrote:
Well it is about time!!!

I even debated logging in last night, just in case and I didn't. That would have made my night. I'm sure it made yours!!!!!!

Congratulations and if you don't beat down your brother then at the stroke of midnight we're sending 3 ghosts to do it for you. (It's a contemporary version of A Christmas Story with mafia guys for the ghosts and Momo as Tiny Tim.)

:lol: I think after I leave - I'll hire like... 100 ninjas to beat his arse. :lol:
What a relief! Integra, I'm so glad you got your baby back. Give her lots of love from us!

Sue and Bailey
:banana: SO GLAD MOMO HOME :banana: :rimshot:

LOTS OF SHEEPIE HUGS..... :clappurple:
Integra--do you know if that kid had her the whole time or most of the time she was gone, or do you think she was wandering for a day or two? Do you know how she got her bumps and bruises?

What an amazing story. I wish she could talk and tell us what happened!
barney1 wrote:
Integra--do you know if that kid had her the whole time or most of the time she was gone, or do you think she was wandering for a day or two? Do you know how she got her bumps and bruises?

The bumps I believe were from ticks the boy removed without getting the head (infections rather than bumps from being hit). She didn't look like she had been run over or anything - we didn't find any blood, discolorations, dislocations or anything like that - but I'll see what the vet has to say about abuse (because not everything is always visible).

When Momo was gone all the songs and things reminded me of her. I kept thinking of that song on Jake's memory page, Everything Reminds Me of My Dog. If I even thought of that song I would start crying - I am just so happy right now - I think I'll give it a listen.

It's amazing how much our babies touch our hearts. I took for granted that she would always be around... now I realize I probably should pay better attention and enjoy the time I have with her. Everyone - give their sheepie a squeeze for me! :D I'll give Momo lots of hugs for you guys when I pick her up fromt he vet today.
I am so happy for you. Christmas will be Merry again for you. Lots of Hugs and Kisses!!! :D
I never know what too say when someone looses their beloved pet so usually I say nothing,but I Do know what too say when that pet is found!!

YEAH!!!!!!BRINGING DOWN THE HOUSE FOR MOMO!!!! :D :rimshot: :clappurple: :banana: 8) :rimshot: :clappurple: :banana: :D :rimshot: :banana: :clappurple: 8)

(sorry about the caps :oops: )

Im so very happy for you and MOMO!!!!!

Thank you for posting an update.... I'm so happy for you....
And that's great that your brother is going to help out.
I hope there are no lasting effects of this whole ordeal for poor Momo, and am just glad she is home now safe and sound.
Still doin' the HAPPY DANCE!!!! :banana:
We're all doing the SHEEPIE HOP!
Do you know how this boy came to have her, Aimee? Did he find her in the woods or on the street?
We have been praying for a safe return since the saga made our day!
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Do you know how this boy came to have her, Aimee? Did he find her in the woods or on the street?

I am curious about that too. I am so glad she is back. I love the baby pics in the gallery. I can't wait to see some new photos. . . . What a lucky girl. Sounds like she had quite an adventure. I wish she could tell us about it.
What a wonderful Christmas present to have Momo back.When you settle down you'll have to tell us more about the story such as how the boy found her etc. What a relief I was very upset for you not knowing if she was ok or not. :D :D :D
Seems like i'm always the last to know... I'm so glad Momo is ok, and back where she belongs!!! Big sigh of releif!!! Hope all is ok when she goes to the vet!!! Give you brother a good kick in the butt for me!

Karen :)
I honestly wish I could answer about where she has been and how long. She wasn't very far from the house - so I'm not sure she was missing that long. :? I would think she could have found us if she had tried. I think he said he found her for a few days - but I'm not sure if he found her the day of - as he didn't answer when I asked (I think it was just the excitement of the moment).

What we do know is that she is completely tick infested. Brad, the Vet and I have pulled off a total of 80+ ticks - and she is still covered in them. 8O I'm seriously about to scream! 8O I cannot believe she has that many ticks on her... even if she was missing for a bit. We pulled 40 off of her FACE last night. *shivers*

She is on two medications right now - one to stop the itching and antibiotics for the ticks. We took her to the groomer today to have them clean her up a bit more - get some of those scabs cleaned out a bit better and whatnot - and we are thinking about a tick collar for a little while.

This morning it looks like she burst some of the ticks - so she had patches of blood on her coat which freaked me out until I found out what had happened. At least she is at the groomers now - hopefully she will make her look pretty again - her face is covered in scabs and sores. :cry:

Also - since I had to take her out today I kept cringing everytime someone pet her... and asks me what happened to her. They look at me like I'm not taking care of her or something and I want to just slap them. :x I have to tell them she was missing (also makes me look irresponsible) and that we've pulled about 80 off (which makes me look horrid). I want to kick my brother's butt!!! But hopefully we'll have her looking presentable by the ending of today and we can take her out again without people looking at us as if we have severly neglected our dog!

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Poor MOMO!! Poor Aimee!!!
But how wonderful that she is home safe and sound. She will heal and soon this will be nothing but a BAD BAD DREAM!!!!!
Over 80 so far, and she's still covered with them?? How will the groomer get around them, or will they have to continue de-ticking her?? Poor baby!! I sure hope that brother of yours feels horrible for what poor Momo and you are going through! He'd be on my s^&^ list for a LONG time! He'd also be paying her vet/grooming bills for a long time, too.

Give her lots of extra hugs and belly rubs from everyone here on the forum!!

Welcome Home Momo!!!!!!!!!!

What a fabulous Holiday gift!!!! Integra you are blessed!!!!!!!!!
We are so happy for you and Mo!!!

Give her a big hug from us and Bogart!
OHHHHHH!!!! I'm sooooooooooo happy!!! I haven't been on in a while and was so happy to see this post!!!

YAY MOMO!!!! :banana:

Wishing you a tick free day!!!!

Whew! :wink:
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