Do oES's make good guard dogs??

I have read conflicting info and it would be nice if we had a guard dog as well as my husband is gone a lot... what is your personal experience??
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My girls bark like mad if anyone comes to the door. It drives me nuts. :lol:
It is my own fault though, when Dancer was little and barked at the door I figured she was doing a good job, and said good girl. Big mistake.
My dogs bark like crazy when someone new comes around, too. They bark at the neighbors when they stop across the road to get their mail. When someone actually comes in the house, if they were allowed to do so, they'd knock them down and lick them to death. :D
They are watch dogs, not guard dogs. They keep a very close eye on their area, people and belongings. They will raise an extremely loud rucous if someone is in their yard or if someone knocks at the door. BUT, if that person is able to get inside, they figure that person must be okay and they will be licked until they can be licked no more.
Like Mandy said, they are good watch dogs, but not so much guard dogs. Our bedrooms are upstairs and Barney sleeps downstairs and I love knowing he is down there if my husband is gone because I know that Barney will hear anything and will start barking. But the most damage he'd do to an intruder would be licking, and maybe a few pee squirts from the excitement.
Bailey is a good watch dog during the day, but when he's sleeping he's useless. He sleeps downstairs right near the front door and big window. We've had 2 incidents of "mischief" against our Christmas decorations this year, one right outside the window, and Bailey happily snoozed right through it. But he's very good during the day - that Big Dog Bark scares off anyone who doesn't have a really good reason to be at the door!
Yes, Panda too, is a watch dog...she has a great bark and sounds ferocious from the other side of the fence, but truth be told, she'd lick the burglers too....
I forgot to mention Big Dog Bark. That is a very effective deterrent also! That is until they actually see the wagging tail then all bets are off. The sound alone though is a great crime preventer.
I wanted to add that I think the girl dogs are more protective of their property than the boys I've had.

Plus if Marianne chimes in, she'll tell you a story about her one sheepdog protected her in the woods.

Maxmm wrote:
I forgot to mention Big Dog Bark. That is a very effective deterrent also! That is until they actually see the wagging tail then all bets are off. The sound alone though is a great crime preventer.

Tail? :lol:
Barney wags his nubbin...
So does Panda, then her butt follows......
If you are talking about a guard dog when you are not home - then you might be out of luck. But - if someone tried to hurt you I'm sure an OES would probably try to rip their throat out. :lol: They aren't very protective of your stuff but very protective of their flock.
Last burglar that broke into our home was found drawned in a pool of drool from all the licking. :lol:

The noise of the barking should be enough deterent for anyone, they look very menacing when they are angry. I remember there was a story of a sheepie that saved a woman on the woods from being attacked.
I have to agree with Integra - even when my husband used to wrestle with the kids when they were younger our OES would back our youngest into the corner and stand between them if he thought it was too rough. He never let a stranfger in the house unless I told him it was alright (and then the licking would commence :) )
This breed is not a guard dog, they are remarkable watch dogs and will give you a heads up if there is any trouble, however if someone should break in to your home, etc. the most your oes is going to do is pin them down and lick them all over!
Remy only barks if she sees another dog...she wants to get their attention to play with her. If a human is walking by, she could care less...not even an alert bark.

However I have seen her to defend herself at the dog park, and she can look pretty intense. She gets herslef involved if other dogs are getting rowdy..she insists they stop that behaviour. I know she's got it inside her somewhere, but I honestly don't think she'd protect me.

Okay I'm chiming in...:O)

Everyone was right...they make great watch dogs but aren't necessarily thought of as guard dogs, but instinctively they and most dogs protect members of their pack. You can be sure that most dogs would come to your defence if you were in serious trouble. Not attacking strangers that come to your home..whether they were invited or not is a good thing. The deterent would be having a dog in the household to begin with so most thieves would bypass your place anyhow. If they did enter, the safety of your dog would probably be your biggest concern so in the long's a good thing they aren't thought of as vicious dogs.

On the other hand going back to what I said earlier about them protecting members of their pack that gives you so much security, especially if you are home alone. That if you were in serious trouble they would come to your defence.

One of the posters mentioned an incident I once had with my son in the woods. This happened many many years ago with my two sheepies, the male named Big Dog and Shaggy. Both were rescued from the pound and Big Dog was fondly thought of not having a brain in his head but very loving. He was afraid of everything.

One day I took my then 2 yr old son in the woods to look at some salmon. It was the first time I had taken my young son into these woods, although it was common for me to go there and let the dogs run freely. We were off the path looking at the creek and the fish. Two men appeared from the middle of the woods and blocked the entrance back to the main path. The dogs had bounded into the woods ahead of me and no where to be seen. I intinctively knew I was in trouble. I grabbed my child's hand.

Big Dog and Shaggy came crashing through the woods sounding like bears and starled these two scruffy looking guys. Big Dog changed from mild mannered scared dog into ferocious beast..teeth bared , head erect..the transformation was astounding. Shaggy stood infront of my little boy. The men quickly retreated...Big Dog turned back into the goofy tongue hanging out boy he was previously. No words had been spoken at all. They were there when I needed them the most. Yeah Big Dog and Shaggy!!! Aprox a year ago, Panda the rescue wrapped his body around my son when he was having a seizure, preventing him from rolling onto his back. Yup can't say enough about the protective nature of these dogs when it comes to their family members.

The first incident happened 16 years ago and I still feel both the chills and the awe that these two dogs reacted that way and what that event stirs up. Years later someone broke into my home when Shaggy was aged and she probably licked the burglers or slept through the entire thing. Still my first concern when I heard what happened was not the material things which could be repaced but of my beloved pets. So in my long ramble...I think these dogs are just the best!

Marianne and the boys
Tail, stub, nubbin, butt, whatever. The end without the eyes moves in a horizontal type manner indicating a pleased emotion. 8)
okay enough said.. they sound perfect in this area.. I do not ever care if our stuff is protected... but I would like a heads up if someone is brreaking in and it doesn't hur to have a big dog there to help out if something went really wrong.. by the way, the story about The two dogs in the woods is AMAZING!!! I just know I am making the right choice!!!!
Awesome! That's the story I was talking about, Thanks Marianne!
I don't know if it's because Tasker was a "one woman and one child" dog for so long but I honestly believe he would protect me with his life to the bitter end. Yup he can be all tongue and wiggles and friendly but only AFTER he has be assurred by me that the person entering the home is ok.

When it was just my daughter and I at home and someone would come to the door Tasker would ALWAYS position himself between me and the person at the door and unless I told him it was ok that person was allowed to come in. On occasion there would be people that even with my assurance he would not allow in (I often wondered if he had better people sense than me-he HATED my ex). He actually does not bark alot, but when he hunkers down and his hackles raise the growl that comes out is pretty scarey!!!!!

Even now if Doug is away and I am home alone Tasker becomes much more protective. My contractor stopped by the other night to drop off some plans and Tasker "assumed the position", I opened the door and the contractor reached through the door with the papers. Tasker immediately lunged at him and grabbed his arm. Luckily my contractor had a heavy coat on and I was able to grab Tasker fast. But it was really my fault. I opened the door to a stranger without telling Tasker it was "ok" or putting him in the other room, a "strang man" reached in the door and he reacted.

Away from the house I have never seen Tasker act that way and even when Doug is around is seems much more relaxed and less "protective" So I agree with Marianne. I think they can be both protectorss and alarms!!
According to the police officer in my town, they have never had a robbery in a house where there was a dog, any breed. He said that if its known a dog is in a house, a thief would rather just move on to the next one.

For this reason, I hung a giant Sheepdog flag outside my home to make it known to all the world that they are in there.
bark > bite.

nuff said
Annie's always on guard when I'm home alone with her. She prefers to situate herself to see the front door and the front windows. Whether it's to wait for "Daddy" or bark at the people walking by, I really don't care. However, it does get kind of lonely sitting on the couch by myself. She doesn't guard as much when Steve is home alone with her or when we are both home.

If someone didn't know her, I don't think they'd want to mess with the furry beast with that big bark. Once someone is in the house or petting her, they're okay.
I have had many OES. I agree that they are protective, some more than others. One night I'd been out in the garage (attached) cleaning, so 5 of my OES were in the basement in their pens and the other 2 were in the house. This was about midnight and my husband was working nights then. Two men pulled up in front of the house and just sat there so I decided to go inside. As I was getting my gun they knocked on the door. I asked what they wanted. They said were bounty hunters, and were looking for "whoever" it was. I'm thinking yeah right. Bounty hunters in 1995! They asked if he was here and I said no and didn't know him. They said you sure he's not here................. Then they asked me to use the phone. YEAH RIGHT! Like I'm that stupid! I told them there was a pay phone on the corner. Meanwhile, throughout this short conversation my precious Laci growled the whole time as if she just dared them to try to get in the house. Bless her heart, she'd NEVER acted like that before or after. When she started, I quietly told her "Good girl!" and she sounded even meaner than before. I was sooooooo proud of her. They left. I called the sheriff, described the guy from what I seen through the window and he said he knew who it was. Well, for those of you like myself, :oops: bounty hunters still exist. :roll: I had no idea. But, my Laci would have laid down her life for me that night. Meanwhile, my Cody (male) just laid in front of the couch watching. :lol: I know he would've helped her, but he wasn't going to waste his energy until he knew he "just had to!" :roll:
Mouthy, haven't you watched Dog, the Bounty Hunter on Discovery Channel?! :)

Seriously, though, how scary. Good Laci for sounding scary (they really can sound scary!)
Wow what a story Mouthypf! Laci sounded like quite the girl and you know I think her brother would have probably helped out if he was needed.

Marianne and the boys
I am still absorbing the fact that you have a gun! 8O
LOL! I had the same thoughts too! Being Canadian and not allowed to own handguns up here we'd probably have greeted them at the door with a harpoon or something! :D

Marianne and the boys
ha ha, Marianne! I can just see you opening the door in your yellow rain boots and a harpoon!
LOL! I had the same thoughts too!

Whew. I'm glad it wasn't only me. I think I've actually seen 3 guns in my whole life. All were rifles of a brother-in-law, my brother and an old boyfriend. All hunt deer and partridge.
When I was a teen I actually shot my brother-in-law's 12-gauge. It almost took my arm off, and they all laughed at me. :evil:
But this is another topic all to itself.
Marianne wrote:
LOL! I had the same thoughts too!

I've never been in the presence of an actual gun. I'd be afraid of hurting myself by accident or blowing my hearing. We have a wooden baseball bat for protection other than Annie.

I made Steve buy a wooden baseball bat when we lived in the condo (before Annie). One night I fell asleep on the couch and woke up to a bunch of scratching on the door that led to the common hallway. Scared the crap out of me. Another night Steve heard the scratching, he grabbed the bat, & I called the cops. The cops thought we were nuts as there wasn't anything they could find. Next morning I spoke to our neighbor across the hall. Turns out there are "voles" that lived in the wall between us! I guess they look like small rats and get in through the dryer or AC vents. She filled up the holes outside the next day and put out poison.

Boy, did we feel like idiots! Still have the bat, but Annie works better. :lol:
Turns out there are "voles" that lived in the wall between us!

No worries! Voles are scary!!! :lol: I actually think they are pretty cute! :D They have little nub tails like sheepies! 8O

I agree with everyone on the protectiveness of sheepies! Raggs, my childhood OES, was very protective of me! Raggy used to bite my dad if he tried to spank our bottoms in front of him....*sigh*....I loved Raggs! :lol: Also there were to be no tickle fights or general wrestle matches in front of him either! 8O I had him at the schoolyard once where to 12year old boys decided to have a fight and he picked a favorite and lunged at the other and broke up the fight! :D He was the most mild mannered dog otherwise...just didn't like any violence!

Our fence guy came by the house yesterday to wish us a Merry Christmas and the boys laid down at my feet in-between me and him! :) So I guess they are protective too...I hadn't had the opportunity to see them in action before!

The Muppets...guard dogs...who knew!!! :lol:
Our Mr. Winston had the deepest "pot casse" bark you'd ever heard. Someone who didn't know him that came to our door was scared to death but I doubt he would have hurt anyone. A vehicle was an entirely different matter. You could not come near our car without losing a body part from his bite.

Maggie has always been too sweet to hurt anyone. We recently found that when necessary Nelson Jr. has that wonderful bark that Winston had! They'd probably die from drowning in dog saliva before being hurt by this big baby.

Don't be surprised about the guns out here in the midwestern USA. I have a 60+ mile commute one-way to work each day in Indianapolis. You can bet I have a permit to carry a handgun and do most of the time. :twisted:
Maggie McGee IV wrote:
I have a 60+ mile commute one-way to work each day in Indianapolis.

That's really long! I'll have to share with Steve, his 30 mile commute one-way doesn't seem so bad now.
barney1 wrote:
...Mouthy, haven't you watched Dog, the Bounty Hunter on Discovery Channel?! :)...

No. But, I watched "Men - the Bounty Hunters, on the Porch Station." That was enough for me. :wink: :lol: The area where I live was the last to get cable. I never got it, but they suckered me into paying for satelite. :roll: But, with 7 dogs and occassional puppies - who had time to watch it. :lol:
Just for anyone it may pertain to, Cody was not Laci's brother, he was her hubby. Never believed in inbreeding or crossbreeding.
Sorry if the gun comment offended anyone. I have a permit and have been trained to care for, and use it, if necessary. Please bear in mind, I got it out of my purse and took it to the door with me, but the door was never opened and the gun was always pointed at the floor. I also live about 20 minutes from the sheriff's office. (a lot of help he'd be until after the fact) I also have the 60+ mile commute.
Sorry if the gun comment offended anyone.

No offense here.. Just kind of a surprise/shock. But then most of the homes in my area don't lock the doors even.....
I don't like guns in the house either. We used to have several though, rifles and shotguns for hunting. My ex was an avid hunter... I made sure all the guns were locked in a steel cabinet bolted to the frame of the house in the basement with 3 locks on it. Another steel cabinet in the bedroom closet was locked up containing the ammo.
Worrying about those guns all the time is something I certainly do not miss.
I wasn't offended in the least and apologies if It came across that way. We Canadians aren't allowed guns up here so I always make fun of us ..regarding harpoons or hockey sticks, which we'd probably have to use instead. :D :D :D

Marianne and the boys
Our big laugh around the house is if someone broke in, Sasha would probablly lick them to death. If they had a treat even better! lol. I have often wondered if push came to shove if she would protect us. She sleeps with my son everynight so maybe that's her way of protecting him.
I agree with the comments about OESs being good watchdogs but not great guard dogs. Baylee sleeps at the top of the stairs where she can monitor our bedrooms and see outside through the bay window. This is her most comfortable spot. The only problem is that some guy in our neighborhood goes for a run every morning at 5:30. She always gives him a few loud barks even though he's on the sidewalk on the other side of the street.

She sounds ferocious but when someone enters our home, they get three things:

1) her nose buried in your crotch
2) some serious nub wagging
3) submissive pee dribbles

Welcome to the forum! :)
Ben and Fozzy bark when a leaf falls in San Francisco (we live in Baltimore) but as far as actually gaurding or attacking an intruder, they might attack a chocolate covered Easter egg, but that's about it.
They are certainly watch dogs but if someone comes in they will just lick them to death. Belle barks like crazy anytime someone comes around the house or yard but gets so excited when they come in that she knocks things over with her rear end wagging all over the place.

Belle, although a digger, definitely takes her watching seriously. One night, she just wouldn't settle down. My husband thought she wanted to go out so he got up. She took him to the front door and we had left it cracked and unlocked. Belle stood there until my husband got the message and locked the door then she layed down and went to sleep. I guess she gets to stay! She definitely knows her job.

I feel safer having her around.
Belle sounds like a very smart girl :)
I've only had Walter for a few weeks, but I've only head him bark a handful of times.
Maggie is the same. She barks day and night if there is a sound coming from the driveway. My teens hate it because we always know if they miss curfew!

I love your new avatar! She is getting huge!
Hi Stacey!!!

It has been some time since we have had a chance to talk. Yes, Maggie is getting big but I was surprised to find that she is only 67 lb so I guess she has more fur than body!

Finally found an amazing groomer!!!! She came home without a single knot and looking beautiful! I am so happy I wont have to cut her again. :lol:
That's great Patti! :) She looks great :)
I don't know if I actually believe that Mopsy did this. But I was my sons cub scout leader when they were little. We working on a particular badge at my house for several meetings but when we finished we moved the meetings back to school. One of the dad's was running late and was confused as to where the meeting was being held. He stopped by our house and rang the doorbell. When noone answered he thought he would try the door since we had held the meetings in the basement and wouldn't necessarily hear the bell. Well, when he opened the unlocked door and peeked in Mopsy stopped barking and bared her teeth and started growling at him. He quickly closed the door because even though she knew him and he called her by name he said she was definitley ferocious. At least that is what he claimed when he found his way up to school. I still have my doubts to this day.

However she does let contractors that I have given keys to right in the house and lays by them while they work. :oops: So maybe it was the ringing doorbell preceding the door opening.
like most everyone else said... sheepies are more intimidating than anything else. many people have been quite scared of Merlin, but when it come down to it, the most he'll do is bark and then lick after he's sure no one is going to hurt 'mommy'. he's a huge momma's boy and can be quite protective of me. if my fiance is wrestling around friends Merlin might actually bite someone (he has, but not hard) I don't think he approves of the fighting and it makes him anxious, so if you struggling with a burglar or something, your sheepie might actually get involved. My breeder said her girl once pinned someone to the floor (didn't actually attack though) once when she could tell her owner was really uneasy with the guy that was in her house. so for the most part they won't do much unless they feel really threatened
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