Puppy Energy or Adolescent Rebellion?

Drezzie's Mom wrote:
Val, made me laugh when you said that Maggie is so curious and that she'll be a sweetie when her energy lets up. She's just a year old pup! Be prepared for her to be this way for AT LEAST another 6 years! This is the only breed that has a Peter Pan outlook on life - "I WON'T grow up!" :D

Oh no! I have to completely rethink my strategy! Carl seemed noticeably calmer than Maggie or Toby and he is only 2.5 years old. I just need her to take it down a notch.

If you have a formerly rebellious dog, at what point would you say your dog turned the corner and became a reasonably well-behaved dog (counter-surfing and dumpster diving aside)? In terms of tearing up the house, acting like a spaz and needing 3 hours/day of hard playing to get tired -- did you dog ever settle down? When?
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Hey Val,
Not that Barney is by any means calm, but I was just thinking this weekend how much calmer he is than he used to be. I think it is also because he is a little better trained, but the little battles we had with him have disappeared and he is much easier to be around. He is 15 months old now and I swear there is a huge difference now than there was even a month or two ago. My mantra had been, just wait until he's 2, then it'll be better, but it's getting there already...

Oh, and he never really was a rebellious dog, just crazy full of energy...
Sorry, Val. Annie is still rebellious, pushes our limits, counter surfs, eats Kleenex, bashes toys into our butts, etc... She's 8 1/2 and still acts like a 3 yr old child. Maggie's still a pup so there are things she can still learn if you keep at it. I'd try to embrace her spirit!
Carl acted just like Maggie and Toby until he was almost exactly 2 years and 2 months. It happened really quickly. He is by no means 'calm' but he is no longer the absolute spaz that he was.
Some of it also came when we got Toby and he started acting like a "Big Brother". It was like he suddenly wanted to be the good dog. Either that or he saw how Toby acts and said, "Is that what I look like?"
Kelsey was the youngster from hell when we got her, we use to call her Feral Meryl!! Destroyed everthing, even chewed the bottom of a brand new washing machine, door frames, door stoppers, walls etc etc :cry: She also use to run & run & run like a mad wild thing around the house and yard. For the first 6 months we kept asking ourselves "What have we got here". She was the naughtiess one I have ever had!! :evil: She turned 3 and we laugh now as we realised that she finally grew brains!! She is now nearly 11, still has the pup in her but no destruction from 3 onwards, the only thing she still does is with toys, tears them to pieces, so bries toys are kept away from her and she has her kong still as it is pretty hard to destroy that. :wink: I have to agree they are the peter pan of the dog world. 8)
Oh goodness! I must make Annie sound terrible. Really she's not! :D Maybe I'm just an overly critical Mom! It's just when I think back to my OES growing up, they didn't do the things that Annie does. She just seems to act like a kid to me! I LOVE YOU, ANNA BANANA!!!
Awww, Annie sounds wonderful. . .
I just hope Maggie is more like Barney. :wink:
My old Newman didn't start to mellow until he was about 6, let me emphasize "start". As playful as he was at 11 & 12 people would never believe he was as old as he was and he remained playful up until a couple of weeks before he died at 13.
15 months and we're still going strong. Clyde's exuberance is mostly reserved for Lucy though. He taunts her endlessly. For people, he's quite well-behaved and really no longer has any bad habits unless you count kissing too much!
My first oes began to settle down a little around 4-5 years old. Dancer started to settle after her first heat cycle, and now at two she is every bit the lady. She still barks at the door and gets into the garbage every chance she gets though :roll:
Sky is 18 months, and hasn't lost her puppy exhuberance. She is not hyper, just puppy-goofy all the time. She's not bad for getting into things, or barking, but she must have a plan to crush everyone's solar plexus with her feet as she does a running dive to jump on anyone who dares to lay down.
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