Please nobody yell at me!

I am back, finally.
I have 196 posts that I have not yet read - although I did start to
read a few, I just don't have it in me right now.

A GIANT SORRY to all you guys who were expecting me at the
get together in Philly.
Things here started unraveling the weekend after T-day, and I am only now getting it back together.
Don't worry though, we are all ok, the dogs
are both ok, now. It was really pretty bad, and to top things off I lost
my internet connection, so I couldn't tell anyone I couldn't be there!@ :twisted: Verizon's error I might add!

It was a long series of bad luck, misfortune, whatever you want to call it,
ending with one of the scariest things! I came home last friday night to
a kitchen covered in blood.
My first thought was - oh God the dogs! I thought that someone had come
in and the dogs had attacked him, then I thought, someone came in and
hurt my dogs. It actually took me several minutes to figure out that they
had gotten dishes out of the sink and smashed them- apparently eating
or at least chewing on shards of bakeware. You can all imagine what
a horrible night that was!

I am still beat, and probably nobody wants the details anyhow!

The one thread I did read of course was the Philly get together - and I
have to say I am glad I was not there - or someone would have had
to bail me out of Jail. 8O I have no restraint in situations like that.
I am so sorry that happened - and Mandy as always, SO Proud of you.
You always handle yourself so well and with such grace. I am the
complete opposite, unfortunately!

I will catch up later ya'll

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Jimminy Crickets, Shellie!!

What's going to happen next at your house? Sheesh!
Glad to hear everything is alright now but I'm sure that was awful when it happened.

Let's hope Christmas isn't as exciting as Thanksgiving!
So sorry, Shellie! I'm glad everyone is okay now. I would have freaked out as well. We understand that you haven't been available to chat as you had much more pressing concerns in your house. Take care and hugs to the pups!
Poor Shell....Did they have to have stitches??? Christmas will be better!
I'm at the edge of my seat for any more details about your dogs or you!!! I guess I missed out on some info. before you left? I'm glad to hear though that you and the dogs are okay.
Oh my goodness!! Poor Shellie! Are the dogs okay?? :?: :?:
So sorry to hear that... sounds awful!
How are they? And you?
Hi Shellie,

Good to see you back!

Poor you, poor dogs! You just sit right down and catch up and I'll go run and get your fluffy slippers, chicken noodle soup and some TLC while you relax and read the forum.

Marianne and the boys
Yes, the dogs are both ok. I had to actually put all the broken parts
back together to make sure no large pieces were missing. They both
had cuts in their mouths, and front feet, but poor Tucker is missing a
big (relatively) chunk of his nose. It looks quite a bit better now, having
had a few days to heal. That one seemed to be the worst for bleeding,
because it took a long time till it stayed closed. He bled from his nose
for two days.
Aside from the masacre in the kitchen, he is just a small taste of what
has been happening... the bathroom floor collapsed (a second floor bath-
room, AND our only bathroom,) the shower wall - yes the actuall wall -
had to be replaced (totally unrelated to the floor collapse-oddly enough),
because a gaping hole opened up- figure that one out! Our house sewage
line has (still) a major blockage that I have been working on for 6 days,
I figure it is somewhere out in the yard cause I can't reach it with my 30' snake. This problem has all kinds of related trouble -think dirty dishes,
clothing wash, flushing toilets... everything that has to go out the sewage
line is now a problem, the dogs -well you know that one, my old cat is
gimping around - her paw is in a weird angle and the vet won't
recommend anything bacause she is older than dirt and not all that healthy. It doesn't seem to hurt her and I just can't make the decision to
put her down - I feel like that makes me selfish. (sob sob sob)
I caught my hand in the drill while fixing the bathroom floor - (which set
me back another day) and really was my stupid fault. I never use the
corded drill anymore cause I have a cordless that is really tough and I
love it. Someone left it uncharged and l was forced to use the corded
and well - long story short the trigger is much more sensative and I
tore my hand open... it is healing now. Sunday the 27th I was coming to
read new posts here and found I no longer had internet connection! Wow
did that throw me! I finally got that straightened out - their fault, which
made me even more angry!
There have been other things, but I think I hit most of the high points.
I'll tell you! I felt like it was all falling apart. I began to wonder what I
had done to deserve this particular circle of he**!! I do not care to ever
have another two weeks like this. (well, actually most of this happened
from 11/27 to 12/5 - but you get the picture)

But I feel much better now!

Thanks for caring guys! I was about to pack it in, but I missed this
group so much. Now if only I could read all 196 messages I missed!!

Wow... that IS a couple of weeks of high stress for sure.
I hope everything gets better quickly....
Wow that sounds horrendous. I am so sympathetic. I really can't imagine all of that at once. Sounds like you are hanging in there. I'm impressed! Hope things take a turn for the better -- and soon.
OMG, Shellie!! How did you keep you sanity through all that?? As for the cat, is it possible that a piece of glass (however minute) from the dishes got stuck in her paw?

Do you have a septic system instead of city sewage? Hope you have friendly, helpful neighbors.

We missed you in Philly, and I'm so sorry that the reasons you couldn't join us was SO severe. We'll plan another one, I'm sure - so we'll plan on seeing you then!

Take care of yourself and everyone in your house!

Holy crap, that more than sucks. I hope everyone's ok and your sewage problem gets fixed-- that's all you need on top of the animals, huh? I's say things can't get any worse but I don't want to jinx you...
Really! I am afraid to say things are really getting better - just in case!
(but they really are - knock wood)

With all this going on though I have only kept my head above water - the
house is a total wreck, and I still have a pile of tools, leftover tiles and
stuff to put away. What really bites this week is that I have NO decorations
up at all. Not one candycane, not one ornament, nothing. I can't start
that till I finish this syndrome! And I was doing so much better, the
voices had almost stopped!
My goal is just to be ready to decorate by Sunday night. My family
Christmas is the 17th - guess who won't be ready! Actually I think I can
pull this one off.
Did I mention that my bathroom floor is now two completely different
colors? who can match tile that came over on the mayflower?

Trying to pull it all together! babysteps... babysteps...

Boy when things go wrong it really makes you appriciate the simple things we take for granted everyday such as water and electricity etc.I bet it was scary coming home and seeing blood all over the kitchen. Could you have tree roots maybe blocking your sewer. That used to happen all the time at our old house. It was a pain in the butt. Hope everything calms down for you soon.
OMG!!! 8O That is a crazy couple of weeks!!!

I'm so glad things are better and everyone is safe!
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