Kong stuffing ideas?

What do you stuff your Kongs with and how long does it take your OES to get through it? I'm not very creative, I just use his regular dry food which I rehydrate and stuff in the kong then freeze. It's pretty easy for him to dig that out. Please let me know if there are ingredients that would make the whole Kong experience last longer, or would just be more fun for him!


[Pardon me for intruding, but here is a list of Kong stuff for your viewing pleasure. I grabbed the least expensive in each item that I chose to include here.

The first five are commercially made stuffing for Kongs!!!
Kong Stuff N Hounds 27 - Beef
Kong Stuff N Hounds 27 - Peanut Butter
Kong Stuff'N Treats Liver Paste
Kong Stuff'N Breath Paste
Kong Stuff'N Treats Peanut Butter size 8 oz

Kong - Small (Dog Toy)
Kong Red - Medium
Kong Toys Red size 4.25" (I think this is the "Large")
Large KONG Bounzer Crazy Bouncing BALL
Kong Ball - Large (Dog Toy)
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I had a kong for Fergie. She loved it. I put netro treats in in. Cram them in. She would play with it for hours. The older she got the faster she learned how to get the treat. Now for a other ... fill it with peanut butter and put it in the freezer. When your ready to use it just take it out and watch the happiness they get. Fergie would like what seems like forever lick it and like it. Hope this helps.

Happy Holidays
Frozen peanut butter is a good one. I also use a combination of cream cheese and other treats (like liver snaps) layered in it. That keeps them busy for awhile, too.

I'm interested in hearing other ideas, too. :D
I don't have kongs for my dogs, and if I did I think I would stick to dry stuff only that won't make a mess of their coat.
Frozen peanut butter has worked the best for us.

Wonder if frozen yogurt will work?

As for the mess on their face, the opening to the Kongs I have used is too small for anything but their tongues to get in, so has worked out to be a pretty mess-free distraction tool.
hey never thought of yougart, but what kind???
Cheese is good to, squishes nicely inside and they can lick it for ages without it falling out, not too messy either. We have the Aussie spread Vegemite, which is full of vitamin B so I smear that inside also and they spend ages just trying to lick it out of the Kong, have to try peanut butter now and see how they like that, thanks for that one, have not tried peanut butter yet so give that one a go too :wink:
I give Samantha Publix brand vanilla yogurt for breakfast...haven't tried to freeze it though. I also have never put anything wet in the Kong because of the "mess" issue. Maybe one day....
I got a kong for Daisy when I first brought her home and tried peanut butter primarily but anything else I could think of. She wasn't the least interested in any of it and I had to keep cleaning it out before it got REALLY gross. I took it to the animal shelter in the hopes that one of the pups there would like it better than she did.
We found that if we leave Panda with a Kong when we have to run an errand she isn't destructive. We're stuffing it tight with doggie bisquits and then smear the top of the inside with a bit of peanut butter, yogurt, cheese, etc. The cream cheese is a great idea! You can also stuff carrots, green beans, dry dog food. I've heard that some people fill it with wet dog food (maybe mix in some other ingredients??), then freeze it but it seems that might get messy.

Hmmm... I have no idea how long it takes her to empty the Kong. It's always empty when we return. As soon as we get home we wash it out thoroughly and it's ready for the next time we leave.
Are there Kongs out there that aren't made of and smell like rubber? Annie doesn't like the smell of rubber (tennis balls, Kong). So odd! I gave her a Kong once with a treat inside. She played with it for about 30 seconds and then went to lay down. Lazy dog! Maybe she'd like it if something smelled better.
I don't think so, Stacy. But there are treat dispensing toys that are made of plastic. I have a football that is made of hard plastic which dispenses treats when they play with it. Maybe that would work for Annie.
Thanks! I'll make a trip to Petsmart this weekend to see what they have in stock.
Annie's Mom wrote:
Are there Kongs out there that aren't made of and smell like rubber? Annie doesn't like the smell of rubber (tennis balls, Kong). So odd! I gave her a Kong once with a treat inside. She played with it for about 30 seconds and then went to lay down. Lazy dog! Maybe she'd like it if something smelled better.

Lol. Clyde did the same thing then kicked it under the couch! He likes to fetch it but not look for treats in it. He still has his puppy one, which is like a marble blue and it doesn't seem to have such an intense rubber smell. The extra large puppy size isn't bad for a big sheepie-- no chnace of accidents because it's too small or anything.
My dogs love their Kongs! In fact, when they see me filling them, they
run to their crates and give me the "would you leave already" look.

In the morning, they get part of their kibble allotment topped off with cheese.

After lunch, I put sliced apples and top with low fat peanut butter, or sliced fat free hot dogs with fat free cheese. Every once in a while I'll stuff it with biscuits and top with either cheese or peanut butter.

They justs love Kongs. I've noticed after a while the rubber new smell of a Kong goes away.

I got a kong for Tasker but only gave it to him once, it was a HORRIBLE mess!!!!!!!!!! Where do you give it to them that the filling doesn't cover the floor???
All this kong-talk made me jealous so I went out at lunch and bought one. Are they really messy? I'm sure it depends on what you put in them, but I'm a little nervous...
My babies get their kongs when they are in their crates and I'm going out. Mess is kept to a minimal (they eat everything that falls on the crate floor). Once the goodies are gone, they really have no interest in the kongs.

We've never had a problem with them being messy. I think the hole is small enough that they don't get their beards in it. Beau lays down on the rug in the kitchen to eat his and Gen eats hers in her crate. No mess on the floors! :D
barney1 wrote:
All this kong-talk made me jealous so I went out at lunch and bought one. Are they really messy? I'm sure it depends on what you put in them, but I'm a little nervous...

HAHAHAHAHA!! You should be nervous, VERY NERVOUS, I used peanut butter and you shoulda seen the mess!!!!!!!
Tasker's Mom wrote:
HAHAHAHAHA!! You should be nervous, VERY NERVOUS, I used peanut butter and you shoulda seen the mess!!!!!!!

I want my mommy... :(
I'm sure your puppy will be much neater than Tasker was 8)
Yeah, 'cause Barney's known for his manners!
LOL...let us know how it goes, Steph! :D
With the mess Dancer can make of herself when she gets into things (like the garbage, or pre washing dishes left in the sink etc) I simply cannot imagine her with a kong full of gooey anything! LOL
She's not a chewer anyway thank goodness.
Sky doesn't chew on anything she isn't supposed to, she likes presed rawhide sticks, and she loves to eat stuffed animals...
Freezing the kongs help to keep the mess down alittle. We use them at the boarding facility were I work .Some dogs love them some don't but i do recomend them to people with teething pups and for separation anxiety. The Kong co. has come out with a kong dispenser that trows out a stuffed kong every few hours how awsome is that. :lol: The kong web site probubly has recipe ideas for them to.
www.kongcompany.com has recipes of all sorts have fun.
Bailey's adventures with the Kong are less messy than chewing on his rawhides - those really muck up his paws! And I run the Kong through the dishwasher to clean it so it really isn't rubbery smelling any more. Thanks for the ideas!
ok, pardon my ignorance, but what is a kong?

nevermind I found the website.
A kong is a dog toy that is hollow and has holes in it that you can fill with food that is intended to stimulate a dog's brain and make them work to get the treat out (and occupy time!).

Here's a link to the petsmart page...
http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_ ... 4507037246

Or, since that looks really long, just go to petsmart.com and go to DOG and go to TOY and it is near the top of the list...
I fill them with dry dog food or biscuits and peanut butter or cheese. Or Kong Paste (which is very extravagent but it has vitamins! :) ). I haven't had any problems with it being messy at all. I've tried putting more complicated things in there, but my dogs don't seem particularly skillful with their tongues and I end up having to clean it out. Today, I gave Chum one of those hollow / grid style treatballs filled with biscuits. I will be very excited to see if she got them out without tearing the ball apart. 8O
Ok, at the beginning of this thread I added a half-dozen links to different Kong products, including (get this!) commercially-made-for-kongs stuffing!

Mandy would be in hog-heaven.... stovetop for the dogs!

Here is the list, repeated for your viewing pleasure:

The first five are commercially made stuffing for Kongs!!!
Kong Stuff N Hounds 27 - Beef
Kong Stuff N Hounds 27 - Peanut Butter
Kong Stuff'N Treats Liver Paste
Kong Stuff'N Breath Paste
Kong Stuff'N Treats Peanut Butter size 8 oz

Kong - Small (Dog Toy)
Kong Red - Medium
Kong Toys Red size 4.25" (I think this is the "Large")
Large KONG Bounzer Crazy Bouncing BALL
Kong Ball - Large (Dog Toy)
Rock on! Stovetop for dogs!

If I get it is anybody going to gripe at me that I should be making my own from scratch? :P
I soak kibble in hot water until it is mushy then mush it with a fork, stuff the Kongs, seal both holes with peanut butter or wet food or cream cheese and then freeze overnight. Takes my dogs at least half an hour per Kong. I give them two or three when I leave for work so they work for their breakfast. I have also filled them half way with the kibble mixture and the rest with sugar free apple sauce, mushed up banana, plain yogurt before freezing -- they like it all. since my dogs lick until they are done, they don't really make a mess, but if your dog lets it thaw, it could get messy.
every nite i give derby plian yogurt frzen workd like ice cream nice and hard
I don't know, the Breath Paste from a few posts above sounds pretty appetizing... :lol:
I have found a specific treat that works perfectly, http://sergeants.com/products/detail.asp?index=1&pr_a=&pr_c=&pr_p=273&results=12

It's a bacon snack that fits in Humphrey's call ball perfectly. It takes a lot of work to get one out once its in the ball, and yet doesn't make a mess. Also, it's a delicious bacon smell that keeps Humphrey coming back for more.

So yes, bacon - not too big to force into the ball, but not too small so that it falls out easily; and not messy! He'll litterly chase that ball around for hours before he gets all the strips out.
I usually don't leave the kong out, but J threw it on the ground when I wasn't looking. For dinner, he stuffed his peas inside of it. Later I found a green bearded OES. :roll:
Joahaeyo wrote:
I usually don't leave the kong out, but J threw it on the ground when I wasn't looking. For dinner, he stuffed his peas inside of it. Later I found a green bearded OES. :roll:

That cracked me up... :lol:
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